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Supervisors Call for End to Deaths

          TUSTIN, CA.
          W. 6,000
          SEP 1 983
          --.-- . ‘ . ‘ . ‘- ‘ .-- —- ‘ .‘ :,T ' ,
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          Supervisors Call for End to Deaths
          Orange County Board of THEREFORE, BE IT behalf of ‘the ‘) ‘isof - executions f “ Baha'is
          SUpervisors, recently RESOLVED THAT TEE Iran and to jut a stop :tó whlch had' already been
          joined President Reagan Oraiige County Board of further persecution in or- planned. .He was ignored,:
          in calling for the end of. Supervisors does hereby der to establish peace to and on June 16, six Baha'i
          executions of adherents of.. support. the efforts of allpeoplesof.theworld.” enwerehanged.
          the Baha i Faith by the'. President'RoáaldReagan,' Since, the Ayatollah ‘TWO days later, ten
          government of Iran. •, the U.S. Senate Commit- Khomeini came to power women had their lives.
          tee on Foreign Affairs, the in 178, more than i o taken by the gallows.
          In response to a request u.s. House of Represen- Baha'is have n Many were husbinds and'
          by Orange County, tatives Committee on ‘ executed by the Khomeini wives, sons and daughters
          Baha'is,.. the.; board Foreign Affairs. and government Thousands executed days apart. One
          unanunously passed a ,. World Court; in their at-. have had their homes con- . woman died alongside her
          resolution stating:. ‘Now tempt to intercede . on fiscated and been thrown daughter.
          outof their jobs.'.: “ : Two eighteen-year-old
          On May 22, President girls died for the “crime”
          . . Reagan sent aplea tothe. of teaching Baha'i Sunday
          Iranians to withhold SChOol classes.

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