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10 men killed in Kurdish clashes

          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Jun 27, 1979; Section: None; Page: 7
          10 men
          killed ‘in
          From our Correspondent
          in Tehrirn
          TENSION conihoirro to grow
          tsr tier tr,sfltan %rrOVIfleeh of
          Kordista all-rich Khsr.
          here tILL' lncn'rosliigiy
          rillt'natrrl etlutic minority
          groups of i{rrrdt nod Arab.
          takiHg ! L i a sore
          itcmaniting .. ... ... and
          changes to tile newiy.rrieasrd
          draft enunt ltutiort,
          Ac-soriling to reports reach-
          trig Tehrnn ‘o'otu'rdoy. Lit
          young men died in darters
          heiii'reol to Incisive land
          owtaerolrtp right'. in etilages
          surrounding )tatoobad, our of
          tic large Kurdish trailers
          close to the * order to
 iran , in Ilialuob ad itself,
          the p r.inlion was ralLied
          and wrajuans seers aersu'd by
          ‘what the state radio ,estor.
          day deaceibod n o counter-
          arsoiutionarj&' Am o is a
          those arrested wo an officer
          in the Shah's Javtdan (tin.
          mortals) Gnant which has
          bern dissolved
          in IL separate incident,
          ,OOil ttnrds took to the
          streets qqex, just spout
          of Mnlisbad, oat !lioitdny to
          riratest against article 13 of
          Iran 's tow strait ConstItutIon
          niakos 51 111 tr' Islam
          lire st;rtr ir'ttgrofl. The Kant ' .
          are mostly han oi M 'an
          a n d Istrilece Ike cnnstttu(ton
          to lie projuiterot a aiirse
          Thu Guer-aoient blames
          eOUntoe4'innIatiOOaTtoa” far
          the timrot In lire provinces,
          hint In a cable rent to Asatol.
          Jai l Ithonoelni, arid [ Joe blase
          Minister, the tturdtah Demos.
          cr;stir Party d that
          Goveenment forces ore diotri-
          kiting anus, 1 'thousands. of
          rifles,” to “Tsnd lurtls who
          have aioowos their loyalty to
          the Shah.” Zlie KDP sperifi.
          ealiy mentions liii' rona-
          uiiander of a local bate and
          tile head of the Recolor.
          liortary blonde sntiitiseueo Jo
          Oririuteli arid satin that snrh
          antis ilratrtlp,nlloo c n n only
          Until icr an ioleuoifleaiton of
          In Itinereslun, inr'nnwlrile,
          oevt'ral titoirarrud &rala-nlseain.
          in c Iranians du'nsroristratrd in
          Ahr rck for the flora.
          Sal rut the province's Gay-
          rrnor-Gcoreral, (b n is sr a I
          A i rmail 3lartnai, is hissr , tire
          Arnrhs have at-cooed or pro.
          coini ng mist otsotith's riiariol'is,
          A Ocr-point rr-sohaumon rL;L.S
          Jiasset warning host tf he
          coosl,lation dries aol gusran-
          tee their demands (tie
          onslononiy, “the Goirraroreni
          will bear the censeqoenera.”
          ‘ (lie uiemnnstrattrrn io ls
          conp lert wills 5 rsaflli55 froiri
          Arab leaders in Trio-rota r-s-
          crortly for a netting Sri h tue
          I'rionte ifintrier, Mr Melrctl
          Jsne.LrgoirL “‘tV feel hint the
          er o s (of Khoeesizrsri is n m
          tIre verge of explosion,'
          ci rote Aysinlisnlo irrm Kheg-
          hi d in a iettrr bmnilont to Mr
          £ tzn'rgari on Sunday.
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          The Guocrnnienru ToEn ail
          to consider our rights to
          attsing hit ' / ,raha ti' lout
          ronlidonte in the erniral
          anthoritiro.” The letter went
          on to demand the Inunedlatsi
          and Media Lim ‘ted
          the oppotntment of rno&
          At'aba in lurid Gnvernoient,
          and an end to censorship on
          the otnte-owacd radio and
          lele rision.
          The i l ltra -ostlonoliot Pan
          frontal Pari , in o reonhotinu
          announced resterday, 1000 ole .
          mantled that tile Gaceronien l
          abrogate ( la o treaties ol
          Goleolan, lEarnt, anti Tnrkn
          ananrhal tinder ubleli th or
          Qnjor Shaits haul itu o chunks
          of Iranian territory to the
          Tsar, during the aiaaelerntli
          cent ur y.
          Iteuter adds a noon eon-
          tithed or drug peddling, rape,
          and sashainy was osceutrd by
          firing aquati in (tie Casplan
          town of Sari. the ehheiah
          Paris n m' s agency reported

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