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Sadegh Gheisari Held under Harsh Conditions in Fashafoyeh Prison, Forced to Sign Documents He Could Not Read




May 10, 2017

On February 19, 2018 Sadegh Gheisari, a journalist, was arrested as he was watching the clashes between security forces and Gonabadi Dervishes in Tehran. A source familiar with Gheisari spoke with IHRDC, describing the appalling situation under which he is being held.

Gheisari, who is not a Gonabadi Dervish, was severely beaten after his arrest, and he does not vividly recall what had transpired when he woke up at the detention facility of the police headquarters in Shapour Avenue. He was transferred to the Tehran Penitentiary Complex in Fashafoyeh after two days.

According to the IHRDC’s source Gheisari was subjected to serious physical abuse in Fashafoyeh. The guards put him on the floor, put their feet on his back, twisted his arm, and forced him to sign a document with his other hand. Gheisari’s glasses were taken from him and he could not read the document he was forced to sign. It is not clear what charges he might face.

In addition to the forced signature incident, Gheisari was also beaten in the head. One of his teeth has been broken. Gheisari has reported seeing blood in his urine, and he has indicated that he has developed kidney problems.

Prison guards have forced Gheisari to take pills. The source who spoke with IHRDC stated that Gheisari was forced to take ten pills at night and three pills during the day, for a total of 13 pills per day. Gheisari does not know what these pills are. He has also suffered more than twenty seizures.

The attorney who has taken Gheisari’s case has stated that due to the very large volume of detainees the Revolutionary Court has not yet registered and created case files for individuals arrested on the night of February 19, 2018. According to media reports more than 300 Gonabadi Dervishes were arrested on that night.

IHRDC’ source indicated that seventy to eighty individuals are held at one room at the same time. 


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