Aadel Collection

An Open Letter to the Government of Iran (Los Gatos Weekly – 10/5/83)

          An Open Letter to the Government of Iran:
          We, as speCial ts in lraflia0 and islamic studies, protest the hanging
          of 16 Bahá'iS, including seVel wOm and three ( cnage girlS by the authOri 5
          of the islamic RepUb of iran in the city of Shiraz on June 16 and 18, 1983.
          The iranian ahá'isha repe tedlY expressed and demonstrated their loyalty to iran.
          Neverthess, they have been systemati t persecuted for the mere fact
          that they adhere to a religion other than islam. Such persecution and these cruel
          and un PSt executions seem to us a contradictiofl of all that is best in the traditiOflS
          of Islam and the Iranian people.
          Ervand Abrahu n. Baruc 1 College, (J ' NicholaS Ileer, UiiiverSitY of hjngtofl
          Charles J. Adams. McGill UnivCr5 Y Renata liolod, University of Pennsylvania
          FoUa Aiflh, .lohtm Hopk Uni/.cr tY george l1OLIrafl', SUNV at Buffalo
          Mehrdad UCLA Richard Uovaflfli 5 ° UCLA
          Nazib ASUbI, UCLA Stephen HumPh1 S University of WIscOflsifl
          Unity AzarPSY' uc BerkelCY Char CS Issawi, Princetofl UniversitY
          Jere, L. Baclira '. Uni 'erStY ol' Wasl1 1 f ° oury S. Al_Kha iY portland State UniversitY
          Anhin Banafl 1 . UCLA Edward KeI1I1 , Harvard U 0 IVCtS1tY
          AU Bafl a1i . BostOil College Jeaii I,Uc KrawcZY UCLA
          lraj BaShiri , UniversitY of Mini SOt i t Carla KlaU5I UniversitY of Missouri
          Ulku Bates, Huntet ollegC, CONY James KrilZCk, UniVersitY of Utah
          Lawrence V. Berman, Stanford University eorge 1,eflCz0 ' ' UC l3erkeley
          Andras 0 r0gligdhi UCLA Michael 1,oraiflC, University of hingt0n
          Gerhard Bowering. University of PentisYlV AIim 1,tilher, UnivetsitY ol' Michigan
          Peter Brow ' 5 . UC BerkeleY Ja il t MahIfl0t ' University of Utah
          RichardW. Builiet, ColU1flb Uni/'er Y george Makdisi, University of p nSyl i 3
          Jerome Clinton, Princeton UniversitY Mat i utfial 5ay d M a r S O l, UCLA
          Richard Cottam, niverSity of p tsburgl1 Bradford Martin, Indiana University
          kenneth CunO, UCLA Brinkley MesSick, Princeton UniversitY
          Eric Davis, utgers University Heshmat MoayY ' University of hiCag0
          Peter Duignan, Stanford niver ty James M flr0e, UC Berkeley
          Richard Eaton, univerSity of Arizoila Michael MorOnY, UCLA
          Daniel Elton, University of Hawaii KhOSrOw MóSt0 , UniversitY of Utah
          MnslCe Embree, Columbia univerSity Roy P. Motta deh, Princeton University
          Asghar Fath , University of Calgary Guity Nashat, 00 ivetsity of Illinois
          Adele K. FerdOW 5, univerSity of Louisville Pierre berliflg, Hunter college, CONY
          Michael Fischer, Rice university Daniel Pipes, Harvard njvcrsity
          JosePl Fletcher, Harvard niver5ity David powers. Cornell university
          chard Frank, Catholic UniversitY of America Faz Iur Rabman, University of hicag0
          Richard N. Frye, Harvard university gouh K. Ramazam, univerSity of Virginia
          l Gene Gartliwaite, Dartmouth ollcge Ama l RasSam , Queens oIlege, CUNY
          Raymond D. Gastil, Freedom House Nosratottab Rassek , Lewis and Clark oilege
          Clifford Geertz, Institute for Advanced StudieS, Nada v Sairan, Harvard university
          Princeton Stanford 3. ShaW, UCLA
          S.D. Goitein, Institute for Advanced Studies, Fadla Shehad, Rutgers nivetSity
          l Princeton. 3.1. Smith, Harvard univerSity
          Arthur E. GoldScl m dt pennsyl5at a State John Mason Smith, UC BerkeleY
          U iVer5itY Girdhad Lal TikkU, niverst y of llliilOis
          l LenU E. Goodman. University of Hawaii Sherry Vatter, UCLA
          OlegG ' Harvard University SperOs VryOniS Jr., UCLA
          Peter Gran, TemPle University Wayne S. Vucinicl , Stanford nivcrsity
          Robert L. Culick Jr., American Graduate SchOol G.M. Wickens, UniversitY of Toronto
          of lnternati0 3 flageuh1e t William Young, UCLA
          GerrY A. 1-late, UCLA Wilbaill I. Zart flatt. Johns HopkilTh 0 ivcrSity
          - Andras 1-lamori, Princeton University - Farhat Ziadeh. Univer5itY ol' hingtOn
          William Hana 'aY, University of Penn5Yl” Marshi i.oniS. UniversitY of hicag0
          John Hayes. UCLA -
          - ‘‘(Patd for by the Bahal Temple of Los Gatos).
          - OCTOBER 5, 1983 LOS GATOS WEEKLY 5
          BPOOO2 59
          Dan Pulcrano/Ethtor and Publisher Lee May/Publisher
          Carolyn LeaI/Associate Editor. Scott Shifrel/News Editor
          ; Randy Frey/Sports Editor, Robert Aldrich/Comnsdnlty Editor:
          Margaret Hutz/Calendar Editor Greg Gariy/Reporter
          eve Fnedman/Adnertss ing Manager Ellen Peek Miller/Classified Manager
          Phoebe Newlove, Penny Rylee, Mark Gillard, Pat Hazel /Sa1ej
          Dan Golden/Production Manager, Ron Wilson/Prhductjon A ubtdnt
          Dan Honda/Photographer -•
          Nancy Gorham, Kmberley Yee/Typesettesx
          Marilyn Fitch/Bookkeeper, juli LanserlCirculation
          Ludmilla Alexander, Gavin Bounse, Patrick Burnsoo
          Lauren Comstock, Cecelia Dirstine, John Dorrance, Dave Faries,
          Katie Goldman, Scott Knies, Sue LaForge, Kelly Mitchell,
          Bob Newick, Tom Quinlan, Ainold Thom ,son
          The Los Gatos Weekly is pobhsbed each Wednesday by Los Gatos Consmurncations, 1nc.,
          a commimitv.owned corporation, established 1981. Doris Davidson, secretary.
          Entire contents copyright 1982, Los Gatos Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
          No part may be produced in any form without publisher's permission.
          - - Subscriptions: Sl8lyear.
          Advertising rates upon request. -
          Mailing aadress: P.O. Box 65, os Gatos, CA 95031
          Offices at: 114 Royce Street/(408)354 .3666
          -- --- - - - .
          Michael Fischer, Kice uiu
          Joseph Fletcher, Harvard UniversitY - - Davia rowc.a,
          Richard Frank, Catholic University of AmeriCa Faz ur Rahman, UniversitY of Chicago
          Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Rouht llah K. Ramazani, University of Virginia
          Gene GarthWaite, Dartmouth college Amal Rassam. Queens College, CUNY
          Raymond D. Gastil, Freedom House NosratOllah Rassekh . Lewis and Clark College
          Clifford GeertZ, Institute for Advanced Studies, Nadav Safran, Harvard UniverSitY
          Princeton - . -. Stanford i. Shaw, UCLA.
          S.D. Goitein, Institute for Advanced Studies, Fadla Shehad, Rutgers University -
          Princeton - - - - . . — - - 3.1. Smith, Harvard University
          Arthur E. o ldSChm dt, Pennsylvania State , John Masól i Smith, UC Berkeley - -
          U versitY . Girdhari Lal Tikku, University of Illinois
          Lenn E. Goodman, Uni 'ersity of Hawaii Sherry Vatter, UCLA
          OlegGrabar. Harvard University Spéros V r y fliS Jr., UCLA - -
          Peter Gran, Temple UniversitY . Wayne S. Vucinich Stanford Uhiversity
          Rober 1. Gulick Jr., Arherican Gradu te S hbPl G.M. WickenS, UniverSity of .TqrOnt -
          of Internationat Mana ement -- - - . William Young, UCLA.. - :. -.
          Gerry A. Hale, UCLA William I. Zartmafl, Johns Hopkihs!JPWCr5
          - Andras Ham ri. Princeton Uni e .rSitY - - F hat Ziadeh, UniversitY of Washington
          -William Hanawa , University of Pennsyhania M ry n Zonis. Uni ersitY of Chicago
          John Hayes. UCLA . -. - . - -
          - - (Paid for by the Balsat Temp1 óf Los Gatos). -.
          OCTOBER 5 1 51 53 LOS GATOS WEEKLY 5
          - -

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