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Kurdish rebels kill 60; Iran vows to take war to countryside

          Tebran (ReUter)—Iranlan. authorities
          yesterday announced plans to take the
          war against Kurdish guerrillas out of the
          towns and lntothe countryside after rebel
          ambushers killed up to 60 revolutIonary
          guards onarural highway ,.. -
          Interior Minister Hasbem Sahaghian
          told the Tehrin daily BamdUd: “We must
          spread the f1g t to the mountains and.
          roads. After Investigation, we will Sd
          forces to the area because at the moment
          we are stationed In towns.”
          A revolutionary :guardipokeomanJn
          the former rebel capital of Mahabad said
          that as many a 60 guards were believed
          to have been killed In Sunday night's at-
          tack on the roid.frosn Sardasht, on.the.
          Ira qi bdrderj, toflaneh.
          Thes okesmaAllPalah,salt ” znthe
          next two or three days, the rebels will be
          severely crushed With the use of bombs,
          mortars, he l icopters and fighters This
          decision has been made by the revolu-
          tionary guards corps; We have already
          identified their positlonsand hideout”
          According toMr. Sabaghian, only S out.
          of 72 revolutlonary.guards escaped from
          Sunday night's. ambush;' But he said as
          many as 28 may havebeen taken hostage
          Kurdlak rebels took to the hills last .
          moBth after government forces captured
          strongholds of the banned Kurdish Demo-
          cratle party(KDP)ln a number of ton,::
          Including MaSk d, Sardasbt and Banet:
          But the authorities banacknowledged the -
          guerfillas still control roads In the regions
          In the provincial capital of Urumlyeh,:
          officials announced that revolUtlonar
          guards, the prime targetof the guerrilla'.
          campaign, would startwearlng unlforn*
          similar to those of the Army ratherthan
          their distinctive camouflage fatigues.
          The official news agency Pars reported
          yesterday that in thelatest bomh1ngInS ,
          dent In the southern Persian Gulf province.
          of Khäxestän, guerrillas last ulghtplanted
          a bomb Bear the Kartuifilverin Kborram-
          shabr, the country's main cargo port lb.
          explosion caused no casualties and little
          damags, the agency said.
          It added that sbfar, 35 persons i s
          been arrested In connection with the;
          week-old bombing campaign that hast
          killed 13 persons.
          Kurdish rebels kill 60; Iran vows to take war to countryside
          The Sssss (1837-1985); Oct 10 1979; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Ba ltmore Sass, The (1837-1986)
          p . A2
          Kurdish rebels kili-60;: jran
          vows to take war to countryside
          Reproduced with permisaiaa of the copyright owner. Father reproduction prohibted without permiasion.

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