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Khomaini Urges Kurds to End War and ‘Join Islam’

          Khoni .nni 11 r ”es Kurds to End W . r . nd ‘Join Ist ini OR /N 'S PLE TO Ku RDS
          I l i 1 eleifl,n I ‘ Cwi;Uc/e,Aig
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          Khomaini Urges
          Kurds to End War
          and ‘Join s am'
          Fr io Timei Wfr, sorvicni
          TEHRAN, Iran Heavy fighting
          was reported Wednesday between
          governmert troops and Kurd oh reb-
          cia as Iran s leader at amp ed to in
          duce the rebels to sin Islam” and lay
          down their arms
          The government radio reported 86
          pers ns killed, including 11 govern
          ment soldiers, ir the last two days o
          a renewed revolt among Kurd oh
          tribesmen fighting for pohtocai auto
          nomy ,n the mountainous Kurdistan
          province in northwest Iran
          Iran's sp ritual leader and de facto
          head of state, the Ayatollah Ruho oh
          Khomauno, offered the nation's Kurd
          ish minority the equivalent of $75
          million and what appeared to be gen-
          erai amnesty to pers ade their to stop
          their re alt,
          In an eight-point statement broad-
          cast by he state radio, he 79 year
          old religious leader said he had or-
          dered the thai man of the Nations
          Iranian Oil Co to put a day's oil rev
          enue at the disposal of Kurdistan pro-
          vincc with n the next week At nor-
          mal export levels thi would be
          worth $75 million,
          “I tell the Kurds that all the Iranian
          masses are the same Khomaono said
          There is no difference betw en the
          But he warned members of the
          banned Kurd oh Deiracratic Party
          that the” m st “ D,n Islam eke
          face harsh punishment from the au
          Although the Kurde like mast a-
          mans, are Moslems the majority of
          them are meurbers of the Sunni sect.
          Most Iranians belong to the Shia sect
          Meanwhile, newspapers reported
          that U S. made F 4 Phantom jets had
          destreyed an unspecified number of
          rebel tanks in raids on Kurdish po i
          So far, Islamic authorities have ex-
          ecuted 29 Kurds alleged to have
          taken part in the rebellion. Nine of
          those faced a firing squad Tuesday in
          the border town of Psych
          The govemnent said the rebela
          had beheaded 18 revolutionary
          guardsmen at the hospital during
          heavy fighting there over t e week-
          More than 400 people reportedly
          were killed in Paveh last week when
          Ptaao Turn to Poge 9, Ccl 1
          F cr01 ed oil perriss rot he opyrght 0 1 F I pro t pr ed oit u oerrri
          Continued from Fh t Pige of the guardsmen, who have fought
          several Kurdish groups united in a the main battles against the Kurds
          battle to expel guardsmen from the Since February, when Khomaini's
          town, forces took over the government
          The Kurdish Democratic Party from the regime of the exiled Shah
          warned Wednesday that its 30,000 Mohammed Reza Pahlavi,
          members woujd declare war Kho. The I{urdish party vowed that its
          maini's revolutionary guardsmen un- guerrillas would execute one guards-
          less they were pulLed out of K dis- ma'i for each ICurd executed by the
          tan province. Islamic courts in Kurdistan.
          In a letter to the government, the Rebel leaders equated the policies
          party said it did not object to the of Khomaini's regime with those of
          presence of the Iranian army. But. it the ousted shah.
          demanded the immediate withdrawal The only difference is that during
          the Pahlavi regime, they did not kill
          innocent people so ruthlessly,' said
          Karim Hesami, an official of the Kurd
          ish Democratic Party.
          “The religious leaders should un-
          derstand that they cannot silence the
          masses with their forces,” Hesami
          said in a statement telephoned from
          The monarch suppressed that
          lpx siDg, jailed ts ‘eaders ar d main-
          tamed subsequent control of Kurdis-
          tan with a strong military presence.
          Khornaini outlawed the Kurdish
          poUtical party Sunday when he mobil-
          ized the army against the new rebel.
          Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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