Aadel Collection

Fear rules people

• Saddam Hussein’s atrocities and the war in the Golf have distracted the world from the massive human rights violations in Iran. • Reynaldo Galindo Pohl of the UN who wrote a report on human rights in Iran, alarms about the situation in Iran • ‘The executions in the Islamic Republic continue to violate the laws set forth in the international pact re civil and human rights, that restrict the use of capital punishment” • The report talks about how the Pasdaran and Komiteh use intimidation tactics • According to the UN, between January and October 1990, nearly 500 people have been executed, while the government only admits to 113 executions. • Officially people accused of drug dealing, espionage or sodomy, although it is widely known that people are killed for political reasons. • Mudschahedin say in 1989, 174,000 people have been arrested • Torture has been legalized as of December 16, 1990 by the Moktadai.

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