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Opinion and commentary by the Baha’i office of public affairs (8/29/1983)

          ThF CHRISTIAN SCiENCE p/C! .
          Readers write
          Your cdi Wrial “Iran's persecution of Ba-
          hais'' (July 14) is particularly timely, pub-
          lished as the violence of the attacks on the
          liahais in !ran is escalating. In the wake of
          the June hangings of 17 liahais — 7 men and
          10 women, including 3 teen-age girls — two
          nationally prominent Bahais were -abducted
          in Tehran; and in the northern village of Ival
          over 130 men, women, and children were at-
          tacked, driven from their homes, and forced
          to flee into the surrounding forests. The130
          Bahais were set upon by mobs after three
          days' confinement and starvation failed to
          force them to deny their beliefs and convert to
          The two kidnappings are reminiscent of
          the earlier “disappearance” of 14 nationally -
          prominent Bahais three years ago. In all,
          eases the government denied any responsibil-
          ity or knowledge of the whereabouts of the Ba-
          hais. and it has refused to investigate.
          Hangings, abductions, and mob attacks.
          however, represent only the more dramatic
          kinds of persecution. There are, as the edito-
          rial ‘mentions, other acts of oppression
          against the Bahai faith: the imprisonment of
          hundreds of Bahais on spurious charges; the
          bulldozin'g of Bahai holy places, properties,
          and cemeteries; the widespread'burning and
          looting of the homes, businesses, and farms of
          Bahajs; the dismissal of Bahais from their
          jobs; the banning of Bahai meetings and reli-
          gious services; the prohibition of Bahai litera-
          ture; the denial of pensions, inheritances, and
          insurance claims; and the denial of schooling
          to Bahai children.
          • The Hojjatieh faction, mentioned in the
          1% editorial as exercising a “rising influence in
          Iran,” began 5Q years ago as the Anti-Bahal
          Society. Its enmity for the Bahai faith is well
          known and has often been at the root of cam-,
          • paigns of violence directed against the Bahais
          -since the 1930s.
          A - There is no evidence at all that the
          Khomeini regime is attempting to moderate
          the persecution of the B hais. To thq contrary
          the Ayatollah himself has pronounced the Ba-
          hais to be enemies of Islam, -m ,rIli uf
          ‘l'tie suspicion ith which the Bahais are
          vie ed comes from fundamentalist elements
          in ¶ran who, over the years. have tried to dis-
          credit the Bahai faith and led the discrimina-
          tion and violence against its adherents. The
          Bahal faith has no secret rites or rituals; it is
          virtually free of formal religious ceremony.
          The location of its international headquarters
          in Israel predates the formation of the state of
          Israel, and results from the founder of the Ba-
          hai religion, Baha'u'llah, having been ban-
          ished to a penal colony in Palestine where he
          remained a prisoner of the Ottoman Empire
          until his death in 1892.
          Wilmette, UI.
          Parks Scott
          Public Affairs Officer
          Bahal Office of Public Affairs
          IRe) ‘the editorial “Iran's persecution of
          Bahais.” I am glad that you are bringing this
          horrible situation to the attention of your
          readers. But you have been misinformed on
          one point: You mention that “the rites and
          rituals of the Bahai faith are secret”: actu-
          ally, there are no rites and rituals at all in the
          Bahai faith.
          I believe the misapprehension arises from
          the policy of the Bahais of having certain of
          their meetings open to members only. This is
          particularly the situation with the meeting of
          the Bahai community of a given area which
          takes place every 19 days. and which corre-
          sponds to “going to church” in Christianity.
          At this (spiritual) “feast,” as the Bahais call
          it, portions of their scriptures (published in
          English in the US and available to be read by
          anyone interested), are read aloud, the af-
          fairs of the Bahai community are discussed
          (in a sort of “town meeting”), following
          which refreshments are served. This “19th-
          day feast” Is open only to registered mem-
          bers of the Bahài faith for a number of good
          reasons, one of which involves the intimate
          5'.. IL-i)-, it _,•. ,ti . .4
          John Henry Ives
          A friend has called my attention to an edi-
          torial about the l3ahai persecutions in Iran.
          As a Bahai of some50 years, who has been
          and still is, very disturbed, I appreciate each
          time an organization or newspaper brings it
          to public attention. I compliment the writer
          on the unusual accuracy of the long account.
          The one inaccuracy I note states that “the
          rites and rituals of the Bahai faith are se-
          cret.” This simply is not true. The criticism
          -may have sprung to the mind of the source of
          this statement from the fact that the Bahai
          19th day feast — which provides for regular
          association of Bahais — is open only to
          Bahais. -
          Boston Christine McKay
          I am writing in response to your articles
          and editorial, as well as to a very touching
          report on the “20/20” program on television,
          regarding the terrible persecution and execu-
          tions of people of the Bahai faith in Iran.
          It is very difficult to understand how any-
          ‘one could feel justified in the harassment and
          brutal treatment of these gentle people, who,
          as I understand it, include reverent worship
          of God, service to their fellow man, universal
          peace and education, and the equality of all
          mankind as the tenets of their religion.
          Surely if enough people in the world com-
          munity speak out against such atrocities, we
          can help stop the killing and be of help and
          comfort to-these innocent people.
          Goleta, Calif. Elizabeth Dawn
          called a scene, familiar to :/mericaa -
          students, of a uiiiversitv bookstore d;
          earlier “outdated'' cd tbjii of tLttr ? .
          Sonic of the books were of course •:r'.
          edge of disintegration. However ith m i
          care many more had years of use II ft in
          Is there no way we can salvage b- .u-
          sands upon thousands of books thsp ': -: ul
          each year in this wasteful manner and st. ad
          distribute them to foreign bookstores at :‘ast
          of transportation?
          Midland, Texas Jon Davis
          GM 's ad
          The GM advertisement. “How .Mac Is
          Too Much To Drink If You're Driving?” ‘uly
          28) is just what should be on the bulletin t c ard
          of every garage, every auto sales place, every
          bar where alcohol is obtained.
          The chart, with maybe an eye-c.a:cizing
          drawing showing the effect on the ner ous
          system of persons of different weight.s of
          varying amounts of alcohol, is a must for ev-
          ery driver, whatever the age. Every person
          learning to drive a car should be given the
          A big thank you to GM.
          Charlestown, N.H. Emma A. Runt
          Bad title
          I am concerned about the title of the Iatest
          James Bond movie which is being plastered
          on many theaters in the United States this
          summer — “Octopussy.”
          Wouldn't it be wonderful if voices of pro-
          test could be heard by people about this terri-
          ble title? It should not be tolerated.
          Needham, Mass Jeanne Durkin Gerber
          ,Mo1 yrAugua&2 , ,1 9 3
          On Bahais, US books abrOad,
          - ‘devotional at niosptmere which imeeds be
          pr'e:'. 'nt when mattem's a Uecti12 the lialiat
          community are deliberated upon. hi an ' case,
          • there are no meetings in Iilch there are se-
          cret rites and rituals.
          Albany, Calif. -
          • - Letters are welcome. Only a selection
          Recycling textbooks' ‘ can be published and none individually
          I read with interest your article of July 15 acknowledged. All are subject to conden-
          concerning the availability of American pub- satiofl. Please address letters to “Reaii-
          lications in foreign stores. Immediately I re- ers write.” • B-P 0
          ‘ijrt •.-!(113 -;.i l, :t;

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