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Iranians take rebel Kurdish town

          © Guardian News and Media Limited
          5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article
          Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Sep 4, 1979; Section: None; Page: 6
          Iranians take rebel Kurdish town
          From Liz Thurgood rumbled into the town from or streamed out of town. In Tehrsn, meanwhile, a military's neat target Colonel
          era ,. 9EIIW
          In Tehran the north-east. But the ICurda were no Km di cta delogatten report adl:# Ira Sepsis; told l is a State iaeasaj
          The Iranian Armed Fortes Witnesses reported many match for a Govcrnmnnl was distributing copies a! an Radio yesterday that the 2&ih
          slrnnghold of Mshabad eisc- blat smoke lapiralling from contenteated more than 100 rensefire and the reopentog of mi S outside the smal town, I R A N (
          entered rebel - Kurdish casualties end huge colomna of which dor lng the past wes' oppust to Khomstnl for a Infantry Dtvlalon was only 0 ‘o “/
          torn P4 jet fighters. where lanka end—heavy veil- tighteatn taooas around Iranian leader repealed an supply post
          The Army's entry came after des, seized frdm tho laishabad. Mahanad was e!naoat ssel senezaage that thoas Kurds The recapture of Ranch
          day under the cover of Phan- the bombed Kairdish arsenal tonIcs, mostly American M47e negotiations. In reply, the believed to have been a key c
          seven hours of sustained aerial after the Shais'a flight, ainoul- empty when the Urumieh 64th who returned to the araf might wove difficult. Unlike
          boraabardnieot around the email dered last night. But the flee Division drove in shortLy after the nation would be well
          town In Western hat. Among ing Kurda reportedly maqaged neon yesterday. treated, but those who reftaeed Malaabaâ,' which lay In rotting
          the ‘ets' targets wesethe local to hasp— moot of their light — — wootd be considered traitors agricultural land on asphalt
          roads, Baneb Is high In moun-
          garrison, a school and a benk. weapons l Iter a general eva - CROLERA lass killed five sod “given dee punishment” leinem terrain and acceasible vines of Xhuzaete•n where
          Rebel hilltop peoi lnne. quickly caution order early In the aeeple end thrce lesa all Iran, Unlike earlIer Government
          abonduned, alto were pounded. morning. Vowing to be “your the Health Ministry said as ylclnrlea In Kurdlataas, the fall only b 4lrt tracks Arab-apeeleing Iranians fought
          It was net known last night nightly gueata,” the Kurda pro- tertlay. Tehran was ontong 20 of Mahabad r - s a anti- In tebran. the Government bitterly earlier -ks—the—summer
          bow many people bad died in mleed almost certali lrma cities where more than 200 ous psychologiral blew In the spokesman was quoted yeater- /vith forces loyal to Khomeini.
          yesterday's fighting, but the ahead for Ayatollah Khomeini flees of a strain of cholera, Icurdish struggle for autonomy, day as saying that four Israeli The first arliele of ha i fa
          kurds say Ilsat more than 600 and hie Government. bad teen reported. Msl id. oeclarcd on In- answers, two Iraqi officers, and new Constitution was app t
          5e have been killed in The Kurt it aeansecl ort ' — dependent republic sItar the a Frenchman wit false press yesterday by the Asaens,,Iy of
          almost three weeka of bitter ginally ‘tst' 1 tried to defend .‘ostem still hung from waits Second World War, was where credentlala had been arrested In pel't5. heavily weighted in
          fighting with the rentral auth- their town with anti-aircraft urging the Fords t 9 , be r - the Kurdlah pulae beat hardest. rdl4 ?. Title, Mr Sadegh lbs mosque's favour, Only
          orattea. guns on hilltops. Inelde pared for k or :s,e and .aaiil.eacenily was home to “‘ said, was adequate minor amendment was made to
          The rebels, vowing to can- Mahabed, Kurdlnh gunmen fired Khaikhal “—a reference to the ICucdioh Democratic Party proof of the foreign, Zionist- the article saying that Ira n
          en lalaiit'Ie repunltc, bet—the
          ttnue their struggle, fled tote st Government aircraft from the Ayatollah's Judge am ,. leadeesS p snsplre' plot againet Iran. vottng pattern (84 to three
          the surrounding bills as behind curtained windows so eurnrasry justice in t lso Western With tho faIl of Malasbad Meanwhile, unknowFFmmest with three abatnntlona) was
          armoured personnel carriers, women and children took province has sent 21 Fords apparently complete, Baneh have destroyed part of a rail- expected te be widely repeated
          backed by catumss 01 troops, eheltnr in makeshift hunkers hefnan Islamic firing squs4 appeared to he ths Iranian way bridge in the oil-rids pro- in coming weeks.
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