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Kurds and Khomeini Aides Are Nearing an Agreement

          Kurd and Khomeini Aides ire /earmg an AgreemenE
          V /ss orl 19 1 M Vs 9
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          9. Al
          Kurds and IUzomesni Aides
          Are Nearing an Agreement
          wra News Servica
          TEHRAN, March 24 Kurdish t es
          men controlling the battle torn 5 est
          em Iranian city of Sanandaj and
          Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's edi
          ation team neared agreement today
          on a coirpromise plan to halt the
          Kurd 'sh sources in Sanandaj said
          the agreement calls for setting up a
          joint committee of Kurds and Kho
          mcmi aides to run the city for one
          month until elections can be held on
          a new city government
          Meanwhile, a tape recorded message
          believed to be from foirnet prem er
          Shahpour Bakhtiar was sent to sev
          cml international news organizations
          The message, the first from Bakhtiar
          since he was ousted b Xhomeini's
          forces and went into hiding, attacked
          what he called Iran's “new dictator
          ship” and criticized the coming refer
          endum on setting up an Islamic re
          9 orod ed or F perriss soP he opyight o S P 9 pro I pr ed oil u oerrrr

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