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Iran to try brother-in-law of opposition leader

          11/13/2009 The Associated Press: Iran to try broth...
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          Iran to try brother-in-law of opposition leader 4 ALSSOS8tSPTJSS
          By NASSER KARIMI (AP) —2 hours ago
          TEHRAN, Iraq — Tehran's prosecutor says the brother-in-law of lran top opposition leader will Map
          be put on trial before the country's Revolutionary Court.
          Shapour Kazemi, the brother of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousav s wife, was arrested in
          June amid a fierce crackdown on pro-reform protests that erupted following the disputed
          presidential election.
          The state news agency IRNA says the Tehran prosecutor announced Friday that Kazemi, 62,
          would be put on trial, but he did not specify the charges. More than 100 reform acthAsts have
          been on trial before the Revolutionary Court, accused of seeking to topple the go iemment.
          The opposition says Kazemi, an engineer, is not involved in political acthAty was arrested to put
          pressure on Mousavi.
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          Iran to try brother-in-law of opposition
          The Associated Press - 2 hours ago
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