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Witness Testimony from Denied Identity: Human Rights Abuses Against Iran’s LGBT Community

(December 30, 2013) – As a follow-up to the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center’s latest 60-page report, Denied Identity: Human Rights Abuses against Iran’s LGBT Community—which provides an analysis of discrimination against LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) persons under Iranian laws and in practice – three of the witness testimonies cited in the report are released in full here.  Additional witness testimony will continue to be released on a rolling basis in the coming months.

Click here to read about Mahan, a gay Iranian who describes his arrest, detention and sentencing after he was arrested at a party attended by LGBT individuals in Shiraz.

Click here to read about Akan, a transgender Iranian who was routinely physically abused by his father, and the difficulties he faced as a transgender person living in Iran.

Click here to read about Milad, a gay Iranian, who explains how he was mistreated by Iranian authorities after being arrested at a party at which most of the attendees were gay men.

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