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Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran Not by the Secretary-General


          INITED A
          General Assembly
          2 November
          Forty—fourth session
          Agenda item 12
          Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
          ote by the Secretary-General
          The Fecretary-General has the honour to transmit to the members of the General
          Assembly the interim report prepared by Mr. Reynaldo Galindo Pohl (El Salvador),
          Special Representativ. of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation.of human
          rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in accordance with paragraph 14 of
          Commission on Human Rights resolution 1989/66 of 8 March 1989 and Economic and
          Social Council decision 1989/148 of 24 May 1989.
          89—27147 1298h (E)
          / . .
          Interim report on the lituation of human rights in the Islamic
          Republic of Iran prepared by the Special Representative of
          the Commission on Human Rights in accordanco with Commission
          r.solution 1989/66 and Economic and Social Council decision
          Paragraphs 2Uft
          I • INTRODUCTION
          OF IRA1I ,.....s.....................s...i. .... .e.e.s. .. .. .s
          A • Written communications . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . .
          B. Conversations with representatives of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .
          A • Oral information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . , . , .
          1. Witnesses presented by armed opposition groups
          2. Witnesses whose appearance was facilitated by the
          Iranian Government • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . .
          3 • Baha' i witnesses . . . • . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . .
          B • Written information • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • . . . . . . • . . .
          1. Information provided by the Iranian Government
          2. Information provided by other sources
          (a) Right to life
          (b) Right to freedom from torture or cruel,
          inhuman or degrading treatment or puni inment
          (c) Information cov' erning the situation of
          followers of the Baha'i faith
          REPUBLIC OF IRAN . . . . , . , . . . a a • • • • a a a a a a a • • • • • . a • • a • a
          1—6 4
          7—16 5
          7—14 5
          15—16 12
          17—89 13
          17—57 13
          21—43 13
          44—52 17
          53—57 19
          58—89 20
          59—62 20
          63— 9 21
          63—73 21
          74—78 23
          79—89 23
          90—96 26
          97 — 129
          CONTENTS (continued)
          Append I cei
          LtST PROVIDED Y NO 4-GOVERNMENTAL SOURCES .............................
          PROVIDED BY THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
          IV. OPENLETTERPROVIDEDBYAWITNESS..................................... 1
          1. At its forty-fifth session, the Commission on Human Rights decided, by its
          resolution 1989/66 of 10 March 1988, to extend the mandate of the Special
          Representative, as contained in Commission resolution 1984/54 of 14 March 1984, for
          a further year and requested the Special Representative to present an interim
          report to the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session on the human rights
          situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and a final report to the Commission at
          its forty-sixth session (pars. 14). In its decision 1989/148 of 24 May 1989, the
          Economic and Social Council endorsed that resolution.
          2. Previously, the Cenetel Assembly had decid d, by its resolution 43/137 of
          8 December 1988, to keep under consideration the situation of human rights in the
          Islamic Republic of Iran during its forty-fourth session on the basis of additional
          information that might be presented to the Commission on Human Rights and the
          Economic and Social Council (p&rs. 13).
          3. In compliance with paragraph 14 of Commission on Human Rights resolution
          1989/66 and in response also to the General Assembly's decision to keep the
          question under consideration on the basis of additional information, the Special
          Representative submits herewith his interim report on the situation of human rights
          in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The General Assembly welcomed the intention of
          the Special Representative to consider several issues pertaining to the legal
          system in the Islamic Republic of Iran (resolution 43/137, para. 9). In that
          connection, the Special Representative states that his final report to the
          Commission on Human Rights at its forty-fifth session included an analysis of that
          question (E/Ct4.4/1989/26, paras. 22—57).
          4. As in previous years, the interim report concentrates on oral and written
          communications with government officials and on events involving human rights in
          the Islamic Republic of Iran and their repercussions in the international sphere
          and concludes with general observations. In hia final report the Special
          Representative intends to consider more general questions, both factual and
          doctrinal, including the points of view contained in the letters from the Deputy
          Minister for Foreign Affairs transmitted on 26 June and J.2 September 1989, which
          are reproduced in this report, and the official opinions to be presented in coming
          months, particularly those relating to the application of international instruments
          such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international convent 4 .ons, as
          well as the declarations which may be made by the Government of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran before the termination of his mandate.
          5. In order to facilitate comparison, this interim report is arranged in the same
          way as previous reports, and is accordingly divided into five sections:
          introduction (saut. I), communications between the Government of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran and the Special Representative (sect. II) , written and oral
          information received by the Special Representative after the renewal of his mandate
          (sect. XII), considerations regarding opinions expressed by the Government of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran during the discussion of the it€m by the Commission on
          Human Rights (sect. IV), general observations (sect. V) and annexes.
          6. The Special Representative wishes to point out that, as in previous years, the
          intek'im report has been planned and written as the first part of the final report,
          owing to he relatively short interval between the preparation of the two reports.
          A. Written cpmmunicationi
          7. On 15 March 1989, the Chargé d'affatzes of the Permanent Mission of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office •t Geneva addressed the
          following letter to the Special Repraaentative
          “In reference to paragraphs 11 and 12 of your final report on the human
          rights sit tion in the Islamic Republic of Iran to the 45th Session of the
          Commission on Hwnan Rights, document E/CN ,4/1989/26, enclosed please find the
          English translation of the text of a letter by Mr. Saeed Shahsavandi, former
          member of the Central Committee of he ‘Mujahedin Khalq Organization' to
          Le Monde, dated 15 February 1989. Mr. Shahsavandi was captured while taking
          part in the MKO's military incursion into the territory of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran in July 1988.”
          For a summary of the letter referred to above, see paragraph 61 below.
          8. By note verbale, dated 26 June 1989, the Permanent Mission forwarded to the
          Special Representative the following etter addressed to him by
          Mr. Mohammad Hossein Lavasani, Deputy Minister for International Affairsi
          “In reference to your report No. E/CN.4/1989/26 dated 26 January 1989,
          regarding (the] situation of human rights in Iran, the Ministry of Foreign
          Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran wishes to draw your attention to the
          following observations on recommendations and suggested measures regarding the
          ‘pending problems' as itemized in paragraph 77 c.f the aforementioned report.
          “1. The Islamic Republic of Iran's extensio ' of ‘full co-operation to
          the Special Representative for a total fulfillment of his mandate,
          including a v i. it to the Country'.
          “It must be recalled that before the preparation of the final report and
          the submission of the suggestions and recommendations to the 45th Session of
          Commission on Human Rights, the Islamic Republic of Iran as an innovative
          measure, originally proposed the adoption of a consensus, instead of a biased
          and politically motivated resolution, under which t h. Islamic Republic of Iran
          would have been committed to fully co-operate with the Special Representative
          in all respects.
          “Unfortunately, however, this proposal which was aimed in all honesty at
          removing the stalemate in resolving the ‘pending problems' was simply ignored,
          only to satisfy the political motivationi of certain malignant Western
          sponsors of the resolution.
          “It is, therefore, quite strange that the nubject of Iran's full
          co-operation with the Special Representative is not only repeated here in the
          report but also recommended ‘as a matter of urgency', without even alluding in
          passing to the self-serving, obstructionist polici.s of certain sponsors of
          the resolution.
          “2. Investigating ‘all allegations of human rights violations and
          (reporting) in detail on the results of such investigation'.
          “Lists such as the one in the annex to the report No. E/CN.4/1989/26 of
          the Special Representative could very easily be prepared by any opposition
          group who bear no commitment to the Constitution and respectable values of the
          “Definitely, the Islamic Rept'blic of Iran cannot, and will not, hold
          itself committed to answering allegations originated from certain terrorist
          groups and war-time traitors who have brutally murdered, through
          self-professed terrorist as well as military operation, thousands of
          defendants of their own country and fellow countrymen, and have treacherously
          engaged in espionage activities for the enemy.
          “So long as the Commission's information is virtually based on the
          self—serving, politically motivated allegations of certain armed terrorists to
          the extent that 7 out of 8 so-called witnesses and claimants of human rights
          violations in Iran bear their membership in the armed, fifth-column group of
          hypocrites, i.e. the self-proclaimed Mujahedeen, there remains no room for
          responding to such baseless allegations. Allegations of human rights
          violations can be raised only and only after the terrorists have been excluded
          as the source of information from the fact-finding and information-gathering
          system of the Commission on Human Rights, for the very holding of meeting with
          these groups and acquiring information from them is in effect a way of
          granting recognition to terrorists and sanctioning terrorism.
          “Nonetheless, as an indication of its good-will in co-operating with the
          Special Representative, the Islamic Republic of Iran, having reviewed the list
          of names annexed to the final report, announces that 140 out of the total list
          of persons alleged to have been executed in Tehran are forgeries and virtually
          non-existent individuals, which clearly proves the information provided by the
          terrorist groups to be purely false and to have been conveyed only for
          self-serving political purposes. Needless to point out that any single
          forgery suffices to discredit the source of information.
          “3, Ensuring that ‘the prison regime conforms to international standards
          and that prisoners are not subjected to unjustified or unnecessary
          “The Islamic Republic of Iran, inspired by the exalted Islamic teachings,
          laws, and regulation, always finds itself morall:' obligated to observe
          humanitarian considerations in her treatment of prisoners and to prevent any
          ill-treatment. Tliø Islamic Republic of Iran has so far extended substantial
          efforts in the rehabilitation and personality development of the prisoners.
          “While the Israeli and South African governments , with confirmations and
          practical supports of these very sponsors of the show of adopting repetitious
          resolutions on the so-called human rights violations, relentlessly, and with
          impunity, perpetrate the most horrible tortures and the worst conceivable
          kinds of treatment in their prisons, there 3.s indeed great cause for regret to
          see that those countries which have staged the strongest campaign against
          tortures in Israel and South Africa are being accused of ill-treatment and
          torture instead of the real. culprits.
          “4. Suppressin ' ‘ill-treatment and torture, during both investigation
          and imprisor ent'.
          “The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically denies the question of
          torture of prisoners and detainees. Issw s of this sort, unfortunately, have
          frequently been presented by certain terrorist groups as first-hand
          information to the Commission and have subsequently formed the basis for the
          reports of the Special Representative and for the judgments of certain
          “As mentioned earlier, so long as armed terrorists and war-time traitors
          constitute the source of information for the Commission, such politically
          motivated allegations wi]]. not be worth considering much less responding to.
          “The punishments currently practiced in Iran under Ta'zirat after a
          verdict by court f law, as also publicly reported in Iranian newspapers,
          which have been presented by certain terrorist groups as documents of human
          rights violations, are entirely based on indisputable laws and regulations
          stipulated in the Islamic legal system. Having been derived from the Islamic
          judicial system and having met the consensus of all Islamic sects and
          persuas3ons throughout the world, they are being enforced in some other
          Islamic countries as well,
          “Under no circumstances will the Islamic Republic of Iran ever give up
          the practice of such divine laws and standards which constitute the
          fundamental tenets of the belief system among one billion Moslems in the world
          and which must duly be regarded as a credible legal system in the world.
          “5. Limiting ‘use of death penalty strictly to the most serious crimes,
          (exempting) from death penalty those under 18 years of age and
          (replacing) punishments involving torture by punishments compatible with
          international standai ds'.
          “By its divine outlook, the Islamic judicial system embodies far more
          superior values than ani other judicial system for man “nd life. The
          practical application of this system has been designed tn such a way as to
          effectively safeguard the human values in a comprehensive manner and to remove
          impediments to individual growth and exaltation for mankind.
          “Within the Islamic law, the unjustified slaying of even a single
          individual is being considered as tantamount with a cataclysm or destruction
          of the population as a whole; the Holy Quran stipulates: ‘whoever slays a
          soul, unless it be for manslaughter or mischief in the land, is as though he
          slew all men' (5 32).
          “Undoubtedly, no other syste' not even present international laws and
          standards, has ever placed such ‘&gher, exalted value on man's life.
          Imposition of death penalty in the Isla 'ic Republic of Iran, therefore, is
          permitted only and only within this divine framework for maintaining human
          values and for preserving the integrity of human society as a whole.
          “It must be pointed out that in order to limit the use of a death penalty
          many obstacles have been provided in this system, such as paying Diveh (blood
          money/restitution) and carrying out the regulation of Ghesemeh (swearing), to
          ensure that fewer people receive death penalty. The long process of
          confirming a death sentence from the lower courts to the appellate courts, the
          highest judicial court an finally to the Supreme Judicial Council consisting
          of several ce mpetent, outstanding lawyer(s].. is a further evidence of built-in
          concerns within the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran to provide
          legal guarantees for limiting death sentences. Furthermore, death penalty is
          also practiced in many other countries based on their own particular penal
          codes and judicial systems and cannot be considered as something peculiar to
          the Islamic Republic of Iran. Finally, the question of violating
          international standards by the Islamic Republic of Iran, we believe, has been
          raised not due to honest concern over justice or over violations of
          international regulations but only and only because of politically motivated
          interests of some particular states which unfortunately seek to impose their
          political hegemony in almost all international organizations. It is clearly
          observed that while certain states have frequently demonstrated their utmost
          disrespect and indifference towards international norms and standards and have
          immensely and relentlessly violated human rights, no practical action has ever
          been taken against them by appropriate international bodies. This phenomenon
          clearly indicates that the states which self-servingly spread charges of humnn
          rights violations apparently view international standards not as a set of
          values in human relations but simply as a lever of pressure to achieve their
          own political interest.
          “The Islamic Republic of Iran, in view of the aforementioned facts,
          announces that investigation of the situation of human rights in different
          countries as conducted by the Commission on Human Rights is tainted by certain
          political interests and consequently does not follow its proper, just course.
          “Nonetheless, as it has also previously demonstrated its sincerity at
          forty-third session of the General Assembly, the Islamic Republic of Iran has
          always sought to resolve this problem and to fully co—operate with the
          Commission. The Islamic Republic of Iran, in this respect, completely
          fulfilled its obligations. According recognition by the Commission to the
          false information provided by certain terrorists and armed spies; which in
          effect sanctioned their action, on the one hand, and the selective,
          discriminating approaches by the Commission as demonstrated clearly at the
          45th Session of the Commission during the adoption of the resolutions under
          item 12, on the other hand, created obstacles in the way of full co-operation.
          “The Islamic Republic of Iran is, therefore, looking forward to the
          removal of tI'. s great obstacle for laying the ground for our full cooperation.”
          9. By a note verbale, dated 26 June 1989, the Permanent Mission also transmitted
          to the Special Representative a note by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which read
          as follows:
          “In reference to your report No. E/CN.4/1989/26 concerning (the]
          situation of human rights in Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran would like to
          draw attention to the following points regarding the annexed list of names (of
          persons] supposedly executed in Iran.
          “It is quite obvious that those who commit offenses, misdemeanors, or
          felonies are punishable according to the statutory laws in each country, and,
          in our case, they have been punished according to the Islamic standards.
          “Since the judicial system in each state is enforced independently, the
          Islamic Republic of Iran, therefore, does not hold itself obliged to answer
          questions which directly violate this axiom. On the other hand, lists such as
          the one annexed to Your Excellency's report could very easily be prepared by
          any opposition group who bear no commitment toward the Constitution and the
          3stablished values in their country.
          “In this connection, it is instructive to refer to 140 forged names and
          particulars in your annexed list, who prove as false and baseless all
          allegations of your sources and which, even taken individually, suffice to
          discredit such sources. These forged names and particulars have been pointed
          out here (in the attached list) as they had appeared in the annex to your
          “ Annex
          Forged Names and Particulars of Parsons allegedly executed iji the
          Islamic Republic of Iran durir g the period of Ju1y-Se tember 1988,
          appear in the original report
          “ Pages Entries
          “22 14, 20
          “23 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 31, 34, 46, 48
          “24 12, 29, 34, 44, 55
          “25 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 30, 34, 41
          “26 1, 22, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 40
          “27 4, 8, 24, 35, 39, 42
          “28 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 26, 42, 47, 49, 50
          “29 2, 13, 17, 24, 30, 40, 42, 44, 47, 50
          “30 1, 5, 19, 20, 30, 31, 40, 49, 54
          1, 7, 9, ]2, 24, 43, 44, 50, 51, 52
          “36 3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 31, 24, 34, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51
          “37 6, 12, 17, 19, 23, 25, 26, 31, 37, 313
          “38 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 46, 47, 50
          “39 9, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31, 38
          “40 8, 9, 38, 44, 48, 49, 53
          “41 12, 13, 15, 43, 49, 50, 54, 55
          “42 10, 16, 18, 22”
          10. On 10, 12 and 13 July 1989, the Special Representative held hearings with 22
          persons who claimed to have direct knowledge and experience relating to the various
          aspects of the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
          Subsequently, the Special Representative addressed two letters, dated
          29 August ‘989 and 22 September 1989, to the Permanent Representative of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office at Geneva informing him of
          those hearings and transmitting summaries of the statements made by the witnesses.
          These summaries are reflected in section III of the present report.
          11. The letter dated 29 August 1989 addressed to the Permanent Representative read
          as follows
          “I have the honour to refer to Commision on Human Rights resolution
          1989/ 36 concerning the )human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran
          (text attached). As you know, the Commission on Human Rights dc cided to
          extend my mandate for a further year and requestt d mc to present an interim
          report P the General Assembly at its fc rty_four1h session and a fina] report
          to the C mrnission on Human Rights at its forty-sixth session. Resolution
          1989/66 was endorsed by the Economic ane Socia] Council in decision 1989/148
          of 2 May 1989.
          “Zn this connection, I should like to inform you that, during my visit to
          Geneva from 10 to 18 July 1989, I conducted, in the framework of my mandate
          under Commission on Human Rights resolution 1989/66, a series of informal
          hearings with 22 persons who claimed to have first-.)m.nd knowledge and
          experience of various aspects of the human rights situation in the Iclamic
          Republic of Iran. A summary of the allegations made in the course of these
          heari:igs will ), made available to you by the Secretariat in due rourse.
          “I would greatly appreciate receiving any information or couu. ,ents that
          your Government may wish to provide with regard to these allegations.
          “I should also like to inform you that I will again visit .zie Centre for
          Human Rights in Geneva from 18 to 22 September 1989, in conne' tion with the
          preparation of my interim report to the General . ssembly. I hope that a
          meeti 'g may be a anged between us on that occasion in order to continue our
          dia1i ,ue.”
          12. The letter dated 22 S'.,pcember 1989 addressed to the Permanent Representative
          read as followsi
          “Xn pursut.nce of my letter dated 29 August 1989, I have the honour to
          trans it herewith a summary of the allegations made in the course of the
          informal hearings I recentl conducted in the framework of my mandate under
          Commission on Human Righ-s resolution 1989/66. Thb above-mentioned summary
          reflects statements me y persons who claimed to have first-hand knowledge
          and experience of varic s aspects of the human rights situation in the Islamic
          Republic of Iran.
          “Any information, comments or observations that your Government may wish
          to provide with regard to these allegations would be greatly appreciated. In
          this connection, I should like to recall that my mandate a.' first established
          by the Commission on Human Rights in resolution 1984/54 and extended for the
          last time in reoolution 19 ' 9/66 requires me to make a thorough study of the
          human rights situation in your country based on such information as I may deam
          relevant, including comment. and materials provided by your Government, to be
          presented to the Commission at its forty-sixth session.
          “I should also like to iinform you that I shall visit the Centre for
          Human Rights from 8 to 12 January in connection with the preparation of my
          final report to the Commission. I hope that, on that occasion, a meeting may
          again be arranged between us to continue our dialogue.”
          13 By a note verba]e, dated 12 September 1989, the Permanent Mission forwarded to
          the Special Representative a letter addresbed to him by
          Mr. Mc .ainmad Hossein Lavasani, Deputy Minister for International Affairs, which
          as foLlows:
          “Before anything else, please allow me to convey to you my satisfaction
          and pleasure for your cooperation in providing necessary facilities for the
          meeting of the special human rights delegation with Your Excellency at the
          office of the United Nations. Without doubt, this meeting was materialized as
          a result of the intention of the Islamic Republic of Iran to expand
          cooperative relations with the Special Representative with a view to enlarging
          his knowledge, and the desire of ‘Iour E ccellency to obtain true and correct
          ir formation. The gro ' i that met with you was only an indicative example of
          numerous other similar cases in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In fact, the
          persons who met you were the messengers for numerot's bereaved fathers, mothers
          and wives in Iran. With the sincerest sentiments and while still suffering
          from the p 'in and distress caused by the violation of the most fundamental
          rights of their dear ones, that is, the right to life, each one of them
          revealed uLdeniable cases that demonstrated the savage nature and cruelties of
          terrorists. Naturally, the least that can be expected from the meeting idth
          you of the rei.atives of the victims of the atrocities of the terrorists and
          armed groups in Iran is the reflection of rises of violation of human rights
          and crimes vf criminal organizations in the international fora so that the
          public may become aware of the acts of violence committed by these groups.
          You heard the revelations of the families of the victims of terrorism and the
          admissions of the former members of the ‘People's Mujjehedin Organization' in
          explaining their dastardly acts, a d have also seen all the documonts.
          “You probably agree that meeting with menib rs of e terrorist group and
          receiving raise information from tiiem wou3d .‘redit to them end their
          activities, and encourage them to commit furt - r terrorist acts. Condenina ion
          of legal actions in Iran and censuring the im .tth;.)ntatiOn of Islamic
          punishment meted out to murderer: of inno,. ent presons constitute indifference
          of and disregard to pnins and ufL. rings o those whose representatives met
          with you.
          “I hope the contacts and cooperation with the Special Representative,
          which are desired by the lb.L8ffiiC Reoublic of iran, will produce desirable
          results, and will further reveal the realities and facts in Iran as well as
          the resulting adverse consequences of defending and supporting terrc Ists
          “Considering that you have become familiar with the part of the realities
          regarding the presence and the way terrorists act in Iran, we can therefore
          expect that your Excellency, as the Special Representative, will use different
          means available to you to direct the Human Rights Commission toward
          understanding and true support of human rights. Allow me to once again
          reaffirm tFie readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate with the
          Special Representative.”
          14. On 21 September 1989, the Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of
          Iran to tne United Nations Office at Geneva addressed the following letter to the
          Special Representative:
          “I iave the honoui' to communicate to you the enclosed list of 1611
          innocent people who have been martyred by the terrorist and mercenary groups
          and organizations, pr rticularly, the so-called People's Mujah• deen
          Organization (PMO).
          “I would greatly appre iate if you would consider it in your f rthcoming
          report on the situation c human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
          The above-mentioned list, is reproduced in annex III to the present report.
          B. Convarsatio with representatives
          of the Islamic Republic of Iran
          15. As the dialogue ith the representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran has
          b'oadened, communications have become quick and continuous, since contact has taken
          place not only through visits to the diplomatic offices of the Islamic Republic of
          Iran or United Nations offices but frequently by telephone. This informal and
          direct means of communication has been particularly effective as regards
          arrang0ments for the appearance of witnesses and advance announcement of activities
          relating to proceedings.
          16. On 19 and 22 September 1988 the Special Representative met with
          Ambassador Sirous Nasseri, Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran
          to the United Natior s Office at Geneva. On those occasions pending problems
          relating to the implementation of his mandate were discussed.
          A. Oral information
          17. On ‘ .0, 12 and 13 .July 1989, the Special Representative conducted hearings
          during which 22 ine&viduals described their experiences in Iraniafl prisons, their
          court appearances and their knowledge of what had happened to members of thoir
          families and other individuals. Eleven of the witnesses stated that they were
          sympathizers of the People's Mojahedin, three witnesses referred to the death of
          very close relatives through action attributed to the above-mentioned Mojahedin,
          and two of the witnesses stated that they were former militants of the Mojahedin
          organization who had given up their political mUitancy after their terms in
          prison. For reasons of security, the former militants asked that their identities
          not be revealed. Five other witnesses, who also asked that their names not be
          revealed, were Baha'is.
          18. It should be pointed out that for the first time the Government of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran sponsorbd the appearance of witnesses, whose testimony differed
          considerably from the experience reported by other witnesses who had appeared in
          pr&'vious years and the current year.
          19. The statements that follow were made by witnesses in the course of oral
          depositions. The summary of this testimony reproduces as faithfully as possible
          the language and mode of expression of the witnesses examined. The Special
          Repre entative considers that further investigation will be necessary before he is
          personally convinced of the truth of some of these statements.
          20. The summary of the testimony follows. It is divided into three subsections,
          in order to maintain the distinctions between the organizations which acted as
          sponsors of the witnesses' appearance.
          1. Witnesses presentedby armed oppositicn groups
          21. On 10 and 12 July 1989 the Special RepLesentative conducted informal hearings
          in the course of which 10 persons who claimed to have first-hand knowledge of
          various aspects of the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran
          related their experiencR. These persons described themselves as sympathizers of
          the Mojahedin organization. They were, in order of appearance before th' Special
          Representative: Mariem Torabi, Shansi Ro hanah, Shahrzad Alavi-Shah3di,
          Roghieh Jaberi, Yazdian-Azad Kobra, Chorban-Ali Torabi, Fattaneh Ayaz—Poor ,
          Zahra Sarayi and Abdel-Hamid Emami. Two witnessi s requested that thei names be
          kept confidential.
          22. All of the above-mentioned persons st6ted that they had spent from one to
          eight years in prison. All of these persons also affirmed that during their
          incarceration they had been subjected to torture and had witnessed other prisoners
          being tortured. The dates of arrest indicated ranged from 1982 to 1987. One of
          those arrested in 1982 was not released from jail until November 1988.
          23. They stated that they had witnessed prisoners being executed and tortured to
          death. They also alleged that they had not only been subjected to physical
          ill-treatment but also to psychological torture to such an extent that some of them
          had beome mentally ill. They asserted that there has been a change in the method
          of torture during the last year, psychological torture having largely substituted
          physical torture.
          24. The witnesses further stated that they had met several prisoners who had
          become demented as a result of psychological torture and were kept together with
          other prisoners in the same cells. Some of the mentally ill had been driven to
          commit uicidei others had been manacled to the carts distributing food and paraded
          in ths prison. Their cries and behaviour were used as a demoralization factor
          against other detainees. New detainees were placed with the mentally disturbed
          prisoners and in some cases the mentally ill attacked the others.
          25. During those hearings, two prison officials were charged with inflicting
          torturei Haji Davod Rashmain, warden of the Qezel-Hessar prison in Tehran, who is
          curren$1y head of the Information Bureau of the Prosecutor's Office at Evin prison
          and Asghar Ja'afari, warden of the Gohardasht prison.
          26. It was reported that, during the wave of executions in the second part of
          1988, many prisoners had seen their sentences changed to capital punishment, a
          great number of them having been tried for a second time after serving a previous
          sentence. Released pzisoners had been rearrested, tried again and sometimes
          executed. Usually the time served during preventive arrest was not taken into
          account and the pricon term became effective from the date of the sentence only.
          During the afore-mentioned wave of executions, family vtsits had been barred for
          three to four months. Some detainees were released, however, under certain
          conditions, usually a bail of about $US 25,000 and the obligation to report back to
          jail periodically.
          27. According to the witnesses, families and relatives of the executed persons
          were frequently not told the whereabouts of their places of burial and on several
          occasions, protests by families lead to further arrests. From 1988 onwards,
          several families of female political prisoners had rec4ived from administrative
          officials a certificate of marriage of their imprisoned daughters. These
          certificates concerned female prisoners who had allegedly been raped before
          28. One witness, who wished to remain anonymous, reported the arrest of a woman
          under the charge of wearing inappropriate clothing (not conforming with officially
          admitted colours, such as black and grey) and in one case, a woman who was clothed
          decently, was jailed because she had taken a taxi alone.
          29. One witness, Roghieh Jaberl, reported that she took close cognizance of the
          suicide of one person who drank cleaning fluid, of another who hanged herself and
          of a thir4 who cut her wrists. She also testified to the extreme mental and
          physical pressure brought upon prisoners who lived in the so-called “residential
          units” (non-official prisons), a part of Qezel-Hessar prison near Tehran, where
          female prisoners were submitted to psychological torture aimed at driving them mad.
          30. She also reported that throughout her five and a half years of captivity she
          had been tortured several times, the method consisting of beating aziti whipping by
          cables. She said she was put on trial twice and described the proceduke as
          follows: The first trial, during which she was blindfolded, took five minutes only
          and she was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. At the end of this term,
          instead of being released, she was tried again because she had refused to appear on
          official television. She was condemned to a further term of three years on the
          charge of beii g a resistant prisoner. She was released one year and a half after
          having served the second sentence, i.e., I the end of 1987.
          31. Mrs. Roghieb Jaberi further stated that about two months before her release a
          hunger strike took place in Evin prison in protest against the poor quality of food
          and living conditions. After her release she learned that all hunger strikers had
          been put in solitary confinement and had been tortured; some of them had even been
          executed. A few of her cellmates who were released had been arrested and shot in
          the second half of 1988. She indicated the following names of former cellmates who
          were rearrested and sentenced to death: Mariam Mohammadi, Bahman Abadi,
          Tamineh Setoodeh, Kheirieh Saffaii, Shekar Mohamma-Zadeh, Zoreh Mir-Esmaeli,
          Mahin Amadi, Zahra Saffaii, Soheila Shems-Zadeb, Mehri Rahimi, Foroozan Abdi,
          Rogieh Akberi, Ashraf Khodaii, Foroshtch Harnidi, Zahra Bijan Yar,
          Nasrin Kemal-Zadeh, and Mahnaz Karani.
          32. Another witness, who wished to remain anonymous because of the continuing
          detention of his wife and eight-year-old daughter who had unsuccessfully attempted
          to leave the country illegally, reported that his trial took a few minutes with no
          defence available. He said that he had servea five years of imprisonment and was
          released in September 1987 subject to a financial guarantee. He also reported
          the fate of several fellow prisoners as follows: Ali-Taher Jooyan 1o'.t za. a niental
          balance owing to the severity of torture and set fire to himself, c . sing serious
          injuries, which led to his death; another one, named Au Haghverdi, after losing
          his senses as a result of torture was shot in one of the mass executions of
          political prisoners. The witness further asserted that in many cases relatives of
          executed prisoners were not to1 of the burial places and on several occasions
          their protests had led to furthek arrests. He also reported having witnessed that
          persons who were about to be hanged had shouted that they were not drug smugglers
          hut political prisoners.
          33. Shahrzad Alavi Shahidi decll2red that sh was arrested in November 1981, was
          held in prison until April 1988, and left thu country in March 1989. She said that
          during her first nine months in prison she was routinely beaten and lashed, and
          when one of her feet became infected she was refused medical treatment on the
          pretext that there was no need as she would soon be executed. After nine months'
          detention without charge, she was taken to trial blindfolded. The trial took about
          five minutes and she was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment. She was
          reinterrogated in 1984 for 10 days and at that time was k,4.cked on her head. As a
          result, her left ear was severely damaged. She showed the Special Representative
          the scars left by the infected wounds on the sole of left: foot.
          34. Shahrzad Alavi Shahidi further tescified that she h. d witnessed the killing
          under torture of Sara Mokhtarzadeh, Soheila Yavarzadeh dnd Homa Mesbahi, as well as
          the torture of a 10-year-old girl in a wheelchair, whose name she did not know.
          She reported too the case of Rafat Kha]id, a female prisoner, who as a result of
          torture, including rape, became mad, was not given proper care and finally
          committed suicide hi Evin prison in November 1988.
          35. The same witness also referred to executions that she said had taken place in
          the second half of 1988. She said that she had witnessed the execution of a group
          comprising 74 prisoners. Subsequently, other groups of prisoners were taken to a
          room which had been turned into a temporary court room; there, a religious judge
          asked each prisoner the following question: “In connection with which organization
          were you arrested?” If the reply was the Mojahedin organization, the judge would
          issue immediately en execution sentence. Families and relatives of the executed
          persons were kept uninformed for lengthy periods of time. On one occasion, 200-300
          families and relatives of prisoners were invited to Evin priaon they were then
          given sweets and subsequently had to witness the execution of their relatives. In
          another case, a prisoner named Nemati who had served many years in Gohardash prison
          was waiting for his release; one day before the set date, his family was requested
          to go to the prison, where, instead of his release, they learned of his execution.
          Accor . ing to the witness, cases similar to this were numerous.
          36. Another witness, Fattneh Avaz-Poor, stated that, while in captivity in Evin
          prison in the second half of 1988, she had watched thc death under torture of two
          women named t4ariam Shaghari and Ghodsi Hava-Keshian, who had been serving prison
          terms. She said she had also witnessed the torture of a 57-year-old woman,
          arrested in 1987, and that she saw a 10-year-old girl who had to be carried in a
          wheelchair because torture had damaged her legs.
          37. Shemai Rosharani reported that when she was arrested, her interrogation took
          21 days, during which she was blindfolded l1 the time.. She stated that she was
          not told why she had been arrested and was regularly lashed with cables. Her
          five-month-old baby was with her. Several months later, he was taken away from her
          and given without her consent to her mother. Her trial by a religious judge took
          15 minutes without the assistance of a defence council. She was sentenced to three
          years in prison and the judge told her that the two years she had already served
          were not to be counted. She was released after five years of imprisonment.
          38. Ms. Rosharani also reportod the severe torture and eventual execution of a
          female prisoner, named Batul Akbari. As a result of the tort .tre, Mrs. Akbari could
          hardly walk and one of her shoulders was broken. Another female prisoner, named
          Razieh Avatollah-Zadeh Shirazi, whom the witness had known earlier, was put in
          solitary confinement. She was pregnant and was refused sufficient foods after
          giving birth, the prison guards took the baby away and told her that the baby had
          been born dead. The witness said that she had also watched the torture of another
          woman called Razieh, who was executed in 1988.
          39. Yazdian-Azad Kobra reported that in 1988 about 110 female political prisoners
          were executed in the ward of Evin prison. She also said that she had witnessed the
          execution of a number of prisoners and that the following executed women had shown
          marks of torture on the soles of their feeti Mehboobeh Kiaei, Azadeh Tabib,
          Soodabch Mnsoori, Hoorieh Beheshti-Taber and Razleh Ayatollah-Zadeh Shirazi.
          40. Another witness, Abdel-Hamid Emami, reported the names of some of his
          ceilmates who were executed in the second half of 1988 Syed Reza Mir-Karimi,
          All Akbar Ebrahim-Poor, Nejat Khatir Sameni, Feizollah Akbari, Karim Mallahi and
          Tahmoores Rahim-Nezad, and said that others had been executed more recently, such
          as Behzad Kordi, Issa Mazni, Parvia Taghi-Zadeh, Babma Eghbal Maghbooli and
          Humid Shaeri.
          41. In her deposition, Mariam Torabi reported that in August 1988 a man named
          Malek Shabani, formerly a political prisoner, was captured allegedly by government
          agents in the city of Bandar Gaz. His ‘arents and relatives frequently inquired
          from officials about his fate but no information concerning his whereabouts had yet
          been given. In addition, in the second half of 1988, Feizal Allah-Akbar, who was
          serving a sentence of eight years' imprisonment was executed a few months before
          the date of his release. The guards refused to t 'il his parents about the place of
          burial. ?4ariam Torabi also stated that another long—serving prisoner called
          Behzad Kianpoor was recently executed in the city of Bandar Gaz and that a
          political prisoner named Soltani lost his mental balance under torture and was
          subsequently released.
          42. In respect of a]).egations that political prisoners were hanged under the
          pretext of being drug traffickers, Ms. Torabi reported having witnessed several
          executions at Hashami and Monirieh Squore, Tehran, where the prisoners before being
          hanged had shouted that they were not drug trafficke .j but Mojahedin supporters.
          She mentioned in particular the cases of two brothers, one of them called
          Nasser Mohammed Tachi, and two other persons, one cf them called Hossein, who ware
          executed on charges of drug smuggling. Later Mr. Tachi's family was informed that
          “his execution had been carried out mistakenly”. The guards returned his
          belongings and informed the family of the number of the plot in the Behesht-e-Zahra
          cemetery where he had been buried. Due to the mistake, rect gnized by prison
          officials, the family received permission for a funer il.
          43. According to the testimony of several witnesses, manifestations of protest
          were handled with extreme severity. Protests about food and poor living
          conditions, which took place in autumn 1988 in Evin prison, had caused prison
          officials to react by administering daily beatings, solitary confinement, and even
          hangings. It was reported that hunger strikers named Ashraf Abmadi,
          Razieh Ayatollah-Zadeh Shirazi, Mariam (olzadeh-Ghafoori and Zohreh Einolyaqin were
          summarily tried and hanged in front of other prisoners who were forced to watch the
          executions. In Cohardasht prison, cranes had been used to hang the striking
          2. 1 jitnesses whose appearance was facilitated by
          the Iranian Government
          44. On 17 July 1989, the Special Representative conduc' ed hearings with five
          witnesses whose visit to GenGva was fa ilita ed by the Iranian Government, Three
          had suffered the loss of family members and the other twc claimed to have been
          former members of the Mojahedin organization. The ii.e requested that their names
          be kept confidential. The testimonies of these witnesses had as a common
          denominator the attribution of terrorist actions to the Mojahedin organization and
          the indication that the victims of such ections were both government officials and
          private individuals.
          45. A witness related how her son, after several death threats and attempts on his
          life, was finally assassinated by agents of the Mojahedin organization. Two years
          later, her husband suffered the same fate. Immediately after the death of her son
          and her husband, the clandestine Mojahedin radio station had claimed responsibility
          for the assassinations. Acknowledging responsibility, the Mojahedin had also
          reported these executions in one of their publicatio ts.
          46. Another person stated that his 17-year-old son hed been kidnapped. He celled
          the police to carry out investigations. One week later, three bodies were found by
          the police. One of these bodies was that of his son. He had been tortured to the
          extent that his identification was extremely Mfficu]t. The Mojahedin, in one of
          their publications, later assumed responsibility for the death of his son.
          According to the witness, the sole apparent reason ior the killing of this young
          man was his support for the Islamic revolution.
          47. Another witness described how his two sons went killed by gunfire in the
          office of one the two, a cft ntiat. He stated that the Mojahedin also took
          responsibility for the asenseination and that the reasons behind this action ware
          not clearj it could have been that his sons had treated persons who the Mojahedin
          considered as their enemies. According to the witness, these killings were also
          reported in Mojahedin pubitcations.
          48. The fourth witness dencribed himself as having formerly belonged to the
          Mojahedin organization. He said he had joined the organization because he was
          interested in participating in political activitied. Afterwards he recognized that
          the organization was solal - interested in milita action. He realized his error
          in 1360 (1981) in the month of Khordat (22 May-21 June) when, before attending a
          demonstration, he was told to he armed and use his arm at his discretion. In the
          first clash, 13 to 14 men were killed. In this incident it had become clear to him
          that the Mojahedin organization believed that through military action they could
          overthrow the Government. One of their attacks consisted of a bomb placed in the
          office of the Islamic Republic Party. Another bomb h as its target, the prime
          minister and his deputy. These acts, however, did not lead to the result the
          orgainization expected because the Government had broad popular support.
          49. The same witness stated that he had realized that, not ony were those acts
          useless, but that through random vio. ence many innocent people were killed. Once
          even a citizen of India was killed because he looked like somebody else. In 1361,
          while still a member of the organization, he participated in the kidnapping and
          torture of three persons. He estimated that about 57,000 persons were killed in
          1364 (1986) and 1365 (198 ) because of Mojahedin actions on the battlefront.
          50. The last witness stated that he would like to be acknowledged as the
          representative of the political, prisoners in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He had
          been arrested because of active support for the Mojahedin organization and
          participation before and after the Revolution in armed struggle. At the time of
          his arrest, he had commandod over 200 Mojahedin supporters. His arrest took place
          in a home used as a bace for armed operations. During the fight. the superior of
          the group was killed. Answering a question, he advised that he was tried after a
          few months in prison and that he could have had legal counsel but he chose not to
          do so, as he recognized he was guilty of the criminal charges against him. When he
          was released, the sole condition imposed was to report once a month to the prison.
          Replying to further questions, he stated that his family did not suffer harassment
          and that his home had not been pillaged. His personal experience derived from his
          detention in Evin and Ghesil Hesar (Koralli) prisons.
          51. He indicated that he would concentrate his testimony on three main issues:
          executions and punishment., treatment of prisoners and facilities and education in
          prisons. He stated that, according to his experience, persons guilty of murder as
          a rule would be executed. He had encountered in prison persons who had
          paEticipated in various killings. One of them was Mehdi Fatha, a member of the
          military operations of the Mojahedin. This man acknowledged that he had
          participated in four killings and that when 3rrested he was in possession of two
          hand grenades.
          52. According to his experience and judgement, treatment in Iranian prisons was by
          and large humanitarian, especially in regard to female prisoners. Difficulties
          with guards were taken carcs of by officers, generally in the framework of general
          discussions with the staff. The conditions in prisons were similar to the genera].
          living conditions in the country, which were characterized by certain shortages due
          to the war. The treatment given to prisoners, in particular, with regard to
          sanitary and educational facilities, was the same as that enjoyed by the entire
          Iranian society. He stated that in some ways inmates often had better facilities
          than the rest of the civilian population, especially with regard to food supply,
          which at times had become problematic because of the war.
          3. Baha'i witnesses
          53. Five of the persons appearing before the Special Representative were Baha'is.
          They requested that their identity not be revealed. All of them described
          persecution and harassment to themselves and their families, such as denial of jobs
          and professional education and confiscation of property solely on religious
          grounds. Imprisonment for participating in Bah'i activities was reported to last
          as long as five years. All witnesses described brutal arrest, accompanied by
          searches of their homes and confiscation of goods, including religious objects and
          54. Usually arrest was followed by physical and psychological torture. Mock
          executions were frequently used method of psychological torture. Torture was used
          as an inducement to change faith, to confess links with the deposed monarchic
          régime or to confess spying for the benefit of foreign Powers. One of the
          witnesses related how his father was sentenced to death by the presiding judge;
          however, the verdict was later changed by the Supreme Council in Tehran to 10 years
          in exile. A relevant document was submitted to the Special Representative.
          55. One person affirmed that he had witnessed a man of Baha'i faith die under
          torture, whereas the authorities had reported his death as suicide. Another person
          testified that Mr. Tolou , an interrogator especially assi ned to the interrogation
          of Bah'ls, inflicted in Kerman such torture to one of the aha'i prisoners, that he
          later had to use a walking stick. Two other witnesses related how torture left
          them permanently mentally impaired. Three witnesses reported how they were beaten
          up and expelled from schools because of their faith.
          56. The confiscation of homes and other properties was reported by two witnesses.
          One woman, owing to her Baha'i faith, had her government pension withdrawn leaving
          her and her family completely destitute. Trials against Baha is continued to be
          described as extremely summary and sentences very harsh.
          57. One of the witnesses said that he had been drafted into the army despite his
          exemption due to a flatfoot. He was interrogated by the officer in charge of
          religious beliefs and was arrested after two weeks of leave at home, incarcerated
          and finally taken before an Islamic magistrate. The magistrate accused him of
          having links with foreign Powers and sent him to prison for two months. After his
          release, he was sent back to the army, interrogated again by the officer in charge
          of religious beliefs and then by the commanding officer. He was sent to the war
          front but decided to desert when another soldier warned him that he was going to be
          assassinoted in such a manner as to give the impression that he had been killed in
          B. Written information
          58. The Special Representative has continued to receive written information
          contained in documents and reports supplied to him by the Iranian Government and
          various organizations devoted to the world-wide defence of human rights, including
          non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social
          Council. The Special Representative also received more than 3,000 individual
          communications containing allegations of human rights violations in the Islamic
          Republic of Iran during the previous year. A summary of the relevant information
          1. Information provided by the Iranian Government
          59. During the discussion of human rights i' Iran, the Iranian representative
          expressed his point of view concerning the final report of the Special
          Representative before the Commission on Human Rights on 6 March 1989. On that
          occasion, the Iranian representative said that the official response to the annex
          of that report, which contains a list of persons executed during the second half of
          1988, was being prepared. Pending the complete reply, he atated that 140 names on
          that list were false, as the names of the individuals said to have been executed
          did not appear in the registers of t-hc' prisons, hospitals or even cemeteries
          investigated. That fact indicated that those individuals had not been executed but
          had died in battle during the invasion of Iranian territory in July 1988.
          60. By a letter dated 15 March 1989, the Permanent Mission of the Islamic RepubUc
          of Iran transmitted a copy of a letter dated 15 February 1989 sent by
          Mr. Saeed Shaheavandi, a former member of the Central Committee of the People's
          Mojahedin Organization to the French newspaper La Honda . Mr. Shaheavandi, a
          journalist by profession, was a member of the Central Committee of the
          above-mentioned organization from June 1985, took part in the armed incursion by
          his organization in July 1988, was taken prisoner and was spending seven months in
          prison when he wrote the letter, as he says, of his own volition and on his own
          61. According to his letter, Mr. Shahsavandi, a member of the organization for 20
          years, worked in its publicity and propaganda office and &n that capacity was
          responsible for the preparation for propaganda purposes of statements concerning 74
          kinds of torture in Iranian prisons, the violation of women prisoners, the
          extraction of blood from those sen -nced to death, the confinement of prisoners in
          small metal cAlls and their injection with morphine and other narcotics; he also
          affirmed, for the same purpose, the existence of an exaggerated number of political
          prisoners, amounting to 140,000, and alleged that 70,000 individuals had been
          executed from 1981 on. After his irnprisonmez t he realized that the reality in the
          Iranian prisons was completely different. According to him, the real number of
          political prisoners was about 3,500, of whom 2,600 had been amnestied, leaving only
          about 900; he had, moreover, learned that amnesty proceedings for that small group
          of political prisoners were in progress.
          62. While he was completing his interim report, the Government of the Islamic
          Republic of Iran transmitted to the Special Representative nine files concerni.”g
          acts ‘f terrorism and a list of individuals who had been the victims of terrorist
          acts during the past year. The list referred to is contained in annex II.
          Information on the contents of the files will be included in the final report.
          2. Information provided by other sources
          (a) Bight to life
          63. On 28 February 1989, an interview given to the Ar -language weekly
          Al Moataqbal , published in Paris, by the senior Iranian political official
          responsible for internal security, was reproduced in mojor newspapers throughout
          the world. The following statement was attributed to that officials ‘To settle
          this matter once and for all, all those who have been arrested and those who
          agitated politically during the Bakhataran campaign have b.en executed according to
          the Islamic law. They declared war on the people. Becaus. they killed, they were
          killed. All those who stated their support for the Mojahedin were •xecuted.' That
          statement was understood and commented on as meaning that the imprisoned politica3
          dissidents had been purely and simply eliminated. Three days later, the same
          official denied those statements, claiming that he had said that “many members of
          the Mojahedine Khalq organization were killed or taken prisoner during the attack
          of last July”, and attributed the statement quoted to the imagination of the
          journalist. The journalist, Hadar Assad, insisted, in turn, that his version was
          64. From January 1989 on, there were reports of many execution. for ordinary
          of fences, considerably exceeding the previous figures for executions for this
          category of offences. Some figures will provide an idea of the increase in the
          number of executions for ordinary offences. In 1988 147 executions were officially
          announced for offences such as murder, rape, aggravated robbery and drug
          trafficking. Between January and May 1989, 250 executions wire officially
          announced for those of fences, apart from drug traffickers. The executions took
          place in public and in groups and on the same day in a number of cities. For
          example, 81 executions were reported on the semi day, 27 of them in Tehran, and the
          remainder in other cities.
          65. Between January and May 1989, more than 900 executions were officially
          announced, most of them for drug trafficking. In subsequent months the Iranian
          national radio continued to announce the hanging of groups of drug traffickers, so
          that the total figure for executions may exceed 1,500 and is apparently increasing.
          66. The Iranian national press and radio reported that those •xecutions took place
          in public places, generally by hanging. An Italian journalist took a photograph
          from his hotel room of eight corpses hanging from cranes ueed for public works, and
          a Turkish newspaper published the photograph.
          67. The Iranian press and radio also reported that 26 executions took place by
          means of stoning. Fourteen of the 26 persons stoned to death were women convicted
          of adultery, prostitution or procuring. In April 1989, 12 women and three men were
          stoned to death on a football field, and apparently the spectators took part in the
          execution of the sentence. According to the law in force, as explained end
          commented on on television, the stones used must not be so large that the person
          condemned dies quickly nor so small that they cannot be considered stones.
          68. The Iranian Government his launched a campaign to eliminate drug traffickers.
          From 21 January 1989, a new law came into force which imposed the death penalty as
          the sole and mandatory punishment for individuals in possession of more than
          5 kilograms of hashish or opium, or more than 30 grams of heroin, codeine,
          methadone or morphine.
          69. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has also ta en measures to
          speed up judicial proceedings in connection with that offence, with the goal of
          reducing the interval between the cc.i mission of the crime and the ‘ iplicatiàn of
          the death penalty to no more than 10 days. The country's highest judicial
          authorit ' stated on 20 Janubry 1989 that the procedures now in effect involved long
          d 1ays and too many formalities and legal steps before the verdict could be carried
          our., and that exceptions and loopholeri should be elimin ted. He concluded by
          say ng that it was therefore necessary to expedite the trials so that they were
          over in three, four or five days, a d the de1. nquent would know that “between the
          commission of the crime and the axecr.tion of the penalty there would be a maximum
          interval of ten days”. In a statement on 10 February, ti'- same high official noted
          that the judiciary was following the new directives and the prisoners were being
          executed v,ithin a very few days.
          70. On 5 April 1989, the highest official in the Prosecutor's Office said that 313
          traffickers had been eliminated, and that on the following day 65 more would be
          ‘-.anged. Commenting on those events, the high official added that the law had been
          applied with great success, the doubts that some groups had expressed at first had
          disappeared, and consequently the executions of drug traffickers would continue
          until the last trafficker had been eliminated.
          71. The Iranian press has reported few political executions so far in 1989.
          However, many allegationr have been received that the large number of executions
          for drug trafficking masks political executions. The Special Representative has
          received information that some political executions took place in secret, including
          executions during the first months of 1989.
          72. The Special Representative has received and taken note of the followJng
          written allegations: that in Tehran, four pol tiua1 prisoners belonging to the
          People's Mojahedin organization, including a doctor, were hanged in Badeghien Plaza
          in January: that in February, seven political prison rs were hanged at Molavi
          Junction, three in Pirozzi Square, three in Haftchenar District, three in Shahpoour
          Square, and one in Hashemi Square, all People's Mojahedin; that in March, three
          other political prisoners were hanged in the Nezamabad District of Tehran and five
          more in .3ha Abdolazim Square. It is alleged that all the individuals executed were
          said to be drug traffickers when in reality they were political prisoners and were
          executed for political reasons. It has also been reported that 200 political
          prisoners executed in the city of Hamedan were falsely presented as drug
          traffickers. In some cases, the names had been given of individuals who were
          falsely called drug traffickers: Mahmo .id Jabbari, executed in Qazwin,
          Homayoun So].ati, hanged in Tehran, Ozman Baluchi, executed in Chah- har. Two of
          the witnesses who appeared before the Special Representative this year stated,
          apparently without the slightest doubt or hee3.Lation, that, while they were
          prisoners at the beginning of 1989 they saw that sr me of t1 ir prison comrades were
          listed as drug traffickers, when in reality they were political prisoners, and that
          they asserted this on the basis of direct personal acquaint” ce with those
          indiv duals.
          73. The official news agency, IRNA, reported that two persons had been executed in
          the city of Zahedan on 17 June “for plotting against national security”. From
          various sources, it has been po sib1e to draw up a list of some 1,700 individuals
          possibly executed, either for ordinary offences or for political offences. The
          sources include th family and friends of the victims and political opposition
          groups of varying tendcncies, which agree that politicc 1 executions are
          continuing. In a reply to Amnesty International, the Permanent Mission of the
          Islamic Republ 4 c of Iran in New York stated the fo1lowing “Indeed, authorities o .
          the Islamic Republic of Iran have always denied the existence of any political
          executions. But that does not contradict other subsequent statements which have
          confirmed that spies and terrorists have been executed.”
          (b) Right to freedom from torture or cruel,. inhuman or degrading treatment or
          74. According to the information received, a common form of torture continued to
          be flogging with cables and sometimes barbed-wires. Allegedly, flogging usually
          was applied to the sole of the foot and to the legs, and beating was usually
          inflicted by several prison guards.
          75. N',w methods of torture that left little or no trace on the body of the victims
          were described. Among these were* lashing all over the body (in the long run the
          scars tend to disappear), suspension from the ceiling, mock hangings, crowding of
          prisoners in small rooms with high temperatures and insufficient oxygen. It was
          reported that soms prisoners were burned by hot metal rods or by lighted cigarettes.
          76. Another method of torture described was the refusal of medical treatment,
          using the pain from illness to break the will of the prisoners. For instance,
          prisoners with kidney malfunctions resulting from beatings were allegedly prevented
          from going to toilets. Prison conditions were described as extremely poor, cells
          as being small and deliberately overcrowded, and sanitary facilities were
          reportedly kept to a minimum, leading to skin, gall-bladder and other diseases.
          Medical assistance and medicine were also said to be insufticient and sometimes
          withheld until it was too late to save the life of a prisoner. Political prisoners
          were allegedly held together with common law prisoners and mental cases.
          77. According to the allegations received, a typical process of torture would
          start with lashes over the whole body, to be followed by mock hanging or suspension
          from the ceiling. Detainees were said to be held “en masse” in small closed rooms
          with high temperatures and in u fficient oxygen. While such practices were being
          applied, the guards pressed the prisoners to repent and to appear on official
          television confessing their guilt.
          78. Alleged forms of psychological torture including watching or listening to
          other prisoners being tortured, dissemination of false news about the death of
          family members or threat of rape. Attempts to incite prisonerb to join in the
          torture of other inmates were also reported.
          (c) Information concerning the situation o . followers of the Baha'i faith
          79. According to information received, together with the relevant details of
          names, places and dates of execution, 197 Baha'is were executed and 15 disappeared
          since 1979. As regards 1988, the execution has been reported of two individuals
          about whom there is no doubt whatever that they were Baha'is: Bihnam Pasha'i, a
          resident of Simnan, who had been imprisoned since 19 vember 1983 and whose family
          was notified on 3 December 1988 of his execution i ' the Evin prisons nd
          Iraj Afshin, arrested late in 1986, whose family learnt of his execution on
          26 November 1988.
          80. At the beginning of January 1989, thd international press published the report
          that two army generals sentenced to prison seven years earlier, Ardeshir Ardeatani
          and All Jalayer, were executed on the charge that they ware followers of the Baha'i
          faith. According to the press reports, the two generals were executed
          on 23 December 1988, together with 23 members of the People's Mojahedin
          organization. The same cable announced the execution of Zohreh Ainalyagin,
          aged 27, who had been a candidate of the Mojahedin for the Iranian Parliament
          during the elections of 1980, had been sentenced to 17 jea ' imprisonment in 1981,
          and was a member of the political opposition.
          81. It has been estimated that in 1986 780 Baha'is rernzt.uie . in prison and that of
          those about 200 had been relee sed on bail. In May 1989, reliable sources indicated
          that only 14 Baha'is remained in prison. Five of them had been arrested recently.
          82. Those Baha'is who were expelled from government posts in the early 1980s, heve
          reached the age of retirement and have an acquired right under law to retirement
          pensions, continue to be refused them. Nor have they been reinstated in their
          posts, even when they are qualified to fill them. Ranchers and farmers who profess
          the Baha'i faith continue to be denied admission to agricultural co-operatives.
          83. On the other hand, in cert ain respects the situation of the Baha'is has
          improved; for example, some s iops which had been closed have been returned to their
          former proprietors, and the latter have been permitted to operate them. These
          reparation measures have been taken da facto , as the licances necessary for legal
          operation of the shops have not been renewed. A few cases have been recorded of
          other confiscated property being returned to its owners.
          84. Baha'l community proper . .y remains confiscated. Recently, the Baha'is have
          been permitted to bury their dead in cemeter 4 .es of their faith, which had been
          c1o ed for a number of years. At prosent, fa Baha'i cemeteries remain closed.
          85. Since 1988 many children and young people have been readniitted to primary and
          secondary schools, but they continue to be denied access to the universities. All
          Baha'ia are refused passports or permits to travel abroad.
          86. The Ministry of Justice decree under which heirs must be officially certified
          as such remains in force, and such certification is denied to Baha'is, who
          consequently cannot take legal possession of their irtheritances.
          87. The Special Representative has received a number of documents, duly signed and
          sealed by officials of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which
          testify to the situation of the Baha'is. These docdments consist of •he
          followingt (a) a letter from tb Department of Cereals, informing the addressee, a
          retired employee, that In accordance with a judicial order of 6 June 1987, he has
          been accused of belonging to “one of the groups that have strayed frorn Islam”, that
          is, of being “a member of the Saha'i spy group”; (b) an announcement by the
          Department of Industry and Trade of Tebran stating that the Islamic Committee for
          the supervision of the distribution of goods confirms that it has cancelled the
          ration cards of two individuals because they are Baha'is; (c) a note from
          Mr. Aarya-Kinar, Director of the Department of Communications of the Sabulsar
          District, dated 7 November 1987 and addressed to the Department of Communications
          of Nazindaran Province, which states that the refusal to connect a telephone is
          because the individual making the request belongs to the Baha'i community;
          (ci) notes from Departments of the Ministry of Justice attesting that, first, an
          individual, who preferred that he remain anonymous in the report, had been granted
          a retirement pension and thanking him for his services, and second, stating that
          the individual had been deprived of his pension, in conformity with the decision of
          the Telecommunications Committee, because “his adherence to the Baha'i faith has
          been estab1iahed” and (e) order No. 3261 of the Governor of Rejej Province,
          dated 2 May 1987, ordering the closing of the shop owned by an individual of the
          Baha'i faith who requested anonymity, and warning him that any action taken against
          the order would subject him to criminal 1iability
          88. The Special Representative received a translation of an open letter signed by
          students of th Montazevi lycée addressed to their schoolmates of the Baha'i faith,
          warning them, with threats, not to attend class. The text of the letter is
          reproduced in annex IV.
          89. The following information appeared in the Iranian press a sv.mmons dat•d
          15 November 1988 addressed to Mra. Samadiyyih Musazadih Kuhnan, issued by the
          Administrative Errors Investigatory Board summoning her to defend herself against
          the charge that she had “relations with the misguided Baha'i sect.”; and a report
          published the same day stating that Mr. Imamquli Shadiman had been dismissed from
          his job because he was a Baha'i.
          REPUBLIC OF IR?N
          90. During the discussion in the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of
          human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian representative submitted,
          on 6 March 1989, comments and views which should be retained because of their
          implications for the implementation of the mandate and, in particular, for the full
          co-operation that has year after year been requested of the Government of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran by the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights.
          91. The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran said on that occasion that
          so far 2,000 persons had been granted amnesty and that the exact and definitive
          figures for the number of persons amnestied on the occasion of the tenth
          anniversary of the Revolution would be communicated to the Special Representative
          and the Commission on Human Rignts. When he concluded the present interim report,
          the Special Representative had not received the definitive figures for the number
          of persons amnestied, which might be due to the fact that, according to information
          received, the judicial records of some 900 persons still in prison are being
          carefully studied.
          92. With regard to the study of human rights and their consequent evaluation, the
          representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran asked that the competent organs of
          the United Nations should take into account the situation in the country and, in
          particular, two factors of the utmost importance: the international war of eight
          years' duration and the revolutionary process under harassment and threats from
          terrorist and subversive groups. The representative of the Islamic Republic of
          Iran repeated the co nplaint that selectivity, inspired by political 4 nterests, was
          applied in the determination of the countries subjected to the sc” uttny of the
          Commission on Human Rights or to confidential procedure 1503 and called for equal
          treatment for all countries that might find themselves in similar situations with
          regard to human rights.
          93. The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran said that it was absolutely
          necessary to establish the responsibility of groups and orga imtions which, acting
          on their own account and separately from the Govarnment, or e . against the
          Government, ‘-arried out activities and committed offences that comprised violations
          of human rights and to hold them accountable for their acts. In his view, that
          very important matter had not received appropriate consideration from the United
          Nations. Once again, the Iranian comments rejected the impartiality and veracity
          of one of the organizations submitting information on st pposed violations of human
          rights. He argued that, in general, denunciations concerning violations of human
          rights wore no more than mero allegations without proofs of any kind.
          94. The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterated criticisms
          voiced earlier of the text of the resolution of the Commission on Human Rights
          containing the mandate of the Special Representative and the text of the draft
          resolution extending that mandate, which was then to be put to the vote. He said
          that those resolutions contained subjective criteria and lacked objectivity and
          good will. He said, in particular, that, as on previous occasions, such
          resolutions attempted to confer on groups a status that they did not really have.
          That indirect language referred to the attribution of the status of religious
          minority to the Baha'is. Those problems had prevented thc. Government of the
          Is .amic Republic of Iran from co-operating fully with the Special Representative,
          a .though that co-operation, while partial, had been on the increase.
          95, The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran recalled several times in
          his statement the efforts made during the forty-third session of the General
          ? asembly to arrive at a consensus resolution that would facilitate the discharge of
          the man Iate relating to human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Be then said
          that those efforts had been very close to fruition but had broken down when the
          elements of consensus had been at hands he added that the differences could only be
          overcome through dialogue, understanding and mutual co-opeLation. The
          representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran concluded tha.t part of his statement
          with the following wordss “We remain ready and willing to co-operate and to
          upgrade it in light of the consideration which I enumerated”.
          96. The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran also expressed the
          readiness of his Government to proceed by way of dialogue, in the event that that
          was acceptable to the countries sponsoring draft resolutions, and reiterated that
          the Special Representative could play a role - which he qualified as mediation - in
          obtaining an agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the sponsors. He
          said also that, in his view, the Special Representative had a good theoretical and
          conceptual understanding of the proble ns underlying the differences that persisted
          between both parties.
          97. During the period in question, the Special Representative continued to re ive
          written and oral allegations of huiiian rights violations in Iran. Those allegations
          came from Iranians who had recently fled their country, Iranian organizations based
          abroad, including a militant on that utilizes armed force, press and .-adio
          reports, generally Iranian or taken from Iranian publicity media, and
          non—governmental organizations in consultative status with the United Nations
          Economic and Social Council. During the period under consideration, the Special
          Representative received testimony denying some of those allegations, such as t e
          high number of executions and political arrests and ill-treatment and torture of
          prisoners. Attention should be drawn to the diversity of the sources and the
          particular attention accorded by the Special Representative to independent sources
          and to reports from Iranian communication media.
          98. The Special Representative has informed the Government of the Islamic Republic
          of Iran of the testimony received. The llagations communicated relate to the
          right to life, the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or
          degrading treatment or punishment, the right to liberty and security of person. the
          right to freedom of conscience and religion and the right to guarantees of an
          objective and fair trial.
          99. During the forty—fifth session of the Commission on Human Rights, the
          representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran said that he had considerably
          advanced the preparation of replies to the lists of persons condemned to death
          accompanying the 1989 final report of the Special Representative, whose contents
          had been communicated to him before its publication, and he added that 140 cases
          had been investigated and no trace of the said persons had been found in the
          registers of prisons, hospitals, courts and cemeteries, owing to which he
          considered that those persons had died during the invasion of Iranian territory in
          July 1988. The letter of 26 June 1989 from the Deputy Minister for International
          Affairs also contains this information.
          100. It will be necessary to wait (or the circumstantiated replies of the Iranian
          Government in order to evaluate the contradictory information and proceAd to
          investigation by the means available. Also outstanding are the replies, many times
          promised, to allegations of violations of human rights and to the lists of persons
          executed accompanying previous reports.
          101. The information received by the Special Representative, both from witnessos
          and from non-governmental ozganizations and other independent sources agreed in
          affirming that ill—treatment and torture, both physical and psychological, were
          continuing in Iranian prisons. According to the reports, it would seem that,
          during the months of the current year, psychological torture has bean prevailing
          over physical torture, with the aim of avoiding visible marks.
          1.02. On the other hand, some of the witnesses heard, when relating their experience
          in Iranian prisons, had stated that they had not been subjected to ill-treatment or
          torture. In conformity with that testimony, some prisoners are apparently not so
          badly off in some prisons, but, of course, this testimony does not invalidate that
          of less fortunate persons, perhaps much more numerous, who were very badly treated
          in those prisons. On the basis of the accounts and replies to questioning the
          Special Representative is convinced that, in Iranian prisons, the treatment of
          prisoners continues to be completely careless and is therefore left to the
          initiatives of the guards and that the investigators use methods at variance with
          humanitarian principles in order to extract confessions or information from
          103. Reports continued to be received about the lack of procedural guarantees laid
          down in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, such as the lack
          of impartial proof of the legality of detention, statement of the charges
          immediately following arrest, the services of a defence lawyer, the hearing of
          defence witnesses, the lack of publicity of the trial, effective appeal and other
          irreg%larities. Some of the testimony related to the accused appearing in court
          blindfolded, and all the testimony agreed that the verdict was pronounced in a
          question of minutes. It was also reiterated that persons who had completed prison
          terms continued to be detained for extensive periods on the whim of prison
          104. Reports were still being received about very distressing conditions for
          prieoners, for example, overcrowding in small spaces, scarcity of food, highly
          deficient and scant sanitary facilities and a lack of medicarnents and adequate and
          timely medical treatment.
          105. It should be noted that so far there is no information concerning any measure
          taken by the Iraniezi authorities to introduce effective procedural guarantees,
          eradicate ill-treatment and torture, improve living conditions in the prisons or
          assign responsibility to those accused of committing abuses. Consequently, in
          these matters, the situation continues to be the same as last year.
          106. With regard to allegations of violations of the right to freedom of thought,
          conscience and religion and to freedom of expression, the Special Repres.ntative
          received information on the situation of adherents of the Baha'i faith. According
          to that information, the are still being harassed for their faith.
          Nevertheless, according to oral and written proofs received in recent month., that
          harassment has decreased, and there have been some instances of rectification.
          Fourteen are still in prison, and four were executed. Some hundreds who had been
          kept in prison for some years have been released. In general, the Bahais are now
          admitted to primary and secondary schools, but access to the universities continue
          to be blocked. Some of their businesses have actually been reopened, with the
          consent or the tolerance of the authorities, but others remained closed. Recently
          they have been permitted to use their cemeteries, which had been forbidden to them
          for years. On the other hand, the right to travel freely is still denied them. On
          the whole, an improvement in the situation is noted, and it is to be hoped that the
          Iranian Government will continue on that course to the point of making reparation
          for all damages and will make harassment a chapter in history.
          107. It should be noted that, according to official information, 2,500 political
          prisoners were re1 ased on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Revolution
          and that 900 remained in prison. The Special Representative announced that amnesty
          in his final report to the Commis6ion on Human Rights. On that occasion, some
          delegates told him privately that they had doubts 3bout that amnesty and feared
          that it might be a question of propaganda. Recently, the Special Representative
          has received assessments from armed opposition groups disputing the existence of
          the amnesty end stating that, according to the investigations conducted by the
          groups, none of the supposed amnestied persons have returned to their horn.. and
          that they should therefore be numbered among the disappeared persons.
          108. While awaiting fresh information in particular the conclusion that may be
          reached by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, concerning
          these latest presumed disappearances, the Special Representative presents his
          personal consideration regarding the cnse on the baeis of the information available
          to him. Lacking, of course, direct proofs, he nevertheless maintains his
          conviction that an amnesty was decreed on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of
          the Revolution. In that regard, he points out that the information media,
          generally very zealous, have not categorically denied it but have even implicitly
          confirmed it in their commentaries and that the same attitude has been adopted by
          non-governmental organiz ations concerned with human rights; furthermore, some of
          the witnesses who were heard were released during the period during which the
          amnesty was operative, which suggests that they might b counted among the
          beneficiaries of that measure of clemency.
          109. Assuming the reality and effectiveness of the February 1989 amnesty, it might
          be characterized as a step in the right direction towards the disappearance of
          political arrests. It is to be hoped that'measures of clemency such as this may be
          multiplied on future occasions and complemented by the upgrading of the criminal
          laws and the moderate application of the death penalty, although the ideal would,
          of course, be its total abolition in all countries of the world.
          110. The information emanating from various sources, including Iranian sources, end
          to some degree corroborated by official statements, confirmed that politically
          motivated mass executions took place in the second quarter of 1988 end that among
          those executed were prisoners who were serving sentences, including some whose
          sentences were about to be concluded in a few days and others who had been
          recaptured. The international communication media and organizations that monitor
          human rights agreed that those executions were the culmination of very summary
          judicial proceedings, whore there had been any, and that they lacked the procedural
          guarantees institutød in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
          111. During the past months of 1989, politically motivated executions were also
          reported. New information has supplemented the lists of executed persons of the
          previous years. Or. the other hand, the Iranian written press and the official news
          agency, IRNAI have announced the dramatic increase in the number of executions for
          ordinary offences and, in particular, for the offence of drug trafficking. In
          addition, allegations have been received according to which many or some of those
          executions were political executions disguised with the aim of avoiding the
          negative reaction of international opinion. Those allegations, which are extremely
          sensitive, merit balanced and prudent examination, and, consequently, the Special
          Representative proposes to continue this investigation through the means available
          to him.
          112. With regard to the mandatory death sentence for drug traffickers, some
          comments are called for. Drug traffickers do not enjoy the slightest sympathy in
          any country of the world, because they embody and promote one of the worst scourges
          of the human race in these closing years of twentieth century. Their actions are
          condemnable from every point of view, but this does not mean that they should not
          enjoy guaranteea of a fair criminal trial and be recognized as entitled to inherent
          rights, just like other human beings.
          113. According to reports disseminated by the international press, the Government
          of the Islamic Republic of Iran, through a law promulgated on 21 January 1989, made
          possession of specific quantities of d:ugs - more than 5 kilograms of hashish or
          -30- -
          opium or more than 30 grams of heroin, codeine, methadone or morphine - an offence
          punishable by death, without eiiy alternative penalty or coneideration of
          exonerating, extenuating or aggravating circumstances. Possession of quantities
          less then those stated is not punishable. Consumers must give up the habit in six
          months; otherwise, they will be taken to re-education camps or health clinics. The
          setting of the mandatory death penalty for mere possession of specific quantities
          of drugs may give rise to confusion between consumer and trafficker, the one
          requiring assistance and the other deserving some kind of punishment, although not
          necessarily death. Possession of a gram of a hard drug may make the difference
          between being sent to a health clinic or to the gallows 30 grams might indicate a
          consumer, while 31 grams could mean the gallows for the possessor, on the legal
          presumption, without admitting any proof to the contrary, that he is a drug
          114. Possession bf drugs, even in smaller quantities than those indicated, might be
          a sign or complementary proof of drug trafficking, but this isolated fact does not
          necessarily prove that that is so. Possession of drugs should be combined with
          other evidence to constitute a proof of the existence of the offence of drug
          trafficking. In this case, the sole fact of possessing a specific quantity of
          drugs is sufficient for proof of the offence. It should be pointed out that, in
          the past, extreme severity in the treatment of common criminals has never lad to
          the eradication of the offence, because that severity attacked the effects of the
          problem but left its underlying causes intact.
          115. According to reports, drug traffickers are tried by emergency courts,
          constituted by a judge, a prosecutor and an intelligence officer, and in this court
          the intelligence officer prevails, when the judge should prevail. However odious
          the offence and however necessary it may be for a country to declare an open war on
          drugs, there is no exemption from observance of procedural guarantees. The speed
          of the proceedings, arranged for by means of two circulars distributed to all the
          courts and other authorities, ensures that the cases can be closed in three, four
          or five days and that a maximum interval of 10 days elapses between commission of
          the offence and the punishment. Official statements from high judicial authorities
          have announced that of fences are being punished within the above-mentioned limits;
          and the time-limits are so short that they do not allow for the defence to be
          prepared or for applications for review or appeal or application for pardon to be
          made. The risks involved in extremely summary proceedings and the absence of
          guarantees of a fair trial are illustrated by the case of possible judicial error
          which has been mentioned. All this points towards the recommendation that trial of
          the offence of drug trafficking be taken from the emergency courts and handed over
          to regular courts and that professional judges should be entrusted with full
          responsibility for the application of procedural guarantees ensuring a fair trial.
          116. During the period under consideration, the theme of terrorism has been
          raised. Pive of the witnesses examined, among them two veteran militants of the
          People's ?4ojehedin organization, accused that organization of terrorism. Three
          witnesses affirmed that the above-mentioned grouping had claimed responsibility, in
          its own publications and on its radio, for the death of members of their families.
          117. The same accusation has been made by representatives of the Government of the
          Islamic Republic of Iran in international forums, most recently in the statement of
          the Iranian representative on 6 March 1989 before the Commission on Human Rights.
          Just as the deposition of witnesses is not to be discounted because of the
          political position of the organization promoting their appearance, nor can the
          testimony of those who have appeared through the offices of the Government of the
          Islamic Republic of Ir '' be rejected, because it is not a question of statements by
          one or other of the in ested parties but of individuals relating their personal
          118. Terrorism committed by one of the parties to a civil or international dispute
          never legitimates the terrorism with which the other party may respond. Fighting
          terrorism with terror has been the erroiieous excuse that has caused indescribable
          suffering to persons who have nothing to do with the events. In the long term, the
          results have almost always turned against the promoters, because they are
          profoundly injuring the feeling of natural piety and natural benevolence towards
          other human beings and the ethical and religious ideas that constitute the
          deep-lying root of various cultures.
          119. The Special Representative has 3tated in previous reports that terrorism is to
          be condemned, in all its forms and independently of its origin and motivations,
          whether State terrorism or insurrectionist terrorism, because it is in itself a
          brutal assault on the fundamental rights of persons. Anti-governmental groups that
          use terrorism in order to obtain their political ends incur criminal responsibility
          and violate well established end widely recognized norms relating to the protection
          of human life and the integrity of persons. Terrorism is inconsistent with the
          prevailing international crder. L.ife and liberty are ethical .. nd juridical assets
          that are above considerations of party and factional interests, as well as
          interstate rivalry and po)l.Pical power struggles. Human rights philosophy does not
          ignore questions of internal and external security, because it is based,
          inter qua , on the security associated with the state of law, conceived,
          constructed and ensured through compliance with human rights norms.
          120. Human rights, because of their inherent character and fundamental status have
          been recognized as the key element of the modern State and of government by
          consent, which, in turn, is the sole title to legitimacy of the command-obedience
          binomium. Human rights therefore remain integral in extreme emergencies, even in
          those that endanger the existence of the nation itself, and admit only of the
          restrictions expressly laid down in the International Covenant on Civil and
          Political Rights. Nor can the condemnable practices of terrorism be legitimately
          countered with violations of human rights, on the pretext of State security or
          stability of the Government. Moreover, it is precisely in emergency situations,
          even acute emergencies, that adherence to human rights and their careful and
          constant application is most necessary. In those situations, human rights reveal
          their grandeur, their unique role in contemporary societies and their superiority
          over politicist theories. Of coursa, the easy life consisting of abandonment or
          neglect, laissez-faire and laissez-aller in human rights matters appears the
          expeditious and immediately effective way to establish security of State and
          Government, but the difficult way is much more constructive and, in the medium and
          the long term bears better fruit, including well consolidated stability and
          121. According to all, the information, including official information, the
          executions of drug traffickers have been carried out through the hangJng in public
          places, in various cities on the same day and in groups, of tens or scores of men
          and women. This mass implementation of the death penalty, in public and in various
          cities at the same time, has negative repercussions on the feeling of personal
          security of individuals and might drastically inhibit their expressions of the
          exercise of such important rights as freedom of expression, freedom of associat'.on
          . .-. N. . • .. . kV N . tmn .,.,tA'.. .N ..N,I
          and political rights in general. The Iranian Government might consider these
          possible effects with a view to iectifying, to the extent that might appear
          prudent, the modalities currently accompanying the execution of drug traffickers
          and other common criminals.
          122. Although the state of full co-operation has not yet been attained during the
          period under consideration, in spite of the reiterated calls of the United Nations
          General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights,, the Government of Iran has
          continued to indicate that it is prepared gradually to increase its co-operation
          with the Representative. Full co-operation, which would include in situ
          investigation of the human rights situation, has continued to be one of the
          short-term goals, but official objections to the language used in the resolutions
          annually extandi g the mandate of the Special Representative have been maintained.
          123. During the forty-third session of the Genera2 Assembly, negotiations were
          conducted with a view to obtaining a consensus resolution and, at the same time,
          guaranteeing full Iranian co-operation, including an invitation to the Special
          Representative to visit the c.ountry and conduct investigations on the spot. After
          extensive negotiations and advances in rapprochement between the positions of the
          Iranian Government and the sponsors of the corresponding draft resolution, it was
          finally not possible to reach consensus. During the forty-fifth session of the
          Commission on Human Rights, thut effort was not repeated.
          124. The Special Representative wishes to place on record the fact that he has
          maintained personal and written contact with Iranian representatives and that he
          has encountered a readiness to clarify outstanding issues, discuss opposing points
          of view zir.d examine the most thorny questions in friendly terms. The personal
          relations may be described as good, without prejudice to keen discussions end rough
          moments, which are inevitable in such a sensitive dialogue, which needs to be
          conducted in all frankness and with all the cards on the table.
          125. Accordingly, it would be appropriate to make fresh appeals to the Iranian
          Government to extend full co-operation to the Special Representative, including a
          visit to the country. The countries directly involv ed in this might also decide
          whether to repeat efforts to obtain some kind of settlement that, while not
          diminishing the protection of human rights and compliance with international pacts
          and declarations, might offer a mutually acceptable base for proceeding to another
          stage in the developmrnt of the mandate.
          • 126. The information reccived, both from official sources and from opposition
          sources and independent sources do not contain elements that would, for the m. ..ient,
          allow modification of the conclusions at which the Special Representative has
          arrived in his earlier reports, particularly in his 1988 interim report to the
          General Assembly and his final r€port for the current ear to the Commission on
          Human Rights. The Special Representative maintains his conviction that acts are
          being commitLed in Iran that are incompatible with international human rigflts
          instruments that are binding on the Iranian Government.
          127. Consequently, the Special Representative cunsiders that the recommendations
          remain current and pertinent which he submitted to the Commission on Human Rights,
          in particular those relating to requesting the Government of Iran to consider, as a
          matter of urgency, extending its full co-operation and to adopt effective measures
          on the following matters: (a) full co-operation with the Special Representative,
          including a visit to the country to investigate in situ the allegations submitted,
          _33 .
          (b) scrupulous investigacion of all the allegations on possible human rights
          violations that have been brought to its knowledge since the Commission on Human
          Rights established the mandate of the Special Representative in 1984, and a
          circumstantiated reply on the result of those investigations to the Special
          Representative, so that he can take it into account in the preparation of his final
          reports; (c) legislative and administrative steps to ensure fair trials;
          (d)” substantial reduction of the number of executions, thus complying with the text
          and the intention of the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
          while avoiding, at the same time, carrying out those executions in such a way that
          might be regarded as intimidating; (e) total elimination of ill-treatment and
          physical and psychological ‘torture”during interrogations', pre-trial' detention and
          punitive detention; (f) crediting prisoners with the time spent in pre-trial
          detention so as to reduce the term of punitive detention; (g) a substantIal
          improvement in the prison régime by the provision of minimal hygiene conditions and
          adequate food, medicaments and medical care for' prisoners, and permitting ‘them
          family visjts. On the other hand, close attention should be given to considering
          and investigating the allegations that political' prisoners have' been executed' on
          charges of drug trafficking. ‘ ‘
          128. As a primary action decisive for: ‘the whole ‘process of full enjoyment ‘of human
          rights, it seems appropriate to have a political' ‘pronouncement adopted at the
          highest level, proclaiming a global policy ‘ f compliance' with ‘international human
          rights instruments, followed by w penal norms, principally norms that empower
          judges to adapt penalties to the p rticu1ar circumstances of'eaàh case, and
          accompanied by concrete measures relating' to' inve'stigation,'supervision and
          responsibility at the ‘adthinistrative level. ‘ ‘
          129. ‘In conclusion, it should be ‘pointed out that the basic framework with'regard
          to human rights has not changed'. The Special ‘Representative maintains his
          conviction that the persistence of acts inconsiStéñt with' the international
          instruments in force justifies both international concern and study and constant
          vigilance by the United Nations General Assembly' and- the Commission on Human Rights.
          APPENDIX I
          Names and particulars of persons allegedly executed in
          the Islamic Republic of Iran in the second half of
          1988 and the beginning of 1989. supplementary to the
          list contained in document E/CN.t./1989/25; list
          provided by non-governmental sources
          Name Forename Date
          ABBASI 1.89 Tohran
          ABBASI 11. 1.88 Shiraz
          ABBASSIAN Behrooz 10.88 Ahwaz
          ABDI Esfandiyar (Majid) . ‘.88 Tehran
          ABDI Foroozan 9.88 Tehran
          AEDI Ghanbar 1988 Lahijan
          ABDI Hossein 11.88
          ABDOL-HOSSEINI Akbar 9.88 Tehran
          ABDOL-HOSSEINI Morteza 9.88 Tehran
          ABDOLEOSSEINI Gholam-Hossein 11.88 Karaj (Gohardasht
          ABDOLLARI Mirfattah 11.88 Teliran
          ABDOLVAHAB Hossein 11.21.88 Karaj
          ABEDI Hassan 9.88 Tehran
          ABEDINI Abbass 9.88 Tehran
          ABEDINI Monir 9.88 Tehran
          ADEL I 9.88 Babolsar
          ADI-S ERIN All 9.88 Ardebil
          ADIB Mabmood 9.88 Mashad
          ADIBI Siroos 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          AFGHAN Abbass 9.88 Karaj
          AFGHANI Hossein 12.88 Tehran
          AFRAVI Naji 2.89 Ardebil
          AFRAZEH Abbass 1988 Lahijan
          AFSALI Esmaeil 9.88 Tehran
          AFSARI Hamid 1.89 Babol
          APSARI Mohammad 10.88 Amo l
          AFSHAR 12.88 Isfahan
          -AFSRAR 12.88 Karaj
          AF SRAR Akbar 10.88 Ahwaz
          AFSHAR Parviz 11.27.88 Tehran
          AFSHARKANDI Rasou]. 11.88 Orumieh
          AFSHARLU Ahmad 10.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          AGA-NOOR Shahnaz 9.88 Tehran
          AGAH 11.88 Mashad
          AGHAYAN Abciolvahab 12.88 Larestan
          AGHAYAN A ir 1.89 Shahrood
          AGHILI Hainid 11.88 Tehran
          AGHVAMI Maliheh 1.99 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          AGHVAMIPANAB Mohammad-Reza 11. 6.88 ICaraj
          AHMiG Saied 11.88 Tehran
          AEMAD-NEJAD Farshid 9.88
          AITh4ADI 12.88 Tehran
          ?JNADI Abdo l lah 1988 Buehehr
          AEMADI Abmad 1.89 Garmiar
          AJfl4ADI Ashraf 2.11.88 Tehran
          AID4ADI Aai.h 9.88 T.hran
          ABMADI ?arah-Naa 9.88 Isfa) an
          ABMADI Fariba 8. 6.88 Zefahan
          AIThtADI Hassan 3.89 Tehran (Evin Priso )
          AMMADI Hushang 11.88 Hamedan
          ABMADI Mansur 9.88 Shires
          A 4ADI Mohammed 8. 6.88 lefahan
          AIfl4ADI Mohammed 1.89 Mashed
          ABMADI Mohammed Raze 11.88 Garmear
          AIfl4ADI S.yyed 3.89 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          ?JC4ADIAN Mahin 9.88 Tehren
          A 4ADIAN MOGHADDAS Ahmad 10 • 88 Ahwaz
          AIThIADPUR 9.88 Isfahan
          Am4ADPUR 9.88 lefahan
          AIU4ADZADEH 9.88 Reeht
          AJDAB-AFSHAR ghar 9.88 T.hran
          AZBARI F.izo l lah 12.88 Gorgan
          AKBARI-MONFARED Roghiyeh 9.88 T.hran
          ARBARIAN FeLor 1988
          ARRAMI-FARSI 2.89 Tabran
          ARZIA Mine 10.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          AL-ES'HAQ MeI di 2.89 Qom
          AL-t .AMEH Fazilat 9.88 Tehran
          ALA'EDDINI Masoud 11.88 Shires
          ALAk. ARI Bivas 9.88 Tehran
          ALAVI TAFRESHI Af shin 1.20.89 Xaraj
          ALl MORADI Behrooz 11.88 Sanandeg
          ALI-BEIX A li-kkb er 7.27.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          ALl-POOR Hamid 1.89 Lahijan
          ALt -ZADEH Mahmoo d 9.88 Tehran
          ALIARBARIAN Majid 11.88 Mashed (Vakilabed
          ALIDOOST Raze 1988 Lahijan
          ALIREZANIA 12.11.88 Tehran
          ALIZADEH Ghasem 11.88 Orumieh
          ALIZAGHII Zia 11.88 Tahran
          ALLAN-POOR Hossein 10.88 Karaj (Gohardasht
          ALLAEIARI Majid 1.89 Ahwaz
          ALLAMEH 11.88 Sernnan
          ALLAMEH Fazilat 9.88 Tehran
          AMADPUR 9.88 lefahan
          AMIN Masoud 11.88 Tehran
          M4IN Raze 11.88 Tehran
          AMINI Khos ow 8.88 Raraj (Gohardaeht
          AMINIAN Alireza 9.88 Mashed
          AMIRI 9.88 Mashed
          AZ4IRI 1988
          A14 1R 1
          AQVA I PANAR
          AR SHAD I
          ASGAR-SHAI II
          ASGAI I
          ASGHARIP OUR
          ASHT IAN I
          AS S AD I
          ATI OHER-CHI
          Kho8ro 7
          Mohi nm ad
          Mohanu ad Reza
          Abo ighasem
          Seyyed Hassan
          Al i
          Moha1Tm ad
          12. 688
          9 • 88
          12.29 .88
          8. 5.88
          11. 6.88
          9 • 88
          1 • 89
          9 • 88
          9 • 88
          D c if UI
          Zanj an
          Des ful
          Ansal i
          1sf alien
          1sf alien
          Tsh ran
          1sf alien
          Zanj an
          (Evin Prison)
          (Evin Prison)
          (Evin Prison)
          (Evin Prison)
          Forename Dpte Place
          ATRAK Farha 8.88 Tahran (Evin Prison)
          ATRAK Farrokh-.Zad 8.88 Isfahan
          ATTARI Au 1988
          ATTARI Shahrbanoo 9.88 Te)iran
          AVAZ-ZADEH 1.89 Ganaveh
          SHIRAZI (Fatimeh)
          AZAD Rahim 3.89 Babol (Guards
          AZADEH Hassan 11.88 Tehran
          AZADIKHAH Rahim 8.88 Homayounshah
          AZARASH GRORGANI AlL 9.88 Tehran
          AZAflI Davood 9.88 Tehran
          AZIMI Hamdam 10.88 Tehran
          AZIMI Hoj jet 9.88 Te  ran (Evin Prison)
          AZIZ-ZADEH MALEKI Shahpour 10.88 Tabriz
          AZIZI Ashraf 9.88 Tebran
          AZIZI Davar 11.88 Ardebil
          AZIZI Ebrahim 11.83 Boroojerd
          AZIZI Robebeh 9.88 Tabria
          AZIZI Yavar 9.88 Tabris
          AZIZSALES Kha li l 9.88 Orumieh
          AZMUDEH LEKAZ4I Fakhri 12.88 Rasht
          BABAEI 11.11.88 Abhar
          BABAEI Mostaf a 10.11.88 Tehran
          BABELABI Parviz 12.88 Tehran
          BABRI Abri 9.88 Anza li
          BAGHERI Arnel 10.88 Tehran
          BAGHERI Mehrdad 12.88 Ahwaz
          BAGHERI Siroos 11.88
          BAGHERIFARD Bagher 10.88 Lahijan
          BAGHIAN TOOSI Mobsen 9.88 Mashed
          BAHADOR Akram 1988 Tehran
          BAHADORI GHASRGHAEI Morad 9.88 Tehran
          BAHMANX Hamid 11.88 Teh an
          BANRAMI Fereydoon 11.88 Tehran
          BAERAMI Kurosh 9.88 Karaj
          BANRAMI Mohammad Amir 1.89 Tehran
          BAHRAMI Zahra 11.88 Tehran
          BAERAMI FARID Mohsen 12. 4.88 Rasht
          BABRAMI-HEIDAJI Darioush 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          B A NRKAZEMI 1988 Lahijan
          BA}IROLOLOOM Ef fat 9.88 Shiraz
          BAKHSHAEI Mahmood 12.88 Tehran
          BAKHSHAII Nasro l lah 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          BAKHSHANDEH Davood 12.88 Tehran
          BAKHSHI Hossein 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          BAKHSHI TARI Hamid Raza 11.88 Tehran
          BAKH SHIAVI Jalil 11.88 Dezfu l
          BAKHSHIZADEH 10.88 Gorgan
          BAZ4QNIRI Abdol—Sattar 9.88 Isfahan
          BANDAR Hamid 11.88 Tehran
          BANDI 11.88 Semnan
          Fe rename
          BANI M4ERIAN Real 9.88 Xaraj
          BARADkRAN-MOQADDAZ4 Ali-Aighar 12 • 88 Mambad
          BARkRX Rasoul 9.88 Mashad
          BARZAXIPOOR Majid 11.88 Lahijan
          BARZEGAR 9.8 Shiras
          BATENI Mabmood 1988 Rasht
          BAVkR Mi 11.88 Lahijan
          SAZYARPOUR Abbas 10.83 Boraujan
          BAZThRPOUR azam 10.88 Boraijan
          BAZYARPOUR Maeoomeh 10.88 Boraijan
          BZHESHTI-TAYAR Ht*rieh 10.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          BEHNIK Macsan 9.88 Mashad
          BEHRANGI Abdo l lah 11.88 T.hran
          BEHZADI Macsan 9.88 Hashtpar
          BEHZADI Moitaf a 8. 5.88 Dieful
          BEIK-MOHAk'24).DX Mohammad Reza 9.88 Tihran
          BIABANGARD Habib 11.88 T.hran
          BIDOKHTI Hoss•in 12.88 T.hran
          BXGHAM Amir Mihran 9. 2.88 T.hran
          BIGLARI Esmasil 11.88 Tehran
          BIGLARI Mehrdad 11.88 Lahijan
          BIHANTA-TOOSI Mohemmad 11.88 Machad
          BITARAFAN M.hdi 1.15.89 Ohom
          BOKHARAEX Makhsoos 8.88 T•hran
          BOLBOLIAN Roahan 12. 4.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          BOOINI Kameran 11.88 T.hran
          BOOINI Kiomars 11.88 Tshran
          BOORBOOR Kha li l 12.88 8.mnan
          BORHANI S.yyed Abmad 11.88 Qasvin
          BORHANI Seyyed Mohammed 11.88 Qaivin
          Ho as. in
          BORJ-ALI Yusief 11.88 T.hran
          BOROOJERDI Ehoarow 9.88 T.hran
          BORZ-ABADI 9.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          BORZ A BADI-FARAHANI Mortise 12.88 Arak
          CHABARROOSTA 11.88 Shiras
          CHAMANI Behzad 11.88 Rasht
          CHAR-ROOSTAIl 1988 Ahwas
          CHEHR-AZAD Mohammed 9 • 88 Tihran
          DADGAR Majid 10.20.88
          DADGAR Masaoumeh 10.20.88
          DADSETAN Zari 9.88 Raaht
          DAXNAMA Afagh 11.88 Tebran
          DAKNAMA Majid 11.88 Shires
          DM..XRI Maryam 11.88 Rasht
          DAMGHANIAN Hassan 9.88 Machad
          DANABIFARD Mohammed Ebrahim 9.88 S.mnan
          D)NESH Khosrow 9.88 Rasht
          DANIALI Soheyl 11.88 T•hran
          DARABI Hamid 10.88 T.hran
          DARABI Mansareh 9.88 Bor jerd
          Foransii e Place
          DARABI Mansoor 10.88 Borujerd
          DARABI Moh en 10.08 Sorujerd
          DARABI Raze 10.88 Borujerd
          DARABI Sasen 9.88 Borujerd
          DAR)AZINI Huesein 10.88
          DARVI Rashid 9.88 Tehran
          DARVISHVAND Mohammad 1988 Masjed Soleiman
          DARYARI Mehdi 9.88 Fassa
          DASETAXI Changis 8. 5.88 Deaful
          DkSHTI Fariba 9.88 Tehran
          DASRTISABERI A u 9.8& Tehran
          DASTIAN Akbar 11.88 Amol
          DAVOODI Gho lam 9.88 Zanjan
          DAVOODPOOR Mohaen 9.88 Orumieh
          DEHGHANZADEH Mahrnood 10.88 Ahwaz
          DELAVAR 9.88 Gonbad
          DELAVARI Gholam Raze 11.88 Semnan
          DELKASH Faramars 9.88 Karaj
          DERAKHSHANI-NXA Mehri 11.88 Tehran
          DEZYAkII Mohammed Hossein 9.88 Shahrood
          DXBAEI Reze 11.10.88 Rasht
          DINAVAND Rahim 1988 D€zfu l
          DOLATSHAEI 11.88
          EBADI Mahmood 12. 9.88 Tehran
          EBRANIMI Asgher 11.88
          EBRAHIMI Jaafar 11.23.88
          EBRAHIMI Karim 1988 Tehran
          EBRAHIMI Nasser 1988 Tehran
          EBRAHIMIAN Hadi 9.88 Shahrood
          EFTEKHARI Masoud 12.88 Tehran
          EGHBALI NAMIN Mehr&n 9.88 Tehren
          EHTERAMX Seyyed Mahdi 10.88 Ahwaz
          EIDZPOOR 1.89 Ganaveh
          BIDIPOUR 11.88 Shires
          EKUTIARI 11.88 Kerend
          EMAMI Hedayatoi lah 1.89 Abhar
          EMAMI Nasro ll eh 1.89 Abhar
          ENSI Sadigheh 9.88 Tehran
          ESFANDIARI-NOORI Farshad 9.88 Tehran
          ESHOHI 8.88 Ahwaz
          ESKANDARI Gholam Hossein 1988
          ESKANDARI Mahmood 11.88 Tehran
          ESKANDARI Mohammed 3.89 Karaj (Ghezelhesar
          ESLAMBUL-CHI Hamid 1.89 Mashed
          ESLAMI 9.88
          ESLAMI Farah 11.88 11am
          ESL.AMI Maryam 3.89 Mashad (Vakilabad
          ESLAMI Mehran 1. 9.88 Karaj
          ESMAEILI Effat 11.88 Tehran
          F renaine Date
          ESMAKILI Fatemeh 6. 8.88 lafahan
          ESMAEILI Zraj 8.88 Tehran
          ESMAEILI Parvaneh 6. 8.88 lafahan
          ESMAEXLI Saber 9.88 Tehran
          ESMAEILI-POUR Ef fat 9.88 Tehran
          ESMAEILIAN 12.88 1sf ahan
          ESNA-ASHARI 9.88 Tehran
          ESNA-ASHARI Tehran
          EVAZI-ALAMDARI A u 9.08 Tehran
          EVAZX-ALAMDARX Faremars 9.88 Tehran
          FAICHARZADER Au 11.88 Maihad
          FAXRRI Nader 11.88
          FALLAHI 11.88 Ke manehah
          FANI Mohamrn d 9.88 Maah d
          FARAMARZI Mehrdad 9.88 Tehran
          FARAMARZX Nahid 1.10.89 flandaca.bbaaa
          FARDIPOOR Parvin 1988 Maa .d Soleiman
          FARHADI Babram 1988 Raeht
          FARHMII 1.89
          FARIAD-ABADI Hassan 9.88 Tabris
          FARIDAN 1988 Ahwaz
          FARIDAN ESFAHANI Sadegh 11.88 Ahwaz
          FARIDANI 12.88 Ahwaz
          ?ARJAD 12.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          FARSX Hassan 11.88 T.hran
          FARSI Kasem 9.88 Mashed
          FARZANEH-SANI Mehrdad 11.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          FATEHALI-ASHTIANI Sadri 11.88 T.hran
          FATEMI M hsen 11.88 Sav.h
          FATEMI Moheen 11.88 Sav.h
          FATHI Ah a6 11.88 Semnan
          FATRI-KUYEHKI yasir 11.88 Tehren (Evin Prison)
          FATTAHIAN Soheyla 9.88 Tehran
          FAZL ALI Hossein 11.88 Tehran
          FAZLI Alit -eu 11.88 T.hran
          FAZEIX Hassan 11.88 Zanjan
          FAZLI Mahmood 11.88 Tehran
          FEIZ-ABADI Gholam Nassau 11.88 Tehran
          FEIZ-ABADI Gholam Hossein 11.88 Tehran
          FEREYDOONI Mehdi 11.88 Karaj (Gohardaaht
          FEYZI Bahran 9.88 Tehran
          FIROOZMAND Gho larn 11.88
          FIROUZI Mahtab 9.88 Tehran
          FOOLADI 11.88 Tehran
          FOOLADI Hadi 10 • 88 Reaht
          FOROOZAN 10.11.88 Rasht
          FORSAT Mohaxnmad Javad 11.88 Shiraz
          GALLEH-DAR 12.88 Khorram Abad
          GANJIKHANI Behrooz 9.88 Tehran
          GARABI Mohsen 9.88 Mashed
          GERAMI Ramezan 12.88 lafahan
          Name Forename Date Place
          GHADAI4I Hooahaug 12.88 Amol
          GHkFURI 11.88 Ghaemsh hr
          GHkFFARZADEGAN Davar 11.88 Ardebil
          GHkFOORI Hassan (Mohsen) 9.88 Mashad
          QH .HREMANI kyyoub 2.89 Tehran
          OHALAVAND Hojat-O l lah 9.88 Desful
          GHkLAVAND Hojjat 8. 5.88 Desful
          OHALAVAND Mohammad Reza 8. 5.88 Dezfu l
          OHALAV).ND Soghra 8. 5.88 Dezfu l
          OHALAVAND Yahya 8.88 Ahwaz
          OHALEHEX 9.88 Tehran
          GHALEHEI 9.88 Tehran
          OHANBARI Taher 9.88 Tehran
          OHANBARI Teymoor 1988 Massed Soleiman
          GHANDHARI-ALAVIJEH Manuchehr 11.88 Tehran
          OHANE TABRIZI Nader 1988
          GRANEX Hassan 11.88 Rasht
          OHANIMATI-OL-KARIZI Hojtaba 10.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          GHANNADI Saeid Mohammad 11.88 Rasht
          GHARAEI Hamid 9.88 Mashed
          GHAEAEI Mehdi 9.88 Mashed
          GRASEMI 2.89 Shires
          GHASHGHAEI Morad 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          OHASHGHAEIAN Asghar 11.88 Tehran
          GHASHGHAEIAN Reza 11.88 Tehran
          GHASSEMI 12.88 Tehran
          GHASSEMI-SIiOKRIAZI Salman 10.30.88 Tabriz
          GHAVAZ4I Moheen 9.88 Lahijan
          GHA OOR NMAFABADI Ebrahim 8.88 1sf ahan
          GHAZANFARPOOR MOGHADDAM Alireza 2. 8.89 Karaj (Gohardasht
          GHAZNAVI Katayoon 9.88 Tehran
          GHAZVINI Hossein 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          GHIAMX 1988 Ahwaz
          GHOBAD-POUR Marziyeh 9.88 Tehran
          GHOBADRAR Manuchehr 9.88 Tehran
          OHODSINIA Simm 9.88 Tehran
          OHOLAMI Ahamd 9.88 Ghaemshahr
          GHOLAMI Au Asghar 8.88 Mashad
          GHOLAMI Hojjatol lah 9.88 Tehran
          GHOLAMX Mohammad 9.88 Tehran
          OHOLAMI Parvin 9.88 Oruznieh
          GHOLI-POOR Shaban 11.88 Hainedan
          GHOMIAN Behrooz 9.88 Tehran
          GRORAYSHI Masiha 12.88 Zanjan
          GHORBANI Ahmad 11. 3.88 Orumieh
          OHORBANI Mahin 9.88 Tehran
          GHORBANI Senobar 9.88 Tehran
          GHOREISHI lfaz l 11.88 Semnan
          GROREISHI Jalal 9.88
          GO}IARNIA Farideh 9.88 Karaj
          GOLCHINI 9.88 Anzali
          GOLESTANI Xwnal 9.88 Shiras
          GOLPAYEGANI Hassan 1.89 Garmsar
          G OLZADEH-GHAFOORI Hadi 11.88 T.hran
          GOLZADEH-GHAFOORX Hossein 8.88 Tehran
          GOLZADEH-GHAFOORX HarLem 12.88 Tshran
          000DARZX Hassan 11.88
          GOODARZX Ma id 12.88
          000DARZX Hinoo 1.21.89 F& lian
          GOODARZI Minu 11.23.88 Shires
          GOODARZI Ni na 11.88
          000DARZI Parvis 9.88 Hsm.dan
          GOODARZX Shehbas 11.23.88 Shires
          GORGIN lussef 11.88 Tshran
          GORJI 9.88
          GOVARAI'I Au 1.89 Qasvin
          HABIBI Ebrahim 9.88 T•hran
          HADI-POOR Seyy.d Hemid 9.88 Ahwai
          MABE l Parvin 9.88 T•hran
          HAGHANI Hoessin 11.88 Lahijan
          HAGIIIGHAT Moha nad 11.88 Tabnis
          HAGHIGHAT TALkS Taher 9.8 T.hran
          HAGHIOHI Roghieh 1.8 l T.hran
          HAGHIGHI Shahin 1988 Rasht
          HAGHIGHI FARD Mohammed 9.88 T.hran
          HAGHIGHIAN ROODSARI 11.88 T.hran
          HAGHIGHIAN ROODSARI Au Naghi 11.16.88 Rasht
          HAJ AKBARI Soh.i la 9.88 T.hran
          HAJ-AGHAII Ghaasem 10.88 Xaraj (Gohardasht
          R AJ-MOHA*IADI Zohreh 9.88 Tshran
          HAJI NEJAD All 12.88 Karaj
          HAJIA-NEJAT Lsi la 11.88
          HAJIAN Nile 1988
          HAKIMI Siroos 11.88 T.hran
          HAMEDANI Farhad 8.88 Kerend
          HAMIDI Fereshteh 9.88 Tehran
          HA*IAMI Mohammad 11.88 Mashed (Vakilebad
          HAMZEH Shalalvand 12.88 Karaj
          HAMZEHEI Fat.meh 9.88 Tshran
          HANAEI Moheen 9.88 Mashed
          HANIF 11. 3.88 Orwnieh
          HANIF Roghiyeh 9.88 Tehran
          HANI 'ZADEII Fereydoon 12.88 Desful
          HAQVERDI All 9.88 Tehran
          HARIRI Abbas 11.88 Karaj
          HARIRI Khalil (Yaghoob) 11.88 Zanjan
          HARIRI Magheoud 10.88 Raaht
          HARIRI Mohien 11.88 Rasht
          HARRIAN Masoud 12.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          HASANPOUR Letif 9.29.88 Tshran
          HASHEMI Jafar (Hadi) 8.88 Mashed
          Name Forename Date Place
          HASHEMI Mahdokht 12.88 Tehran
          HASHEMX-BAJGIRAN Jamshid 9.88 Isfahan
          HASHEMIAN 11.88 Qaavin
          HASHEMIAN Habib 9.88 Tehran
          HASHEMIAN Mohammad 1.89 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          H A SHEMZADEH Mashallah 9.88 Mashad
          HASSANI Mabmood 7.30.88
          HASSANI Yaqoub 11.88 Karaj (Qezeihessar
          HASSANPOOR Hassan 9.88 Orwnieh
          HASSANZADEH 11.88 Maragheh
          HAYDARI Zohreh 9.88 Tehran
          HAZRATX Hossein 12.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          HEIDARX 12.88 Mashad
          HEIDARI Farrokh 11.88 Tehran
          HEIDARI Seyyed A].i 11.88 Tehran
          HEIDARI Shahin 10.88 Dezful
          HEIDARIEH Hossein 7.31.88 Mashad
          HEIDARIEH Mohammad 7.31.88 Mashad
          HEIDARNIA Saeid 11.88 Tabriz
          HEJRATI Mirzarnan 12.88 Lahijan
          HE?.24AT 1 Abdolrahman 11.88 Tehran
          HENDIJANI Farid 1988 Ahwaz
          HENDJANI Farid 9.88 Rasht
          HESAM Asgar 11.88 Tabriz
          HESAMI Mohammad-Ali 9.88 Birjand
          HEYDARI 12.88 Mashad
          HEYDARI 12.88 Mashad
          HEYDARI Shirin 9.88 Tehran
          HOOSHMAND Amano l lah 11.88 Shiraz
          HOOSHMAND liojjat 12.88 Bandaranza li
          HOSEINI Seyyed Nasrollah 12.88 Kermanshah
          HOSEINPOOR Qolam 12.88 Bushehr
          HOSSEIN-ZADER ERBANI Soosan 9.88 Tehran
          HOSSEINI 11.88 Tebran (Evin Prison)
          HOSSEINI Abolfazi. 9.88 Chiraz
          HOSSEINI Akbar 12.88 Tehran
          HOSSEINI Etrat 9.88 Shiraz
          HOSSEINI Layli 9.88 Tehran
          HOSSEINI Mir .-Hossein 12. 1.88 Khoy
          HOSSEINI Mohammad Hossein 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          HOSSEINI Mohammad Hossein 3.89 Booshehr
          HOSSEINI Parviz 9.88 Gachsaran
          HOSSEINI Reza 12.88 Tehran
          HOSSEINI Saeid 8.88 Tahran
          HOSSEINI Seyyed Esmaeil 9.88 Gonardasht
          HOSSEINPOOR 1.89 Ganaveh
          HOVEIDA Mehrdad 9.88 Tehran
          HUSHANGI 11.88 Kermanshah
          ILBAKI 11.88 Tehran
          IRANI Majid 9.88 Tehran
          I ZADI
          Javad (Hesam)
          Seyy.d Mohammad
          Reza (Mabmood)
          I raj
          Ami r i
          AI uiiad
          Mob amm ad
          Gholam Ha&san
          Ar f a
          Mohammad Saeid
          Far) ad
          Shahi n
          Al i
          Ardeshi r
          H am i i
          Mary n
          2. 9.88
          9 • 88
          11. 11. 88
          11. 15. 88
          10. 23. 88
          8. 2.88
          10. 23. 88
          Hams dan
          Xe rmanshah
          Xe rmanshah
          Xe rmanshah
          Xe rmanshah
          (Evin Prison)
          (Evin Prison)
          (Evin Prison)
          JABBARI AN
          JALALI AN
          JAMA • AT
          JAMEH-AWJA .T
          JOLGHAZ I
          KAJIRI ZI
          KAHRI ZI
          (Evin Prison)
          (Evin Prison)
          Name Foi ename Data Place
          KAMAL-ZADEH Nasrin 9.88 Tebran
          KM.thLI Marjan 9.88 Tehxan
          KARI K! Hassan 11.88
          KARAMI MAHA ADI Boozarjomehr 10.88 Tabriz
          RARGARMOZD Bahram 1988 .hwaa
          KARIM NEJAD Mohsen 8.88 Tebran
          a(ARIMI 11.88
          RARIMI All 9.88 Tehran
          KARI 1I Hossein 9.88 Tehran
          KARIMI Mohauunadshah 10.88
          KARIMI Moslem 11.88
          KARIMI N Masumeh 11.29.88 Tehran
          (Shur. ngiz)
          KARIMIA.N Mehri 11.88 Teh:an
          KARIMZADEH Saber 9.38 Tehran
          KARIMZADEH Sab3r 11.88 Ardebil
          KASHLNIAN Kiomars 11.88 Kermanshah
          KASRAI'I Mahmood 1988 Ahwaz
          KAVEH 1.89 Arak
          KAZAZI Jalal 9.88 Tehra i
          KAZEM-BAYGI Maryam 9.88 Tehran
          KAZEMI—ABAD Behrooz 9.88 Lahijan
          KAZEMI-FARD Mehdi 9.88 T *hran
          KESARI Hadi 11.88 Rasht
          KESHAVARZ Fatho].lah 9.88 Gach-Saran
          KESHMIRI Abbas 11.88 Tehran
          KEYVANPOOR Mostafa 1.89 Shiraz
          KHM. .GHI Nasser 9.88 Tehran
          KNALIL. Esmaei]. 9.88 Mashed
          KH AT. .I1 .I Ebrahim 9.88 Mashed
          KHAL LPO0R Noorol lah 1.89 Karaj (Gohardasht
          KHALILZADEH Davood 1.89 Oroomeieh
          KHANBANI Mostafa 12.88 Tabran
          K}JANI Amir 9.88 Tehran
          KHANI Moheen 9.88 Mashed
          KH NJANI Nasreen 11.88 Semnan
          KHANM0HN 2vfADI KNEIDAN Ahmcd 8.88 Kerend
          KNANSARI Hassan 10.88 Tehran
          KNANSARI Seyyed H ssan 11.88 1 tran
          KHARRAD Morteza 9.88 Shiraz
          RHASI 12.88 Tehran
          KHATIBZAL”EH Mohammad 9.88 Tehran
          KHMTARI Ainit 11.88 Lahijan
          HAZAEI Sadegh 9 88 Mashed
          KHE ADMAND Mahnaz 10.88 Tehran
          KHEZRI Asghar 9.8 Tehran
          KHEZRI Hamid 9.88 Tahran
          KHEZRI Mostafa 9.88 Tehran
          KHODA- AHKSHI Sohrab 9.88 Karaj
          KHODABANDEH Ghasem 10.88 Qazvin
          KHODABANDEHLOO 9.88 Tehran
          Name Forename
          KIIODMOO Mohammed 9.88 T.hran
          KHODM4I Majid 9.08
          KHOLDI Ref at 11.88 Tehren
          RHORS./NDI Saeid 9.88 X.rmanshah
          KEOSH X}!OO u seef 2.89
          KHOSHAFKAR I heli1 11.88 krd•bi l
          HOSHFAM AlL 11.88 Roodsar
          KEOSHKHAB Abbass 9.88 Shires
          XHOSHNFVIS AlL 9.88 Meshed
          KHUSRAVANI M. di 11.88 Bushshr
          KEOSRAVI 1.89 Ti ran
          KNOSRAVI Jafar 11.88 Tehxen
          KHOSRAVX Zahra 9.88 T.hran
          KHOSR 0 00RJI Abdolla i 12.88 Tebren
          KHOSR000RJI Hemid 12.88 T.hrau
          KHOSR0 00RJI Mohammed 12.88 Tshren
          KHOSROVANI 9.88 Tehzen
          KIA POUR Akbar 9.88 0o qen
          KXA- OJOOR 9.88 T•hrer'
          KIABI Sa ud 11.88 TehLan
          KIAMARZI Nader 9.88 T.hren
          KXANI Kho srow 11.88 T.hran
          KIANI Seham 1988 Kaz.roon (Noorebad)
          KIANI Salman 12.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          KIANI-DEUXORDI Simm 9.88 T•hren
          KIKHAH Saniad 9.88 Shires
          KXThNFAR 9 • 88 T.hran
          KXThNFAR 9.88 Tthren
          KODIRI Aliresa 11.88 Tehran
          KOLAGHOOCHI 9.88 T.bran
          KOLAR-KAJ Masoud 1988 Ahwez
          KOLAHKAJ Maecud 1988 Ahwas
          KOMPANI Hooshang 11.88 Tehren
          KOOHESTANI ShaMe 11.88 Ma. jed-Soleiman
          KOOHI Parvin 8.8$ Isfehan
          KOORMANI 9.88 Tebren
          LA'ALX Jamehid 11.88 Khorramabad
          LAAL 9.88 Khorrainabad
          LAHIJANI 1988
          ATIF Akbar 11.88 Tehran
          LATIF A liakbar 9.88 T.hran (Svin Prison)
          LATIFI Hojjat 11.88 Lahijan
          LATIL'I Mojgan 10.88 Tebran
          ATIF1 Nasser 1988 Babol
          LATIPPOOR Marzieh 9.88 Shires
          LAYEGH Shehpoor 11.88 Ahwea
          LAYEGH Shehpoor 1988 Ahwes
          LESANI Nader 12.88 Tsh au
          LOTFI Alireza 1 .88 Isfahan
          HAANAVI Sasid 2.89 Ahwei
          MAASOOMI AlL 8.88 Boruj.rd
          MADANI Morteza 9.68 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          ____ f aname Date Place
          MMIBOUBI 11.10.88 Rasht
          MABJOOBI Anijad 9.88 Zanjan
          MMD400DI 11.88 Kazeroon
          M)Jfl400DZADEH Siavosh 11.88 Tehran
          MAIThIUDI Mahnrod 8. 4.88 Haniedan
          M A1 4UDI Sasean 12.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          M)Jfl4UDI-FAR Abdol-khad 11. 3.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          MLJDI Asghar 11.88 Tehran
          MAKIANI Abdoirahim 10.88 Deaful
          MAKIANI Karim 8. 5.88 Desful
          MAKVANLI Ali-Hossein 11.88 Ahwaz
          MALAYERI Adel 11.88 Tehran
          MALAYERI /li 11.88 Tehran
          MALAYERI Mahvash 3.89 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          MALEKI Assadollah 9.88 Ksrmanshah
          MALEKI Eino]lah 10.88 Kermanshah
          (1 ado 11 ah)
          MALEKI Maryam 1.89 Shahrood
          MALEKI—ANARAKI Majid 11. 1.88 Tahran
          MALLAHI Karim 9.88 Gorgan
          M?INDEGAR Hossein 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          MANSOORt Kiumars 11.88 Tehran
          MANSOORIAN 9.88 Tehran
          MARZANEHSANI Mehdad 11.88 Tehran Evi Prison)
          MARZOJI 9.88 Gonbad
          MASHADI MOHAMMADALI Abmad 12.88 Tehran
          MASHADI-BAGHBAN Soroor 12.88 Tehrau
          MASJEDI Asghar 11.88 Tebran
          MASOORI Iraj 12.88 Khorramabad
          MASOUDI Saeid 9.88 Zanjan
          MASOUDI-FAR 9.88 Kermanshah
          MASSIH Parvia 9.88 Geobsaran
          MAZAHERI Suss n 12.88 Tehran
          MAZENI Eissa 11. 4.88 Tehran
          MAZRUEX 9.88 Rasht
          ME'EMARAN Afehin 10.88 Karaj (Goha dasht
          MEFTAHI Mehran 1988 Ahwaa
          MEHDI-ZADEH Nastaran 9.88 Tehran
          MEHDIZADEH Ahma d 10.38 Tehran
          MEHDIZADEH Majid 11.88 Tehran
          MEHR-ALIYAN Mehdi (Hashem) 9.88 Tebran
          MEHR ABIAN Au 12.88 Tehran
          MEHRANI Mohsen 10.88 Gorgan
          MEHRIPOUR Moha mmed 11.88 Lahijan
          MEIAHI 12.88 Ahwaz
          MEIAHI 12.88 Ahwaa
          MENBARI Mohammad 12.88 Tehran
          MESCHI Masoud 9.88 Tehran
          MESGARI Jamsh 1988 Gachsaran
          MESIIKAT Mohammed Hassan 9.88 Tebran
          Na Tia Forename
          MIMEH Darioosh 11.88 Tehr n
          MINAXI Kha li l 12.11.88
          MIR-FkKHRM 11.88 T.hran
          MIR-HEIDkRI Zohr.h 9.88 Tehran
          MIR-HOSSEINI Farajo l lah 1t.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          MIR-RAHIMI Soheila 1988
          MIR-Vk1U ZADEN 1988
          MIRAIM4 Abbas 11.88 Shirsa
          MIRSARDO Lotfali 11.88 .rman
          MIRSHARI AlL 9.88 Mashed
          MIRSHAHIDI Jamahid 9.88 Mashed
          MIRVASEH Mohammed Mi 12. 2.88 Rasht
          MIRZAEI 9.88 Zenjan
          MIRZ .EI Hojat 2.89
          MIRZAEX Mostaf a 10.27.88 Tehran
          MIRZAEI Parvia 12.88 Tehran
          MIRZAEI Shahnaz 9.88 Hamedan
          MIRZAEI Zahra 12.88 Ahwaz
          MIRZAI 000DARZI Qassem 1.89 Tehran
          MIRZAIE Rouros 11.10.88 Rasht
          MIRZ AIE ourosh 11.10.88 Raeht
          MOADELLI Kavoos 9.88 Shires
          MOAGHAR-MOGHADM4 Gholasn Hossein 9.88 Mashed
          MOAKKEDI Hossein 11.88 Semnan
          MOALLEMI .N Khodadad 9.88 Tehran
          MOAYERI }lamid Reza 9.88 Tehran
          MO8AR ARI AlL 10.88 Tehran
          MOBINI Mehdi 1.89 araj
          MODARESS KAMALI Mehdt 8.88 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          MODARR SSI 11,88 Est*nbanat
          MOBIN 9.88 Tehran
          MOEIN-ALZAKER Aghdas 9.88 Tehran
          MOEIN—SRIR AZI Seyyed Hassan 5.88 Tebran (Evin Prison)
          MOEINI 12.88 Shires
          HOEXHI Fariba 9.88 Shires
          MOEZZI Hassan 10.88 Tabria
          MOGHADAM Ghas.m 9.88 Meshed
          MOGHADAM Mohammed 9.88 Meshed
          MOHAGER Maryam 9.88 Tahran
          MOHAJERI Au ‘3.88 Tehran
          MOHM'Q4AD RHANI Saeid 9.88 Shahrood
          MOHM'Q'IAD REZABI 988 Karaj
          MOHA '24AD TAHER NMJAR Saeid 12.13.88 Tehren (Evin Prison)
          4OHM .24kD-ABADI Reza 10.88 Arak
          MOHM . 4AD-NEJAD 9.88 Lahijar
          MOHAkQ4AD-RAHIMY Soheila 9.88 Tehran
          MOHAZ .24AD-ZADEH Jamal 11.88 Remhormoz
          MOHA*IAD-ZADEH Shokr 9.88 Tehran
          MOHAMMADALIZADEH Shahbana li 1988 Babol
          MOHM.24ADALIZADEH Shahbanali 8.30.88 Sari
          MOHA .2'(k )I All 1 .88 Tehran
          MOHAMMADI Aeghar Tehra
          Forename Date
          MO1W.24AD 1
          MORA*(ADI BAW4AN-l BADI
          MOHA* ADI ZADER
          MOHM.Q4ADREZAI • I
          MOT LAZADEH
          MONT AZERI
          MONTAZER I
          MOOI AVI
          MOOSAVI AN
          MOOSAVI FARD
          MORADI -SHALAL
          MOR SHED ZADEH
          MOSAYEB POUR
          MOSTAFAE I
          Ma ry am
          Mohammad Reza
          Al i
          Gho lain -Reaa
          Az im
          Re a a
          Amir Hossein
          Khal ii
          Moni reh
          Re a a
          Mohammad Reza
          Seyyed Hossein
          Amni r
          Seyyed Nasser
          11. 8.88
          11. 8.88
          8. 6.88
          Masjed Soleiman
          Ardebi 1
          Tehran (Evin Prison)
          1sf than
          Or urn ieh
          Tab r i a
          Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Tabr i a
          Rasht (Guards
          Name Forename
          MOUSSkVX-NE ThD Raze 9.88 T•hran (Evin Prison)
          NADERI 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          N .DXMI 11.88 Ksrmansheh
          NAGMDI DOORBATI Mohammed 11.88 Xare)
          NAGHI—POOR AMIRZADI Oholem-Reza 10. 8.88 Mashed
          NMAF—ABADX Ghand-O l lah 9.88 T•hren
          NMAFX AZAD Abedin 9.88 Rasht
          NMJARXAI Ebrehim 9.88 Tehran
          NAKHAIX Akbar 11.88 Shires
          N .ZHAXX Hamid 12.88 Pale
          NAMAXIAN Habib-O l lah 9.88 Arak
          NASABI Azain 9.88 Earaj
          NAS).RI Kaveh 1.89 karej
          NASERI Manuchehr 9.88 Tehren
          NASOORI Mahvaeh 988 Xeraj
          NASOORI Pooran 9.88 eraj
          NASRABADI Hair 12.88 T.hran
          NASSABI Azaim-0l-Sadat 9.88 Xaraj (Gohardazht
          NASSER Masoud 2. 8.8t1 Kare (Goherdasht
          NASSIR MOOHADDAM Hazer 10.88 Khorramebad
          NASSIRI Hossein 2.89 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          NASSRX Seyyed Mohammed 8188 Hamedaii
          NAVA l Ashxef 10. 2.88 Hemedan
          NAYERX Moheen 9.88 T•hran
          NAZARI 11.88 Xeraj
          NAZ).RI Hemid 10.88 Me leyer
          NAZEMI 8.88 Golpayegan
          NAZERI Raze 8. 2.88 Kashan
          NAZERI Zahre 8. 2.88 Eashen
          NEIAVAND Ab dol lah 10.88 T•hran
          NEINAVAEI Sheila 9.88 Tehren
          NEINEX Bahram 1988/89
          NEJATI Seyye Hoseein 8. 6.88 T.hren
          NEJATI-MOHARRAMI Amin 9.88 Mashed
          NEMATI Farain 9.88 Tehran
          NEMATI Ohanbar 11.88 Tehran
          NEMATI Mabmood 12.88 T.hran
          NEMATIOLLAHI Amir 9.88 Kerej
          NIKAMDAM 9.88 Kangevar
          NXKFAR AlL 1988 Rasht
          NIKXAR Raze 9.88 Shires
          NXKMAM Au 11.23.88 Shires
          klIKOO Fariba 9.88 Tehran
          NIKOO-EGHBAL Fatemeh-Zahra 12.88 Tihran
          NIKOOXAR AlL 11.88 T.hren (Evin Prison)
          NILGHAZ AlL 1.89 Xeraj
          NOORAXI Jahangir 1.89 Khorrexnabad
          NOORAMIN Mohammed Raze 1.10.89 Xarej
          Name Forenbzne Date
          NOORI Narges 9.88 Orumieh
          NOORI-NI1( Mahnaz 10.88 Tohran (Evin Prison)
          NOORI-NIK Mohammad 11.88 Arak
          NOROOZI 1.89 Ahwaz
          NOROOZI Esmaei l 10.88 Tebran
          NOROOZI Kianoosh 12.88 Karaj
          NOROOZI Mehdi 9.88 Tehran
          NOROOZI Mohanimad 9.88 Tebran
          NOROOZI Mohammad Reza 2.89 Oruniieh
          NOROOZI Mostafa 1988
          NOUR-MOHAM4ADX Parvaneb 9.88 Tehran
          NOUR-MOHM .Q4ADI Sa leheh 9.88 Tehran
          NOURI Hossein 12.88 Tehran
          NOURI Naeiin 12.88 Tehran
          NOZARI Habibo l lah 11.88
          OLFATI Nazi 9.88 Tehran
          OMAR-ALI Saf6ar 9.88 Karaj
          OMRANI 11.88 Tehran
          OMRANJ 9.88 Xsfahan
          OORAKI Nasrin 10.88 Tehran
          OROUJI-ZAREH Jaber 11.88 Rasht
          OSATI AlL 10.88
          OSTOVARI Kambiz 11.88 Tehran
          OUJI amal 9.88 Shiraz
          PABL.EVANNES}IAN Morteza 9.88 Karaj
          PAIDAR-ARANI Mansur 9.88 Tehran (. vin Prison)
          PAIDAR-ARANX Man&ur 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          PAJMAN-FAR Mahboobeh 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          PAKBAZ Maryam 9.88 Tehran
          PAXRAVAN 11.88 M3shad
          PANARI Shahin 9.88 Tehran
          PAPEX Nemat 11.88 Dordood
          PABSt Babak 2.11.89 Tehran (Evin prison)
          PARVARER Ahinad 11.11.88 Noshahr
          PARVIZI Atnir Hossein 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          PARVIZI Hossein 2.89
          PAYDAR-ARANX Mash l1ah 9.88 Kashan
          PEIKAR Farshid 10.20.88 Tebran
          PIROOZZADEN Nasser 9.88 Ahwaz
          P O OR-ALHOSSEINI Zia 1988
          PO OR-MIRZA Arash 1988 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          PO ORKASHKOOLI Fatemeh 10.88 Shiraz
          POUR KASHKOOL 1 I Farzaneh 12.16.88 Shiraz
          GRAS HGHAE I
          POUR MANSOURI Parsa 9.88 Thhran
          POUR-EGHBALI Parvin 9.88 Tehran
          POUR-IVAZ Farzan 11.88 Rasht
          POUR-MOHM .g4AD JAFAR Masoud 11.88 Tehran
          POURDANA 12.88 Bandaranzali
          POURDANA Reza 12.88 Bandaransali
          RABIBI Nais.r 1988
          RABIEI Abbas 1988
          RAMATI A li-Aaqhar ii.. 9.88 Xhoy
          RANBAR-KHAM Yahya 11.88 T.hrab
          RARBARI Majid 11.88 Tehran
          RAE! Masoud 9.88 Tehren
          RABIM EJAD Tehmures 10. 3.88 Gorgan
          RAHIMI 11.88 Gorgen
          RAHIMI 11. 1.88 Shires
          RARIMI Kilvan 11.88 Tshran
          RABIMI M.hdi 1988
          RAHIMI Soheila 9.88 Tehran
          RAEXMI-M AT'AM Hassan 10.88 Karaj
          RAHIMIAN 11.88 Shires
          RAWOINI Heasan 9.88 Shahrood
          RABMANIAN Moheen 11.88 Shires
          RAIST Sa ud 9.88 Borujurd
          RAJABI Reniid 11.88 S.mnan
          RAJABI Mohammed-Ruse 11.88 S.mnan
          RAJAEI Fat.msh 9.88 T.hrau
          RAJAX Abmad 11.. 8 Borujird
          RAKI Abdoiresa 1988 Masj.d Solilman
          RAKI Hamid 9.88 Masj.v Sol.iman
          RAMEZANX Habib 12.16.88 Tuhr u i
          RAMEZANI Mohammed Hoasein 1988 Relamebad
          RAMZX Behead 1.89 T.hran
          RM4ZX ESMAEELX Bebsed 1988 T.hran (Evin Prison)
          RANJEAR Sammad 11.88 T.hran
          R)NJBAR MASS01 EHI Tah ereh 8. 5.88 Desful
          RANJEAR SHUREH-DEL Sanm%ed 12. 4.88 Tehren (EviD Prison)
          RASHXDI Mohammed 11.88 Ahwas
          Oholam Hoesein 12.88 Ahwai
          RASHTCHXAN tdaaoud 11.88 Tshran
          RASSOULI knir 10.20.88 Tshran
          RASSOULXNEZHAD 12.88 Ahwes
          RAVANDI Amir 9.88 T•hran
          RAVIJZADER Ebrahim 12.88 T.hran
          •RA:BAN Ferideh 8.19.88 Tehran
          RAZ. Rajebali 1988 Tabri .
          RAZZAGHI Meshid 11.88 T.hran
          REYSHANRI 9.88 Bushehr
          !ZA-KRANX Soudabeh 9.88 Tehren
          REZA-SOLTAN! Fatemeh 9.88 Tehran
          REZAEI 11.11.88 Abhar
          REZAEX Akbar 9.88 Isfahan
          REZAEI Aliresa 11.88 Ahwas
          REZAEI Mahmood 9.88 Xaraj
          REZAE! Nadereh 12.88 Ahwez
          REZAEI Shahriar 1.89 Tehren
          RBZAEI Yuaeef 11.88 Karaj (Goherdaeht
          REZAEX JARROMI Manuchehr 9.88 Tehren (Evin Prison)
          Name Forename Data Place
          P.EZAEI-ZADEH Alireza 11.88 Tehran
          REZAEXAN Rasool 2. 9.88 Gohardasht
          REZ) .II Pariaa 3.988
          REZAII Teimoor 12.88 Shiraz
          REZAXI-TAROHOBEN Hojjat 1988
          RVASHABI Abdollah 9.88 Bandarabbas
          REE ?JHAHI Gholam 9.88 Bandarabbas
          REZVANI Majid 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          RIAZI Harnid 9.88 Mashad
          RIThHI 9.88 Tehran
          PIYAIiX 9.88 Tehran
          RIZEB-VANDI Hakimeh 11.88 11am
          ROBAT-SARPUSH Mohammed 9.88 Mas ad
          ROOD Mohammed 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          NOON Hesean 1988 Raeht
          ROOX-PARVAR Abmad 9.88 Tehran
          ROOZBANA'X Mohsen 9.88 Tehran
          ROOZEH-DAR Mel 11.88 Tehran
          ROSTM4I Majid 9.88 Zanjan
          ROUZITALAB Pervia 11.88 Shirea
          SAADAT 11.88
          SA'ADATI 4ansureh 9.88 Shires
          SAADAT-HOSSEINI Abolfeal 12.88 Shires
          SAADAT-HOSSEINI Aboltazi 12.88 Shires
          SABAHI Haye 1eh 9 • 88 Tehran
          SABZDEL Majid 1988 Meajed
          SADAF Mohammed 8. 2.88 Kaahan
          SADEGH-BAYGI Hosasin .2.88 Raraj
          SADEGI .BAYGI Parivash 11.88 Tehren
          SADEGHI A u 9.88 Karej
          SADEGHI Farsin 9.88 Tehr zi
          SADEGHI Firoos 1.89 Tabris
          SADEGHI Hossein 9.88 Shahxood
          SADEGHI Mostafa 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SADIDIYAN Mebdi 9.88 Mashed
          SADOOGHI Mousse 10.88 Shires
          SAEEDI 11.88 Shires
          SAEIDI Abdolleh 8.88 Tehren
          SA.EXDI Au 9.88 Tehren
          SAEIDI Amir U.88 Tehren
          SAEIDX Hossein 9.88 Tahren
          SAEIDI-SHARIF-ABAD AlL 9.88 Mashed
          SAEIDI-SHARIF-ABAD Mohammed Resa 9.88 Mashed
          SAFARI Zahre 9.88 Tehran
          SAFAI'I Dariooah 9.88
          SAFAI'I Mahboobeh 10.20.88 Tehran
          SAFARI Hossein 9.88 Lahijan
          SAFARI Karim 1988 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SAFAVI Abbas 9.88 Mashed
          FAFAVI Abolfesi 11.88 Mashed
          SAFAVI Hamid 11. 1.88 Karaj
          SAFDARI Hessen 10.88 Mashed
          Name Forename
          SAFFARIAN Jami l.h 0.88 Ithoramabad
          SkGHERI KHODA-PARAST Maryam 7.29.88 T.hran
          SkOVAND Fereydoon 8. 5.88 Deiful
          SAGVAND Parviz 9.88 D•iful
          SAGVAND Parvir 8. 5.88 Deiful
          SAHABI 11.88 T•hran
          SARAMI 2.89 Gohardaaht
          SkXHAEI Assado l lah 12. 7.88 Shiraz
          SkKHAEI Farah 9.88 Tebran
          SkKHAEI M5naur 12. 7.88 Shiraz
          Sk HAEI Zahra 9.88 Tehran
          SkLABSHOUR Fayzollab 11.88 Rasht
          SALARI Alireza 9.88 Ahwaz
          S A LEHI 2.89 Lahijan
          SALEHI Abbaz 1988 Ahwaz
          SALEHX Alunad 9.88 Bhahrood
          SALEHI A li-Akbar 11.88 Ahvaz
          SALEHI Susan 9.29.88 Tehran
          SALEHIZADEH Siavosh 1988 Ahwaz
          SM..EMI -MOADDAB Javad 9 • 88 Tehran
          SkL .IMI 9.88 Tehran
          S A LIMI Nader 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SA M .N-ZkDEH Hakirneh 9.88 Tehran
          SAMADI A)i 1988
          SAMADZADEH Mehran 9.88 Xaraj
          SM4ANDAR 9.88 Tahran (Evin Prison)
          SAMANDAR M nijeh 8.88 Tebran
          SAMANDARI Mahmood 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SAIZADEGAN Mohammad 11.88 Lahijan
          S A NAIX Hossein 11. 1.88 Shires
          SANI-SHAROHI Javad 9.88 Shires
          SARAJI JABBARI Rasoul 11.88 Tehran
          SARAYDAR Mohammed R•za 11.88 T.hran
          SAREHOSH Jahan-Bakhsh 9.88 Tehran
          SARRAFI Abbas 9.88 Tehran
          SAT'HZ Abbas 10.88
          SATTAR-NEJAD Seyyed-As edo l la 12.88
          SATTARI Parvis 9.88 Teb an
          SAVABI 1988
          SAY-ThHI Hayedeh 9.88 Tehran
          SAYYADI Ebrahirn 10.88
          SAYYADPOOR Reza 10.88 Xhorramabad
          SAYYARI Jafar 8. 2.88 Kashan
          SEDAGHAT 10.88 Tehran
          SEDAGHAT 10.88 Tehran
          SEDAGHAT S eid 11.88 Lahijan
          SEDIGH Farhad 9.88 Ramsar
          SEOHLEINI AlI-Reza 9.88 Borooj.rd
          SEGHLEINI Gholam 11.88 Boroojerd
          SFIHAT Ardalan 9.88 Ardabil
          SEIFI Siarnak 11.88 T.hran
          Name Forename Date Place
          SEYNDI As ar 9.88 Tahran
          SEYFI Br am 11.88 Tehran
          SEYF! Sh, ariar .89 Eermanshah
          SEYTED ARMAD QOOSHCHI Sey e6 Mohammad 8. 3.b8 Tahrau
          SBYYED—AIC4ADI Seyyed-Mohsen 9 • 88 Tehran
          SHAABANI 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SHAABANI DARYANI AlL 9.8 Tehran
          SMAB-ZENDEHDAR Zahra 9 • P 8 Tebran
          SHABAN-ZADER Asarn 9.88 Roodsar
          SHABANI Abdoijabbar 12.88 Tehran
          SHADLOO A liasghar 1988 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SHAERX Nasser 2,89 Amo].
          SHAFIBI 12.88 Mashad
          SHAFIPOUR Ziba 12.88 Masjed Soleiman
          SHAN-MOHAZ'24AD1 Sara 9.88 Tebran
          SHAHI-MOGHANI Behrooa 9.88 Tehran
          SHAHEARAMI AlL 9.88
          SHAHKARAZ4I Hojat 9.88
          SHANMIRI Mehr 1ad 10.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SHANMORADI Ataol lah 9.88 Shiraz
          SHANPAR Sou dabeh 9.88 Tehran
          SHAKER Mahahid 9.88 Shiraz
          SHALALVAND Hanizeb 1988 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SHAMS 11.8 5 Borujerd
          L'IAMS Hemid 9.88 Tehran (Evir Prison)
          SHAMEZADEX Soheyla 9.88 Tehran
          SHANGOLNIA Ghafoor 9.88 Lahijan
          SHARAPODDIN Bahram 11.88 Ahwaz
          SHARIATI Mohammad-Reza 9.88 Langarood
          SHARIATI Sima 1988
          SHARIF Ahmad 9.88 Gachsaran
          SHARIFI Shabram 9.88 Tehran
          SHAYAN Khosruw 1.89 Tehran
          SHAYBSTEH Masoud 11.88 :ehran (Evin Prison)
          SHEIKH-MOHA*tADI Ah n iad 9.88 Tehran
          SHEIKH-MOHM'Q4ADX Reza 9.88 Tebran
          SHEIKH-REZAEI Hossein 8. 2.88 Kashan
          SHEXEHANI 9.88 Tehran
          SHEXK}1I 1988 Dezfu l
          SHEMIRANI (AYATOLLAH) 9.88 Hafshajansha Hr-Kord
          SHEY SANI Saham 11.88 Shiraz
          SHIRALI Shahpoor 10.88 Dezfu l
          (Gho lam-Reza)
          SHIRAL .I Shapoor 8. 5.88 Deztu l
          SHIRMOHA*IADI Afsaneh 11.88
          SHIRZAD Au 11.88 Orumieh
          SHO'A Fereydoon 11.88 Lahijan
          SHOJAEI Nasrin 10.88 Isfahan
          SHOKOOHI Mansoor 1988 Sabzevar
          SHOKRI 11.88 Ghaemshahr
          SHOKRI 11.88 Ghaemshahr
          SHOKRI Peyman 11. 3.88 Ozumieb
          Name Forename Date Place
          SHOKROLLABIAN-CHESHMEH Hassan 8.28.88 Tehran
          SIAH MANSOOR KHORIN Sadrolab 2. 4.89 Tehran
          SIAVASHI Akbar 8. 6.89 Nahavand
          SINk kfaaneh 9.88 Tebran
          SIRANG 9.88 Tehran
          SOBHANI Hossein 12.88 Karaj (Ghezelhesar
          SOHEILI MOhanirMsd 9.88 Mashad
          SORREVARDI Mohsen 9.88 Tehran
          S0L ElM) .NI Azar 9.88 Karaj
          SOLEIMANI Farhad 9.88 Rasht
          SOLEIMANI-FARD Shahrokh 11.88 Tehran
          SOI TANI Parhad 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          SOOMI lussef 10.88 Raaht
          SOTUDEH 11. 1.88 Shiras
          TA-AVONI R .NJI Amir 7.28.88 Tehran
          TABANI Behnam 1. 8.89 Tehran
          TABANI Hossein (Behnaxn) 3.89 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          TABATABABI Ahxnad 11.88 Tehran
          TABATABAEI Majid 11.88 Tehran
          TABIB Aaadeh 9.88 Tehran
          TABIBI-NEJAD 1.89 Tabris
          TAGH-DAREH Azam 9.88 Tehran
          TAGHAVI Abbas 9.88 Tabris
          TAllER KHANI Mohanimad 11.88 Tehran
          TAHERI Aghafakhr 11.88 Isfaban
          TAllER! Hamid 11.88 Tabris
          TAHERI Javad 9.88 Tehr n (Evin Prison)
          TAllER! Mohanimad 11.88
          TAMER! Seyyed Faithr 8.88 Ysfahan
          TAHIROL-ESLAMZADEH Seyyed Mebdi 12.88 Ahwaz
          TAIThIASBIAN 9.88 Tehran
          TAHSILI Nahld 8. 3.88 Tehran
          TAIKANDI All 10.89 Karaj (Gohardasht
          TAJ-AKBARI Manijeh 9.88 Tehran
          TALAEI 12.23.88 Tehran
          TAIJEB BIDOKHTI Abo lfazl 11.83 Mashad
          T, LEBI 8. 8.88 11am
          TAL.EBI Adel 11.88 Tehran
          TALEBI All 8. 8.88 11am
          TAfJEBI Hassan 3.16.89 Marand
          TALEBIAN Morteza 8. 2.88 Rashan
          TAT EGHANI Hamid 11.8* Tehran (Evin Prison)
          TAI ESHI Bijan 1988 Rasht
          TAM Jafar 9.88 Kermanshah
          TAMADDONIFAR Davood 9.88 Ardebil
          TAQIZADEH Ebrahim 11.88 Tabria
          TARANI 10.89 Karaj (Gohardaaht
          1988 Ahwaz
          Ebrahim 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          —23 —
          Name Forename Pate Place
          TARIGHAT Mohainmad 9.88 Tabria
          TARIGHAT Zahra 11.88
          TARSHIZI Reza 1.89 Tehxan
          TARZ-ALI (ZAND-ARYA) Bahram 10.28.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          TASHAROFI 11.88 Semnan
          TASHARROFI Hassan 9.88 Semnan
          T A VAKK OLI Shapoor 1988 Ahwaa
          TAVAKOLI Rajab 11.88 Ghaemshahr
          TAVAKOLI Shahpoor 1988 Ahwaz
          TAVALLOLI Nasro llah 10.88 Shiraz
          TAVANAEIAN-FARD t4aryam 9.88 Tehran
          TEBABATI 9.88 Babol
          TENRANI Mohammad 9.88 Shabrood
          TOL.IYAT Masoud 9.88 Birjand
          TOOSI Javad 12.88 Mashad
          TOOTOONCHI Kha lil 9.88 Zanjan
          TOOTOONCHI Massourneh 10.20.88 Hamedan
          TOOZAEI Bahram 9.88 Tebran
          TORABI A.1 mad 1988 Orumieb
          TORABI Habib 1.89 Shahrood
          TORABI Vahab 1.89 Shahrood
          TORABI-NAVXD Javad i2.88 Hamedan
          VAEZ-ZADEH Seyyed Mohsen 1988 Babol
          VAFAEI Ghassem 9.88 Tehran
          VAKILI Masoud 11.88 Mashad (Vakilabad
          VALI Changiz 9.88 Dezful
          VARP OSHT! Kobra 8.88 Isfahan
          VASEFI Shahin 11.88 Ahwaz
          VASIGH Kazem 2.89 Ardebil
          VATANPARAST Manuchehr 9.88 Shiraz
          VAZIRI Hossein Au 9.88 Mashad
          YACHOUBI Behrooz 10.88 Shahrkord
          YAGHOUBI Hojjato l].ah 11.88
          YAMANI Mohsen 11.88 Qazvin
          YAZDANI hmad 1.89 Tehran
          YAZDI Morteza 10.29.88 Tehran
          YAZDJERDI Mahmood 11.88 Tehran
          YEK-KALAM (HASSANI) Masoud 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          YOUSEFI Amir 2.89 Tehran (1 vin Prison)
          YOUSEFI Mohsen 2.89
          YUSEF-NEJAD Mohammad 11. 1.88 Shiraz
          YUSSEFI Miiihnaz 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          ZABETI Ja].il 9.88 Mashad
          ZAEEDI- ARBESTANI Sobrab 11.88 Tehian ( vin Prison)
          ZAKERI 11. 1.88 Shiraz
          ZAKI Abbas 11.88 Gohardasht
          ZAMANI Assadol lah 2.89 Garrnsar
          ZAMANIPOOR Cede-Au 1988 Ldhijan
          ZAND Reza 8.88 Karaj
          ZARANDI Koorosh 1.89 Karaj (Cohardasht
          Name Forename Date
          ZARE'E Farhad 9.23.88 Zfthedan
          ZAREZADEM Mobsen 11.88 Hamedan
          ZkRFCRI Farahnaa 9.88 Tehran
          ZARKANI Nahid 9.88 Tehran
          ZXA-MIRZAEI Parvaneh 9.88 Tehran
          ZIAEI MIRZA.EI Farzaneh 9.88 Tehran
          ZXNAEI Mohammad 11.88 Shiras
          ZXThEX Seyyed Mohammad 9.88 Tehran
          ZOI FkGHARI Akbar 11.88 Semnan
          ZOLFAGHAPI Hojjat 11.88 Semnan
          ZOLFAGHARI Parviz 11.88 Shahr-Kord
          ZOLFAQARI Ahmad 11.88 Orumieh
          A do11ah 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Adel 9.88 Tehran
          Ahmad 9.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Aeghar 12.88 Shiras
          Badri 7.30.88 Salmas
          Behnam 11.88 Tehran
          Ebrahim 12.88 Tehran
          rand 9.88 Tehran
          Fend 1988 Rasht
          Farid 12.88 Shires
          Fereydoon 12.88 Desful
          Fereydoon 9.88 Tehran
          Ghorban 1988 Karaj
          Hadi 11.88 Tehren
          Hamid 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Hamid 9.88 Behbehan
          Hassan 11.88 Tehran
          Hassan 9.88 Raeht
          Hooriyeh 11.88 Tehran
          Hooshang 11.88 Tehran
          Hossein 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Hossein 11.88 Tehran
          Majid 1988
          Majid 12.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Marzieh 11.88 Tehran
          Mehrdad 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Mehrdad 12. 7.88 Ahwaz
          Mehrdad 11.88 Lahijan
          Mehri 11.88 Tehran
          Mehyar 7.28.88 Tehran
          Mohammed 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Mohammed 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Mohammed 11.88 Tehran (Ev n Prison)
          Mohaminad Reza 11.88 Karaj
          Mohsen 10.88 Tehran
          Nasser 7.28.88 Tehran
          Nasser 9.88 ‘ Karaj
          Parvin 11. 6.88 Khoram.-Abad
          Reza 9.88 Tehran
          Name Forename Date 1ace
          Reza 9.88 Karaj
          Roghieh 11.88 Tebran (Evin Prison)
          Saeid 11.88 Tebran
          Shahin 1988 Tehran (Evin Prison)
          Shirin 11.88 Tehran
          Siavash 9.88 Karaj
          Siroos 12.88 Shiraz
          Zahra 2. 9.88 Rasht
          Zahra 11.88 Tehran (Evin Prison)

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