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Fifty dead as Iranian bloodshed escalates (New York Post – 12/16/78)

          Fifty dead
          as Iranian
          escalátei. I
          c )
          TEHRAN, Iran (AP) —
          TwO days of political and
          religious violence in provin-
          cial cities claimed 50 or
          more lives in this strife-
          torn nation, informed sour-
          ces said Friday.
          The biggest bloodbath oc-
          curred in the southern city
          of Shiraz, where orthodox
          Moslems battled with mem-
          bers of the Bahal religion,
          which is linked with Iran's
          The Pentagon reported in
          Washington, meanwhile,
          that a four-ship US. Navy
          task force was engaged In
          maneuvers with ships from
          Iran, Pakistan and Britain
          in the Gulf of Oman, at
          Iran's southeast corner.
          But officials said the ma-
          neuvers were not related to.
          the mounting political cam-
          paign against Iran's pro-
          West ruler, Shah Moham-
          mad Reza Pahiavi -
          In Paris, Ayatullah
          Khomainl, the SMIte Mos-
          leni religious leader who is
          at the head of the anti-shah -‘
          movement, urged his fol ,
          lowers to step up their ef
          forts to drive the shah from
          his throne.
          The latest round of
          clashes between security % -
          forces and demonstrators,
          and between pro-and anti-
          shah eIv1lIan began last i .
          Monday, but Thursday and
          yesterday were the bloodi-
          est days yet. Deaths were
          reported In at least three
          cities, bringing the tall for
          the week close to the ‘ 0
          mailt. ..
          In Shires Thursday.
          Shilte Moslems attacked a
          Pepsi-Cola plant and other - -.
          businesses and f
          Sect memberS. More
          than 40 Shiltes were killed , .
          and 50 wounded, informed ‘
          sources said.
          When the Shiites at-
          tacked the homes, Bahal
          sect members opened [ ire
          with automatic weapons to
          protect their property, the
          sources said. r
          Most Iranians, including ci.
          the Shah bin 1, an' Shh-
          tea -.

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