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Official Journal of the European Communities — European Parliament — 1980/1981 session

          • • !SSN O37S49g
          Official Journal C 265
          Vnlumc 23
          of the European Communities 13 October 1980
          English edition Information and Notices
          Contents Information
          European Parliament
          1980/1981 session
          Minutes of the sitting of Monday, 15 September 1980
          1. Resumption of session I
          2. Composition of committees 1
          3. Request for the waiving of parliamentary immunity
          4. Petitions 2
          S. Documents received 2
          6. Texts of treaties forwarded by the Council S
          7. Authorization of reports — Referral to committee 8
          8. Statements on motions for resolutions Docs. 1-602/79,. 1-589,79, 1-591/79, 1-680/79,
          1-682/79/rev., 1-686/79, 1-690/79, 1-707/79, 1-771i79, 1-841/79, 1-21/80, 1-81/80,
          1-93/80, 1-114180/rev., 1-123/80, 1-153/80. 1-170/80, 1-185/80, 1-481/79, 1-123/80,
          1-803/79, 1.17/80 and 1-838/79 S
          9. Urgent debate 10
          10. Order of business 10
          11. Speaking time 12
          12. Deadline for tabling amendments 13
          13. Action taken by the Commission on the opinions and proposals of Parliament 13
          14. Question Time
          Questions to the Commission 14
          IS. Urgent debate iS
          16. Agenda for next sitting 15.
          Minutes of the sitting of Tuesday, 16 September 1980
          1. Approval of minutes 6
          I 2. Decision on urgency 16
          3. World hunger (debate) 17
          4. Composition of committees 17
          S. World hunger (continuation of debate) 17
          6. Urgent debate 18
          7. Withdrawal of a motion for a resolution 18
          8. Agenda for next sitting 18
          Minutes of the sitting of Wednesday, 17 September 1980
          1, Approval of minutes 20
          2. Documents received 20
          3. Decision on urgency 21
          4. Official welcome 22
          S. Regulations concerning the structure problems affecting the United Kingdom and setting up a
          financial mechanism (debate) 22
          Price: £ 240, £ hi 280 (Continued overleaf
          Conten (continued) 6. Human rights in Poland (debate) . 22
          7. Deadline for tabling amendments 23
          8. Human rights in Poland (continuation of debate) 23
          9. Situation in Turkey (debate) 23
          10. Urgent debate 24
          ii. Question Time
          Questions to the Council 24
          Questions to the Foreign Ministers meeting in political cooperation 25
          12. Agendafornextaitting 26
          Minutes of the sitting of Thursday, 18 September 1980
          1. Approval of minutes 27
          2. Documents received 27
          3. Derision on urgency 27
          4. World hunger (continuation and conclusion of debate) 28
          — Resolution on the European Community's contribution to the campaign to eliminate
          hunger in the world 37
          S. Composition of Parliament 45
          6. Conduct of proceedings 45
          7. Opinions on the proposals for:
          I. a Regulation instituting supplementary Communty measures to contribute to the solution
          of the principal structure problems affecting the United Kingdom and hence to the
          convergence of the economies of the Member States of the Community
          II. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1172/76 of 17 May 1976 setting up a
          financial mechanism 47
          8. Resolution on human tights in Poland 53
          9. Resolution on the events in Turkey 55
          10. Verification of credentials 56
          11. Regional development programmes (debate) 56
          12. Speaking time 56
          13. Calendar of part.sessions 56
          14. Regional development programmes (continuation of debate) 57
          15. Agenda 57
          16. Regulation concerning support for projects to exploit alternative energy sources (debate) ... 57
          17. Urgent debate 57
          18. Directives ott the fuel consumption and the engine power of motor vehicles (debate) 58
          19. Directives on safety belts and the interior fittings of motor vehicles (scheduled to he taken
          without debate) 58
          20. Directive on insurance contracts (debate) ¶3
          21. Use of appropriations available under Section I II of the general budget (debate) 59
          22. Discharge to be granted to the Management Board of the European Centre for the Develop.
          merit of Vocational Training for the implementation of its appropriations for 1975, 1976.
          1977 and 1978 (debate) 59
          23. Agenda for next sitting 59
          Minutes of the sitting of Friday, 19 September 1980
          1. Approval of minutes 67
          2. Documents received 67
          3. Composition of committees 68
          4. ACP EEC Consultative Assembly 68
          S. Derision on urgency 68
          6. Regulations on the flax and hemp sector (debate) 69
          7. EEC emergency aid for Martinique and Guadeloupe devastated by Hurricane A.lleri (debate) . 70
          8. Fisheries policy (debate) 70
          9. Resolution on regional development programmes 71
          10. Opinion on the proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 726/79 as regards
          the granting of financial support for projects to exploit alternative energy sources 73
          ii. Opinion on the proposals for:
          1. a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the fuel
          consumption of motor vehicles
          II. a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relatine to the engine
          power of motor vehicles 76
          (Continued on inside back cover)
          Contents (continued) O IfllOfl n• h ° proposals for:
          1. a Directive amending Council Directive 77/541/EEC on the approximation of the laws of
          the Member States relating to caI,r belts and restraint t)'steIns of motor vehicles
          11. a Dircuise am ihling Council J)ireitivc 76115/EEC on tht' arrr / i ti,,it of the b vs of
          the Member Statet relating so anchorages for motor vehicle safety belts -
          III. a Directive amending Council Directive 74/408/EEC on the approximation of the laws of
          the Member States relating to the interior fittings of motor vehicles (strength of seats and
          of their anchorages' 77
          13. Opinion on the proposal for a Directive on the coordination of laws, regulations and adminis-
          trative provisions relating to insurance contracts 80
          14. Resolution on the use of appropriations available under items 1300 and 2400 of Section III
          of the general budget. of the European Communities 90
          is. — Decision on the discharge to be granted to the Management Board of the European Cen-
          tre for the Development Board of Vocational Training in respect of the implementation
          of its appropriations for the financial years 1975, 1976, 1977 and 1978 and on the re-
          ports of the Audit Board and of the Court of Auditors 91
          — Resolution containing the comments accompanying this Decision granting a discharge to
          the Management Board of the Europeais Centre for the Development of Vocational
          Training in respect of its revenue and expenditure accounts for the financial years 1975,
          1976, 1977 and 1978 92
          16. Opinion on the proposals for:
          1. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1308/70 on the common organization
          of the markct in flax and hemp
          II. a Regulation on the measures encouraging the use of flax fibres for the 1980/81 and
          1981/82marketingyears 95
          17. — Resolution on EEC emergency aid for Martinique devastated by Hurricane Allen 95
          — Resolution on Community aid to the Departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe devas-
          tated by Hurricane Allen 96
          — Resolution on Community aid to the Departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique devas-
          tated by Hurricane Allen 97
          18. — Resolution on the crisis in the European fishing industry 99
          — Resolution on the common fisheries policy 100
          19. Resolution on the persecution of members of the Bahai community in Iran 101
          20. Resolution on the events in Bolivia 102
          21. Resolution on protecting the site of Tyre 104
          22. Resolution on the termination of Mrs Maria Antonietta Macdocch's appointment with the
          French University 105
          23, — Resolution on the urgent introduction of social aid measures for workers in the iron and
          steel industry 106
          — Resolution on the crisis in the iron and steel industry 107
          24. — Resolution on the sentencing to death of Mr Kim 108
          — Resolution on the sentencing tO death of Kim Dae Jung 109
          25. Resolution on the Adams ease 109
          26. Resolution concerning the non-uniform interpretation by the Member States of Regulation
          (EEC) No 1408/71 110
          27. Dates for next part-session 11, 1
          28. Approval of minutes 111
          29. Adjournment of session 111
          No C 265/10
          Official Journal of the European Communities
          13. tO. 80
          Monday 15 September 1980
          resolution fell within the terms of reference of
          the Legal Affairs Committee which had already
          been asked for an opinion).
          Parliament took note of this announcement.
          9. Urgent debate
          The President announced that she had received:
          — a request from the Council for urgent debate
          pursuant to Rule 14 in respect of two proposals for
          Regulations on the flax and hemp sector (Doc.
          The request for urgent debate was justified by the
          deadlines for entry into force of these regulations..
          — amodon for a resolution from Mr Clement, Mr
          Debré, Mr Arisquer, Mr Buchou, Mrs Chouraqui,
          Mr .Deleau, Mr Doublet, Mrs Dienesch, Mr Fanton,
          Mr Gillot, Mr Israel, Mr Poncelet, Mr Rernilfr, Mrs
          • Weiss,. Mr de Ia Malène, Mr Cronin, Mr Davem,
          Mr Flanagan, Mr Lalor, Mr Nyborg, Mrs Ewing
          and Miss de Valera with request for urgent debate
          pursuant to Rule 14 on EEC emergency aid for
          Martinique, which has been devastated by
          Hurricane Allen (Doc. 1-362/80)
          a motion for a resolution from Mr Sable, Mr
          Combe, Mr Nord, Mr Berkhouwer, Mrs Scrivener,
          Mrs Nielsen, Mr Pintat, Mr De Clerq, Mrs Martin.
          • Mr Haagerup, Mr Harnilius, Mr De Gucht, Mrs
          Pruvot, Mr Inner, Mr Delatte, Mr Delorozoy, Mr
          Galland, Mr Calvez, Mr Jurgens, Miss Fiesch, Mr
          • Bangemann, Mr Geurtsen, Mr Baudis,,Mr Cecovini,
          Mr Nielsen, Mr Damseaux and Mr Beyer de Ryke,
          on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group and
          Mr d'Ormesson, Mr Simonnet, Mr Bersath, Mr
          • Michel, Mr Vergeer, Mrs Rabbethge and Mrs
          Cassanmagnago Cerretti on behalf of the. Group of
          the European People's Party (CD Group), with
          request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 on
          • Community aid to the Departments of Martinique
          and Guadeloupe devastated by Hurricane Allen
          (Doc. 1-377/80)
          — a motion for a resolution from Mr Lalor and Mr
          • Israel on behalf of the Group of European
          Progressive Democrats, and Mr Scott-Hopkins on
          behalf of the European Democratic Group with'
          request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 on
          the persecution of the members of the Bahai
          community in Iran (Doc. 1-372/80/rev.)
          — a motion for a resolution from Mrs Castle and Mr
          Lomas on behalf of the Socialist Group, with
          request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 on
          the violation of human rights in Chile (Doc.'
          — a motion for a resolution from Mr Glinne, Mrs van
          den Heuvel, Mr Estier, Mr Enright, Mr Hänsch, Mr
          Pelikan and Mr Radoux on beha of the Socialist
          Group, with request for urgent debate pursuant to
          Rule 14 on the political siruation in Poland (Doc.
          — a motion for a resolution from Mr Glinne, Mrs
          Wieczorek-Zeul and Mr Van lvtiert on behalf of the
          Socialist Group and' Mr Klepsch on behalf of the
          Group of the- European People's Party (CD Group)
          with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14
          on the events in Bolivia (Doc. 1-381/80).
          The reasons supporting these requests for urgent debate
          were contained in the documents concerned.
          She announced that, pursuant to Rule 14 (‘1), second
          subparagraph, the vote on these requests . for urgent
          debate would be taken at the beginning of the next
          day's sitting.
          10. Order of business.
          The President stated that the draft agenda for the
          present part-session, drawn up by the enlarged Bureau
          pursuant to Rule 12, had been distributed.
          She announced that she had received from the Group
          for the Technical Coordination and Defence of
          Indepetident Groups and Members a proposal for an
          amendment to the agenda, pursuant to Rule 12 (2), to'
          delete the report by Mr Ferrero on world hunger (Doc.
          1-341/80) from the agenda.
          Mr Klepsch spoke- on behalf of the Group of the,
          European People's Party (CD Group):
          No C 265/16 Official Journal of the European Communities 13. 10. 80
          (The sitting was opened at 9 a.m.)
          These three motions for resolutions were entered on the
          agenda for the sitting on Friday, 19 September 1980.
          — Motion for a resolution by Mr Lalor and Mr Israel,
          on behalf of the Group of European Progressive
          Democrats, and Mr Scott-Hopkins, on behalf of the
          European Democratic Group, on the persecution of
          the members of the Bahai community in Iran
          (Doc. 1-372/80/rev.).
          Mr Lalor spoke -
          Mr Klepsch proposed that Parliament postpone until
          the next day the Vote OQ the urgency of the motions for
          resolutions on the Bahai community, the violation of
          human rights in Chile (Doc. 1-378/80), the political
          situation in Poland (Doe. 1-379/80) and the events in
          Bolivia (Does. 1-381/80 and 1-385/80), to enable the
          groups to consult and table joint resolutions if
          Mr Lalor agreed to this procedure, while Mr Glinne, on
          behalf of the Socialist Group, agreed that the same
          procedure be applied to the motion for a resolution
          Doe. 1-378/80.
          Mr Pannella spoke.
          On behalf of the Socialist Group, Mr Glinne agreed that
          the procedure proposed by Mr Klepsch should also be
          applied to motion for a resolution Doe. 1-379/80;
          however, he did not feel it was necessary to apply it to
          the situation in Bolivia
          — Motion for a resolution on the situation in Bolivia -
          by Mr Glinne and others, on behalf of the Socialist
          Group, Mr Klepsch, on behalf of the Group of
          the European People's Party (CD Group)
          (Doe. 1-381/80) and Mr Fanti and others, o behalf
          1. Approval of turnutes
          The minutes of the previous day's sitting were adopted
          with an amendment by Mr.Panneila.
          2. Decision on urgency
          The first item on the agend4 was the decision on the
          • urgency of two proposals for regulations and nine
          • mo ons for resolutions:
          — Motion for a resolution on the market in flax and.
          hemp (Doe. 1-134/80).
          Urgent procedure was adop reeL
          This item was entered on the agenda for the sitting on
          Friday, 19 September.
          — Motions for resolutions on emergency aid for
          • Guadeloupe and Martinique devasted by Hurricane
          Allen tabled by Mr Clement and others
          (Doe. 1-362/80), Mr Sable and others, on behalf of
          the Liberal and Democratic Group, and
          Mr d'Ormesson and others, on behalf of the Group
          • of the European People's Party (CD Group)
          (Doe. 1-377/80). and Mr Verges and others, on
          behalf of the Communist and Allies Group
          • •. (Doe. 1-384/80).
          Mr Scott-Hopkins spoke on the distribution of
          On a proposal from the President, Parliament took a
          single vote on the urgency of these three motions for
          resolutions which all dealt with the same subject.
          Mr Clement and Mr Verges spoke.
          • •, •.. Urgent procedure was adopted..
          No C 265/20
          Official Journal of the European Communities
          13. 10. 80
          17 SEPTEMBER 1980
          (The iitting was opened at 9 a.rn.)
          1. Approval of minutes
          Mrs Bonino and Mr Pannella spoke.
          The minutes of the previous day's sitting were
          2. Documents received
          The President announced that he had received:..
          (a) from the committees, the following report:
          — second. report by Mr Blaney, on behalf of the
          • Committee on Agriculture, on the proposals
          from the Commission of the European
          Communities to the Council (Doc. 1-134/80)
          I. a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC)
          • No 1308/70 on the common organization of
          the market in flax and hemp
          IL a Regulation on the measures. encouraging
          - the use of flax fibres for the 1980/81 and
          1981/82- marketing years
          (Doc. 1-389/80);
          (b) The following motions for resolutions, tabled
          pursuant to Rule 25:
          — motion for a resolution by Mr Langes, Mr
          Klepsch, Mr Vergeer, Mr Macario, Mr Janssen
          • van Raay, Mr Estgen, Mr Pflurnlin, Mr Herman
          and Mr O'Donnell, on behalf of the Group of
          the Europe-an People,'s Party (CD Group), on the
          choice of Olympia as the permanent site of the
          Olympic Games (Doc. 1.386/80)
          which had been referred to the Political Affairs
          Committee as the committee responsible, and to
          the Committee on Youth, Culture, Education,
          Information and Sport and the Committee on
          Budgets for opinions;
          — motion for a resolution by Mr Pannella,
          Mrs Bonino and Mrs Macciocchi, on the
          situation in Poland (Doc. 1-387/80)
          which had been referred to the P titical Affairs
          Committee; . . .
          — motion for a resolution by Mrs Cressori, Mrs
          .Boudy, Mr Delmotte, Mr Sutra, Mrs Vayssade,
          Mrs Fuillet ar Mr Didó, on behalf of the
          Socialist Group, on control of the use of
          oestrogens and anabot.ic steroids in feedingstuffs
          for calves (Doc. 1-391/80) -
          which had been referred to the Committee on
          Agriculture as the committee responsible and to
          the Committee on the Environment, Public
          Health and Consumer Protection for an-.
          — motion for a resolution by Mr Delarte on the
          adjustment of the common agricultural policy
          (Doc. 1.393/80)
          which had been referred to the Committee on
          Agriculture as the committee responsible and to
          the Committee on Budgets and the Committee
          on Development and Cooperation for opinions;
          — motion for a resolution by Ms Clwvd, Mr Didó,
          Mr Hume, Mr Albers, Mr Kavanagh,
          • Mrs Desmond, Mrs Sa!isch; Mr Peters,
          Mrs Vayssade, Mr Oehler, Mrs Krouwel-VIam,
          Mrs Viehoff, Mr Abens and Mr Vernimmen on
          a Community programme for the aged
          (Doc. 1-394/80)
          which had been referred to the Committee on
          Social Affairs and Employment as the committee
          responsible and to the Committee ott Youth,
          Culture, Education, Information and Sport and
          to the. Committee on Budgets for opinions.
          13. 10. 80
          Official Journal of the Europcan Communities
          NoC 265/21
          ‘Wednesday, 17 September 1980
          3. Decision on urgency
          The next item was the decision on the urgency of a
          number of motions for resolutions:
          — motions for resolutions by Mr Penders and others
          (Doc 1-390/80) and by Mr Lab ,- and Mr Israel, on
          behalf of the Group of European Progresin 'e Democrats,
          - Mr Klepsd and others, on behalf of the Group of the
          European People's Parry (CD Group) and Mr Scqtt-
          I-Iopkin .s and others, on behalf of the Eropean Democratic
          Group (Doc. 1-397/80), on persecution of the Bahais
          in Iran,
          The President announced that motion for a resolution
          Doc. 1-372/80/rev, had been withdrawn.
          On a proposal by the President, Parliament decided to
          take a single vote on the urgency of these two motions
          for resolutions which dealt with the same subject.
          Mr Glinne spoke, adding his name on behalf of the
          Socialist Group to that of the other signatories of
          motion for a resolution Doc. 1-397/80.
          Mr Klepsch withdrew motion for a resolution
          Doc. 1-390/80 on behalf of its authors.
          Mr Bangemann spoke, adding his name on behalf of the
          Liberal and Democratic Group to motion for a
          resolution Doc. 1-397/80.
          Mr Lalor and Mr Chambeiron spoke.
          Urgent procedure was adopted.
          This motion for a resolution was placed on the agenda
          of Friday, 19 September.
          — Motion for a resolution by Mrs Castle . and
          Mr Lomas, on behalf of the Socialist Group, on
          violation of human rights in Chilr (Doc. 1-278/80)
          Mr Klepsch spoke on behalf of the Group of the
          European People's Party (CD Group).
          ,Mr Glinne spoke, pointing out that there was a revised
          version of this motion for a resolution.
          On a proposal by Mr kndt, ‘Parliament ‘decided to
          postpone the vote on urgency to the next morning to
          allow the revised version to be distributed.
          — Motions for resolutions by Mr Glinne.
          Mrs Wieczorek-Zeul and Mr Van Miert, on behalf
          of the Socialist Group, Mr Klepsch and
          ‘Mr Blumenfeld, on behalf of the Group of the
          European People's Parry (CD Group), Mr
          Fergusson on behalf of the European Democratic
          Group, and Mrs •Carettoni Romagnoli and
          Mr Berkhouwer, on behalf of the Liberal and
          Democratic Group, on events in Bolivia
          ‘(Doc. 1-381/80/rev.) and by Mr Fanti and others,
          on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group, on
          • relations between the EEC and the new regime in
          Bolivia (Doc. 1.385/80)
          On a proposal by, the President, Parliament decided to
          take a single vote on the urgency of these two ‘motions
          for resolutions which dealt with the same subject.
          Mr Pranthere spoke.
          Urgent procedure was adopted.
          This item was placed on the agenda for Friday,
          19 September.
          —“Motion for a resolution by Mr Beyer de Ryke and
          ‘others on protecting the site ‘of Tyre
          ,(Doc. 1.3 88/80)
          Mrs Leroux and Mr Beyer de Ryke spoke.
          Urgent procedure was adopted.
          This motion for a resolution was placed on the agenda
          for Friday, 19, September.
          — Motions for resolutions by Mr Fanti and others on
          the coup d'etat in Turkey (Doc. 1-392/80) and by
          Mr Glinne, on behalf of the Socialist Group,
          Mr Klepsch, on behalf of the European People's
          Party (CD Group) and Mr Bangemann, on behalf of
          the Liberal and Democratic Group, on ev,ents in-
          ‘Turkey (Doc. 1-3 96/80).
          Mr Lomas spoke.
          Mr Frischmann spoke.
          No C 265/100 Official Journal of the European Communities 13. 10. 80
          Friday, 19 September 1980
          on the common fisheries policy
          The European Parliament,
          — having regard to the complexity of the issues raised by the crisis in the European fishing
          industry, in which geographical, legal, technical, economic and social factors are
          having regard to the scale of the present difficulties the need to adapt the management
          of fishing companies to the requirements of our age and the practical situation of a
          number of fishermen,
          — whereas the crisis in the European fishing indusny has recently given rise to industrial
          unrest in the Member States.
          — 1. Calls on the Council to inform it of the state of progress on the fisheries question
          following moves by the Member States to encourage the Commission to speed up
          • implementation of the Common fisheries policy and a review of the organization of the
          market in fisheries products;
          2. Wishes to b apprised of the likely timetable of meetings of the Council of Ministers
          • responsible for fisheries from the present time to the end of the year, and of the measures it
          proposes to take to overcome the rigid positions taken by some Member States on the
          • allocation of the total authorized catch for the sot main species of fish;
          3. Calls on the Council to fulfil its undertakings given on 30 May 1980 to reach an
          agreement by 30 December 1980;
          4. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and governments of the
          Member States.
          19. Persecution of members of the Bahai community in Mr Hahn, tvtr Provan, Mr Natali, Vice-President of the
          Iran (debate and vote) Commission, Mr Romualdi and Mrs Dekker.
          The President declared the debate closed.
          Mr Israel introduced the motion for a resolution that
          had been tabled by Mr Lalor and himself, on behalf of Moving on to the vote on the motion for a resolution,
          the Group of European Progressive Democrats, Mr Parliament first adopted the preamble and paragraphs 1
          Glinne and Mrs van den Heuvel, on behalf of the to 4.
          Socialist Group, Mr Klepsch, Mrs Cassanmagnago
          Cerretti, Mr Vergeer and others, on behalf of the Group After paragraph 4, Mr Hord, Mr Harris and Mr Tyrrell
          of the European People's Party (CD Group), Mr. had tabled amendment No 1 seeking to insert a new
          Scott-Hopkins, Mr Purvis, Mr Prag and others, paragraph.
          behalf of the European Democratic Group, and Mr
          Bangemann and Mr Berkhouwer, on behalf of the Amendment No 1 was adopted.
          Liberal and Democratic Group, ott the persecution of
          members of the Bahai community in Iran (Doc. Parliament adopted paragraph S.
          The following gave explanations of vote; Mr
          Papapietro, Mr Prag, Mrs Kellett-Bowman and Mr
          The following spoke:. Mr Habsburg, ott behalf of the Harris.
          Group of the European People's Party (CD Group), Mr
          Purvis, on behalf of the European Democratic Group, Parliament adopted the following resolution:
          • • - j, ,
          13. 10. 80 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 26S/101
          - Friday, 19 September 1980
          on the persecution of members of the Bahai community in iran
          -The European Parliament,
          — recalling its unfailing attachment to the international protection of human rights,
          — recognizing in particular the need to protect the rights of religious minorities in all
          — concerned at the systematic campaign of persecution directed in Iran against the
          300 000 members of the Bahai community (the biggest religious minority in Iran) and
          the accompanying violations of fundamental human tights, in particular:
          (a) the refusal of any legal protection to the Ba}iai minority,
          (b) the summary arrest, detention and execution of leaders of the Bahai community,
          (c) the confiscation or destruction of the resources and means of subsistence of the Bahai
          and the arbitrary dismissals or refusals to employ Bahais,
          (d) the threats and acts of violence against the Bahais in an attempt to force them to
          repudiate their faith,
          1. Condemns the violation of the human rights of all religious minorities in Iran, more
          particularly the members of the Bahai faith whose rights as a religious minority are not
          recognized by the Iranian constitution;
          2. Calls upon the Government of Iran to grant the Bahai community the legal recognition
          and protection to which all minorities are entitled -under the provisions of the various UN
          pacts and convention on human rights;
          3. Also condemns the illegal measures taken against Catholic and Anglican leaders and the
          execution of leading members of the Jewish community; -
          4. Calls upon the Foreign Ministers of the European Community meeting in political
          cooperation to make urgent representations to the Iranian authorities to put an end to the
          persecution of the members of the Bahai community, and to allow them to practise their
          religion freely and enjoy all civil, political, social, economic and cultural tights;
          S. Requests the Commission and Council to impose an embargo on all sales of surplus
          agricultural products to iran where subsidies by European taxpayers are involved until full
          human rights are restored to Iranian citizens; -
          6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, Commission, the
          -Foreign Ministers meeting in political cooperation, to the Government of Iran, to the -
          Governments and Parliaments of the Member States and to the Secretary-General of the
          - United Nations. -
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