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Leader: 85% turnout proves Iran a republic in nature

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution says the Iranian nation proved the ‘republican’ nature of the country through their 85-percent turnout in the presidential election.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called for “the true understanding of the messages, which the presence of 40 million people in the [June 12 presidential] vote and the election of the president with 25 million votes, send.”

“If the intellectuals and political elites in the country truly understand those messages, a lot of problems and deadlocks will be resolved,” said the Leader in a Monday meeting with the members of the 9th and 10th Iranian government.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the 85 percent turnout of people in the election had “hammered the enemies of the revolution.”

“The nation and the Islamic Revolution have proven their republican nature [through the election].”

“The comments of presidential hopefuls on their obedience to Islam, the Revolution and [its late founder] Imam Khomeini’s path show that the nation is leaning toward [those concepts], so they (the defeated candidates) attempt to portray themselves as followers of Imam [Khomeini] and the Revolution.”

The leader also called on the new administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to “thoroughly observe the law”, adding that any breach of law by the administration would lead to “the defiance of law” in the society.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the government should “pay attention to benevolent criticisms” leveled by its opponents.

“There is domestic criticism backed by foreign media with destructive intentions but there is also benevolent criticism which may not come from supporters of the government but they come with the best of intentions,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Leader urged President Ahmadinejad and his cabinet to pay attention to “the advices of religious authorities and religious scholars” in fulfillment of their duties.

“Prominent cleric figures in different parts of the country and religious schools are supporters of the Islamic establishment and they are aware of the government’s efforts in serving the country. Therefore their advices are based on compassion and empathy and should be prized.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also recommended the president and his cabinet to welcome the criticisms of university elites, saying the move will help the executive body to be further strengthened in the face of problems.

The Leader also urged the government to avoid vanity which may lead to “several deviations and downfalls.”

Ayatollah Khamenei says “having faith in God and consolidation of body and spirit are important elements in tackling problems.”

The Leader urged the new government to follow up the past administration’s priorities such as “justice, fighting corruption, supporting the weak people and leading simple lives.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also touched on the issue of the economy and asserted that establishing justice would be achieved through the fair redistribution of wealth in the country.

The Leader said the newly-installed Ahmadinejad government should move to refurbish Iran’s economy and reduce inflation.

“We should devise a plan to reduce the pressure of inflation on the people,” the Leader added.



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