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Witness Statement: Witness A

In this witness statement, a former member of the Intelligence Protection Organization of the Iranian Army describes the formation and structure of the parallel intelligence agencies that operated unlawfully during the reform period of President Khatami. For security reason, the witness’s identity is withheld.


Full Name:

Alias/Nickname: Witness A

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Occupation: Former Member of the Intelligence Protection Organization of the Iranian Army

Interviewing Organization: Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC)

Date of Interview: May 2, 2008

Interviewer: Habib Rahiab

Witnesses: N/A


This statement was prepared pursuant to a telephonic interview with Witness A, a former member of the Intelligence Protection Organization of the Iranian Army. The statement consists of 6 paragraphs and 2 pages. The interview was conducted on May 2, 2008.


Witness Statement


1. The Parallel Intelligence Apparatus was established in 1999 after Khatami took control of the Ministry of the Intelligence. Early on in the revolution, all intelligence protection organizations were under the authority of the Ministry of the Intelligence. The Ministry of Intelligence had authority to appoint members of the intelligence protection organizations.

2. Under President Khatami, the Judiciary decided to establish its own Intelligence Protection Organizations. Elias Mahmoudi who was the former head of the Intelligence Protection Organization of the Army was appointed as the first head of the Intelligence Protection Center of the Judiciary. He was later replaced by Jahangir. (After Elias Mahmoudi, Ali Akbar Dianatfar became the head of Intelligence Protection Organization of the Army).

3. The Parallel Intelligence Agency was a byproduct of military and non-military organizations. The intelligence protection organizations of the Revolutionary Guards, Army and Law Enforcement Forces were operating under the same umbrella as the Intelligence Protection Center of the Judiciary and the Office of the Supreme Leader.

4. Some intelligence officers who were purged from the Ministry of Intelligence during Khatami’s presidency made up the leadership bureau of the Parallel Intelligence Agency. Other intelligence officers who were purged from the Ministry of the Intelligence simply joined the intelligence protection organization of the Revolutionary Guards, Law Enforcement Forces and the Judiciary.

5. Ali Fallahian, Pour-Mohammadi, Said Mortazavi, Ruhullah Sistani, Morteza Reza’i, Mohsen Aza’i were all members of the central bureau of the Parallel Intelligence Agency. Sardar Naqdi was the head of the Intelligence Protection Organization of the Law Enforcement Forces. Naqdi used Amaken as a cover and conducted intelligence operations under Amaken’s name. 6. When the Parallel Intelligence Agency was established, Morteza Raza’i, head of the Intelligence Protection Organization of the Revolutionary Guards, and Elias Mahmoudi, became two very prominent figures.

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