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Somayeh Rashidi released after 68 days in detention

          Change for Equality
          Somayeh Rashidi, Released After 68 Days in Detention
          Friday 26 February 2010
          Change for Equality: [ ]

          Somayeh Rashidi, an activist involved in the
          One Million Signatures Campaign was
          released on February 25, 2010 from Evin
          prison after spending 68 days in detention.
          Rashidi was arrested on December 20, 2009
          after showing up in the revolutionary courts
          following a summons. A few days prior to her
          arrest, security officials came to the home of
          this women's rights defender searching the
          premises and seizing her personal belongings.
          The lawyers representing Rashidi, Afrooz
          Maghzi and Zohreh Arzani had followed up her
          case with the Revolutionary Courts, but were
          not provided access to information in the case
          pending against their clients. It should be
          noted that Rashidi had been barred from
          continuing her education at the Masters level
          in the field of Women's Studies, as a result of
          her activism on behalf of women.
          Somayeh's release was greeted with joy and
          excitement from her colleagues in the One
          Million Signatures, who showed up in large
          numbers in front of Evin Prison to greet her.
 . ./spip.php?...
          8/12/2010 Change for Equality
          Moriammadi W25 See pictures of Somayeh's release by visiting
          Hospitalised after Being Released the photo blog of the Campaign.
          from Prison [ http : //]
          Urgent: Zeynab
          lalalian faces
          Danger of Execution!
          Bahareh Hedayat & Milad Asadi
          Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

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