Aadel Collection

Baha’is Persecution Continues in Iran (San Francisco Post – 9/4/83)

          OAKLAND, CA.
          TRI. W. 15,000
          Baha'is have been im-
          prisoned. The recent
          arrests follow closely
          the late June abduction•
          arid disappearance of
          two promirient Baha'is
          • August 5. • in Tehran and mob at-
          “We don't know of any tacks on July 1 which
          charges,” said Betty forced 130 Baha'i -men,
          Garcia, Baha'i women, and children to
          spokesperson. “But we flee. their village near
          know that more than 250 Sari. Moreover, 17
          • Baha'is are in jails in Baha'is, including seven
          Iran ‘and none of them women• and three
          have been charged with teenage girls, were
          any 'cirnes.” • hanged in June -in
          Since mid-July, •63 Shiraz.
          In Iran
          editions ,of The New August took place in
          York Times and the Los various parts of Iran: 13
          Angeles Times, says. were arrested in
          that the Baha'is “have Urwniyyih, nine in Sari,
          been systematically one in Tehran, and one
          persecuted for the mere in Ramiyyan.
          fact that they adhere to Since 1979, 142 Baha'is'.
          a religion other than have been killed and 16
          Islam. Such persecution have disappeared. Tfie
          and these cruel and un- Baha'i Faith is regarded
          just executions seem to. as- heresy- by Iran's
          us a contradiction of all ruling clerics, who have.
          that is best in the launched an all-out
          traditions of Islam and campaign of per-
          thelranianpeople.” secution against, the
          The arrests -of early religion .
          BP00025 8
          SEP 4
          Oakland Baha'is
          • ‘received word recently
          that- 24 more .Baha'is,
          - including 10 women,
          - were imprisoned in Iran
          between August. 3 and
          __________ __________________
          Persecution Continues
          Iran S persecution of States, have protested
          its •! fl .000-member- the persecution of the
          Baha' i community has Bahai,'is in an open let-
          drawn the protests - of tel ' to the Iranian
          -President. , eagan,' the-' Government. “It is
          United States. Congress, significant that the 89
          several' - ‘nations' men arid'Wornen who
          parliaments, ‘ the signed ‘the letter come
          European Parliament, - from all parts, of! the.
          the United' Nations Middle East, Europe,
          Human Rights Corn- ‘ and North America.
          mission, , a icl Amnesty They are Jews,
          International. . - Muslims,' Christians,
          and Baha'is,” according
          to” Garcia. The letter
          published' in August 7
          - Also, 89 professors of
          Iranian and Islamic
          studies in' the United
          —. ——.-----‘.

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