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Opposed rallies on US Embassy takeover anniversary

          11/4/2009 Press TV
          ( j WI 1L*1F TV
          Opposed rallies on US Embassy takeover anniversary
          Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:22:45 GMT
          Thousands of supporters of defeated presidential candidates, Mehdi Karroubi and Mir-Hossein
          Mousavi, have held a rally in the Iranian capital as the country commemorated the 30th anniversary
          of the US Embassy takeover.
          The main anti-government rally took place at a central square in Tehran on Wednesday, November
          4, our correspondent Leila Faramarzi reported.
          The date marks the day, in which revolutionary Iranian students in 1979 took over the US Embassy
          in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days, following the popular overthrown of Iran's
          US-backed monarch.
          The event, which was sparked after Iran's last monarch, Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, was issued a
          US visa, led to unilateral US sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Tehran and Washington have
          had no diplomatic ties since then.
          Tens of thousands of Iranians took to the streets to commemorate the day, dubbed as the national
          day of fighting global arrogance. They also decried the policy of the Obama administration towards
          the Islamic Republic.
          According to Fars news agency, meanwhile, small groups of anti-government protesters spread
          across central streets of Tehran. They, however, were dispersed by police.
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