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Amnesty Urges Iranian Premier to Halt Executions, Unfair Trials (UPI – 8/30/1980)

          LONDON (UPI) — Amnesty
          International saying it was
          saddened by continued human
          - rlghts violations in Iran. since
          the revolutbn, has urged new
          Prime MinisLe Mohammad All
          Rajal to halt executions and
          unfair trials, a spokesman said
          Amnesty. the international
          human rights organ%7allOn.
          - . : estimates more ... than . 1,000 r
          people have been executed
          since the:. February. 1979.
          -. evolution and told Rajal In a
          letter that people brought
          before Islamic revolutionary
          courts “had been consistently
          denied ta lrtrlals.”
          Amnesty also criticized the
          new. regime; for It$ recent
          tendency to “imprison people
          they saw as opposing them,
          including, members. . of the
          ‘ Mauls ( rilament)” ‘: -
          “The Imprisonment . of
          . Bahats, Jews and moat recently
          Ouistiat brings into question.:
          the spirit -of religious tolerance';
          which we understood would
          exist following the revolution
          and which was reflected in the .,
          flew Iran1a Constitution,”
          Amnesty said. ‘.. .‘ .. :; j . .
          Some of' the e 'people had”
          been held for long periods
          Without charges or trial and
          some had been sentenced to-
          death. Amnesty said.. . . . . .
          “(We arc) saddened to see
          continued human rights
          violations since the revolution
          and' especially the large
          number of exec gions which
          have taken place.” said Am-'
          nesty. . . .
          “We appealed time and time
          again to the late shah for a stop
          to executions., torture and the
          Imprisonment 01 prisoners of
          conscience.”, said Amnesty.
          which made public Information
          Qfthcseahuses. . . . . . . . .
          Amnesty. said ft had not - -
          received a reply to points raised
          • . i na 1979 'rcportof human rights
          violations sent to Iranian : . .
          • uthorltles, in Jarniary and
          pointed out the late Ayatollah
          Taleghani and Ayatollah
          Montazeri were among
          prisoners at conscience adopted.
          ‘7 . .. . . . - . . . .
          “ A) *3is i 'r . Saturday, August 30, 98O 1h , JtpaaTirnea, ' ..
          AmnesiyUrges kanian Premier
          To Halt Executions,.
          :‘ “
          by Amnesty when they were parliament, which would try to
          arrested under the shah. find “an honorable solution to
          Seven people were executed this Issue,” and he urged the.
          Thursday for their part in the sub-commission to hold off.
          alleged coup attempt by the action. .
          Iranian t , Force last month. The sub-commission was
          bringing the total so far to 81. debating a proposal to send a
          U.N. Panel. . special telegram of concern to -
          .GEt' 'EVA (Kyodo-Reuter) — Israeli authorities about the
          The United States Thursday situation in occupied Arab.
          called for the United Nations territories. .
          Human Rights Sub—Commission British sub-commission
          here to express concern over member Ben Whitaker said the
          the fate of U.S. hostages held in panel . should also' consider
          Iran, ,. sending a cable to South Korea
          Bnt Iranian government ‘calling for irrtependent ob-
          representative Mostafa Dabir servers to be allowed to attend
          told . the 26-member panel the . the trial of opposition leader..
          issue was now before KirnDacJung. • -
          ‘ ‘.

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