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Lawyers protest at Iran arrests

          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Jul 5, 1979; Section: None; Page: 7
          at Iran
          Front Lie Tisurgood
          in Tehean
          A gooey at prasateent
          Iranian ' lawyern han aerated
          rernment c i grove legal
          lmpreprietirs and warned that
          they will neck help at art inter-
          national level if the roses nf 20
          young tees bel a for pnliticul
          etrenees are eat lent to court
          ‘the letter, which appeared
          In the local prone yesterday,
          follows a series of ceottieting
          reports en Iranian priensn and
          the erealme!l rtn lnerv.
          The teller fslloined an at loek
          1 ay militant Montems as tannest
          hundred demonetralsn srhu
          staged a cit-In oeinitte the ItEm-
          tairy of ,lerriee far hr past
          week Ia protest agalont the
          urreat of a yoaog Moslem guer-
          rilla, Mahaotnoatl Reea Sa'adati.
          Two deassnslrators scare
          sosuedfd by airar bullete and
          ixuther Iwa utahbed before
          Islamic mililiamen fred shalt
          nit ‘he air Cu diaperse Ihe
          rooted.. None of the worandeot
          required hoopilal treatment,
          Aeosrdle to Olin letter from
          the Iranian Anoooialiust af Jsr-
          :i le, e raoha included
          aeme of the bravest appflnoat,s
          of the Shah's regime. Mr sg'a-
          da li ms one of l b ps ltloal pri-
          soners who have n il been
          formally charged, given the
          right of defence, or Woo
          stltwcd vieits by lawyeru and
          retativeu. O le Sa'sdah', a meat-
          her of the ll lujohsddeert-e-h(halq
          guerrillas, was areesled on
          April 20 Os suspicion of apyiatg
          for Ihe Soviet tistnn.
          Reminding Iran's new lime'
          i cIer of Jsol Dr Antnsad
          Safe Naj Sayyed Juvardi, of
          his own nlragfle against She
          Shuts, the tM arneeed ma t tst-
          ernetfst tO repeating “bitter
          experiences” and - vtolatiuos”
          of the pant. “The voices of
          theta men will reach the seorld
          and those eeoporsttale toe Ihe
          defeute of hamon eights will
          take up thnir canes,” canftssdea
          ?fnt nely is the Seller jmleo-
          tinily embarrassing to a ga-c-
          eeanaoaat that claims to be
          rcealutiooarj- aad han pm-
          nelerd to aafegoaard human
          riohlu, bat at esincifes vrith
          allegations thai She regime is
          aetrtg lerturc to extract inform-
          attan team Ii : gristners.
          Twa Rurds etriier thtt week
          culled res conference to
          allege being “threatened with
          ctnalh. bliedfntoied, whIpped.
          kicked, and fasireed with chalos
          Cs a railiatar” inside Pane.
          Oman's lorgesl pritan. Ahdngah
          .Wn and Atahasio Roohallah
          said they were arrested afler
          heseg found in pswessisa of
          ifardish literature.
          letter members of the
          hltsiahaddote gtterrillao rein
          elaleed to trans tlonmao Slights
          Cumnisotoiieh hetore Ihe
          ahoh's rrmsrat iv January wa n
          made up of ulaanst every
          Cahanet member—that their
          cotletgoc, Mr Sa'adati, hod
          beeo tat-bared ,bvatellah Ifuol.
          Itead of Tebrano central tenant
          ctenmiltep denied ouch an
          The Ru udati atroir, as it now
          hoown has beec complicated
          hy a recent Stnjahaddeeg state-
          ment alleging chat a ?iarlh
          Americas was steals -ed in the
          oacrrtlla'o arrest. The Ofajahati.
          deco hove ovid Ihat Mr Sa'u-
          dolt was tryteg In gather
          tofaretatien fruits tOte Rgssiars
          art COA activities In gran when
          he stun orreeted inW cons-
          paoy of Mr Vtadisoir Fenolniso,
          first secretory at the Soviet
          Einhaosy. The US omhatny hut
          strongly denied say cole in the
          witote houtness.
          During cite past week, 20
          lawyers have outanleerea to
          defend h tr Sa'adali ohoold Otto
          rose erer rome In cnttrt, and
          Arota liah Tatag sasi, who
          created an uproar in April hy
          dropping a lto of sight as a p ro-
          lest against t lte leadereltip lit
          Qam. has eetergcd from
          atutattto ot uiteneu Oa cheese his
          eattlieal weigltt behind the
          S lOt jahaddeen cause.
          In a atalement, lhe Ayatol lah
          veuenrtl tlte young guerrillon
          that,” the enemy is hoet an des-
          trnytng you.
          5/27/2011 Ar dde - Untitled Article
          tinS: U.Idsntlftsg
          and Media Limited

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