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Letter of Mehdi Karrubi (Translated from Farsi)

          Karrubi's Letter to the People of Iran
          Monday, September 14th, 2009
          In the Name of God, the Merciful and the Compassionate,
          To the honorable, heroic people of Iran,
          As you know, your servant [ Karrubil has written numerous warning letters addressed to
          high officials after the election and its aftermath. [ I wrote these lettersi in hopes that a
          solution be found, no injustice and tyranny be inflicted on the innocent, so that the echoes
          of the oppressed will not forever follow and haunt us. Because as our historical
          experiences have shown us: a government lasts with corruption but not with tyranny.
          Three months have gone by in the life of our country, but what have these months been
          like? If in the 2005 election, our few hours of sleep was like the sleep of the Companions
          of the Cave (Ashab-e Kahf) and we went to sleep and got up to find everything upside
          down, in the recent presidential election, even staying awake did not help matter.
          [ In the 2005 presidential election, as votes were being counted, Karrubi was second, after
          Rafsanjani. But from late night until morning, that changed and Ahmadinejad became
          second amidst allegations of fraud. Karrubi complained, but a letter by the leader silenced
          everyone. Karrubi famously compared his late night sleep to that of the Companions of
          the Cave, a famous story in the Quran in which a devout group of friends sleep in a cave
          and wake up centuries lateri
          Because they are no longer afraid to only rob [ usi at night, but rather, the bandits openly
          rob us at midday. But this of course was only the beginning of the story. I would have
          never imagined that in the Islamic Republic, they would answer peaceful protests the way
          they did. They certainly did answer people's doubts about the election but not with
          reason and logic, but with bullets and batons and beatings. I saw every unimaginable
          [ atrocity in the streets. Images that only awakened memories of our youth. But after
          time, other horrendous news began to come out, like the torture and other baffling abuses
          in unnamed detention centers. News that bewildered me and any other spectator. People
          would come and say things, or show evidence of what they had been forced to endure
          while in custody.
          Dear lord, what was Mehdi Karrubi hearing and seeing? I wish he was not alive to see a
          citizen of the Islamic Republic come to him to complain of having been forced to endure
          all sorts of obscene, abnormal acts in unnamed detention centers. From stripping
          prisoners and forcing them to sit side by side, to all sorts of obscene name calling and
          urinating on their faces, to releasing girls and boys in the middle of the desert with
          blindfolds. Like this wasn't enough, we also heard news of rape. We asked ourselves:
          three decades after the revolution and two decades after the death of the Imam
          [ Khomeinfl, where are we now, truly?
          It is natural to feel your blood boiling at such disgrace and dishonesty. Was it possible to
          sit calmly upon hearing such news? That is why I took pen to paper and wrote a letter to
          the head of the expediency council [ Rafsanjanil. I wrote that there's news of torture and
          rape and all sorts of improper acts and I want you to investigate to find out if such
          atrocity had indeed occurred. When this letter was published, it was answered with an
          ocean of insults and threats directed at me. The Friday prayer leaders, in an organized
          move that came from administrators above them, launched a full-scale attack against me.
          This is how my doubts grew stronger. I told myself that if such atrocities had not
          occurred, they would have simply told us that they did not. But such unusual attacks from
          Friday prayer podiums big or small, and such obscenity from some newspapers, clearly
          showed that some were scared. I found it a personal responsibility to stand my ground
          and see this thing to the end.
          The letter I had written to the head of the expediency council was also given to the head
          of the judiciary, and Ayatollah Shahroudi issued an order for Don Najafabadi, the head
          of the Supreme Court to investigate. Mr. Najafabadi contacted me and said that he would
          send a representative to me and when he came, I identified [ to himi an individual who
          claimed that he had been both raped and tortured as one example. The representative also
          stated that no one should find out about this, as not to interfere in the investigations and
          he even insisted that interrogations should take place somewhere far from my office to
          stay secret. Until this point, reactions were reasonable. Until the prosecutor of Tebran
          [ Mortazavil entered the scene. He contacted me and told me that a representative would
          be sent to me. The person came and wanted evidence. The correct thing to do was to stick
          to what had been agreed with the previous representative, and to say that Mr.
          Najafabadi's investigators are currently looking into the matter and they've asked me not
          to share my information. But because I saw no errors in my evidence, and because I
          wanted to cooperate with the officials, I allowed this second representative to meet with
          this individual in my office and to hear his claims. I asked [ the repi if he wanted to meet
          in another location, but unlike Mr. Najafabadi's rep, he wanted to meet in my office.
          Unlike the previous meeting which had gone well, this one didn't such that in the middle
          of the meeting, the boy came out and said that these people are after something else and
          they want to erase the entire problem, they are not after investigating my claims. He said
          that the representative for Tebran's prosecutor wants him to visit medical experts [ with
          their entourage . I encouraged him to go. But on their way, they had told him that he
          should keep silent and not shame himself and his family. They had said other things
          which I will not mention here.
          The following day, that same boy came to me terrified, and said that they'd gone to his
          neighborhood and asked about him. I told him not to be scared, as they aimed to find the
          truth. But the boy came to me yet again and said that they had told the story to his father,
          and that he was completely ashamed and that his father was constantly crying. I asked the
          boy to bring his father to me so I could calm him down. But the boy left and never came
          back. After quite a while, the father came to me last Tuesday and he was very worried for
          his son. I saw a 70 year old man with pain and anguish all over his face. He said: we are
          Muslims, we are religious, and why did they do this to us? He brought out pictures to
          show me of his family's past. Pictures of his son wounded in the hospital during the war,
          while the president and current leader [ Khameneil was standing by his bedside kissing
          his forehead. The father said: this was our past, what has happened today? He said that
          they had completely disgraced them in the neighborhood and even asked the
          neighborhood shopkeepers about them. He said that he was terrified of being in his own
          home. They had forced him into a car and asked questions about his son, to which he had
          replied that his son is an honest person with integrity. But after he had gone back home,
          he had heard the doorbell. He'd gone to answer it, but no one was there. This happened a
          number of times until the last time, there was a man on a motorcycle with a terrifying
          presence, taking pictures and shouting and cursing. The father said that they no longer
          have peace and safety in that neighborhood.
          It seems that these were the judiciary officials who had come to investigate the case. And
          this was the result of the first piece of evidence we gave the judiciary. The judiciary in
          the Islamic Republic which claims to follow Ali [ the Shi'a sainfl, sends armed,
          threatening individuals on motorcycles to the victims' door. They should be ashamed of
          bringing the name of Ali.
          Today, I chronicle these events so that people do not compare Imam Ali to what is
          happening. I tell this story so that people know how some completely tore away the veil
          of modesty, prudence and integrity and future generations do not say that such injustices
          were inflicted and no one spoke a word and no one rose to scream out against it.
          This was a lesson for us not to reveal our evidence so easily to Tehran's prosecutor. Mr.
          Najafabadi was dismissed from his position, and thus all the doors were shut. This was
          while the obscenity hurled at Karrubi were increasing day by day, in state owned
          newspapers. This is why I wrote a letter to the new head of the judiciary [ Larijani and
          asked him to investigate the allegations. This is how the three member committee was
          formed [ Deputy Head of Judiciary Ebrahim Raeesi, Attorney General Gholam-Hosein
          Mohsen Eje'i, and President of the Presidential Body of the Judiciary Ali Khalaf] which
          was responsible to look into the claims put forth by the victims' families. A first meeting
          was held and went well. During this meeting, I reiterated the evidence that I had given to
          Mr. Najafabadi, and also presented two other cases, which I now feel obligated to explain
          for you people.
          The second document was regarding a lady who had been to the demonstrations and who
          had been taken into custody while in the street. Her story was that they had played with
          her bosom while in the car, and once there, they had asked her to take off her pants,
          which she had refused. They had forcefully ripped them off. In the midst of this, a higher
          official had come into the room and asked what was going on. The officers had accused
          her of trying to manipulate them by taking off her clothes and falling to the ground. And
          this is while the woman was screaming that they had done this to her by force. God
          The third case was regarding a young man who was a member of a legal political party.
          His mother had contacted me and sent him to me. He had documents from medical
          experts and a CD with him which showed signs of torture on his body. He did not claim
          that he was raped, but the photos showed signs of inflammation and redness on his anus.
          He said that he had been unconscious due to the severe beatings, and he didn't know
          what went on or what they did to him. Medical examiners, seeing the inflammation had
          written that more examinations had to be done with a letter from the judiciary. He had
          been in custody for only five days, but had endured such severe beatings that officers had
          thought he was going to die. They had told him they were transporting him to Evin, but
          had let him go blindfolded in the middle of nowhere.
          These were three documents I presented during our first meeting and I spoke about two
          others. I told them that there was no written document for the latter two cases. One case
          was that of the real Taraneh Mousavi and I told them that her family does not speak to us
          and it is better for you [ the judiciary to investigate. More evidence [ for the truthfulness
          of this story was the vain attempt of some to create a false Taraneh Mousavi [ IRIBI. If
          the committee's job was to investigate, it should have gone to question those who had
          created this false film that was broadcast on state TV. Those who had told the fake
          Taraneh Mousavi's family: “Do not worry about the real Taraneh Mousavi, we'll solve
          that problem.” It's as if Karoubi's sole crime was to reveal the case of the real Taraneh
          Mousavi that had similarities to the chain murders; his daring tongue sealed the fate of
          Etemad-e M dli newspaper as the newspaper was shut down as soon as the matter was
          revealed. I told the committee the story of the real Taraneh, as I had heard it. She had
          been arrested along with one other girl and a few boys in front of Qoba mosque, on the
          anniversary of Ayatollah Beheshti's death. The girls exchanged numbers so as to inform
          the others' families if they got out sooner. In the first days of imprisonment, and during
          the severe slashing and thrashing of the prisoners, they notice that Taraneh is missing.
          When one of the girls is released, she calls the investigative committee [ Karrubi'sI and
          also Taraneh's family to inform them that she has gone missing. Apparently Taraneh's
          mother is very scared and asks the girl not to call her back. This girl appeared in the
          investigative committees of both Mr. Mousavi and I and told us the story of the real
          Taraneh. I asked this committee to investigate this case, and since the story of the false
          Taraneh was at their disposal, it should have made their job easier. I thought that in a
          judicial system which claims to follow the path of the prophets, our suggestions were
          enough to get them to investigate. I was wrong!
          The second piece of evidence I only spoke of was regarding Saeedeh Pouraghayi. I said
          that I have heard some news about a person with this name, the daughter of a war
          veteran. But because I had not personally spoken to her family, I did not speak too long
          or too hard about this case, and went over it very quickly and I said that whoever she is,
          her funeral was held in Tehran. This was the least credible case I spoke of in that
          meeting, and I quickly let it pass by.
          Two days after that meeting, I was involved in further investigations about this last case,
          of which I knew very little, and I met with a lady who was Saeedeh Pouraghayi's
          stepsister. She said that their father was not a war veteran, but had died six years ago. She
          wanted the address of Saeedeh's mother, who she said was her stepmother and according
          to her, they did not have a relationship and she didn't know of their whereabouts. I didn't
          have an address and thus asked Mr. Moghayaseh from Mr. Mousavi's headquarters and
          the person who had originally told us of this story. He declined our request, saying that
          their investigation may be interrupted [ by any disturbancesi. When I couldn't get the
          address over the phone, I convinced Mr. Moghayeseh to join me in a meeting with
          Saeedeh's stepsister last Saturday. I was thus able to sit Mr. Moghayeseh and Saeedeh's
          sister opposite one another and I told her that I pray to god that her sister has not been
          killed and she said that the photo that was published is her sister, and thus, she is
          certainly dead. I asked Mr. Moghayeseh to give the address to Saeedeh's sister because if
          he did not, she would have to live with this doubt. At this point, Mr. Moghayeseh said
          that what had happened up to now regarding Saeedeh is questionable, because they'd
          found that her father was not a war veteran and had passed away six years ago and that
          Saeedeh had run away from home on a few occasions. I told him to give the address to
          her nonetheless so that she can have her doubts erased and he finally did so.
          It was last Monday when Mr. Eje'i called and wanted me to come to a meeting at 2 p.m.
          and thus the second committee meeting took place. The committee members began by
          saying that they would like to continue investigating and without saying anything about
          the three written documents I had given them, or Taraneh Mousavi, they went straight to
          Saeedeh Pouraghayi and asked if I had any news about her. I went over the details of my
          meeting with her sister, and told them that contrary to what had previously been said, her
          father is not a war veteran and he passed away six years ago, and Saeedeh has run away
          from home on a number of occasions and the rumor about her being shot while chanting
          Allah o Akbar was also false. And I told them that Mr. Moghayeseh had told me this
          account, and I also told them of the joint meeting between Mr. Moghayeseh and
          Saeedeh's sister. What is interesting is that in this meeting, except for a very brief
          discussion on Taraneh, the committee did not at all discuss the documents I had given
          them and only focused on the story I knew very little about.
          In this meeting, another topic that was discussed was Mr. Raeesi's interview between the
          first and second meeting in which he had stated that “Karrubi's statements must be
          investigated.” Even though, Mr. Khalafi spoke differently about “investigating statements
          and documents.” And I reminded them that what I had given them during the first
          meeting was not just statements but evidence and documents as well which had been
          provided on a CD. They said: “But a CD is not evidence.” and I replied: “I wasn't there
          during the rape to make a film to provide you with, and I wasn't there when the crime
          was being committed to pass a thread [ what does that mean?!I to tell you of the distance
          between them. And did you expect me to provide you with the instruments of crime? I
          also said that my job is not to collect evidence, and this is not my court, and if I have
          provided you with evidence, it's just a clue so that you'd go and investigate further and to
          bring an end to this injustice.
          And that day I only provided them with another document related to a woman who had
          been taken right there [ in the streetj and raped in the car, along with another girl. I told
          them that this lady is frightened and worried and I told them that she has said that if her
          parents find out, she will be disgraced and will commit suicide. I informed them of the
          sensitivity of this issue, and warned them not to repeat the acts of Tehran's prosecutor
          and to disgrace an entire family in their neighborhood. I provided them with written
          documents about this rape, and I told them that there is also another case about a female
          nurse who was arrested and whose photos I had not looked at in detail as not to embarrass
          her. I just know that her entire body is black from all the bruises and she claims that she
          too has been raped and I will send in her documents for you to investigate. And I also
          declared right then and there that I will stop bringing in evidence and what I have already
          provided is enough for to begin their investigations.
          This meeting too went well, but the day after, the tides turned completely. My office and
          the party headquarters were sealed, and Mr. Beheshti, Alvin and Davari were taken into
          custody. The three member investigative committee gave out a hasty statement, instead of
          looking further into the allegations, and now as I look at their written statements I am
          certain that they too were ordered to finish off the cases and they've just hurriedly tried to
          finish everything. But I must mention two points regarding their report:
          In this report, they have told of things I said, which I didn't say, and, at the same time
          they have not even hinted at things I did say — words that the witnesses had declared were
          said by the rapists, that were quite obscene.
          They've also written that I had no evidence of rape and indecent acts before I wrote the
          letter to the head of the expediency council. It is astonishing that these gentlemen speak
          on my behalf, and make up tales. Mehdi Karrubi wrote that letter to the head of the
          expediency council after credible individuals and victims came to him, and cried of
          everything that had befallen them and those around them. And here and now I salute their
          courage for coming to a lone individual like Mehdi Karrubi, in the midst of obscenity and
          In this report, they have not written of the first document I offered them, which spanned
          15 lines, or the second which was 7 lines, or even the third (5 lines) and they have not
          even referred to the fourth written document I offered them in the second meeting. In this
          latter document, four lines are written about Taraneh Mousavi, and then, a further 200 are
          written to clarify the accounts of Saeedeh Pouraghayi, whose story we personally had
          doubted [ and investigated. If now, we declare the name of the IRI official who released
          the body to the family, or [ tell you that they did not even allow Mr. Mousavi's rep to see
          the body, wouldn't it make you think that elements of the story was [ deliberately faked?
          This suspicious is further provoked when we see that this story alone was the basis of the
          report written by the committee.
          Of course here I must point out how happy I am that the committee did not go after the
          fourth document I gave them, and limited their truth finding activities to this case alone,
          and at least they did not play with the dignity and the life of yet another individual. I am
          grateful to god for this.
          The three person committee has asked that the judiciary strongly and justly deal with me.
          And thus, the result of the judiciary's activities is silencing me. I however am happy
          about this and welcome the circumstances. Maybe an opportunity will present itself for
          me to reveal details about these documents, and others I have and to retell what I have
          never told up to today and to be a voice for those seeking justice. I am happy if another
          opportunity presents itself so I can rid the hands of the Islamic Republic from atrocities
          like this and many others which occurred after the death of the Imam.
          Today, Mehdi Karrubi knows that he has placed his finger on the right spot. From this
          chaotic and hasty response, I can tell that the gentleman's ghaba [ the long clerical robel is
          stuck between the doors [ they are complicit in these crimesi Imam Ali told Malek Ashtar
          [ one of his disciples and the governor of Egypt to govern in a way such that the
          oppressed can get justice without fear. We are far, far from Imam Ali's teachings. The
          son of the late Ayatollah Motahari tells us that a woman came to him and told him of the
          ordeals of her son in a detention center. After that, they have caused so much pain for the
          family that she herself has said: “we have no complaints” and, as we Lurs say “my
          donkey has had no tail from birth” [ Persian proverb: I 've never had any lucki This is
          getting justice without fear that was Imam Ali's advice to Malek! It is obvious where
          things are heading. Chaos and commotion entwined with terror has been so great in the
          past few weeks that some families have come to me and asked me to stop my
          investigations. They are scared of their future and tell me that I have created problems for
          them and for myself But when they arrest the daughter of a prisoner and release her into
          the desert at night with blindfolds on, to a point where a newspaper belonging to the
          principalists also condemn this action and writes that this girl was left in Behesht-e Zahra
          cemetery, we figure out who is left to govern and plan over this country and people have
          the right to be worried for their future.
          Their obscenity has gone so far, that instead of putting the culprits and wrongdoers on
          trial, they speak of putting Mehdi Karrubi on trial. They are unaware that the real trial
          will take place in the courtroom of the people, we must go to them and see who they find
          guilty and who they believe is the voice of truth seekers. Lord, I come to you for refuge
          of the atrocities they have collectively inflicted, which are not only a disgrace for the
          Islamic Republic, but for Iran, and which have disgraced justice and the Islamic court of
          The three member committee has completed its task and has asked that I be put on trial
          but I leave judgment to the people and the lord and here I conclude the letters I have
          written in this regard. Although I have to also share this with the head of the judiciary and
          tell him that he must not be influenced by outside forces and pressure in his judgment and
          to disregard justice. Because compared to his two predecessors, he has an advantage and
          that is being the son of the great Ayatollah Mirza Hashem Amoli, and the son-in-law of
          the great Ayatollah Khorasani. I hope that Ayatollah Larijani does not act in such a way
          that at the end of his term, the marja'iyat will see harm.
          [ Arabici The Lord Almighty knows the essence of all things
          Mehdi Karrubi

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