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Persecution of Baha'is Becoming Worse (Telegraph News of Macon – 8/13/1983)

Telegraph News of Macon – 8/13/1983

MACOH, GA. TEIEGRAPHINEWS 85.04 — MACON METROPOUtAN AREA 5DDtEB v. Anne and FereydounJalali of Fort Valley Discuss Iranian Persecution of Baha’is in Recent-Interview Persecution of Bahá ‘is Becoming – Worse In Land of Their Founding, Couple Says – By Ednajackson ‘ – – -‘ Baha’is, including seven women and three – – TheBaha’ishavebeengi ,enacholceofdenying TeIenroSh ReIi9IoC writer – – – teen-age girls.” -. their faith and going ftee or dying, Fereydoun The persecution of members of the Baha’i fa [ th “In Yazd, six Baha’is have been arrested and Jalail said. “Very few have denied their faith.” in Iran, where the religion was founded in 1844, is exiled to the remote province of Baluchistan along The Iranian government has forbidden mem- intensifying, reports received by Fort Valley’s – with three other Baha’is who had been previously bars-of the Baha’i community to leave the country, – – small Baha’i community indicate, imprisoned in Yazd,” she said, Anne Jaiali said. – TwO Oaha’is who live in Fort Valley, Fereydoun – – – -. – “The government is trying to keep them there and Anne Jalali, described recent events in Iran lh’ – THE CENTRAL teaching of the Baha’is is and appear to wipe them out,” Jafali said.-”They a recent interview with the Telegraph and News, the unity of mankind, Fereydoun Jalali said. They – have attacked so many families. They have Followers of the faith have been persecuted – believe there IC only one God and that all religious – attacked (heir property. it is a general cam- since its beginning, Fereydoun Jalall Said.- He said powers and spirits spring from one God. They paign trying to destroy a community — a religious more than 20,000 of the early followers of the believe God’s purpose is for mankind to be united Community.” – – religion were martyred. – as a human race, he said. – – – There are 300,000 members of the Baha’i corn- -. – – THE PEACEFUL, law-abiding people live by – – munity in Iran. Recent attacks against them are “Some people feel man will never be united with principles that will not allow them to defend them- Only the latest episodes in abeut a four-year suc- – these wars. Baha’is believe there will be this great selves against the constant attacks from the Ira. cession of executions and arrests, the Couple uniting. These people who are giving their lives In sian government, the couple said. said, lranare saying we believe this is true,” he said. “We are forbidden by the teachings of our faith The plea of-the Baha’is is for freedom and the to react,’ Anne Jatali said. – – – MEMBERS OF the Baha’i administrative legal right to practice their religion, he said. – There are Baha’is all over the world, and most bodies iC Tehran are being hunted ahd arrested – – – — – – – of them are not Iranians and are not from the and their homes are being raided, said–Anne IN JUNE, TWO prominent Baha’is were Moslem background, Fereydoun Jalali said. Most. Jalaji. – – – – abducted in Tehran. In July, 130 RSliO’IF ‘were have not even been to Iran. But “almost all of the “Fifteen Baha’ia in Tehran and another 15 in the attacked by mobs and forced to flee their village in – Baha’is love and respect Iran because It is the suburb of Karaj ha-ye been jailed during the last northern Iran. There has been no news of their cradle of-the Baha’i faith,” he said. – – month. In addition, two Baha’ls have been jailed fate, Anne Jalali said. — – “It upholds the divihity and the truth of Muham- in MashCad, anda third-in Shiraz, where some 65 Since 11072, 142 of them have been executed and mad. And it accepts all the religions of the world Baha’is have been imprisoned since last fall, assassinated. More than 200 are imprisoned with- as individual in origin end having come from God “Shiraz was the site in June of 17 hangings of out charges in cities throughout Iran, she said, in succession to bring the word of God to man.’ L TI Ii BP000254 A’JG l i l’.li L6

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