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Kurds Attack Radio Station-

          ronna ttac WoricE
          ants tt ac t flacti o St ati on
          TEHRAN—ICurdish rebels using
          rocket-propelled grenades and auto-
          matic weapons attacked a radio sta-
          t loll i i the western Iranian town of
          Qasr Shirin near the border with Iraq
          and battled Iranian Revoltil lonary
          Guards for more than two hours, offi-
          cials said.
          The attack Monday night high-
          lighted an upsurge of Kurdish guer-
          rilla activity in the past few days alt
          ter government forces drove rebels
          from Kurdish cities earlier this
          In Milan, meanwhile, Iranian leader
          Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was
          quoted by Italian journalist Oriana
          as saying that he does not
          want the exiled shah killed abroad,
          but brought back to stand trial in Iran
          for “his 50 years of crime agatnst thc
          Persian people -”
          Airliner Lands Alter Blast
          MADRID—- An Iberian Airlines
          DC9 landed safely after an explosion
          in one of its engines. The plane, with
          56 passengers aboard, landed at Sara-
          gossa airport in nortnern pazn on
          one engine. Nobody was hurt.
          Masie Ngnema's Trial
          MALABO. Equatorial Guinea—
          Ousted president Masie Nguema Biyo-
          go Negue Ndong said allegations that
          he ordered the killing of prisoners
          were “all nonsense.” He rejected all
          charges against nim.
          But as his trial entered its second
          day, eight former aides accused Ma-
          cie Nguema of ordering the killing of
          at least 24 political prisoners. They
          also alleged that he ordered two
          villages burned down. and their inhab-
          itants arrested for subversion.
          U.N. Espionage Charges
          UNITED NATIONS—A U.N. spokes-
          man said there was nothing new in
          charges made by former U.N. official
          Arkady Shevchenko that least half the
          Soviets working at the world organiza-
          tion were spies. Shevchenko made the
          charge Monday in a radio interview.
          “This is not the first time we have
          heard the charges,” said spokesman
          Rudolph Stajduhar. “But until details
          are provided, there is nothing we can
          2,000 Reported Released
          JAKARTA —Indonesia said it hart
          released 2.000 political prisoners held
          without trial for a long as 12 years in
          a remote prison. The prisoners, freed
          Monday at the Buru Island penal col-
          ony in eastern Indonesia . were sus-
          pected of involvement in an at-
          tempted leftist coup in 1965.

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