Aadel Collection

Baha’is Executions in Iran (Tehran Times – 1/24/1982)

          VOL. 111 No, 1L 4
          PRICE 25 PJALS
          “IF IRAN is listening” was the thie of an edi.
          t4riai which appeared in the New York Th es (the
          prestigious American daily) some time ago. in that
          the paper severely attacked a statement of the
          islamic Republic's Chief Justice Ayatollah Musavi
          Ardabili denying the execution of persons bdon-
          irig to the Bahai community in ban. The New Yor a
          Times further claimed that they know the names
          and addresses of all Bahais executed in Iran and
          that the paper was ready to announce them “if
          Iran is listening!!”
          Since the propagations of international imper-
          ialism on the issue of “executions” in g icral and
          the execution of Jews and fiahais in particular
          has increased during the last year, it makes it nece-
          ssary for us to express our views in order to en-
          lighten the public on this issue.
          Today there is nobody who is in doubt as to
          the !?-ct of the cx -shah beinq a direct agent of the
          US and Zionists in Iran and also of the fact that
          the country's affairs were directly run by “dotn-
          mating agents.”
          One of the treacherous policies which suited
          the US most at that ,time was to install in key
          positions only those who in addition to being
          ‘sold-out', ‘westernized', ‘spy' agents were also
          characterized by another admired quality —
          their refusal to believe in, or outright rejection
          of pristine Islam. They had to be followers of
          religions which severely opposed Islam so that
          when it was needed they could more easily em-
          bark on a rnassacre'oI thousands of the Iranian
          Moslems in the nation.
          It was at the hands of these same agents that
          over 4,000 Moslem wo!nei) and children Were
          slaughtered in “Black Friday' 1978, a
          which was unsurpassed for its savagery in hiz ory.
          Tha. explains why the ex-shah always tried
          to employ mercenary and ‘sold-out' Communists,
          Bahais, Zionists, etc. in governmental bodies.
          Such crcatureswere in fact the tools for sprea-
          ding the economic and cultural domination of
          America over Iran.
          To prove the accuracy of our claim, it will.
          suffice if we only point to one cf such elements.
          Armr Abbas Hoveyda, the shah's premier [ or 13
          years was a Bahal, a man acknowledged as the
          CIOS 5Z accomplice of the defunctshah.
          Yrobab y. thO%C who arc not hostThe t
          the Islamic Revolution and are peacefully living
          beside Moslems in this country will also be surpri-
          sed to know that a Bahal was the prime nistc-r of
          a country 98% of who c population were Moalcmi..
          The reader can then imas inc how many Bahais
          had been put in 53fl po tions by a Bahzi
          who was the head of the sh b '. government during
          all those years.
          After the victory of the Isiamic Revo ution,
          Hoveyda was executed .y a ju: t Islamic Court,
          and undoubtedly such a i'evolutic3nary execution
          is confirmed by all Moalems an :e vorld's libera-
          tion seeking people. ut rnr st urprisingly, it w s
          later observed that the w stcrn and Zionist propa-
          ganida machinery p ote '.'d ruc.h executions and
          referred to them as inhwu .z; acts.'
          Yes, according to West rrn logic, the massacre
          of 4,000 pcopk among whom there were many
          infants and pregnant or::cu i not ‘iz i r act'
          but the execution of thnso involved in such amass
          slaughter is an anti-human action!!
          New York Times had cIair :ied that ill Babais
          have already been executed in Iran. Even suppos-
          ing that such a baseless allegation is tight still
          it has to be admitted that this figure yet fails
          short of the numbers who may sthciy ocse ve '
          to bc executed, taking into account the fact that
          the agents ol ' such men s the infamous Hovcvda
          (Se i 5pa eCOLl)
          B.P000286 S. u
          SUNDAY JANUARY 24, 1 82 (4 EJJTh4AN• 3 ())
          t o i k
          W ilto
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          proliferated thc ex-shab's mansions and courtly
          Of course many of those elements did escape
          to the west before and in the beginning of the Rev-
          olutio and only a few of them were caught
          .in the grip of the Moslem masses and faced th
          consequences of their crimes.
          Many are still perhaps lurking in hideouts but
          everyone of them who has been arrested by the
          people and the revolutionary forces have been han-
          ded over to the Revolutionary Courts tq be tried.
          The West must know that every single agent
          of theirs will ultimately b arrested and executed
          if need be evetr- if their figure should tot up to a
          111,000 people.
          ‘Execution' is the only punishment corres-
          ponding to the crimes of those who killed 60,000
          innocent Moslems and disabled and injured over
          100,000 people its the course of the Revolution.
          The same fate awaits those involved in the killing
          and disabling tens of thousands of martyrs and
          disabled iwiividuais after the Revolution.
          AU we wish to say tn papers such as the New
          York Times i that you as loud.speakers of. inter-
          national Zionism are just making efforts to
          convin c ‘peoc c. around the world that these
          crirnir als have been executed because of their
          religious convictions thid merely on account of.
          their bein i a Bahai, jew or Communist. In other
          words that they have been executed due to their
          faith and jdeoj.ogy beliefs other than Islam.
          You propagate this with the .fdllowing objec-
          tives in mind:
          I — To establish hatred and indignation among
          followers of other religions towards Islam and
          2 — Tci. infuse enmity and rancor among the
          world's people toward the Islamic Revolution of
          3 — To prepare the grounds for further aggress-
          - ioi s of Israeli Zionists in the future.
          4 — To instigate the majority of the world's
          capitalists who are Bahais and Jews against the
          Revolution, so that they- will mobilize all their
          capabilities for inflicting economic blows upon
          Iran's economy.
          5 — Above all, through such baseless propaga-
          tions, you try to cover up for the crimes of your
          capitalist/Zionist masters and to distract the atten-
          tion of the people from the real criminals.
          You are certainly aware of the fact that if the
          world's people learn of the policies employed
          against the oppressed nations such as the Moslem
          , suppressed Iranian natiori,.they will not allow sour
          / masters to corn -rue their unscrupulous living and
          / thus there will also be an cnd to your receiving of
          billions of dollars from them.
          - You certainly know that on learning the truth,
          t e people trorn all around the world (Africa,
          ia....) will proceed bare-footed to the White
          House, Kremlin, Elize...... and bring them down on
          you and your masters and indeed such a day is not
          too far.
          The' crux of our conteption is that nobody has
          or ever will be tried, imprisoned or executed sim-
          ply because f üs beliefs. It must be remembered
          that the number of Moslems who have been execu
          ted on charges of terrorism, bombings and cómmi ”.
          ting treason against Islam adds up to several
          times more than ihe numbers claimed by the New
          York Times in re ard to executed Bahais.
          Despite their overwhdrn ir .g majority Moslems
          who form 98% of the population within the [ ran.
          Ian nation are living in real peaceful co-exi ence
          with Christians,Jews, Communists and even Bahais
          who do not plot a zainst the Islamic faith and the
          Re o1ution of the people. There are many mdzvi-
          duals and even groups of such people who have
          fought in the war and thus sworn allegiance to
          Iranian nation, and to concepts. of honor. md
          freedom. The graves of such people can now be
          seen side by side with those of Moslem martyrs in'
          Tehran's Beheshte Zahra cemetery, and that.in fact
          is the profoundest testirncny to our claim.
          At the same time it must be borne in mind that
          in the name of the Iranian nation, the Islamic
          Republican Gov .ernment will not let anybody
          whether Mosiem, Jew and or Bahai to conspire
          against the Islamic Revolution.
          The Islamic Republic's Chief Justice, Ayatollah
          Ardebth has also recently reiterated this while he
          denied the execution of Bthais on account of their
          We are sure that our arguments are bound to be
          accepted by all free-thinking and humanitarian
          people of the world regardless of the religion they
          may belong to and this of course ‘if Washington
          is listening.' . - .
          by MUSAVIAN

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