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Tehran offers peace to Kurds

5/27/2011 Article – Untitled Article Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Aug 30,1979; Section: None; Page: 6 Tebran Offers’ peace tO Kurds From Liz Thiargoed in Teltren The frantan. Gareroseetat has annourket art agreement ban been reached with the re- bels in the troubled Westera pnisvttee of Kordeslon. Bet no lsdepesdtnt ion wee avoilalole lest ninht ft-ten Kite- dish headquarters. ass agreement wash bring to on end tente of the mtst bitter ogttting stare Aye- tetteb Khomeini swept to power last Febniseny. About 500 peeple are believed to hate died in l isa lest Iwo weeks. Aecording to the State rodin. nn agreement was resnhed due- log telhs yesterday between tether Government elSelats and a Jctsrdish ongetiatieg team thn t oltnw site tranian Arsoy to enter the iek etraoghsld of Mahahad. — Apart from two smelt tact- dents yeteertey, vs set-lean hostilities have been reported far three days white both olden awaited the esleome ef the eegottotiesa. If shabed itself wee narrmooded test aslg lti by et’meureet ertamne of the Iranian mltte.sry, with unite the 64th Divisise re- ported to be arty thren toiler oulylde the tews. in retntro fee atlawlog the Army to ester htehelaad, the teversmest is reported to nrnr.rivs Atnbee oeldlrrn err repertrd Is Trhraa to have fled across the herder late tree. betoglng iheir arms ammssasitlea with these. The men and their at-ass weee beeded ever to ICe gendarmerie he Zahedao Jo Batoehiolas precinct 10 Soelh-west treo.—tteqter, have agreed to grant ordinary memhers” or ste natlaewd hardhat Democratic Party tmmrem protects- itott convert the lows’s garri- east erto a nrtverociy faculty, and ‘after the Inlet ersabtlrtt- scent of security” tu allow the Kurds it orgasiso their ever utiotary Coree. The Arms’, the radio said, wants Irate Mohsbad at ‘the first epportust mssnesl,’ Despite the Governmee announcement, it was still fstr from clear whether the Kurds were being offered no ment or an otcimotons. The Interior htlvtster, Mr Ilathem Solehag lstan, later said titus the Kurds hsd bere told “the ,Sea tssd te ester blatsabad.” ‘list negotiators terre oct agstsst it, he said, l’iewo of the egrermeat, de- mrihtd lay tise Government as “s fnsssartsahte artetrrement,” followed a nets stetrwrot drain Ayaloltnh Kb tnt 01 u I that oprcarnd to hare rorssptetrly ruled sot all hope of cempre- arise, Feltoo’inu isstrsetsaste looted no Turoday night “to crt’vtt the griteslealt avd Ihelr leodoro,” t lst Ayatollah made on li-paint olatemast offering the rebels o generol emsmty but calling for else arrrst sI their outlawed SOP leaders. ‘l’he Ayeloltah nba pronsitod t ltat oererol at the recently— heaved newspapers would be otlowed to pohltoh sgoio bst gureoo indication so le ct-blab ones. Two meebs ago, 16 pthti- enlists rriltrat ef iCe blesque were otarsptly cleted. tlcttvsvtstle 14 ertsstcera tc- tolvad is a coal taroala on Mon- day Is the North’mrstrrs city at Tohrte hors hers rvceuted. Amoag tlteoe facing Ihe lata ‘ mit firing squad were two v’tlnen. LIttle moo hen -sos or Itta gust breula and later nut- itg whtch lrd to Ihe dratbt of en Islamic Guardsman. Accord , Jog to lIst local press. the riot- lsg prisoners were jotoed by local Tabrinto aed port of the trio en non set alight. A rneple touvd guilty of adultery linen been sentenced i to death is c Isc stothern port lame nl Bushehr. tteweeer, I further noct lt, is Shine, a cots- pIe convicted el a otmilac cries e seers mhtpped and thee ordered tt sctrry. Render odds: The Turkish, Issleriur Minister, Mr Slaaarj, Frhml Gusrs, lout deotef urns ceports that Turhsioh hun c It mere grassing tote lean to help thoto flghlisg tr mar ion ,trsty. He also droied that t Iu n rith sepocatist jreaps cc T’ ,srtey terre sms glssg at-coo into fran. “We arc deing cur dtu’t 1 masotaseteg the integr y of oar nrtghhtear Iran,’ he ‘said.…/getFiles.asp?… 1/2 5/27/2011 Article – Untitled Article Tw 1ve K ir4. 1i lninger 1riIe OU1M Ir ni n nib y in 10 prolell against Th death & u ruI iflNeWS and Media Limited…/getFiles.asp?… 2/2

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