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Raye Man Kojast? Where Is My Vote?

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          Raye Man Kolast? Where Is My Vote?
          Aftermath of Iran Elections
          Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Share
          Grand Ayatollah Montazeri Issues Statement On Protests
          A2ainst Poll Result
          In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
          The noble and oppressed Iranian nation,
          Greetings and salutation. In the recent days, I witnessed the
          exuberant and devoted endeavour and presence of you dear
          and honorable brothers and sisters -old and young, men and
          women - from all strata of society, on the scene of the 10th
          presidential campaign. During this period, the youth came on
          the scene, full of hope and in pursuit of their rights, and
          counted the days to the Due Day. That was a perfect and
          suitable opportunity for the officials of the system to take the
          best advantage of to establish the best religious, affectionate,
          and national bond with the massive stratum of youth and all
          the other strata of society.
          Unfortunately, however, the worst use was made of this best
          opportunity. Following the announcement of [ election]
          results, which cannot be accepted by anyone of sound mind -
          and, based on reliable evidence, substantial alterations have
          been made in the votes of the people - and subsequent
          protests by some parts of society against such a conduct, and
          before the eyes of these very people - who have endured the
          heavy load of the victory of the Revolution and eight years of
          an imposed war [ 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war], and resisted the
          bullets of the Shah's regime and the enemy's tanks and
          artillery, without bearing arms - and the world, and in the
          presence of the cameras of the domestic and foreign media,
          they encountered the children of these people, the defenceless
          men and women and the dear students, with full force,
          suppressing, arresting and injuring them. And now they have
          started to settle political scores with activists, intellectuals
          and progressives, and are detaining and arresting many
          Jc gLiA j
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          y iA SSti
          Jy bjj4.a
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          Do you think that elections
          are stolen?
          o Yes
          o Not Sure
          Vote Show results
          Votes so far: 1185
          Days left to vote: 11
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          Raye Man Icojast? Where Is My Vote?: Grand Ayatollah Montazeri Issues Statement On Page 2 of 5
          individuals, some of whom were among the high-ranking
          officials of the system of the Islamic Republic, without any
          Now, owing to my religious and national duty, and based on
          the verse in the Holy Koran, “Advice is of benefit to the
          believers,” I would like to give the following pieces of
          1. The distinction of a powerful government - Islamic or non-
          Islamic - is its ability to heed both similar and opposing
          views and, with religious compassion, which is a prerequisite
          of government, allow all the strata of society, whatever their
          political beliefs, to participate in the running of the country,
          instead of totally alienating them and constantly increasing
          their [ the dissidents] number. Since this government is
          known as a religious government, I fear that the conduct and
          actions of the officials may ultimately harm the religion and
          undermine the people's beliefs.
          2. The current situation and the issues that have occurred
          since the recent elections have made many people astonished
          and cynical. Based on religious and ethical teachings, the
          rulers and relevant officials are expected to demonstrate the
          trustworthiness of the government and its officials in such an
          important matter - which entails the rights of the people in
          general and to which the principle of assumption of
          innocence cannot be applied - through reliable and impartial
          means that are acceptable to both sides. In such
          circumstances, one expects the government to provide a
          rational and satisfactory response, and to eliminate people's
          doubts, cynicisms and suspicions through correct means.
          Otherwise, it will merely increase the people's cynicism
          toward the government, cast doubt on the legitimacy of the
          system and its elected representative, and undermine its
          credibility. I have emphasized so many times that the votes of
          the nation are sacred, and a government that is based on
          appropriating the votes has no religious or political
          legitimacy whatsoever.
          3. I urge all the people, in particular the youth, to pursue the
          realization of their rights with patience and grace, to maintain
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          taking couple of days off...
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          Today's Protest In Front of
          Iranian State TV
          TEHRAN, Iran ( At) —
          Thousands of protesters
          have r...
          June 16, 200Q BandarAbbas
          Protesters being arrested in
          Bandar Abbas
          j S j. 4 i j Sa : j i 4 C
          S A i L J qJ.uJJ.a .AlS U js 4fiSa
          4J S4
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          http ://raymankoj ast.blogspot. com/2009/06/grand-ayatollah-montazeri-issues.html
          Raye Man Icojast? Where Is My Vote?: Grand Ayatollah Montazeri Issues Statement On .,. Page 3 of 5
          calm and security in the country by virtue of sagacity and
          intelligence, and to refrain from aggression or any action that
          may harm their image and legitimate demand, and which
          would give an excuse to those of unfit character, who
          infiltrate the crowds, to create turmoil and disorder, and set
          people's homes and belongings on fire, in a bid to generate an
          atmosphere of fear and insecurity. So, it is essential that,
          while remaining on the scene, they [ the people] exercise total
          wisdom to allow the candidates whose rights have been
          violated to pursue their actions through legal means.
          4. I advise all the officials, as well as the military and
          security forces, to uphold their religion and not sell their
          souls; they must understand that the term “officials are
          excused [ because they are only doing their duty]” would not
          be accepted by the Almighty God on the Day of Judgement.
          They must regard the protesting youth as their own children,
          and refrain from violent and cruel actions. They must learn
          from the mistakes of the predecessors and understand that,
          eventually, those who oppress the people will receive their
          just comeuppance. In this day and age, one cannot hide the
          truth from the people through censorship, closures and
          restrictions of communication means.
          In conclusion, I beseech the Almighty God to grant success
          to all those who serve Islam and the Muslims, and honor and
          glory to the dear Iranian nation.
          May God's blessings be upon you all.
          Hoseyn Ali Montazeri
          26 Khordad 1388 [ 16 June 2009].
          Posted by Sara at 12:10 PM
          POST A COMMENT
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          http ://raymankoj ast.blogspot. com/2009/06/grand-ayatollah-montazeri-issues.html

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