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Kurdish rebel attack kills 4 Iranian guards

          Kurdish rebel attack kills 4 Iranian guards
          The Sun (1837-1985); Sep 27. 1979; ProQuestHistorical Newspapers: Baltimore Sun, The (1837-1986)
          pg. At
          Kurdish rebel attack
          kills 4 Iranian guards
          Tehran, Reuter)—Kurdlsb rebels
          yesterday attacked a jeep carrying Is
          tomb revolutionary guards, killing four of
          theme The ambush occurred near Psych,
          on the western border with Iraq, aecord
          log to the Iranian state radio.
          The incident was the latest in a series
          of clashes between government forces and
          Kurdish rebels, who are fighting a
          rilla war in the western mountains of
          Tokyo water supply
          poisoned by leak
          Tokyo (Reuter)—A ton of a o!utIon
          containing enough poisonous bydrocyanic
          acid to kIll 500,000 people has leaked from
          a factory Into a river supplying the Japa-
          nese capital with nearly three.fourths of
          Its water, a local government spokesman
          said yesterday.
          Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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