

IHRDC featured in Reuters report on sale of spy gear to Iran

Special Report: How foreign firms tried to sell spy gear to Iran By Steve Stecklow LONDON | Wed Dec 5,…

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Truth and Reconciliation: A Conversation Between a Baha'i Survivor of Human Rights Abuses and a Former Member of the Hojjatieh Association

(November 29, 2012) - In this video, filmed on October 27, 2012 in The Hague, the Netherlands, IHRDC captured a…

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NGOs Call on UN Member States to Support UNGA Resolution Addressing Human Rights Abuses in Iran

November 21, 2012 Your Excellency: We, the undersigned human rights organizations and press freedom groups, write to respectfully urge your…

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IHRDC Executive Director Gissou Nia on the Importance of Documenting Iran's Human Rights Abuses

IHRDC Executive Director Gissou Nia addresses the audience at an Amnesty International sponsored event in the Chicago area on Sunday,…

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Ahwazi Arab political activist Jamil Sowaidi reportedly tortured to death in custody

Reports indicate Ahwazi Arab political activist Jamil Sowaidi tortured to death in custody; if confirmed, Sowaidi’s death adds to body…

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Sign Petition to Stop Executions

Sign this Petition: UNODC, Please Cease Funding to Iran Until Iran Renounces Use of Death Penalty

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Dr. Ahmed Shaheed presents report on situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran to Third Committee of General Assembly member states react

26 October 2012 —          Member states welcome Dr. Ahmed Shaheed’s latest report, criticize challenges placed in his way by not…

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Fate of 11 Prisoners Sentenced to Death on Drug-Related Charges Unknown; International Community Should Not Relent Pressure Calling on the Islamic Republic of Iran to Halt Executions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fate of 11 Prisoners Sentenced to Death on Drug-Related Charges Unknown; International Community Should Not Relent Pressure…

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UNODC and Donor Countries Should Cease Funding to Iran for Anti-Drug Trafficking Purposes Until Iran Renounces Use of Death Penalty for Drug-Related Offenses

UNODC and Donor Countries Should Cease Funding to Iran for Anti-Drug Trafficking Purposes Until Iran Renounces Use of Death Penalty…

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Joint Statement on International Day Against the Death Penalty

We, the undersigned organizations, strongly oppose the continuing use of the death penalty in the Islamic Republic of Iran. We…

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