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Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran

          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran. Contttee to Protect Journalists littp://
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran
          April 22, 2010
          Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
          President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
          do Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations
          622 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
          Your Excellency:
          The Overseas Press Club of America, an international association of journalists working in the United States and abroad,
          and the Committee to Protect Journalists, a New York-based nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending
          press freedom worldwide, want to express our deep concerns about your government's treatment of journalists and its
          unabated harassment of Newsweek correspondent Maziar Bahari.
          Bahari, who was imprisoned in Iran for 118 days on fabricated antistate charges following last year's disputed June
          presidential election and who continues to face legal action in Iran, told CPJ that family members in Tehran had received
          a threatening phone call on Saturday from a man who identified himself as an Iranian court official.
          The caller threatened unspecified consequences if Bahari continued to speak out on behalf of his imprisoned colleagues.
          Bahari, who also serves as a consultant to a campaign calling for the release of imprisoned Iranian journalists and
          writers, has made numerous statements and appearances advocating for the many Iranian journalists who remain
          imprisoned and continue to face baseless criminal charges.
          “Tell Maziar that he shouldni think we don't have access to him because he is not in Iran,” said the male caller, who did
          not identify himself by name. “The situation is getting dangerous now. Anything can happen without advance notice.”
          We denounce this and similar threats made to Bahari and numerous other Iranian journalists, a pattern of intimidation
          designed to control news coverage and browbeat reporters into submission. Bahari told CPJ that this is the first time
          such threats have been expressed to family members. He said that he had previously been contacted through
          intermediaries in an effort to convince him to keep quiet. He also stated that during his incarceration, he was told that the
          Revolutionary Guard has “foreign branches that can bring you back in a bag.”
          We ask that you instruct the relevant authorities to end their sustained campaign of intimidation and harassment of
          Bahari and dozens of other independent or opposition journalists in Iran.
          We thank you for your attention to this most urgent matter of international importance.
          Respectfully yours,
          1 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran - Committee to Protect Jommalists
          John Martin — ABC News (retired)
          Yvonne Dunleavy — Journalist/Author
          Ellen McCourt
          Harriett Corporon
          Jurt E. Luch
          Keith Hu
          Andrew Nagorski — EastWest Institute
          Nancy Novick — NS Design
          Richard Bucholz
          Beth Knobel — Ford ham University
          Kirill Belyaninov — Kommersant Daily (Russia)
          Olga Meshcheryakova — NTV America
          Sonya K. Fry — Overseas Press Club of America
          Jane Reilly — Overseas Press Club Foundation
          James W. Fry Ill — Café Katja
          Rachel Manning — Bard College
          Elliott D. Woods — Virginia Quarterly Review
          Evelyn Leopold — Huffington Post
          Maureen White
          Christina Bolton — John Boltz Consulting
          Nicole Bode —
          Jane Ciabattari — OPC Board Secretary
          Nate Beeler — Washington Examiner
          Mark Tap Scott — Washington Examiner
          Stephen G. Smith — Washington Examiner
          Jack Beeler — Porter Waght
          Amber Qureshi — Free Press
          Susan Boyle — Associated Press
          2 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran - Committee to Protect Jommalists
          Stephen Segaller — Thirteen/WNET. org
          Tom Squitieri — TS Navigations
          Rita Cosby — CBS Inside Edition
          Tomaczek Dednariek — CMG Media LLC
          Nina Chaudry —
          Tom Casciato — Thirteen/
          Carrie Holt de Lama — HOH Productions, LLC
          Anna Walek — QTL Veronique
          Stefanie Lemcke — Quatum Media
          Deborah Browski — Wall Street Journal
          Jim Dever — SAP
          Vito Roconelli — Barron's
          Eric Carlson — Morgan Stanley
          Steve Sokol — American Council on Germany
          Allan Dodds Frank — OPC President
          Kimberly Dozier — Associated Press
          Christy Carpenter — Paley Center for Media
          Martin Smith — Rain Media
          Will Cohen — Rain Media
          Katherine Frank
          Melissa Frank
          Lilian King — Meritas Partners
          Michael Lee — Committee of 100
          Charles M. Sennott —
          Colette Rhoney — Media Consultant
          Matt McAllester —
          Catherine Collins — Microsoft
          Caitlin McCabe - Microsoft
          Kathleen McGraw — Edelman Public Relations
          3 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran - Committee to Protect Jommalists
          Jason Gale — Bloomberg News
          Gail Conner Roche — Bloomberg News
          Jonathan Neumann — Bloomberg News
          Leslie Fox— Bloomberg News
          Ronald Henkoff — Bloomberg News
          Michael Serrill — Bloomberg News
          Diane Brady — Bloomberg BusinessWeek
          Michael Waldholz — Bloomberg News
          Karen Toulon — Bloomberg News
          Tim W. Ferguson - Forbes
          Hiroko Nishimura — Nikkei
          Frederick H. Katayana — Reuters Television
          Hirotaka Toyonaga - NHK
          Yoshihisa Suzuki — Itochu International
          Hiroshi Masuda — Jiji Press America
          Naureen Malle — Dow Jones
          Barbara H. Landreth, M.D.
          Sean Healy — Healy Corporate Communications
          Angela Harrell — Coca-Cola Company
          Emma Daly — Human Rights Watch
          John Koppisch — Forbes
          Robert Pledge — Contact Press Images
          David Burnett — Contact Press Images
          Kerry Smith — ABC
          Eliane Laffont — Visa Pour L'lmage
          Thomas D. Herman — Freelance Journalist
          Jacque Menasche — Contact Press Images
          David Andelman — World Policy Journal
          Joshua Hammer — Smithsonian Magazine
          4 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran - Committee to Protect Jommalists
          Karin Annus - Reuters
          Agnes Crane - Reuters
          David Martin — CBS News
          Marcy Walsh — CBS News
          Maria Mercader — CBS News
          Kevin Tedesco — CBS News
          Ana Real — CBS News
          Larry Martz — Former OPC President
          Bill Collins — Ford Motor Company
          Will Bourne — Fast Company Magazine
          Tara Martin — Ford Motor Company
          Karl Greenberg — Media Post
          Jennifer Bensko Ha — WNYC Radio
          Dinda Elliott — Conde Nast Traveler
          Greg Farrell — Financial Times
          Dave DeCecco — PepsiCo
          Liza Tan — CNBC
          John Sicher — Beverage Digest
          Martinne Geller — Reuters
          Anjali Cordeiro — Dow Jones
          Jeff Dahncke — PepsiCo
          Michael McHale — Subaru of America
          Jim Clash — Forbes
          Jason Harper — Freelance Journalist
          Betsy Stark — Freelance Journalist
          John Voelcker — High Gear Media
          Alex Richardson — Polo Ralph Loren
          Marilyn Frank — Actress
          Kate McLeod — McLeod Group
          5 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran - Committee to Protect Jommalists
          Jerry Flint — Forbes
          Nisid Hajari — Newsweek
          James Wellford — Newsweek
          Frank de Maria — Newsweek
          Kate Baker — Newsweek
          Arlene Getz — Newsweek
          Katie Paul — Newsweek
          Karen Fragala — Newsweek
          Daniel Klaidman — Newsweek
          Robert Dowling — Caixin Media Group
          Matt Dube
          Andreas Henry — Wirtschaftswoche
          Wataru Kodaka — Nikkei
          Han Tjan — Daimler
          Astrid Doerner — Handelsblatt
          Ulrich Oppold — RTL Television
          Christine Mattauch — Freelance Journalist
          Mark Seibel — McClatchy Newspapers
          Fred Mackerodt
          Myron Kandel — Freelance Business Editor
          Minky Worden — Human Rights Watch
          Pierre Kanter — PKC Global
          Carolyn Markey — General Motors
          Herbert Shuldiner — Ward's Auto World
          James Hresko — General Motors
          David Fond iller — Boston Consulting Group
          Justin Fox— Harvard Business Review
          Simon Targett — Boston Consulting Group
          Andrew Zogzccilft-Johnson — Financial Times
          6 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran - Committee to Protect Jommalists
          David Lieberman — USA Today
          Katie Benner — Fortune
          James Surowieck — New Yorker
          Paul Sullivan — New York Times
          Len Johnson — McGraw-Hill Companies
          Mary Breasted
          Mary Anne Boorker
          Fred Breisnacht
          Shelly Dubois —
          J.P. Magalindan —
          Mary E. Elliott
          Viviane Macedo — Deutsche BanI
          Sital Patel — Fox News
          Kathryn Sumeps
          Heidi Brown — Freelance Journalist
          Heide Bo
          Celhia de Lavarene — Radio France
          John J. Metzler —
          Ten Schure —
          Gianpaolo Pioli — La Nazione (UNCA)
          Roy Rowan — Former OPC President
          David Friend — Vanity Fair
          Richard B. Stolley — Time Inc.
          Martha B. Stolley — Attorney
          Robert F. Keefe
          Ron Allen — NBC News
          Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson — National Public Radio
          George Bookman — Author/Freelance Writer
          Felice Levin — OPC Foundation Board
          7 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20
          Letter from CPJ, OPC to Iran. Contttee to Protect Journalists littp://cpjorg/2010/05/letter-from-cpj-opc-to-iranphp
          Rosalind Massow — OPC Foundation
          Travis Hemlepp — Retired
          Linda Goetz-Holmes — Overseas Press Club Foundation
          Catherine Hemlepp — Time Warner Communications (retired)
          Helen Swinton — Overseas Press Club of America
          Hope Sherman — Sherman & Company (CPA5, P.A.)
          Neil Hickey — Columbia University School of Journalism
          Lucrecia R. Duque — Overseas Press Club of America
          Marc Lemcke — Communications & Network Consulting (CNC)
          Alvaro Serrano — United Nations Population Fund Agency
          Werner Schmidt — German-American Community Project, Inc.
          Alexis Gelber — Former Newsweek Editor/OPC President
          Andrew L luberes — Department of Homeland Security
          William J. Holstein — Independent Writer/Author & OPC Foundation President
          Jacqueline Albert-Simon — Politique Internationale
          Joel Simon — Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
          John Weis — Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
          Joe Connolly — Wall Street Journal Radio, WCBS
          Gerard Aziakou — Agence France-Press at the United Nations
          Leanne Kao — Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York
          Wendy Lin — Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York
          Jeremy Main — OPC Freedom of the Press Committee
          George E. Burns — Overseas Press Club of America/OPC Foundation
          May 10, 2010 4:41 PM ET I Permalink (hftp://cpj.orq/201 O/05/letter-from-cpj-opc-to-iran.php )
          8 of 8 03/08 2010 14:20

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