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Thousands gather to hear, cheer Iran’s Michelle Obama

          8/10/2010 Thousands gather to hear, cheer Iran'...
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          C i s SHSPE EMSIL SA lE PAINT
          Thousands gather to hear, cheer . Wfeofpresidenfial hopeful Mir Hossein Mousa generates huge crowds
          i ran' . Never in the history of Iranian presidential elections has a wife been in the forefront
          • ‘This is the first time after the Revolution we see a lady behind the presidenf'
          • Could draw young voters in Iran, where median age is 27
          May 24, 2009-- Updated 0813 GMT (1613 HKT) Nest Article in World>>
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          From Reza Sayah
          TEHRAN, Iran (CNN)-- Dancing in public is not allowed in Iran, but thousands could hardly contain
          themselves ata recent presidential campaign rallyin the capital city, Tehran.
          On this day, the deafening cheers were not for
          presidential hopeful Mir Hossein Mousav but
          rather for his wife--a woman some are calling
          Iran's Michelle Obama.
          The comparisons to the first lady of the United
          States stem from the role Zahra Rahnavard is
          playing in her husband's quest for the presidency
          Never in the history of Iranian presidential
          elections has a candidate put his wife in the
          forefront of his campaign.
          Wherever Mousavi --a centrist candidate--goes,
          Rahnavard is usually nearby
          — Watch more about Zahrs Rahnavard>>
          “t è look at her and we say ‘we wantto be like her
          in the future, ‘“said Shakiba Shakerhosseie, one
          of 12,000 people who packed into Tehran's indoor
          Pzadi (Freedom) sports stadium to hear Rahnavmrd speak.
          Iran became an Islamic republic in 1979 after the ruling monarchywas overthrown and Shah Moham mad
          Reza Pahlavi was forced into exfle.
          The revolution also ended the ceremonial role of first ladythat the last queen, Farah, enjoyed.
          At this rally Rahnavmrd -- a writer and art professor-- spoke for her husband, who was campaigning
          Wearing a floral headscarf and a traditional black chador -- a full-length loose robe that women in Iran wear
          like a cloak-- Rahnavard called forfreedoms she says were lost during President Mahmoud
          Ahmadijenads term.
          “I hope freedom of speech, freedom of the pen and freedom of thought will not be forgotten,” she said.
          The crowd, which was clad in Mousa 's trademark color green,
          cheered wildly. It waved placards with his picture and swayod from
          side to side, chantng and beatng drums.
          Iran tests new surface-to- The women sat on one side; the men on the other.
          surface missile
          The overwhelming majoritywere young voters, many of whom said they
          attended because of Mousavi's wife, a mother of three.
          Iran's population--estimated at more than 66 million --has a median age of 27.
          “I am really angry here in Iran with the position of women,” said Saghar Kouhestani, adding that she
          supports Mousavi because of his wife.
          Mousav a former prime minister, is considered a threat to Ahmadinejad, a hard-liner, in the June 12
          elections. He is credited for successfully navigating the Iranian economy during a bloody eight-year war with
          Iraq in the 1980s.
          Overthe weekend, the Iranian government blocked access to the social networking site Facebook, where
          Mousavi has a page with more than 5,000 supporters, the semi-official Iranian Labor News >Agency (ILNA)
          Those attempting to visit Facebook received a message in Farsi saying, “Access to this site is not
          Political science professor Moham mad Marandi downplays Rahnaverd's impact She maywin over
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          Supporlershope La.... . . will become mn's
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          Thousands gather to hear, cheer Iran '...
          reformists and women, he says, but what will win the election is a solution to the floundering economy and
          a strong performance in the debates.
          “If Ahmadinejad does well in the debates, I don't think anyone will be able to defeat him,” Marandi said.
          But try selling that to Rahna ard's enthusiastic supporters.
          ‘This is the first time after the Re olution we see a lady behind the
          president,” said Farhad Mahmoudi. “ Md this is whywe're so happy
          because we can ha e a first lady.”
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