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Prosecutor of Iran Protestors Fired

          Prosecutor of Iran Protestors Fired. CBS News'stories/2009/08/29/world/niain5273965.sltil
          TEHRAN, Iran, Aug. 29, 2009
          Prosecutor of Iran Protestors Fired
          New Judiciary Chief, a Rival of Ahmadinejad, Also Orders Investigation of
          Prisoner Abuse
          Saeed Mortazavi, who was responsible for
          the imprisonment of dozens ofjournalists
          and political activists in Tehran, and who
          led the prosecution of protestors following
          Trans disputed election, was reported fired
          today. (AP Photo/Yahid Salemi)
          after June's disputed presidential election.
          (AP) Iran's official news agency is reporting that the
          country's new judiciary chief has fifed the hardline
          prosecutor involved in the mass trial of opposition figures.
          The replacement of Saeed Mortazavi signals a shift toward
          moderation within ban's judicial system, which is now
          under the control of a rival to President Mahmoud
          Mortazavi was behind the closure of more than 120
          newspapers and the imprisonment of dozens of journalists
          and political activists.
          He also led the prosecution of more than 100 opposition
          activists charged with seeking to topple the ruling system
          The IRNA news agency said Saturday that the judiciary chief has also ordered an investigation of
          prisoner abuse.
          © MIvTIX The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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          10/19/2009 2:09 PM

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