Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

Life and Death: Survivor Accounts from Iran’s Kurdish Regions Post-Revolution

(July 1, 2014) – This witness statement compilation serves as a companion package to Haunted Memories: The Islamic Republic’s Executions of Kurds in 1979, a detailed account of the unlawful summary trials and executions that took place in the Kurdish regions of Iran in August and September 1979.

These witness accounts of executions of juveniles, health workers and others demonstrate that no one was beyond the reach of the orders of Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhali, who served as the head of the newly-formed Islamic Revolutionary Court at the time. Also known as “The Hanging Judge”, Khalkhali is reported to have ordered the executions of hundreds, and possibly thousands, of individuals during his judicial career, often following “trials” of a summary nature lacking due process safeguards and in violation of fair trial rights.

Witness Statement of Abdullah Mostafa Soltani

Witness Statement of Aziz Mamleh

Witness Statement of Farhad Sarhangi

Witness Statement of Farkhondeh

Witness Statement of Gelawij Heidari

Witness Statement of Hamed Saati

Witness Statement of Heshmat Mostafa Soltani

Witness Statement of Mother Shaheed

Witness Statement of Maruf Kabi

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