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Khomwini’s remarks regarding Regan’s speach about the Baha’is

          * / S3
          I have squently said that
          fear Is in the heatt of a
          person who doui not bsliey .
          in the other wozjd Do thus.
          youtha of ours who come
          here and say “we want to be
          martyred,” fear death? Do
          these who ask one lnslaiazi )y
          to pray the God tø bestctr
          martyrdom Upon them fear
          Tho.e who art busy s v .
          lag the people and are w
          ject to harm at an moment
          do not fear and continue
          their service. Feir Is An the
          heart of one that has not
          accepted the other side of
          existence. But one who has
          realized that there Is another
          iide and that this world Is
          road leading to the other
          world has no maze Soar. Ru
          desire ii to reich his d a ..
          O God! Grant me utmçst
          emancipation towanta Your.
          Islamic Republic, for It Is to .e jj ( u t - Anies !) And
          tiderminelalam.Wherelsa brighten the eyes of our
          Muslim not oppose to this? heart., such that they will be
          Anyhow I hope God will able to observe Your lighil
          make this Eid auspicious for Until the eyes of the heirta
          you all and you will keep up tear the curtains and Join the'
          your activltie . with this ocean of granduwi And our
          belief that the Bxaltsd Lord soul., fly in the sky of Your
          favors this country, glory and holineia! (Amen!)
          Thu a country that Is (from the Sha'abaniah
          exemplary in being commit. Prayer)
          ted to Islam. This is a country May God make Islam end
          whose government and the soldier, of Islam victorl.
          people, whose MajiAs and Cu., and remov, the hand of
          spiritual acholar* have all the corrupt enemies from
          loined hands to establish this country.
          Islam here and God willing. And peace be upon you —
          eve where, well as Allah'. mercy and
          Be aura that the Rxafled blessing,.
          On the Occasion of the•
          Birth Anniversary of
          Imam Mahdi (A.S.)___
          We are bus 5 vi • world ravaund The principle c i “ — — . - -
          with opprceioc and auefly. Our wblth aznuder,d m sodologr —
          C I I k 5 dark one. And there are 5 very peofowid sod loponant
          evidence, indicative of the subjea used, for the principled
          wcreaiwg failure of Lght ve -a- the humn ,odcry' . bend the
          darkness. Yct, while the oppres. promised nscniah.
          ‘ ‘rblood .. ______
          N -.i-jt .g . 'ci ire-li wv bywoj- i '•
          (H' are cntaz . 5 Ied in socenea hive ahi i , bctt.. .d I..
          wa'nca, that they have no lot- ihs t*iocIiu&vc %iCtO(y of Uui .'
          • :
          LAYHaiI O fTERJ4AflOpJ ,a 5, W 30. l S3 JMAM SPEAKS PAG J
          • except himself. Or for the other hand, Mr. Reagan knowledge and branches of Ii It right to weaken these God favors this country and
          Instance, the sent ence says these helpless Baha'j , learning do not get' to tiwir committed individuala by Imaxn Mahdi (A.S.) fevo
          - than he drtw nigh and art pea ag people b aim without stholar and undermining the govern. this coun .
          came down...” (mentioned with their own p and scIentific dis u .sjon and meist? It Is right to say things trust in the Exalted Lcrd and
          above) Is not something to be perform their own religious debits, political luue , . too, to benefit the enemies and the favors of the Holy Spirits
          realised and touched by uties and Iran has arrested cannot berightlydetermj weaken the people? This Is we should not let any.fe . r
          an, one except the very them for the very reason that and conclu ed without di i. the thing that causes one to enter our beaus as we have
          person who has experienced their creed Is opposed to' cussion. Political issues need ery and say Sit st your own Do fear.
          epiritually (i.e Mohanunad Islamic Republic's - It criticism and exchange of place! That is enough! The
          (S WI. Or take thi. very they were not spies you view, and nobody can slop previous system can no
          great prsyer of Sha'bvanjaji (Americans) would not have that. But some time the tone return, But don't say
          which seems at the first look complained. You support Is not one of criticism but • he ii (Imazn referring to him.
          £implebutftIs .y pla them because the are a tone undermining the sell)isagainstcrItiCigflLNO,
          fact and per Sistent asceti- group performing uties in Islamic Republic, though it is Criticiss Ut do not conspire
          cismn and self-purification is tour Interest erwise we dictated and gIven to the I am against conspiracy.
          needed so tha one can per. ow you we know the U.S. person and ii. oesn 't under. Everyone Is against It We are
          calve what “God'. converts that Its benevolence has not, stand this aspect. We are agalnit undermining th
          tion with His servant,” (for blossomed to cry out and
          example) is and what our appeal to the whole world for __________
          Imams have intended and he p for the sake of 22
          meant In these prayers. Baha'I. who have been Have you (Reagan) studied what the Baha ‘is
          I have not seen any prayer entangled, In their words, In tione wui have you studied their cases
          except this one (Sha'absnish) Iran.
          to have bees, offered repeat.. The people know you before speaking or do you ithow dit natson?! If
          dly by all of our innocent (Itea sn You axnpelied the
          Imams. This is an evidence of Iraqi regime to do to Iran and we had no proof that -they are the U.S.', spies
          the greatnes, of this prayer. Iraq everyday what the Mon.- except Reagan's supporting them and if we had -
          What existed between them gola• did not do. The Iraqi
          Exal eij God? What r - s no proof that the Tudeh party is made up of
          do such sentences as an rsteemedgroupofu spies, except Rui ‘Jppoiti,igghem itwotdd
          “Bestow upon me ultimati of that- cou , such aa
          emancipation towards you,” Ayatollah Sa Yusui and have been sufficient evidence Jot- us so wrest -
          and “And hi Your not 1 what a righteous and them.
          In anyone else's hand, lie my pious man he is, together
          abundance,' shortcoming, with a large number of the - ___________
          benefit and leis” mean? children and elder members
          Well one may say auperfs. of this family. It seems that against such a tone and It is
          daily “Our ev ng lies this act by the Iraqi regime is not free. Conspiracy Is not
          withHixn.BUtrealiz p ,. totakevengeanceon late left free but criticism is:
          ving the fact that no Ayatollaj ‘s famity j People are free to write, say,
          f 'and benefit ‘befall us ou wet-. benevolent you ad and criticize, But if they plot
          unless with His hand, and etter said ever, one word, and seek to undermine the
          other facts of this kb d are thoughimplicjtlytoquastjon IslamIc Republic and the
          from the Issues that we do the raql regime for such organizaUo of this Re iub.
          not have access to. Pray to action or the mass media IIC, then It will be obvious
          the Exalted Lord to give us should have said one word that there are hands at work
          success in this noble month even as criticism vis.a.vja the directing these issues.
          and in the great month of actions of the Iraqi regime
          Ramadan so that even a against li-sn anti Iraq • This government is work.
          small rt-tion and manifests. seh, - ing with utmost care under
          tiono these issues enter Into Have you (Reagan) tuctieti such conditions that anybody
          our heart,., and at least we what the Baha'ia have done WhOWtendstotakeap jeitive
          believe In the fact that what and have you studied their action cannot carry It out
          such Issues as “fallIng down caa before speaking or do with high level of efficiency.
          senseless” and “God's con- u know divination I if The government has imp.
          versation with the human d no proof that they bye all it. powers and —
          being” are, So that we won't the U. .‘a sple, except endeavorstorthesaked ) .l
          deny than, and won't say: Reagan's ‘U porting u nation. So is It tight to accuse
          these are the words of tier- and we ha no proof that Its premier and its ministers
          viahe s. the Tudeb party Is made up of wiil!uUy doing certain
          All of these Issues are man- of iplea, except Russia's sup. tliimgs wrong? If really
          tiüeid in the Quran in a deli, porting them, It would have have constructive criticism,
          cat. manner and have also sufficient evidence for well, tl'.e?. Can criticise and
          been cited from the lnaoomt us to arr then. But we tell say that wrong and this is
          __________ you that neither the Tudeh right. But overlook ingal ! the
          party nor the Bsha'ls were activities - and actions that
          ned and seate ced to this hardworking cabinet
          The peopie know you (Reagan). You eampel- 1
          Imprisonment by our courts and the Majlia have carried
          merely on charge of their out and saying that “nothing
          led the Iraqi regime to do so Iran and Iraq being the Tu eh Party'. has been doria for this nation
          ______ ______________ mem or ‘Baha' ', But they 0 far and Just like the previ.
          ____ everyday what the MongoLs did not do. The our eve y pg is
          7 raqe regime has recently arrezte fl, 7jjcc,r, f' I issues. The rednr, Cf the - eel e' .d ‘evc mora
          group of ulenia of that country such axAytztol - ‘ Tudeh party came them. dependent than then, th,,w
          selves before the television that scene hand is at work
          laSt Sayyed Yusufand lknow what a rirhtenui ....A , , ..- . - K , ,k.,,,1 I.. .,...i ..,
          TEHBAN. (Kayham , hit'I)—
          On the occasion of the birth
          anniversary of Imamn Mahdi
          (AS.) the President, Majits
          Speaker, Prime Minister,
          Chief JustIce and other high
          ranking officials of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran
          called on the Louder of the
          Islamic Revolution, lmani
          Khomeini at the Jamaran
          Mosque here Saturday.
          The meetIng started by
          President Khsmene'j con-
          gratulating the mum on
          behalf of the country's offi-
          cials 11w people then the
          Imani of the Ummab deli-
          vered the following speed,:
          “in the name of Allah, the
          Cocnpaaaionate, the Merciful
          - Reciprocally, I congratu.
          late the honorable swdence
          and the oppressed people of
          the world, especially the
          great nation of li-an, on the
          occasion of this great Islamic
          I hope, God willing, this
          turbulent ship of humanity
          shall reach the coast of
          rescue and salvation arid the
          in a graveyard or-with a dead
          person ln lde a mortuary.
          Because 0* essential reason-
          ing and meaning that the
          mind has understood has not
          yet reached the heart. But
          those whose job is to wash
          the dead, for example, and
          l,ave to deal with the dead
          frequently, do not fear the
          dead, for they have repeated
          this action and the fact has
          penetrated their heart.
          The case is exactly the
          laurie In the'Islaxnic issues
          and lnteUectuaJ matters.
          There are many intellectual
          mitten which have been
          proved with strong reasoning
          but have not afiect the
          oppressed people of the
          world shall win over the
          cruel oppressors under the
          special auspices of Imam
          tamest (&S.). It is hoped that
          the great and comprehensive
          government of Imarn Mahdi
          (A.S.) will soon be estab-
          lished and the eyes of all of
          us and all the Muslims of the
          world become bright with the
          light of his being.
          The recent two months i.e.
          Rajab and Sha'aban and the
          u corning auspicious month
          of Ramadan bring about
          many bIessing for those who
          can benefit from them. Of
          course, the origin of all these
          blessings is Mab'ath, the
          beginning of the Prophet's
          mission, In the month of
          Ra)ab there Caine the great
          Eat-ui Mab'ath and the birth
          anniversaries of Imam Alt
          (A.S.) and some other Irnaina.
          In the month of Sha'absn
          there are the birth anniver-
          saries of Imam Hussein
          (AS.) and frnam Mabdi
          (&S.)' and in the auspicious
          month of Ramadan Quran
          has been revealed to the
          heart of the Prophet of
          ---The -dignity- and value of
          these three months go
          beyond the limit of tongues,
          expressions and minds.
          Prom he blessings of these
          months are the prayers
          which have been narrated
          from our prophet and
          Imam ,. We are now In the
          noble month of Sha'aban and
          the “Sha'abaxiiah” prayer is
          from the greatest prayers
          and theological teachings
          that have been narrated and
          those who are familiar and
          devoted to prayers can
          benefit from it to the latent
          of their understanding.
          The titles of the theological
          and mystic issue, are simple
          titles and everyone imagines
          to have understood them.
          Also the issues reasoned in
          the Qwan, though they are
          precise, yet they can easily be
          understood after reasoning.
          But the thing which is more
          difficult Is to conduct the
          result of these titles and
          reasonings to the heart that is
          called faith. There may be
          many thinkers who have not
          reached this grade of faith.
          This is an issue which should
          be inspired and conveyed
          hito the heart with persistent
          repetition and asceticism.
          You observe that a deed
          person does not harm anyone
          necessarily. But all but few
          persons fear it they be alone
          ,ng s nw' aM UICU 4)ISLS
          and pious man he is, together with a large I Thryhavealon rei i-dot
          I number of the children and elder members of I
          this family. I which was previously sup.
          ___________ I ported by Bntain and now by
          J the U.S. The Baha'js are also
          spie, just like the Tudeh. 11
          people, becaus, they have mains In our prayer books, they were not spies well.
          penetrated the nwuf as the of course not with the deli- there are many of other
          result of reasoning but which cacy of Quraii but still very people who have ideological
          have not yet penetrated the delicately . And all the per- deviations, are Communists
          heart Thus one does not sons who later used these, and so forth for example. But
          have faith Iz them, though expessions took them from our courts hsve not arrested
          his mind has understood the Quran and flarratios and imprisoned them on
          them. And there are many intentionally or unawares. Of- charge of their being Corn-
          mystical issues in the Qur 'an course there are few who can muniat or having ideological
          and in the prayers of our ever realize the truth and deviations. Concerning the
          l,znams (AS.), including this depth of these issues, let Tudeh party, too, as long as it
          very Sha'abaniah prayer the alone experiencing and tad- was not intensely involved in
          titles of which may be under- ing them which is something conspiracy, its leaders were
          stood by philoeopher, and far beyond our mind, not arrested. Of course they
          mystic, to some extent. But were being watched because
          as long as they have not IhopetheExtedGo .jwj j they had bad records. But
          gained a sublime mystical undo the malice of the cot. when the time of the conspi-
          sense, they cannot find out rupt oppressors from this racy they had cherishec in
          and realize them. nation which has today their filthy minds
          (For example) that great moved and risen for His approached our endeared
          verse in the Qu,r'a,n which sake, so that the nation will Revolutionary Guards
          says, “....then he drew nigh attain it, noble aims. But as arrested them and God wil-
          and came down; till he was tong as the superpowers are lIng, they will receive their
          (distant) two bows' length or sittingonthethroneofpower due punishment at the
          even ne rer; And H e realization of these aims is appropriate time. The issue
          revealed unto His servant, something which seems ,a is that the supporter of these
          that which He revealed,' ‘ j j 1e difficult (Baha'is) are you Mr. Reagan
          (Sura Naj,n) well, xgeea ,-'l don't know whether or an&the supporter of them
          and- philosophers it avejinot you heard the U.S. Presi. (Tudeh party) is Russia. This
          spoken much. on it, but thatW dent's speech which was is evidence of the fact that
          my s t I c a I s e n s e h a sfl broadcast over the radio. He they have a special case that
          diminished. One imagines ii appealed to the whole world benefits you and Russia. And
          that he understands the to help the “Baha'is who are ‘their benetit for you cannot
          topics of these Issue, but in Iran and who are not spies be anything except giving
          neither a mystic nor a and who are not doing any- information and our news to
          philosopher nor a scientist thing but conducting religi. you and spying in your favor.
          can comprehend what the ous ceremonies (9” He said These are the, entanglements
          matter is. because of performing their that our coia 'itry has today
          (Or as another example) religious ceremonies, Iran because of these power, and
          the issue of “falling down has sentenced 22 of them to these deviants.
          senseless before God's glory” death” Re has appealed to On the other hand there
          whichhasbeenrefei- toin the whole world to, help aresatansinsidethecom u.y
          the Sha'abiniah prayer and saying. “They are not spies who are either their (the
          which has been first men- but are a people who are not superpowers') agents or are
          tioned in the Quran Is not involved in any issues” And stupid or dislike the Lslarnic
          something to be rightly per. he (Reagan) says all these Republic and say “there
          ceived and touched by things benevolently. Even if should be something else,
          anyone other than Mosea: Reagan didn't remark on basically” and there are also
          “And when Moses came to these issue,. then, perhape really Comm itted persons
          Our appointed tryst and his someone naive would who agree with the aspira.
          Lord had spoken unto Hint, imagine that the t. are a Lions of the Islamic Republic
          he said. P4y Lord.' Show me people busy with their own and have common points of
          (Thy sell), that I may gaze work and their own affairs view with you gentlemen, but
          upon Thee. He said. Thou that they think are worship the foreign powers and the
          wilt not see Me, but gaze though their beliefs are cot- sataris rake advantage of
          upon the mountain! It it rupt. And now that Mr their sunplem ndedness and
          standstill In it., place, then Reagan has said arid testified benefit from them.
          thou wilt see Me. And when that they are involved In When I say such words
          his Lord revealed (His) glory merely religious ceremonies, should not be uttered here.
          to the mountain He sent it we have (ui-titer reason to and these I do not mean that
          crashing down. And Moses doubt them there is suffocation. They are
          tell senseless. And when he When the ‘I'udeh party is free to say and criticize what.
          woke he said: Gory unto arrested, Ru, ,a raises Its ever arid as much a, they
          Theet £ turn unto Thee repen. voice that Iran has unreason. want But criticism is diffe-
          tent, and I am the first of ably arrested and jailed a rent from plotting. The tone
          (true) believers, number of innocent people of plotting differi from the
          But whatlcindofaenadeas. who were in favor of the tone of cnticizing. Cnucism
          fleas and fainting Moses (eli Islamic Republic and sup. is from the constructive
          into' no one can understand ported and followed it. On issue,. Just as the Islam ic
          — Ci M I jJ%&3 1 1 UIV
          people and drive them out of
          the social scene, so that
          others take their place. We
          are against this. Every
          Muslim opposes this. Every
          religious scholar is against
          this. Every human being
          opposes this. The people
          have endeavoured, sacrificed
          their young ones, and offered
          everything for the sake of
          Islam. Now that owing to the
          blood of these people and the
          martyrdom of these dear
          youths Islam has reached a
          stage that it wants to grown
          and fix its foothold as it has
          been successfuL You have
          started again and want to
          undermine the government
          organizations by saying:
          That is a plotter, this ne is a
          communist, that is a capital.
          ist, that is such and such -
          and similar absurd words
          that az-c uttered repeatedly.
          It you have right criticism,
          well, say write! Write and
          sign that this or that is not
          nght. Although the govern.
          rnent has done a great deal,
          nevertheless this is wrong
          and there is deficiency here.'
          And if you see once that a
          certain court or a certain
          minister has violated the law
          intentionally, prove your
          claim with reasons and that
          government will be called to
          But it is not right to sit at a
          corner and write and slander
          and publish repeatedly. It
          you tell the truth, why don't
          you sign your writings. OTie
          should not imagine that the
          persons who are involved in
          running the affairs of the
          country have reached
          prosperity and Comfort.
          What have they got except
          trouble and work? What
          extita for these spiritual
          scholar, of Qom other than
          trouble and spending their
          tints in judicial and executive
          affairs instead of spending it
          in scholarly and scientific
          IssOes ? What have they bepn
          given? What has been given
          to the struggling ulema of
          Tehran except for the fact
          that they endeavor and toler.
          ate hardships for the sake of
          the Islamic Republic? What
          have these courts and public
          porosecutors offices, these
          Judges, this Majtis and this
          Council of the Guardians of
          the Constitution, -. arid these
          Guards soldier's and police-
          men who are secrthcing their
          live, for you for Islam and
          for the Muslims received
          other than trouble and hard-
          ship? -
          mizia to augur victory, shouldn't
          anyone say that thero will be a
          bii,gbt day lot this dark night?
          Here cc discuss hops as
          opposed to despair, consuoumes,
          ss opposed to a blind esurence,
          faith as opposed to diaheliel and
          the exiatenta of God as opposed'.
          to a void.
          Even a brief glance at the his.
          tory ci mankind will tell us that
          those who ate conscientious and
          have faith in God have never
          separated themselves (row the
          (ste of the human race, and that it
          I thoig who transgress that have
          done os they wiibcd and eatcd
          this macruble situation. And it is
          only the sweet association of faith
          ‘in God and its accompanying hope
          that, despite iii. constant
          ‘Implemeutation of cruelty and
          oppression that pictures a day
          when oppression will be dcl eatod
          by a just system when all poop 1.
          regardless of creed and color thaI!
          live in peace and brotherhood.
          In this world there no being
          superior to man sod every
          phenomenon a moving submia.
          lively and without resistance in a
          pre.d .tcruuned course. There-
          fore, man ihould riot expect such
          a miracle trues any being other
          than a human and certainly man
          muss ace allow himicli to besane'
          enslaved to mean casual desires.
          For what would be changed Uteri?
          Man muss recognize Truth and
          Falsehood clearly and riot become
          entangled in any weakness or con-
          ccii or wiver in the struggle
          against falsehood. He mug by no
          meats think in terms of “I” hut
          “Wo”, (or Imam Malith (A.S.) I
          the symbol and manitestanon of
          ll those human abilities that have
          been suppressed in bumilistion
          and slavery.
          GOLDEN ERAS
          Every culture baa two corn_mon
          charactensucs: One is that every
          avthzauoo'and culture (evea the
          most backward and primitive
          tocietici) — on the basis of its
          fables a d myths — has had a
          “golden era” even iii the darkest
          pset when justice, calninesa, love
          and peace existed but latet van-
          tilted and gave itS place to an era
          of corruption, darkness, and
          The oilier characteristic is it's
          belief in the occuneoce cia great
          emancipating revolution in the
          future and the return of the
          oldeis era. an era' 01 victory,
          3U$t &od equality.
          This in the bcicf'o( all human
          Iocscaei and it maiiiles,s the
          instinct of ,ociety, for society iticlf
          a a living being and the living
          human being lives in anticipation
          and hope. And it it were ace so, it.
          wouJd riot have sudi a movement
          and would surreodct to whatever
          jusnos sod the freedom 01 human--
          ill irs the tu*we and aocio ' Iugy,
          too, undet the title ci
          believes that every society ‘In ‘ Iii
          nature cherishes this belief in vail-
          otis forms as li. natural sod.
          imiiocnvs reaction ci ha attic'
          Its human sciences and
          anthropology a general piinciplc
          l isa been adetted from mesaaa-
          hits called futurism. Puturian
          stands for a idioul 01 thougin and
          an ideology based os the tisne,
          and drives isa lolloweri towards
          the future.
          Futwiatsi is one of the most
          advanced ways of viewing bunsta
          life and the movement of history.
          For it in against such principles
          ‘“conscrvatmn,” “status quo.”
          “r t. i.. im,”
          which all call their followers
          towards inmobility and Magssa.
          Without a belief in the nioviti-
          He establishment of ‘utopia' and-
          looking forward us a day that such
          a perfect social 7 wilt be es*4
          halted what toonve will a human
          who believes In truth lies, for
          keeping up his smissle?
          PkINCIPL'E Or
          AKI1C I1'ATIO I '4
          In Dr. All Sbajj'ati'i words: “If
          we do ootkiok forward tochange
          what befell lmam Huiaoin (&S.)
          and bin companions will be the
          end of the story for us sod it will
          no longer have a reaction in the
          flange, history, eziatcoce and life
          of nsa ,ikind.'
          This opinion is both against
          faith in the truth and contrary
          the positive effect that di, Is-
          vidual lii. ala responsible humsa
          being can havc upon the society.
          Undoubtedly without belic( Is
          the principle 01 snticipsticn. the
          unjust realities dominating
          Societies will bring about this prp.
          found question before all those
          who have a religious world view
          that “it ther, is certainly no bright
          future for mankind, then what ‘is
          di . role 01 religion in Us. lisa of
          th, human being with all Us.
          omens that they give for the
          . rn ihila&,. , of falsehood and the
          ssirviv al o fjussiot?
          From what was dlscuased
          above, it bocexose clear that in all
          eras ci history, the pnodplc 01
          “ex ectstion and the”
          tion ofasaviorwbowifl
          a society of justice with be revole-
          non, has been a familiar and well.
          kno-um concept for the adserents
          of various religions, especially
          Chrissininy, Judaiw, and islam.
          But reality in most cases bat bee.
          expressive of something moessy
          to the spun 01 anticipation. That
          to lay the sntiapalors cannot
          always be included in this dellnl-
          (ConiUsaed o. Peg. 6) -
          Fax dated 22 May 1993
          [ text in [ ] added by translator]
          I do not know whether you have heard the speech by the President of the United States which was
          broadcast by some of the radio stations, asking help from the the world for the Bahá'Is in Iran,
          • [ saying] that they are innocent, that they are not spies, that they are only practising their religious rites
          and nothing else, and that Iran has condemned 22 of them to death just because they are observing
          these rites. He asked the help of the world, [ saying] that these people are not spies, and that they are a
          • kind of people that do not interfere in anything. He [ Reagan] says these things because he is a lover of
          humanity. If he [ Reagan] had not said this, well, we would have simply thought that these [ the
          Bahá' Is] are also a kind of people - even though their beliefs are corrupt -- but that they are minding
          their own business, and are busy with their own worshipping -- what they regard as worship - and even 1
          that is a pretence, and the truth is that they do not even do that. And after testif 'ing to this, we could
          still believe that they are not doing anything but practicing their religion. On the other hand, when the
          [ members of the] Tñdih party are captured, Russia raises its voice, that they [ the Tñdih] support the
          Islamic Republic, and agree with it; that they supported the Islamic Republic like the rest of people,
          and are still supporting it; that the Government of Iran has wrongly captured and imprisoned them. On
          the other hand, Mr. Reagan says that these poor Bahá'Is are a quiet and peaceful people, busy with
          their own worshipping, practicing their rites, and they have been captured because their beliefs are
          contrary to theirs [ that of the Muslims]. If they are not pies, .and Iran is only paying attention to them
          because of religious matters, or captured them for that reason, you [ the U.S.] would have not raised
          your voice. You only do this because this is a group that you benefit from. We know you. W6 khow
          America. It is not that you have become all of a sudden humanitarian, that just because 22 Bahá' is
          have been captured in Iran, you raise a voice like this and cry to the world calling on it to come to their
          aid. The people know you. You are the one who made Iraq heap on this country what the Mongols
          even failed to do.
          Iraq, has captured a group of great scholars like Ayatu'lláh Aqá Siyyid Yusuf -whom I know well to be
          a decent and good man - with a group of children, and members of this family, in order to take revenge
          from the late Ayatu'lláh IIakIm. If you are humanitarian why didn't you ask them [ the Iraqi's] why
          they did this? Is there one word in your public medium against what Iraq is doing to Iran? Do you,
          who support the Bahá' is on. the basis of your humanitarian feelings, know what they have done? Have
          you seen and read their files, or are you just omniscient? If we didn't have any other proof that they
          are spies of America, the support of Reagan would have been enough; and if we didn't have any other
          reason that the Tüdih party are spies, the support of Russia would have been enough. However, we
          tell you that we did not condemn and imprison the Thdihs for being Tüdih, nor did we condemn and
          imprison the Bahá'Is for being Bahá'Is. These people have problems.
          Translation from Persian
          2nd page - Khomeini's speech
          fax dated: 22 May 1993
          lOJune 1993
          The Tüdih's came and said what they had to say - they have a long history; and the Bahá'fs are not a
          r ligion [ sic], they are a [ political] party, a party which was previously supported by England, and now
          the United States is supporting them. These [ the Baha'is] too are spies like those [ the Tñdihs]. If they
          were not spies they would have been like other groups - who also have errant beliefs - like
          Communists, etc. However, our courts have not imprisoned them because of their errant beliefs. Nor
          the Tiidihs, as long as they had not plotted [ against the Government], and as long as their involvement
          in plotting had not increased -- of course their activities were under surveillance, because they have a
          history -- only when their plottings - in their own corrupted minds of course - were to come to fruition
          - only then did our dear Pásdárs catch them. God willing, in time they will be punished for their
          The Bahá'Is also should be put in their place and be quiet. If they have religious rites, well, they can
          observe their religious rites. The courts do not question why they are observing their religious rites.
          Just like other official religions which exist here - all of which we consider as our opponents - they are
          never questioned why they observe their rites. This, however, is not the issue. The issue is that Mr.
          Reagan supports them, and that the others are being supported by Mr. Russia. This is because they
          have a special situation that they [ the Bahá'Is] benefit from them, and provide benefit for them. They
          [ the Bahá'Is] report on our affairs, they spy on the people of Iran, and act as spies between the people
          of Iran and them.
          10 June 1993

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