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Both Were Tortured to Death

          Both Were Tortured to Death - roozoni...
          Thursday, 30 Jul2009
          July 30, 2009
          Both Were Tortured to Death
          While concerns over the conditions of prisoners, including torture, and the spread of infectious
          disease in prison, are rising, the body of another person killed in the post-June 12 election
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          r . - unrest was handed over to the family members of the deceased, while the identity of yet another
          dead erson was announced
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          Ramin Ghahremani, born in 1979, died in a hospital just two days after being released from
          prison As reported by family members, he had been hanged in prison from his feet for a long time. According to news
          reports, during the demonstrations after the June 12 elections, agents used the closed circuit television of a bath to identiFy
          Ramin Ghahremani and went to his house. Not finding him there, they told his mother that Ramin needed to come to a
          specified location immediately.
          Convinced that her son had not done anything wrong other than participate in a peaceftil march, Ramin's mother
          accompanied him to the location and delivers her son to the officials. Fifteen days after voluntarily went to the authorities to
          show his innocence, Ramin was released from prison but his body showed the deep scars of torture.
          He told his mother that he had been kept hanging from the ceiling up side down for days. A few days after his release,
          Ramin had to be hospitalized because of the blood clots in his chest A few days after that, Ramin died in the hospital.
          Ramin's flimily members buried their son in the presence of many security agents, while they were categorically told not to
          communicate about their son to anyone.
          Another ‘Martyr'
          The dead body of Amir Javadiffir was handed over to his thmily on July 26th, 2009, and he was buried at Tehran's
          Behesht Zahra cemetery on Monday. Amir had been arrested during the protests that took place on July 9, 2009. On July
          25th, the police contacted Amir's tither and told him to pick up the body of his son from the coroners office in Kahrizak
          prison The coroner had determined the cause of death to be respiratory yeast caused by bleeding inthe lungs.
          Amir was an And university student studying management in Qazvin and according to Sarmaye newspaper security agents
          had asked his family to announce that Amir had died because of a lung illness that he had prior to his detention Agents also
          had forced the family members to sign papers pledging that they would hold a memorial for their son only in the presence of
          other family members and that there would be no chanting at the ceremony.
          According to family members, Amir' s body had been kept in the morgue for 10 days before it was handed over to them
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