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UN experts gravely concerned by mass arrests in Iran

          12/9/2009 http://www.
          Press Release
          UN experts gravely concerned
          by mass arrests in Iran
          7 July2009
          GENEVA — Six independent United Nations experts* again call upon the
          Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to uphold its international obligations
          to ensure that the human rights of all individuals are protected following the
          presidential elections in the country.
          “We also encourage Iran to honour its standing invitation to the UN experts to
          conduct official visits to the country, by accepting the outstanding requests
          made by several Special Procedures mandate holders to allow intemational
          independent scrutiny of the current situation,” said the six experts in a joint
          Despite recent concerns expressed by five UN experts and those expressed by
          the High Commissionerfor Human Rights, about the possible use of excessive
          police force and violence employed by some militia members during opposition
          protests in the past weeks, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly
          continue to be undermined and the situation of human rights defenders is
          increasingly precarious.
          Freedom of expression and the situation of human rights defenders
          Hundreds of individuals, including human rights defenders, joumalists, students,
          clerics and opposition supporters have been injured and arrested in recent
          weeks following clashes with security forces and members of the Basij militia.
          The safety of defenders has deteriorated considerably in the aftermath of the
          elections, most significantly in reaction to denunciations of human rights abuses
          reportedly committed by security forces. Interference with broadcasts and online
          coverage of protests, the expulsion of several foreign journalists as well as
          restrictions on the freedom of journalists to move and report freely has stifled
          freedom of expression in the country.
          Excessive use of force
          Since 12 June 2009, at least 20 people have been killed and hundreds of
          others seriously injured in clashes with security forces which allegedly used live
          ammunition and rubber bullets to disperse protests. The experts recall that the
          12/9/2009 http://www.
          use of force must be exercised with restraint and only once non-violent means
          have been exhausted. In addition, the use of firearms by the security forces is
          prohibited, except in self-defence or defence of others from an immi nent threat
          of death or serious injury. Independent investigations into the actions of the
          security forces have yet to be carried out.
          Mass arrests
          The legal basis for the arrests of journalists, human rights defenders, opposition
          supporters and scores of demonstrators remains unclear, giving rise to
          concerns of arbitrary detentions of individuals legitimately exercising their right
          to freedom of expression, opinion and assembly.
          The majority of those arrested are reportedly being detained atTehran's Evin
          prison, where many are being held incommunicado without charge or access to
          legal representation ortheirfamilies. The experts are concerned about the risk
          of enforced disappearances given that the whereabouts of many of those
          arrested remain unknown.
          The six experts reiterate their grave concern about reports of killings, ongoing
          arrests, use of excessive police force and the ill-treatment of detainees. The
          experts strongly urge the Government of Iran to uphold its obligations under
          international law to protect human rights in the country.
          (*) The six human rights experts are Manuela Carmena Castrillo, Chairperson-
          Rapporteur of the Working Group on arbitrary detention; Philip Alston, Special
          Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions; Frank La Rue,
          Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of
          opinion and expression; Manfred Nowak, Special Rapporteur on torture and
          other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Margaret
          Sekaggya, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders;
          Santiago Corcuera, Chairperson-Rapporteur of the working group on enforced
          and involuntary disappearances.

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