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In Iran, journalists arrested, Khamenei calls media ‘evil’

          In Iran, Journalists arrested, Khan nei calls nedia ‘evil' - Conmñttee to Pr , , lttp://cpJ org/2009/06/in-iran-Journalists-arrested-kbanciei-calls-nediaphp
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          In Iran, journalists arrested, Khamenei calls media ‘evil'
          New York, June 19, 2009--In his first public address to the nation since demonstrations erupted in many cities across
          Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei today blamed foreign media, calling it “evil” for attempting to divide the
          people of Iran. Iranian authorities continue to crack down on journalists in an attempt to control information as
          demonstrations continue to grip the country following last Friday's disputed presidential elections, the Committee to
          Protect Journalists said today.
          Over the past six days, hundreds--and possibly thousands--of activists and supporters of the defeated candidates and
          an unknown number of journalists and bloggers have been detained by the Iranian security apparatus, according to local
          and international reports from human rights groups.
          “The first step in any crackdown is to eliminate potential witnesses,” said CPJ Middle East and North Africa Program
          Coordinator Mohamed Abdel Dayem. “With each arrest, deportation, and attack on a journalist, the likelihood grows of a
          violent government response.”
          Saeed Laylaz, a journalist for the daily business journal Sarmaia and a vocal critic of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad's
          economic policy, was arrested in his home on Wednesday, his wife, Sepharnaz Panahi, told the BBC Persian
          ( hftp:llwww.bbc.co.uk/persianhiran/2009/06/090617 op ir88 arrests continue.shtml) service. She said that officers
          searched their home and confiscated videotapes, hard disks and letters. The family doesn't know where Lilaz is being
          held, the BBC reported. Sarmaia also covered (http://www.sarmayeh.net/PDF/88-03-28/P2.pdf) the arrest.
          On Monday, Ettelaat intelligence agents in Rasht, 150 miles (240 kilometers) northwest of Tehran, arrested Mojtaba
          Pour-Mohssen, editor-in-chief of the daily Gilan Imrouz and contributor to Radio Zamaaneh (http://zamaaneh.com/) , an
          Internet radio station, according to the online station. It reported that agents took a computer, books, and films from
          Pour-Mohssen's home. Pour-Mohssen also authors a blog called Haftha (http:llpourmohsen.com/J . His blog was last
          updated on Saturday, CPJ research shows. Radio Zamaaneh reported that he is being held at Lakan Prison in Rasht.
          The well-known blogger Mohammad Au Abtahi (http: / /www.webneveshteha.com/) , who is an advisor to the defeated
          candidate Mehdi Karroubi and was vice president during Mohammad Khatami's presidency (1 997-2005), was arrested
          on Tuesday, the BBC Persian service reported (http:llwww.bbc.co.ukIpersianhiranI2009IO6IO9O6l6 he ir88 abtahi-
          arrest.shtml) . A blog entry (http://www.webneveshteha.com/en/) on his site states that he will resume writing as soon
          as he is released. His wife, Fatima Abtahi, told the BBC that three men in plainclothes visited his home and took him
          Since the official results of the disputed Iranian presidential elections were announced on Saturday morning,
          demonstrations by supporters of the defeated reformist candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who claim that the elections
          were rigged, have been held on a daily basis. Since demonstrations began, Iranian authorities have imposed stringent
          restrictions on the media. CPJ research found that they have detained an unknown number of local journalists, expelled
          or confined foreign journalists to their offices, and disrupted the Internet and other forms of telecommunication. Requests
          for visa extensions have been denied, and some local newspapers have been censored.
          1 of 2 03/08 2010 14:23
          In Iran, journalists arrested, Kharnenei calls media ‘evil' - Committee to Pr... http://cpj .org/2009/06/in-iran-journalists-arrested-khamenei-calls-media.php
          June 19, 2009 3:41 PM ET I Permalink (http://cpj.orq/2009/06/in-iran-journalists-arrested-khamenei-calls-media.php )
          2 of 2 03/08 2010 14:23

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