Saudi Arabia s Vamarn Expects Oil Price Rise T/7 1Tl h ngi ,n Toll (/ 4 on ni 1/ Mr 26 1979 ProQu st historical Ness spapcrs The /Vashmoton Post (1877 994) 16 A & u u1 bt , audi Arabia s Yarnani Expects Oil Price Rise GE/T/' A Sauch Ai ahia cul mini' ter. Sheik /hmed Zaki Yam ni said yesterday he expects oil prices to go up despite his government s at tempts to hold them in cheek Yarnani's comments came or the eve of an emergCnc) r eeting of the l3 member Organization of Pets ol um Exporting Countries here to try to halt the 01 1 ice free for all that has foIIo ed Ii an's i evolution. Meanwhile, OPEC Deputy Secretary General Fadhil Chalabi called ioi higher oil prices and a new p11CC sti 'ustui 'C up r ding hca icr, lowes quality oil because it is ii sw plus. He said that since light, better quaI ity oils hi ug a premium in the mar lcd fos then desirability, then hea ier ciudes should cojnmand a premium o encourage greater investment in the's production Kurdisli Agreement Reaclie TEHRAN—Iranian i eligious and SHLI zAKJ yA IA government leaders announced a 1 LC to a t seven paint plan to gi e more self rule to the country's Kuid .c, ho staged a bloody thi cc day ups ising last week in the westei n town of Sanandaj The plan, broadcast on Ihe national iadio, piomised the Kurds one of Iran's many minorities a say in drawing up the new constitut 1 on fiee dorn to continue the r own culture language and di ess and participation in decisions Coflei mug Iran as a whole, Countd o ii for Bhu 110 BegiH 1 AWTALP1NDI, Pakistan—Prison ofticials served former prime minis cc Zulliqar All Bhutto with a b ack was rant,” offidiahl notif ing hIm that the seven clay countdown to his execution had begun The supi ‘mc ourt refused to I % C SC J31 utto S pOflViCtiUfl br plait in' the murder of a political ri al liui years ago. Under Pakistani Ias Bhutto can sip peal for clemency to Piesident Mo ha 'mmed Zia ul Haq, the army general who oveathiew him two years a 11 o Bdt Bhutto has said he will not appcal to'Zia for mercy. I Jiaii Official Dies ROME—italy's D e p u ty Premier Ugo La Malta died in a hospital eai by Monday. He was 75 The leader of the iual Republican Party had been in a coma since early Saturda after suffering a massive brain hemos rhage. La Malfa was one of Italy's most respected politicians. He went into a coma just three days after being ap painted vice premier and ministel for economic planning in Italy's 41st gov etument since World War IL Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohib ted without permission