Aadel Collection

Amputations In Iran

Appeals are requested from medical professionals following reports of two amputations having been carried out in the month of October. Please see the external information attached.

Please write on professional headed paper in your personal professional capacity , without mention of A1 express concern at continued reports of amputations, stating that you hold amputation to be a cruel and degrading punishment which violates international standards of human rights as having undergone amputation, was also sentenced to a term of imprisonment .

ask whether it is usual in Iran for a convicted prisoner to undergo amputation in addition to receiving a sentence of imprisonment and seek information on the number of amputations which have been carried out over the last year . ask who performs the amputations and whether a doctor or other health professional is present

Note: The attached external information mentions a convicted t h i e f receiving 60 lashes for his part in a theftf or which Parviz Mansouri was sentenced to amputation. While A1 opposes flogging as a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, no action is requested on this form of punishment at the moment. The IS plans t o issue an action on floggings in Iran in the near future.

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