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Khomeini Decrees Islamic Republic After Vote in Iran: Khomeini Says Balloting Establishes Islam

          Khornerni Derees Islamic Republic [ Ien / ole in Iran Khomeim Says BalIoImg Eslabhshes IsI
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          KILO inet ru 1 Decrees
          Isla mi.e R pubIh
          4ftth Vote in frau
          B Ronald Korea
          /V ‘nit fl//tOn POSt I Ot 'Ct fl in c
          f [ sHR ‘ i/, / .piil I — The Iranian
          re olutionat leadei yatoflch Ruhol
          lab .Khonieini, p1 oehah wd an islaniic.
          :rcpublic today ‘ithout writing for ol
          ficial results of the wo clay national
          referendum on establishing r new sys
          tern to replace the deposed monarchl
          I his is the first da of God's gov
          erument in [ ran, said Rhomeir I do
          crocing that it become a national boll
          day, Joyous gun buist 8 cind chantin
          of “Allah is great wei e he u d
          throughout ‘1 ebran lat into the night.
          The interior ministei sacd moi e
          than 8 percent oh' the electorate
          voted and 97 percent said yes to the
          Islamic rc public
          This did not seem to take into ac
          count re ults from regions like sepa
          ratist inclined Kuiclistan, wherc heavy
          h03 coils of the referendum were re
          ‘pci ted
          Deputy Prime Minister ,/mii' En
          teaa i said full results would not be
          I nown loi about In e dla3 s Even the
          ‘proportion ol the electorate that
          voted seemed open to question since
          there ‘ire no otci i egisti a lma i oils
          Entezani also piedietecl that the
          most likely area for any new scpai a
          tist i'e ielliun against the 9 ehran go
          ernmnn 1 , is Khuzestau, the south est.
          I egion around the oil cap taI of Aba
          dan at he h cad ci lie Persian C oh J', 11
          is popitla ed by rabs , who have been
          demanding a gi cater h 'n 'e ol' laconic
          Ii om the i ich oil fields concentr'itcd
          in then ai ea
          flic satanic i err/me has been cast
          into the gai bage eai of history,” Kho
          nieint s ocl in his l) oclarnation,
          “I w ill be at ow sei'vice and at Is
          lam's sei ice in the last few clays of
          my lile, said the 78 eai old Kho
          mcmi, Bc called on the govai n enL
          ‘to reorganize in an Islamic l'oi in all
          the ministi ies that wci e set Uf) on
          Western lines,'
          It sas IIO / clear hh hat was meant by
          h t / 1 or is it yet clear lii eeisel3 what
          an Islamic i'eptthhc will be e eept
          that it probably will ban pi act ees lot
          bidden b3 the Kora i, the loslem 11013
          hook such as drinking alcohol, garn
          bling and inirnoclest dress,
          grow in number ol People think
          the Imal shape of the Islamic i epubhic
          may hase to be settled by a count of
          vaiable to the vai'ious factions
          in the icw Iran
          See IRAN, Al4, Ccl, I
          S orod ed on F perrnss sot he opytght 0 i P 0 pro / pr ed ont U oerrtn
          Khomeini Says Balloting
          Istablishes Islamic State
          IRAN, From Al
          Khomeini said the next step is
          election of .a constituent assembly to
          approve a new constitution. Spokes-
          man ‘Entezam said a text of the draft
          donstitution will be published next
          week and that the people will have
          about a month to discuss it before vot-
          ing for the assembly's membership.
          Asked in an interview why voters
          *ere required to do their balloting in
          the open, where the different colored
          “yes” or “no” ballots could clearly be
          seen by partisan observers, Entezam
          aid there had not been enough time
          to provide booths for the country's
          1 ,OOO polling places.
          • Nobody watched anyone else and it
          ras “a completely free vote,” he
          • dded.
          The head of a four-man delegation
          of French lawyers invited by the gov-
          rnment to observe the voting said:
          This is not the way we do things in
          the West, and it does not meet our
          ériteria of democracy.”
          Entezam said that he did not yet
          know whether voting for the constitu-
          ent assembly would be done in the
          ame public way.
          In the debate on the Islamic repub-
          lic, Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan
          made it clear that he opposes a radi-
          &il rupture of Iranian society. Bazar-
          an told a. French interviewer that he
          ad told Khomeini he is and always
          1 as been a gradualist and that, if the
          yato11ah did not care for that ap-
          roacIi, he should replace him.
          “The problem,” said Bazargan, “is
          that the populace is still in a state of
          evo1ution, while we are a normal gov-
          irnment and, in addition, a trans-
          itional government. We want people
          ;tp return to work. Maybe the next,
          elected, government will be revolu-
          There is tremendous pressure on
          the 71-year-old Bazargan to run for
          resident but he keeps insisting that
          ie does not want the job.
          . “I think he's the only qualified
          than,” said Entezam today.
          ;: If Baz argan maintains his refusal,
          however, some younger men are
          emerging as likely candidates, with
          Entezam himself representing the Ba-
          zargan-style moderate and Revolution-
          ary Affairs Minister Ibrahini Yazdi
          the Moslem revolutionary exti-en e.
          Somewhere in between is radio-televi-
          sion director Sadegh Ghotbzadeh.
          Bazargan has been openly éritical of
          the revolutionary committees with
          their thousands of well-armed but
          poorly trained Khomeini supporters
          providing law and order in much of
          the country.
          There is a race against time to see
          whether the revoluUonary commit-
          tees will, be forged into an effective
          national military force under Yazdi
          before the regular armed services are
          Bazargan chooses to blame the
          breakdown in military discipline
          wholly on Marxists rather than Mos-
          lem revolutionaries like Yazdi's fol-
          lowers in the Army's soldiers' commit-
          “The Marxists,” he said, “want to
          annihilate the Army under the pre-
          text that it is imperialist. We had to
          fire the whole command of the Army
          because the so'diers demanded it. The
          extremists are pressifig against all the
          officers. They are doing the same in
          the police and the gendarmerie so
          that the government will be 100 per-
          cent disarmed.”
          Bazargan's new defense minister—
          the old one was relieved apparently
          for ordering dissolution of revolution-
          ai y committees in the Navy—made it
          clear today that he is on the same
          wavelength as his predecessor, Adm.
          Ahrnad Madani, and Bazargan.
          The new minister, Gen. Taglii Riahi,
          said it had been a mistake to retire
          the generals en masse.
          “We need a national Army,” said RI-
          ahi. “but the decision will be made by
          Khomeini and the premier. This is a
          political matter. They must decide.
          We will take their orders, whatever
          they decide upon.”
          Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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