Aadel Collection

The relation between Ahmadi Nejad and Mottaki with the tipper foundations

Deputy Intelligence Minister has declared a list of 62 Media and foundations which are involve with the soft war. He has said any contact to any of these organizations are forbidden and illegal. One of these foundations is “America’s foreign relations committee” which Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had attended to their meeting before. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also in a conference in New York in October 2006 had said that “In my meeting with this foundation I understood that they are very caring with the Iranian Nation.” And also in October 2008 the “America’s foreign relations committee” has issued an interview with Manoochehr Mottaki which had been done by one of this foundation’s staffs. Now according to the article 107 of constitution and also according to the deputy Intelligence Minister speech which said any connection to these foundations is forbidden, so this law should be perform for the senior members of the current government.

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