

Continued Uncertainty regarding the Fate of Mohammad Ali Taheri

(July 8, 2015)—In recent weeks rumors have abounded that Mohammad Ali Taheri, the leader of a spiritual movement known as…

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Iranian Writer Sentenced to Death for Apostasy

(June 20, 2015) – The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) has learned that Hesameddin Farzizadeh, a 23-year-old former nuclear…

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IHRDC Releases Documentary — “A Culture of Intimidation: The Islamic Republic and the Press”

(May 29, 2015) -- Last month, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), Javad Zarif,…

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A Tour of Ward 2A of Evin Prison

Ward 2A of Evin Prison is under the control of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The ward is primarily…

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Iran Should Heed the UN and End Illegal House Arrest of Opposition Leaders

On four-year anniversary of house arrest, human rights groups call on international community to speak out The Iranian government should…

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Letter from Political Prisoners Held in Gohardasht, Evin and Orumiyeh Prisons to the UN Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed Regarding the Death Sentence of Saman Nasim

Saman Nasim during his televised confession in 2011 (Photo credit: HRANA) (February 17, 2015) – Last Friday, twenty Iranian political…

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Capital Punishment in Iran: 2014

IHRDC’s final update of its chart of executions carried out by the Iranian government last year counts 721 executions in…

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Les organisations de défense des Droits de l’Homme somment les autorités iraniennes d’entendre les prisonniers politiques kurdes en grève de la faim depuis un mois.

Ce jour, vingt-deux organisations de défense des Droits de l’Homme enjoignent très fermement les autorités iraniennes de répondre immédiatement aux…

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Rights Groups Urge Iranian Authorities to Address Month-Long Hunger Strike of Kurdish Political Prisoners

Iranian authorities must immediately respond to the health and security concerns of 27 Kurdish political prisoners on a month-long hunger…

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Hunger Strike of 27 Kurdish Political Prisoners in Orumiyeh Central Prison

An entrance to Orumiyeh Central Prison (December 12, 2014) – The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) has received reports…

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