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Kurdish revolt resumes in Iran leaving ’86 dead

          National Front, which grouped
          liberal Opposition under the
          Shah, to advising its supporters
          is vote for as taleissic Itepub-
          liv, but its isembera privately
          suggest that the word Isis .
          inie” wili enly be seminal.
          The Left-wing groups hove
          mainly supported the raferen-
          dsoin, But their motive Is sus-
          pect. The old Communist
          Fatly, the ‘L'udeh, baa said it
          will vote for an Islamic Repub-
          lic heeL conscious that it is
          only barely tolerated, as des-
          perate not io put a faot wrong.
          The. Moslem Left, the Mujehi-
          desa, have alao supported the
          referendum, but they - have
          suede it clear that their con-
          ception at an Islamic Republic
          is different from. that of other
          Liberals fear that the rater-
          endam will be coed by Maslim
          fundainestattats ma a mandate
          to impose a ayatem that Law
          people realty wont
          Meanwhile . fraIl in preparing
          far Now Boa the ancient
          spring festival that same
          erctreme Mesitsun at first sug-
          gested should . be banned
          because it in mat on the lola .
          mis roiigioes calendar. Nearly
          all offices and ohopo wtll be
          dead far lire days—shorter
          thou the normal 13 days—
          white Iranjorto ebaerve the old
          Forelgsecs have been
          ordered to leave by the Minia-
          try of Labour. There are still
          cove nt hsssdred thousand for-
          eign workera In the country,
          secluding Futistanis, lndssno,
          Afghsna, Filipinos, and South
          Keresna,' and a row thauoaod
          remaining Europeans and
          Americasa. Work permits for
          these iereignors ars to be ter-
          minated during the next cieht
          weeks, except where that' are
          vital Is the coustry.
          Heater; qdçls': A leading
          Iranian political samsnentaior
          M esterdsy that human
          rights vto lotiona In Iran stare
          last mentha, revolutiess . ruuld
          only be cempsred to the atroci-
          ties in Cambodia under the Peal
          Pot regime.
          Mr Fsriborx Atapour, whose
          79-yesr-eld father was arrested
          by revolutionary militiamen
          last week, wrote in the
          English-language Tohrsn Jour.
          cal shot ihere were mare than
          20,600 political prisoners In
          Iran. “The gonditlona under
          h our political prisoners
          are being held in Iran tsday
          are worse than tts were
          before the revolution,” Mr Ale-
          pour anid. He added that Qear
          priann. Tehran held 7000 who
          were deprived of sleeping faci-
          lities, euffieiont food, medical
          care, or proper ssnitation.
          Mewever, an iranian lawyer
          sod bunion rigtlivist, Mr
          Abdel-ICerim Lnhij'i, visited
          Qsar gaol test werk sod inier-
          viewed the former prssnier Mr
          Amir Abbey l'toveydo, sod
          ether imprisoned efilsials of
          the seppled monarchy.
          Ifs ‘jaid there were alsouf
          930 political prisoners there,
          end he was fairly satisfied
          about prison conditions, includ-
          ing feed, barItone snd medical
          rare ,
          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Mar 21, 1979; Section: None; Page: 8
          :  c a rttA , 4(s/rn Kurdish revolt resumes in
          ; tri': 4 ssrkossIA ¶ TlFäñteaving ‘86 dead'
          “ 5
          From Martin Woellarsti ‘ . Alt approach roads to the
          in Tehran town have heen eooled”rff an tI
          Goveronscnt statements have
          Heavy fighting continued in spoken of “revolutionary mili-
          the Eurdish previariot cspiiei Its” being dispatched to ihe
          of SesY5Im yestes'day, after a town, bat late yesterday Lhure
          shaky reevefire. lmpoaed en wore no indicetions thet they
          Mat lday, ,b,soke down,' hod arrived,
          MacdiSh rgprooentsflves tutu- The disaster in Sonsndaj
          pis i!!sfl front the inwu appearS to -. be the roeutt of
          heid up the rerdivci oh thet 5'C Government efforts to dodge
          portbes could .hssr :‘tho ranch- the Kurda “ demande for
          ane'gnn lire . from heitcepter . eutono ‘buildieg tsp their
          gunahips: - preferred moderate leader,
          Reports sytd that the' tswlf e- Mat hisodeb. The Kurde, ‘how-
          hospitnis were fullof wounded, ever, prefer thsir imsman,
          and a group of Kurda wits Sheikh Eeeedtn Hussein, who
          ossgsd a protest atPrintc woo picked ohortly after the
          Miniaser'o sflude in .Tehron, Revolution by a conference of
          claimed that 80 people had Kurdish clerics, poliutgions, and
          died. The trouble in tbs town Msden.
          began en Sunday, whee Iturds The Kserdieh group which
          salted the Arnsy gorrisns proteatelee Prime Minis-
          so give thom ammunition ussd toe's office in Tehrort yesterday
          weapons. . also asserted that the Govern-
          They lure apparently' pro- inent hod pi Cked unrepresents-
          tossing thut wespone and live Kurds snd lacol Persions
          ammunition hod been' given so in ae g up rev'oiotiossory
          selective tsawnofelk end to Cal- committees in Kurdistan and
          lowers of Ahmsd Moftiuodeh, a asked that a Go. - _ ......t dole-
          Kurdinh leader barked by the gstion be soot to reclify the
          Government. The situ- situation.
          sties avorsesseri after the refu- Meanwhile, the incressieg
          sal, sod she Nerds toek river number ef protests about the
          the radio un. uiiee form of she national refernn-
          station, sad gendarmerie head' dsmm to be hold here at the
          qusrlero, and besieged the gor- end of the month, suggests
          rison. that many peepte could boycott
          Despite sppeota from .kyatel- or fell to vote. The people will
          tab Khomeini and from Nor- be asked whether they prefer a
          dish religious and poIi * Honerchy or an teismie Repub-
          ero, the fighting has cen- lie.
          tinoed atnee Sunday afiursntsn. The recently-farmed Notional
          Ths reaeeflre arranged en lion- Demesrsllr Front yesterday
          day evening apparently held claimed the referendum woo
          for only a few heurs. mesningteae. The older
          --i t ‘c
          Moslem clergy and Afghsss refugeee who marched to use
          Afghan Enibaeey to Teisron ‘yesterday, to protect against
          dhe alleged ‘maseerre of dissidents Jay the Kabul
          - ‘ -Government -
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