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Kurds besiege Iranian outpost

          Kurds besiege I riudan outpost
          1ho5oL]t '-]O 5 (ii iPo(o i o i ov a r Ba roSe oi3 S6r
          Kurds besiege
          Iranian outpost
          Teheran (Reuter) Rebel Kurds yes
          erday besieged an Iranian gendarmerie
          )ost near the Iraqi border af tar launching
          wernlght blt4nd run raids in which at
          east 13 persons were killed, a gendar
          nerlespokerman said
          The spokesman in the south Kurdish
          Ity 01 Lermansflafl sam aucum iu govern
          neat troops were holding out against
          ieveral hundred guerrillas at the Hanigar
          neleb frontier post
          Re said communications with the post
          bad been cut and latest details of the fight
          fag were not known It was not clear
          whether there were gendarmes or revolu
          tionary guards or both Inside. Both are
          government troops
          F coot ed v i ( perriss rot he opyighi 0 1 F pro i Pr ed Vt U cern ]

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