Aadel Collection

Integration of the human rights of women and the gender perspective: Violence against women.

          U NFL ED
          Economic and Social Disk
          Original: ENGUSH
          Fffh ninth session
          Item 12 (a) of the povisional agenda
          Rep ofi of the % ecia1 Rapporteur on vidence agaSt women, its cau s and
          conseqiriw , Ms. Radkika Coomaraswainy, sJ miffed in at con! ance with
          Cominisionon Human Rights niulion 20 02/52
          Conirnunicathns to and front Governjnents*
          * The execulive suntmaiyof this repDzt and the confidential infonn&ion fonti ( e appendix) axe
          being ciivulated in all official languages. The iepuit itself is contained in the annex to the
          executive summaty and is being ciiculated in the languages of submission only.
          GE.03- 10400 (E) 270203
          EJCN.4I2003 175IAdd.2
          rage 2
          Execu*e sumunry
          At its flfly-eighth sessiorç — Comnii ion on Human Pjghts, li i its re jluffon 2002152,
          requestedallGownuuents to coorerate vdthanda istthe SreciarnarTefleurinthe
          reffonuance ofher mandated tasks — duffes, to sufllyall ir&onuaffon requested — to
          resrendto the SreciarnarTefleu s sitsandconuuurdcaffor . The Conmii iorç fmthenuore,
          welcomedthe efrofisbythe SreciarnarTefleurto ekir&onuaffonfromGownuuents
          conceniing srecific ca s ofallegedtolence in order to ideniffyand ir testigate siffiaffor of
          tolence agath6t merç itscauses andcor equences, inrathcWar, where arFopiate,by
          sendir jointurgent acffonarTea]s — conmiunicaffor withotrersTecialrarTefleurs.
          The SrecialRarTefleurhas Foducedastandardrerethng fonuwr hcanbe usedto
          document alleged ir tances oftolence agair 6t men (see arTend ). Ta t us corthec orç it
          resiffon ordyto Focess cases ofa]legedtolence agair t men wrdrh are gender-sreciflc, that
          is, tolence or threats oftolence directed agair t womenbecause oftheir gender. The
          deflrdffonofgender-ba dtolence usedbythe SreciarnarTefleuristakenfrom — Declaraffon
          onthe ElirninaffonofViolence agath6t Womerç adoptedbythe Gener As r lyinits
          resolution 2Il04 of2 O Decerther 1993.
          The SrecialRarTefleurvdshes to ir&onu — Comm ission that durir the reñodmder
          retew she frar nüftedconmiunicaffor to the Gownmients of: Austra l ia . Bangladesrc
          Cambodia . Canada . China . Colombia . the Democrafic P public ofthe Congo, Ecuador, India,
          Indonesia, Iran(Islamic Th public of), Israe]. Liljeña. Mexico, M amuar, Nigeña. Pakistan .
          Srein. SñLanka. Sudan . Sweden. Thailand . Togo, Turkey, Uganda. — UrdtedArab Emimte
          U jekistan . Venezuela, Yeme4 andto — PalestirianAutronty Inaddifforç the Gownmients
          of M muar, Srair. SñLard a . S ede n . Thailand. Turkeyandthe UrdtedArab Emirates
          FotdedtheSrecia1RarTefleurvdthrepliesonca ssubnüfteddurfr the earunderrete
          whereas the Gownmients ofindia. Mexico, Sn Lanka — Turkeydid so with resrect to cases
          subnüttedinFetous ars.
          This rerUn contair , on a coun -by-countiybasis, jmmaries ofgeneral and ind ,idua1
          a1legaffor , as well as urgent arTeals trar rnitted to Gjwnmients, — their rerJies thereto.
          Ob n uffor bythe Srecia].RarTefleurhave abjbeenincludedwhere arTJicable.
          EJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 3
          Rc ortofthe echlRapporteuronvMenceagai ' twomeu, ifs causesand
          cou qir ' c , Ms. Radhflca Coomaraswamy, sii, miffed in accordance with
          CoumononHumanRights resoIufion2002I52: Couununkafio ' to —
          from Govermnents
          Pai rat P e
          Austra]ja . 1-2 5
          Ba n gladesh . 3- 16 5
          Cambodia 17- 19 7
          Canada 20-25 7
          Crana 26-33 9
          Colombia 34 -39 10
          Democrafic P public ofthe Congo -42 I I
          Ecuador 43 - 12
          India 45 -59 13
          Indonesia 60 I S
          Iran (Islamic P public of) 61 -63 16
          Israel 64 16
          Ubeña 65-70 16
          Mexico 71-72 17
          M muar 73- 147 18
          Nigeña l 2 - 149 26
          Pak istan IS O - 153 27
          Srein 154- 168 28
          SñLard a 169-200 31
          Sudan 201 -203 38
          S eden 204-207 39
          Tha i land 208-209 41
          Togo 210-212 41
          Turkey 213-227 42
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          rage 4
          CONTEN1 ( continued)
          Pai rat P e
          Uganda 228 45
          Urdted Arab Emirates 229-230
          U jeIdstan 231
          Venezuela . 232-233
          Yemen 234 47
          Pa lestirianAuthoñty 235 47
          ArTent: CordidenffaItolenceagair twomenir&onuaffonfonu
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage s
          Ai Inlh
          On 25 Januaiy2002, — Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal vdth — Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe ile ofcrdldrerç crdldFostiffitionandcrdldrernograr lyconcenung —
          rerefledlyinadequate resrerse to domesffctolence andcrdldabuse inAusfralia. Accordir to
          fr&onuaffonrece ,ed . the legaland effare terns ir ufficienilyFotect craidrenfrom thui
          durir contachtits (fonuerlylmon as acce ' with non-resi ntial (fonuerly
          ion-custodiar rarents. Crdldrenare rerefledly ibject to ur afe , coufl-orderedcontact
          anangementsdesrdte etdence and ispicionofabuse. ItisallegedthatFoblernshave rnsened
          since — infroduction ofthe FarnilyLaw P fonu Act in 1996 , reducffor in Legal Aid funding
          andanincreaseduse of cor&erencir . Th reit allege thatraedor &iaandcrdldabuse are
          majorFoblerns that are inadequatelyaddres dbythe State.
          2. Inreiticularthe SrecialRarTefleurfr&onuedthe Gjwnmientthatshe hadrecS,ed
          fr&onuaffonregardàg — indMdualca of Taula Hawth g and her 5-par-old daughter Grace.
          According to fr&onuaffonrece ,ed . Tania Hawtir maniedGrahamRossGenuoninJune 1995
          andtr oughoutthefrrelaffor }upshe andherfourcrdldrenere subjectedto domesfic —
          sexual tolence. Ofimmediate concern s the return ofGrace to her alleged abu r ,
          Mr. Oenuorç on26 January2002. Docmuentedetdence ofr ica]. rsyiliologicalandsexual
          abuse agair tMs. Hawtir andhercrdldrenwas rerefledlynottakeninto accountbyrelice orin
          comt — Mr. Genuon — been granted custodyofGrace.
          3. Bya letter dated 10 Decer er 2002, the Srecial RarTefleur ir&onued the Gownmient
          that she had receiwd fr&onuaffon that more than 2,000 women in Bangladeshbeb een the ages
          of7 and 80 hadbeen rared. gang-rared. beaten and subjected to degrading freathientby
          fundamenta]ist grours follovdng — I October 2001 electior . Mach ofthe tolence allegedly
          tookplace insmalh llage andthe reirefrators inmanycases were idenfffledasacthtts ofthe
          n]àg Bangladesh Naffona]ist Pany(B W) or — group Jamat-e-Islami. It is alleged that —
          reice andthe c ,il admirdsfrationhave notFotdedFotecffonforthetchm andthat no
          juthcialincjuiiyhasbeenmade regardir these inci nts. Inrathcularthe SrecialRarTefleur
          a&,i dthe Gownmientthatshe hadrece tedir&onuationregardir — follo * cases.
          4. Durir — rdghtof3 October2001, iight-vdng fundamentalists rerefledlyattacked
          HinduresithntsofKacrdraratllage,Paffiakhalidistiict. Womenereallegedlyraredand
          madetowalknudeinthemarketthenextmoniing. Whentheyaskedfornteritisrerefledthat
          — reiretrators urinated in their mouths.
          5. 0n9 Otober200l ananuedgang allegedlylddnarTedfluee Hindugirlsfrom Nohata
          llage inSreepururezila of Nhgura. andrapedthemina neaibyfleld. It is aiso rerefledthat
          — anuedmeninjured 10 irthabitants ofthe 2 houi including awomannamed Shumib.
          aged 25, and Ni ,; aged 30.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          rage 6
          6. According to rereflsreceiwd. Archana. vdfe ofNitta. Bablia. daughterofSuddhamip.
          Nthart wife of Nhlorç Cinrithala. vdfe of Umesrç dhobI wife ofBechara Usha. wife of
          Hfra. Madhabt wife ofMjrdrçMadhuri. vdfe ofElefra . Glia. wife ofSamiran. Pr) u]
          daughterofEecharam , IrOdIIOI4 wife ofBrojobas}ii, Kushum. vdfe ofPoiimol, B Im wife
          ofRamani. Subta. wife of Jabov, Sablia. wife ofSrthDas, SI phalt wife ofSubhas}b —
          Rha. daughter of Gafur were gang-rared in Char Arajada Prasha and Char Falimabad. Ehola
          dJs ict. It is allegedthatthere were manyothertchmsinthis area.
          7. It is rerefled that a large nmther ofHindu women ofall ages were gang-rared and their
          houses lootedinKoflarhatandOsmangonj tllages, Ehola dJs ict. ProIirft , aged34, s
          allegedlygang-raredby I D men andbeaten s relyin front ofher husband. The reirefrators
          rerefledlylooted the women s luables and demanded a rar Jm of30 000 Taka (TJS$ 545)
          fromeachHindufan&y t}ueaterdngtorapethe menifitwasnotrthd.
          8. 0n2 Otober200l Slrbnoti. aged7D, was rerefledlyraredwrdle herhusband
          Brojendra. aged88 ss relybeaterc inNoflhCharFashonunderOsmangonj Urdorç Bhola
          dJs ict. KoTh nt aged3D, was allegedlylddnarTedfromthe imetllage andherhuthand
          Amar was beaten. On 3 October 2001 a group aimed with long kr ,es and slicks rerefledly
          lootedallthe Hinduhou sinthe area. The same groupallegedlyrethmedthreaterdng to re-rare
          — tctlir ifthefr families went to — relice.
          9. According to fr&onualion rece ,ed. a teenage girl named Purnima was rared at Ullarara,
          — reiretrators rerefledlyforcedthefrnyinto — house ofGajendraandbeat familymer ers
          at gunrdnt. A womannamedBabftawas allegedlylddnarTed. andlaterrethmed iiously
          wounded. The IddnarTersrerefledlyflueatenedto punishthe familyir the mci ntswere
          rerefled to relice.
          ID. Itisallegedthatthereare a]sonmuerousrereitsoftolence agair treligiousniinoiilies
          inSrdmjgar andPaffiakali dJs icts , vthere anelderly manwas rerefledlygang-raredand
          stabbedbyagroupoffundamenta]ists wrdie herhouse was looted.
          II. A hoolgfrl fromareligiousminoiityconuuurdtywas rerefledlyattackedand
          gang-raredinbroadda dightat Kamargra Muilhahat. She was allegedlylefluncor cious. It
          is alleged that her mother and siste r ere abj tcirns
          12. Abiigade ledbya localleaderofjamat-e-Islami is rerefledlyresrer il le for iiously
          woundir 2 women and leadir aramrage that caused C minoiityfamiliesto flee their homes
          at Laksrardpurtllage underRahJmanpur Urdorç Thakurgaon.
          13. InDhunte, Bagura. a7- ar-oldgirlwas allegedlygang-raredandseiiouslyinjured. A
          motheroffourwas rerefledlygang-raredaflerthe reiretrators were unable to flndherdaughter,
          who is iid to haw been their inte nded tc b i n .
          14. Atltha , jb-thstiict ofKshoreganj, aHinduwidowwas allegedlygang-rared.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 7
          15. it4a32- ear-oldHnduwomarc srerefledlyraredbyagroupofl5to20BNP
          merthers inMaheshpurtllage, DaganBhui Dis ict Ferd. wrdle agunwas heldto herson
          andhusband's heads. Inthe same tllage, Alo, aged28, was rerefledlyraredbythe same BNP
          merthers ledbyHaroorc — sonofaMatubhth Urdonmer er.
          16. On IS Febnaiy2002 a local leader ofjamat-e-Jslanii allegedlyled an attack through
          Maheshpun llage inDaganBhui dJs ict gang-rapir s ralwomerç as iulffng merç and
          lootir and rar icIdng homes. This — rerefledlyled Hindus from the tllage to flee in large
          nmthers. Pñor to this inci nt, on 13 Febnaiy2002, Hindu llagers allegedlyaccused a
          nmtherofrersor oftenonzir Hindus. Howewr, itisrerefledthatdesrdte suchpleas, —
          Ferd Dis ict admirdstraffon did not take acifon to Fewnt these cnmes.
          C auth o dia
          17. On 13 August 2002, the Srecial RarTefleur sent ajoint urgent arTeal vdth the Srecial
          RarTefleurs on the sale of crdldrerç child Fosffffifforc and crald remograr ly, and on the human
          iights ofmigrant onbehalfof 14 Viethamese women seng ntences for Ulegallyenteth
          Cambodia . I D ofwhomare rerefledl 2 icffms ofhmuantrafficldng andexploitation.
          I X. According to ir&onuaffon rece ,ed . 14 Viethamese women and gir]s, agedbeb een 16
          and s3,were rerefledlyremowdfromabrothelbyreliceon23May2002. Onl7June,they
          were chargedvdthfflegal entiyinto Cambodiaandjailed. a 5 August aCambodiancomt
          rerefledlyfoundthemguiltyofthe charges andsentencedthemtobeb eenb o —
          three montr& impisomuent. Ng ugThyrtei aged 16, LimThyLe IX, Taugmy
          Beh ' lX,DorThyVou lX,rtieugThyLau lX,LeThyNgoI lX,Ng ' Thy
          Hou IX, LamThyTWHv u 19, Tham rtok Thav Ngv u 20, andLeTIth
          NgokViu. 22, were rerefledlyfraffickedfromVietNam into localbrothel withoutanyfonual
          documents. Fourothers, Clnugmy GnoI 37, VinKaugVb C, Va'mNgokEau. 43,and
          Le Thy Ngok TInu . 53, a]so found guiltyofillegallyenteñng Caithodia. were allegedly
          comrdicitinthe trafficking ofthe aforemenffonedinditduals.
          19. The Srecial RarTefleur called uren — Gowniment in its efrofis to address frafficking,
          to focus on the abuses ofthe human iights — labour iights ofthe men ir ,oWed . — to
          Fewntfrafficldngtctims frombeir freatedas cñminalsorasillegalmigrants.
          C amd a
          20. Bya letter dated 13 August 2002, ntjoinilyvdth — Srecial RarTefleur on — sale of
          crdldrerç crdld Fosfiffiffon and crald reniography, the SrecialRarTefleura&zisedthe
          Gowniment that she had receiwd ir&onuaffon conceniing fraudulent adopifon Faclices and
          tolence agath6t umuaniedwomen. The allegaffor ir toWedstafratthe Mountsinai Hospitg
          — Victor Home for Un ed Mother Women's College Hosrdtal (now Surai rook and
          Women's)andthe Catholic Crdldrer& Aidsociety(CCAS). Inrathcular, the Srecial
          RarTefleur recS,ed ir&onuaffon on the follovdng cases.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          21. TbnK*(cmientsmname),aFrenchCanadianjerefled lygavebiithtoason
          on28 March 1970 atMountSinai Hosrdtal. Althoughshe sumuanied . — intendedto keep
          — baby. The follo * day, herfamilydoctor, Dr. Glick. rerefledlytoldherthat herbaby
          hadtheddurir therdghtduetoheantroubIe. She alIegedlynotallowedto eherbaby's
          body, but Dr. Glick rerefledlyagreed to make anangements with — CCAS for its baptism —
          burial. Durir herstayinthe hosTdtal, Nk Kelly srerefled1yheaviIydnggedand
          on3l March 1970, a jciaIworkerfromthe CCAS allegedlyaskedNk Kellyto signa
          document. Ms. Kelly, who rerefledlyhadhmitedlmovdedge ofEnghsrcbeli dshe was
          sigrdng a document to baphze her deadbaby. In 1995, uren receipt ofa copyofher recenily
          deceased father's death cethflcate Ms. Kellyrea]ized that she had never recS,ed a copyofher
          crdld's death ceflificate. When she requested a copyfrom Mount Sinai HosTdtal, — s
          rerefledlytold that the records stated that her son was born healthyand had gone home vdth her.
          Aflerquestiordng stafrat — CCAS, Nk Kellyalleged1ydi overedthatthe CCAS hadputrdm
          up for adoption and that Dr Glick had accepted abiibe to take ram. It is alleged that — Toronto
          Police have refused to take acifon in regard to this case.
          22. InMayl978, doctorsatthe Women's College HosrdtalPrenatal Clirdc allegedlytold
          Eric; then venmontr Fegnant thatherbabywas deadandthat — s inlaboF. She was
          allegedlysenthometode]Mrthedeadcrdldaflerthe doctorsnoffcedthatshewasfromthe
          VictorHome forUn edMjthers. Two otherwomen]Mng inthe home, CathyHendersonand
          Peggy, rerefled1ydel teredthe deadbaby. Thefrcomplaints to the Women's College HosTdtal
          were rerefledlyignored andtheywere alleged1yfr ulted.
          23. CathvHenderson(Fewouslylmonas CathySalthiarsh), allegedlysufferedboth
          ph ical — rsyhological abuse bystafrin — Women's College Hosrdtal during the binh of
          hercr&dinJune 1978. W&einlaboui shewasrerefled1yfluonagafr tthe llofthe
          Feraraffonroombyanurse. She was allegedlycalledawhorebyone ofthe nurses andtoldthat
          — CCAS hadraidtohaveherbabytakenfromher. Thenursethenrerefledlyrereatedlycut
          her gerdta]s, it is rerefled that doctors nowestimate that she hadbeen cut over 30 times during
          thisincithnt. Herdel teiydoctor iedto suthre — slasheOut allegedlydidnotrecordthe
          inci nt inMs. Hender jn's medialme andhastiiedto coveritup. Aflergt biitrc
          Ms. Hender jnwas rerefledlygivenaninjecffon to diyuphernü]kwithout hercor ent.
          Ms. Hender jn's son s allegedlygiven up for adopifon without her cor ent. Daring her stay
          at — hos dtg she was rerefledlygivendngs vdthoutbefr toldvthat theywere for, andbefore
          leavir the hosrdtal she signed what — believed to be atemreraiynon-ward foster care
          agreement. Accordirflreroflsshedidnothave accesstoalaw 3 erandwastoldbyherCCAs
          social worker that she must sign the document ifshe nted to keep her Jn. She allegedlylater
          djscoveredthatthe agreement to shofl-tenunon-wardcare hadbeentenrdnatedvdthouther
          cor ent or knovdedge.
          24. A]so in June 1978, Lull Corhoneu. then aged IS, rerefledlysufrered similar
          rs hological and rical abuse wr&e in the Women's College HosTdtal g tir biiThto her
          child. Aflerthebinrç — de]Mth doctorrerefledlydecidthto unish”herbyshotngher
          hand into Ms. Corhonen's wor and pur rdng it a number offimes. This incith nt was
          rerefledlynot recorded. andthe hosrdtal allegedlyderdesthatitharTened. Itisrerefledthat
          whenshe iedtocomplainshev ir u 1tedandtoldthatnoonewou 1dbeli her.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          25. According to ir&onuaffonrece ,ed . Ms. CorhonenandMs. Hendersonv ote to Women's
          College Hospital in 2000 and again in Apil 2001 to reiterate their complaints about the abuse.
          The hosTdtrerefledlyclamedthattherewasnoetdenceofanythuseandthatitwastoolate
          to canyout an ]r (esfigafion.
          C hbia
          26. On 24 Januaiy2002, — Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal vdth — Srecial
          RarTefleurs onthe questionoftoflure, andonfreedomofordrdonandexFesthonandto the
          Chaianan-RarTefleurofthe Working Grouponathifraiydetenffononbehalfof
          Co 'm C1 ' kar, a Canadian Falun Gong Factiffoner, who had rerefledlybeen anested on
          Tianamuen Square, Beijing, on 23 Januaiy2002.
          27. On 22 July2002 — Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgent arTeal with —
          Chainuan-RarTefleurofthe Working GrouponAthitraiyr tenffononbehalfoffemale
          FalunGong Faciftioners who ]Mswere rerefledtobe indanger. Inrathcular, the Srecial
          RarTefleur recS,ed ir&onuaffon ct the follovdng indMdual cases.
          28. Zheug Doughut aged 30 ofChangchun City, Jilin Pro tce, is rerefledlyheld at —
          Heir±iIA ourCampinChangchunCity. Accordir to ir&onuationreceiwd. she hasbeen
          beaterç toitired with shocks from elec ic bator and hungbyher w sts in order to force her to
          g e up Falun Gong. As a re jlt ofreceMng shock freathient for an extended reiiod oftime, —
          allegedlysufrers fromheaflFoblerns andir&ecffor . Herhealthandlife are rerefledtobe in
          d a r er.
          29. LiSIu ie resithntofQiqtharCit c Heilongjiang Pro tce, srerefledlyanestedin
          earlyNowr er 2001 afler re]ice broke into her home, — took her to the Ar }rnrdu Police
          Station. According to rerefl a group ofre]ice took tumsbeaffng her, then cowred her head
          witha plasffc bag, and. wtdle sufrocafing her, pierced her face with needles unrn — fell
          uncor cious. It is rerefledthat UShujie'sbones ele brokerç andherface andbodywere
          cowredvdthbnji s. Ms. Uwas thenrerefledlytakento the QiqiharFirst r tentionCenter,
          QiqiharCit c Heilogjiang Pro tce. Accordir to ir&onuaffonreceiwd. afewda laterNk U
          was taken into a room for intenogaffon vthere she was again wrelybeaten. As a result her
          internal orgar ere allegedlyinjured. andshe was rerefledlyunable to eat andmow for
          live da . The directorsofthe detenifoncentre, rerefledlyrejectedMs. U's request tobe
          released for medical freathient and it is alleged that one month later — s sudderdymoved to
          an unimon locafion.
          30. LbiRuulb aged38, resithntofHebei F otnce, was rerefledlyanested
          on 28 Septer er 2001 and detained at — No. I Detenifon Cenfre, vthere she remair . In
          January2002, guardsallegedlyordereds ralirauatesto toitjre Nk Uubecau — refusedto
          renounce FalunGong. According to rerefl theytookherto abathroo where — s
          s irTednakedandbeaten. Theyrerefledlyir efledhairandusedff ues into her gina. —
          piercedhervdthneedlesfor Crninutes. Itisrerefledthattrdsleflhercowredvdthwoundsand
          needle holes, andbothherbreasts allegedlythniedblack.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pIge 10
          31. WeiThnchei aged45 ,rethdentofSrjiazhuar City ,HebeiPro tce ,wasrerefledly
          anested and sentenced to t pars forced labour afler gofr to Beijfr li i May2000 to
          arTealto — Gownmientto stoprersecutfr FalunGong. She wasrerefledlyreleasedin
          Nowrther 2000 due to weaImes but s anested again li i July2001 and sentenced to
          four arsintheNo. I DetenffonCenfre,where — allegedlyremafr . Enaringherdetenfforcit
          is rerefledthatshe — oflenbeens irTedandbeatenforrefusfr to give upFalunGong. In
          January2002, a relice officerrerefledlyput shacldesonMs. Wei andorderedanimuate to Four
          icy ter over her. It is a]so alleged that she was forced to sleep on — icyground for one
          32. Vai Jh S aged37, Lu Gufl1u 50, andzhao Vuhua. 41, resi nts ofWeirdng
          Tow srdg Uaordng Pro tce, allegedlywentto Beijfr to arTealto — Gjwnmient to stop
          FosecutI FalunGong andwere rerefledlyarrestedinTianamuenSquare on2 S Apil2002.
          Atthe TianamuenScjuare reice stafforç theywere allegedlys irTeddonto thefrundeiwear
          andtoitred. It is rerefledthat — relicemenhandcuffedtheirhandsto theirbacks andir fled
          pieces ofchaffiorchor ffcbbeb eentheirflnge . The fingers were rerefledlyqueezedunrn
          — chalk or chorsffcks were broken. It is a]so alleged that the reice reured hot nter on
          Ms. Yang, causfr herto lose cor ciousne andherbodytobecome swollen. Itis rerefledthat
          on the 1me day, Nk Yang, Ms. Lu and Ms. Zhao were sent to Masanjia Labour Cang but ere
          refusedbecause theyhadbecome too weak. JnMay2002, theywere allegedlyanestedand
          resent to Masanjia Labour Camp.
          33. According to rerefl Waug GuizI aged 52, resident of Jiamusi Cit ç Heilongjiang
          Pro tce, ent to Beijing li i Decer er 2000 to arTeal to the Govenmient to stop rer cuffng
          FalunGong. Thee reicemenrerefledlyshockedherwithelec ic bator wrdie indetenifonat
          — Huafrou CountyJail li i Beijing. She allegedly ent on a hunger stiãe to Fotest the
          detenfforcbutrerefledlya]mostthedwhenafeethngtube was fr efledinto herhachea. It is
          rerefledthataflerbeing releaseda w eeklatershe was againanestedanddetainedatthe
          ChangchunHethiiñLabourCamp. Accordir to fr&onuaffonreceiwd. she frecjuenilyreceiwd
          shocks vdth an elec ic baton and s a]so allegedlybeaten on numerous occasior . In addiffon
          numerous cuts ere allegedlyfound on her face and neck, and her freathient is rerefled to have
          cau d her to vomit cough upblood andbe unable to eat. She was rerefledlysent to a mental
          hosrdta], but her cmient vthereabouts are said to be unimon.
          Colomb ia
          34. H21 denoter rede 2002,laP latoraEsrecialer ti6unllamamientourgente
          conjuntamente conel F ethdente-P latordel Gnre de Trabajo sobre Ia DetencionAthitraña yla
          P Fe ntante Esrecial jbre los defer ores de los derechos humanos en relacion con
          Mart, del Socorro MosquerayMery del Socorro Naranj integiantes de laAsociacionde
          Mujeresde las Inderendencias (Mill) yTeresaVarce Fiscalde laJuntade AccionComunaldel
          banjo L s Inderendencias Tilde Ia ciudadde Medeffin(Antiocjuia). L s fres mujeres
          reiticireiiantambiénenlas acth,idades enconfrade laguenaorgardzadasrerlaRuta Pacifica
          de las Nbajeres. Segunla fr&onuacionreciljida, lastres rersonas mencionadasestaiiandeterddas
          a ibifrari a mentede e el l2de notembrede2002enlacárceldemujeresadJsresicionde Ia
          FiscaliaEsTecia]izadade N dellin.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          r age 11
          35. H8denoterthrede 2002 N iydeiSocono Naranjo yTeresa Yarce htian
          denunciado ante eiSecretario de Gobienjo Municirel , Sr. Jorge LeónSánche; unaseñe de
          tolaciones a los derechos hmuanos cjue Se habñan cometido en Ia Comuna Trece, desde Ia
          ocuracion mi]itar yrelicial de Ia zona ci IS de octubre de 2002, tras Ia acción rnilitar
          denominada C eraci6nai6n . Las mujeres habijandenunciado, entre otroshecho
          honiicidios Fe mtamente cometidos For gnros rarairdlitares en lugares de Ia comuna
          fueflemente conholados For ci ejército.
          36. Cuatro — después, ci 12 de noter re, miembrosde iafuei ap&iica htiananestado
          a lashes mujeres slit orden de capbFa. L s autoñdades, acusajian a las lideres de ser
          colaboradorasde los gnrosguenilleros. Enrante las resrecthas indagatoñas, las mujeres
          htianaciarado cjue tales acusicionesseiianftis ysinfundamento.
          37. H2l denoterthrede 2002 ,iaP iatoraEsrecialer ti6uniiamamientourgente
          conjuntamente conia P iatoraEsTeciaisobre ejecuclones extrajudiciales, smuaiias 0 aibitrañas
          yla P Fesentante Esrecialsobre iosdefer ores de los derechos hmuanos enreiacioncon
          JackeiineRoja coordinadora de Ia CtgarJzación Femerdna Popular (OFF) rara eimunicipio
          de Cantagallo, derenamento de Boli r. Segunia ir&onuacionreciljida. ci IS de noterthre
          de 2002 un funcionario local de Cantagallo habila a&,ethdo aJackeline Rojas de cjue lahabla
          deciarado objethonülitar . Alrarecer,eifuncionañohtiadichoaJackeline Rojascjueios
          raran&itares cjue controlan ci murdcirdo cor ideraban ala OFF una amenaza.
          38. La OFF no htia rewiado Ia identidaddeifuncionaño, cjue Ste les htiadicho cjue,
          siiohaciarçiosmataiianaéi,aJackeline Rojasyalasfamiliasde ambos. Setemecjue esta
          amenazasigrdflcacjue ohos nüer ros de Ia OFF puedenestartar iénenreiigro.
          39. According to ir&onuaffonrece ,edthe three worx nwbj were detainedon 12 Nowrther,
          Mart, del Socorro Mosquera. Mery del Socorro Naranjo, and Teresa Varce were released
          on2l Nowrther2002. Howewr, there are conffnuedconcei sabouttheirrersonal ifetyand
          — SreciaiRarTofleururges — State to Fotde them vdthsecurityandto take all nece ary
          sters to aarantee afair ial.
          &mocnfic Rc iiilic ofthe Co ' o
          C. Farune letire endate du lerotobre 20J2, er To e conjointementrarie RarTofleur
          srécialsuria cjuesffonde latoitire et iaRarTofleu1 sTéciale suriesexécutior exhajudiciaires,
          Ia RarTofleu1 sTéciaie a ir&onué Ic Gowemement cju'elle avaitrecudes rer eignements
          concentant i'occuraffon dutllage de Vungu du 28 aoüt au 8 septer re 2002 Far les forces du
          RCDIGoma diñgées Far les Banpmulenge et les forces ancierates de i'anuée zaIroise comlues
          sousie nomde Katan ma. Les ±brces de RCDIGoma auraient incarcéré une cjuarantaine de
          rersorates dont Samaidjenos, Eshuim. Euunanuet Kb giAsasa. MaoshwaKatelel
          Famba. VaI veit Lufin uIo, ErmtChofuetKasereka.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 12
          41. Accusées de juterth les forces gowemementales et d 'assister les Nhy-Nh c les
          rersorates air 6i détenues auraient été confraintes de Se coucher durant toute Ia jomnée I
          mêmeleso es uxbracjuéswrsle jleil. Lesfemmes,tellescjueRaelMu]cathwaet
          l ?'NauUcautha . raient aforcéesd 'avoirdesrelatior xuelles avec les nülitaireset
          ceflaines, dévêtues, auraientsuhienpuhlic untouchen ginalreurchercherde For
          évenffiellement cache. Mue Namkar a aurait er uite été exécutée air i cju'un grand nor re
          des rersorales détenues.
          42. Les tchmes auraient rSsenté des sécjuelles graves nécessitant une assistance médicale
          alimentaire d'urgence. AsemleWiflomija. médecinducenfre de réhabthtationdestchmes de
          Ia toitre duCEDH(Cenfre fortre EducaffctandDefence ofHmuanpj€hts), rait renduau
          llage de Yur ureur±bunürune a istance aui tcffmes et auraitété anêté Isctan ,ée
          le 2 ptembre 2002. DocteurWilondja air icjue l t Mimga. jna istant auraientalors été
          maifraités. L'écjuirement medical auraitete emrefle, les methcamentsvolesafr icjue 12 sacs
          de fathie etla Jmme de 200 dollarsdesEtats-Urds desfines Inom*lestctimes.
          A nde Willondjaet M Mur aauraientete liberes le 4 ptembie 2002.
          Er nd or
          43. H II de sepfferthre de 2002, Ia P latoraEsrecial frar miff6 unacomunicacionconjunta
          conel P lator esTecial sobre Ia cuesffón de Ia toitra en Ia cjue se comunico al Gobienjo cjue los
          P latores reciljieron fr&onuación jbre los siguientes casos indMduales.
          4. NardadelRoriTorresAthoHahtiasidoagredidaell2dejurdodel200l rerunos
          hor resque lahabñan goireach e ir ultado enrelacionconsuhomosexualidad. H 13 de j
          de 2001 habñan sido ala comisajia N 5 de Ia Policia Naciora]. en Quito, rara Fesentar una
          denuncia. Siner argo, losagentesde reliciaaffi Fesentesse habilannegado aFestarle
          atencion cuando intentó relatar el aco J ylos golFs afñdos. Los agentes habñan puesto ami
          menosinterescuando les fr&onuaronde cjue elmotho de talacoso habiasido aoñentaci6n
          sexual. Unreñto mediro legista htia exarninado aNardaTones yhtia ir&onuado cjue terda
          hematomas Fovocados For los puiteta s cjue habia reciljido en d ojo izcjuierdo, flue
          Fesentabaademasiraamaciondellto sureñor. H I X de j del200l, NardaTones htia
          ido alseitcio Mediro Comurdtaño, donde unmedico htiadiagnosffcado cjue terdalanariz
          fracthrada flue necesitabasometerse acinagia. Laroiciahtia enfregado a NardaTonesuna
          boleta de auxiio, renuiso cjue le da na derecho a redir a cualcjuier agente de rolicia cjue, en caso
          decjue elinc ntesererdtieradebMe asusFe mtosagresores. Siner argo , gunla
          ir&onuaciónrecibida. laroicia no llevo acabo ma resir tesffgacionesalresrecto. H 28 de
          agosto del200l, AdrianaPafricia Cháve Cháve madre de unardita de 12 altos ycomraltera
          de Narda Tones, htiasido agiedida. ir jltada yamenazadarorlos niismosdos hor res
          imrdicados en d anteñoratacjue. E13 de septiembre del 2001, laComisionEcmuerdcade
          DerechosHmuanos(CEDHU) htia dirigido una cafla al niirdsfro de Gobienjo, el
          Dr. Juan Nhrthcjue, ir&onuándole del caso de Narda Tones ysu comraltera ysolicitando cjue se
          abñerauna ir tesffgaci6n bre las denuncias rea]izadas rorestas. E15 de dicier re del200l,
          las dos mujeres habnan sido nue imente aco idas e intimidadas cuando ilegaban a a casa.
          Mientras Adriana Cha v ez abna Ia puefla. unwrdculo cjue hallabaa unos 70 m acelerabaror
          laacerahaciaellas. NardaToneshtiasidogolreadade rernonrorelwrnculo,Fovocandole
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 13
          contusiones de cor ideraci6nenla pienia, cjue habiianrequeñdo unae a la. Segunla
          fr&onuaciónrecibida. hasta Ia fecha las autoñdadesecuatoñanas no habijan ir&onuado rd a
          NardaTones,rdaAdñanaChi,ezdecjue esbwie lle mndoacabofr testigaci6naThma
          sobre sus denuncias.
          I —
          45. Byaletterdated4July2002, — Srecial RarTefleura&z sedthe Gownmientthatshe
          had received fr&onuaffon conceniing large-scale tolence agair 6t men that took place in
          Gujarat durir Febnaiyand March 2002. Violence allegedlycontinued sreradicallyunffl
          June 2002. It is alleged that — tolence that targeted MusLin conmiurdifes was Fe-plamled and
          that ly]r tance ofmobtolence agafr tthe commurdtyingeneralwas accorqaniedbya
          ratteni oftolence agafr t women. Ciimes targeing men have allegedlybeen glossly
          under-rerefledandare inneedoffmtherfr testigation. Itis rerefledthatthere are manywomen
          inreliefcamrswho — jfferedsexualtolence includingrare, gang rare, forcednudity, —
          molestatior . Amajoñtyofrare tctlir are iidto hawbeen xuallymufflatedandthenbmnt
          . According to fr&onnaffon ‘eceived. mer ers oftre State gownunent includir the State
          CrdefMrdster ,hawshonanelementofcomplicityvdththo fr ,oWedinthe ñoffng. A
          climate ofimpurdty srerefledlycreatedwhere tolentexces including xualtolence,
          were allowedto take place. Thiswas alleged y r nedbythe rerefled arath c andsometimes
          comrdicit c oflaw-er&orcement agencies. Despite loss ofconfrol ofthe siffiafforç it is rerefled
          thatthere was adelaybefore — alnywas calledinanddeplo d. Once deplo d. itallegedly
          recStedfr ufficientrelice rTefl andintelligence.
          47. Itis allegedthat no efrofi smade to Fotectwomenbythe reice. Womensun*ors
          were rerefledlyderdedthe ñghtto file FIBs (firstfr&onnaffonrereits), andthere isno exisffng
          fr ffffitional mechardsminGujarattr oughv 1uchwomencanseekjustice. It is allegedthatthe
          dJs ict collector ofPancranaha]s has been quoted as sa ng that he is not able to look into
          inditdual cases ofsexual tolence. However, ir&onnation on sexualtolence is rerefledly
          widelyavailable frome vdthe es andsun*ors, includir tdeo footage where womensTeak
          ofwte fr rare andwhere one canrerefledly e slogar like, Musli ç)n I ndi a - orw
          wiIIP**y our moth r ” nitten on the walls of c haited houses. It is re refled that c ondiffor in
          — reliefcamrs are exfremelyseñou and State efrofi to helptcffrns is ir ufficient.
          FolIow-1 topre,ioi lyfra ' mfttedcoumumkathus
          2. Bya letter dated 13 June 2002, the Gjwnunent resrended to the joint communicaffon
          dated 30 August 2001 ( e EJCN.412002t831Add.l, raragiarths 38-39) regarding excee u1 of
          force bythe relice agath6t ManjolaiTea Estate worI rs am! — si porters inTamilNadu.
          It stated that the gownunent ofTamil Nadu arTeinted a Conunission oflnquiiyto qure into
          — causes and circumstances that led to the inci nt at Timnelveli Cityon 23 July1999. The
          findingswere examinedbythe Gownunentandacceptedbythe Tan& Nadulegislafiw
          asser ly.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          rage 14
          49. According to — Gjvenmient, — Comrnissionoflnquiiygave irious rea Jr as cau1 s
          and circumstances that led to the excessive use offorce bythe relice 01123 July1999. The
          Conmiissionrerefledlyheldthatthe use offorce to thsTer the c jwdwas wananted.
          Ho ever , — Conmii ionwas rerefledlyofthetewthatthe reice usedexce,e force li i
          chasing Focessionmerthers to the th,erbed. andhasreconmiendedthe compu]soiyreffrement
          ofthree officia* including b 'o assistantrelice commissioners, forgro derelicffonofstaffitory
          duty. The quantmuofpunisrauent irany, snot tdecithd.
          50. The Gjvenauent rerefledthat, accordir to the Conmiissiorç — drow iing oflI rer Jr
          was anaccithnt. The others decea drersor are allegedto have firstsustainedfr uries at
          KoIddrakulamRoadbeforebefr cha dto — th,er. Arccious to cro — th,erto ifet 3 the
          demor trators are iidto have createdastanrede wrdrhcausedsome to fallinto — water. The
          Conmiissionrerefledthat Jme drownedbecause theydidnotlmowthe depthofthe th,erand
          — force ofthe cunent. The Conmii ion a]so found that — relice did not intend to cause —
          deathofthe ersor andthattheythdnotbeattchmsonthethterbedwrdle theywere 3&
          to s_.
          51. Accordingto — Govenmient, — families ofthe II rersor who dieddue to drow iing
          li i the ther ere awarded 200,000 nrees each and — families ofthe 6 wbj first sustained
          ir uñesandthenfellintothetheranddrownedwere awarded300,000nreeseach. The
          Govenmienthas rerefledlya]so is aedorders forFotdir emplo mientto one mer erofeach
          ofthe famiiesofthe 17 rersor vtho lost their]Ms.
          52. The Gjvenauent cor ideredthat there is no nthto — allegaffonthatwomenvtho were
          takento Tinanelveli Police Staffonere s irTednaked beaten , andvethallyhmuthated because
          no reFe ntationhasbeenmadebythe womenbefore — Comrnissionoflncpthy. Ita]so stated
          that — Collector ofTinanel v eli — rerefled that mach abuse did not occur at TinneWeli Police
          Station or Palapnthottai Police Staffon on 23 July1999.
          53. Bya letter dated 16 July2002, — Gjvenmient resrended to the communicaffonsent
          joinilywiththe Srecial RarTefleuronthe questionoftoflure on 10 August 2001
          (see EICN.40002tS3IAdd.l, ramgrarths 27-37) regardir — ±bllow cases.
          54. The Gjvenmient rerefled that on 13 Apil 2000 the relice recorded a statementby
          Mariam Begim ' at ada rlistnct Hosrdtal that on I D Apil 2000 about 14 or IS annyrersoratel
          came to herhouse andtookherto neaibyfieldswhere — was gang-raredbyfrte a my
          rersoratel. This harTenedone dayaflerherhusband. Mohd. Yousaf was pickedupnearanuy
          rest Pa ard and takento their camp. According to the Govenmient, case HR (first ir&onuaffon
          request) No. 4512000 was registered at — re]ice station ofKishb ar on 14 Apil 2000, and an
          ir testigationwas undeflaken. The Gjvenmient rerefledthat desrdte efroits, — accu drersor
          could notbe ideniffied. and — case was closed as unfraced”.
          55. According to — Govenmient, on 2 June 2001 Sakeem Begin lodged a wñtten rerUn
          at ada Police Staffon allegir that on I June 2001, a dayafler a human mights team sited —
          Manuatareato make inquimiesaboutsecurityforce ir ,olvemerd inhumanmightstolaffor
          annyrersoratelfrom — 8thP sh i Piffleswent to BehotaManuat llage andforcibly
          intndedintotllagers'houses. Theybeatupmale andfemale familymer ersofKundtllage,
          FJCN.412003 175 1Add.2
          pige 15
          corIinedmale mer ersir ide of rooms, andraredSakeenaBegmu andherdaughter-in-law,
          NaseemaBegim'. Securityforce rersoraiela]so tookblard ets andotherthfr sfrom —
          llagers. Accordir to the Gownmient — case was registeredas FIRNo. 5912001 andthe
          ]r (estlgatlon]s stllunderny.
          56. Byaletterdated22 October2002, — GownmlentresTendedto — joint
          communicaffon dated 22 Nowrther 1999 (see FJCN.4120001681Add.l, raragrarths 2-66)
          regardir — follo * cases.
          57. According to — Gownmient, on3l July1997 RamaKant SargiaryofGoroimaiy
          llage rerefledatDoluuokaPolice outrestthat on3O July1997, anunlmonCpPF Per Jrthel
          entered Ms house and rared Ms wife, Jamima Sargiry. The Gownmient rerefled that
          Ir tesffgaffng Crncer, Sub-Ir rector Bigan Sir rç lodged an FIR at Howiaghat Police Station
          on2 August 1997. The Gownmientstatedthatduring — ir testigafforc rele mnt vdthesses were
          exarninedbut all exFe ed their inabiityto i ntifythe accu d. Accordir to — Gownmient
          RamaKantSargiaiyrefusedtolodgeanFffLregardir themafter,anddidnotallowMswife to
          undergo a medical examination. Inaddifforç the Gownmientrerefledthatthe tctimrefu dto
          bemedieallyexaminedandtoithnfffytheaccused. The Gjwnuuent iidthatthe relicecould
          therefore not frace — accu drersorc andthe case was rnedinFR(flnalreren) as thiebut
          without cluesregardir the accused.
          58. P gardàg — allegedrare of lofiRoyandDala) nfiRoybya1nyrer Jrthe]. —
          Gownmient rerefled that they ere both medieallyexamined at a hosrdtal in Bongaigaon
          on26 May1997. Evidence aggestir recentrare was rerefledlyfoundinthe ca of
          Dama nffRoy,butthe doctorscoWdnotg te adeflrdte conclusioninthe caseofMinotiRoy.
          The Gjwnmient rerefled that an ir tesffgation was begun and that the Conmiandir Officer,
          SuindarSfrsetupanithnffflcationraradevdthrele mntanuyrersorthel. Accordir tothe
          Gownmient they ere examinedandthatno ir&onuaffononthe ciime sImon. The
          Gownmientaddedthat — annyrersoratel ere a]so shonto thetctimsbutthatno
          ithnffflcationcouldbe made. Urenre-exanünaffonthetchmsrerefledlyexFessedtheir
          inabi]ityto ideniffythe accused rer Jn if en agairc and — ir tesffgaffon was then clo d.
          59. Inthe same letterthe Gownauentexplainedthat accordir to — Kolaajhar
          Sureiintendent ofPolice, no case ofalleged rare hadbeen rerefled to — relice regardir
          IThasiRav;BasabiR ,a . SuniRav;andDamshriRava. Hence,there hasbeenno
          ]r Testlgatlon.
          60. Bya letter dated II Septer er 2002, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on the
          quesffonofto ltJre ,theSrecialRarTefleura&z sedtheGownuuentthatshehadreceiwd
          ir&onuaffon on — follow ca s. Nunna. a I5- ar-old girl from Ujong Tanah. Bakongan.
          andNoriza. a24- ear-oldwomanfromAlue DuaMeuh(AlorDuaMas) llage ere rerefledly
          takenofrabus ma epir oreraffonbyBiimob soldierson22 Septer er2000 inGelombang
          llage. The t womenare rerefledto havebeenheldatthe Biimob rest inLhokJaminwhere
          theyarebeliewdto hawbeenforcedto rkas x slaves”untiltheywere rerefledlyrelea d
          on 2 Decerdjer 2000.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 16
          Ir(IsIamkRc ithIkoO
          61. Bya letter dated 16 Septer er 2002 , sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on the
          quesffonoftoltre ,theSrecialRarTefleura&zisedtheGownuuentthatshehadreceiwd
          fr&onuaffon on — follow ca s.
          62. In July2002, 1,r a Shojaei. Iran 's Fesidenifal a&ñ r on men 's is ae is said to
          have defendedthe Facice ofstordng mento deathforadulteiyinameetfr at thebegfrwir
          ofJuly2002 vdthBelgimu 'sdeputyp me rnirdster, staffr thatthe punisrauentwas coitect
          underSharia}ilawand safe aardedthe fr ñolabiityofthefamil '. Fmthenuore — isalleged
          to have statedthatonce — condiffor neededtojusfffydeathbystordn namelythe existence
          offourvdthe es to the act were fulfilled . — reiretrators de iwdthe purdsrauent”.
          63. Azai a2l- ar-oldwomanfromthetllage ofBadalinearBeMahan. was rerefledly
          sentencedbya comt in southern Iran in July2002 to have both her e s gouged out in public.
          aflershe threwacidrewderatamanwho ntedto rare herat anreintandcausedrthu tobe
          blinded. ItisrerefledthatMullahMoui avi, — religiousjudge inthe southerntonof
          BeMahan. riled that the defendant (Azam) did not act in legibmate defence. [ ...] She must
          therefore be punished in accordance with — law ofre ibuffon andboth her e s mustbe
          blindedcompletely.” The muilah-judge rerefledlyaddedthatthe punisrauenfluustbe canied
          outinpublic, inorderto tanexample former ers ofthe public”. Azam sallegedlya]so
          sentenced to a ar injail for fluow ” obnoxious mateiials.
          I sr a el
          64. On 8 Febnaiy2002, — Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleur on — cjuesffon oftoitre onbehalfoffema Palesth 'ianpr oners held at
          N Tiitawomen's pisoninRanile, onbehalfofvthom — SrecialRarTefleursaheady
          inteiwned on 26 September and 16 October2001. It was rerefled that afler — last suicide
          borthing inJenjsalemon28 Januaiy2002, — ciinünalpisoners i nN Tinascreameddeath
          threatsatthe l2pi nersdetainedallegedlybecauseoftheirreiffcalacthtiffesandfluew
          gla es into their cel]s. About 30 not relice, men and merç spm d the ce]]s ofthose
          pisoners vdth tear ga even though it i sbeli dthat there are s ict directhes Fordbiur
          sFa r tear gas ir ide a closed spice. The relice rerefledlyentered the ce]]s ofthe Palesfirdan
          womenandstanedbeatir themwiththeirtnncheor . Auut Mumwas allegedlysubjectedto
          — rnstbeaffngandteargaswassTn donherface. Allthewomenerererefledlyputin
          i solaffon and re handc ufred for some hours .
          Lii eria
          65. Bya letter dated II Septer er 2002, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on the
          ir&onuaffonthat wral menwere raredbythe Ubeiiansecurityforces durir fightir
          bet een them — forces ofthe Liljeiiar Urdted for P conciliaffon and r mocracy(LUPD)
          on9 May2002 inGbargna ton. The Srecial RarTefleurFotdedir&onuationonthe follo *
          a 5.
          I±JLJN .4IAUUi) 1)IAUGIA
          ege 17
          66. Fatu KoIfr, aged 21, was iejxthedlyra edbya memberof the Liberian cwityfoives
          behind the Gbamga lVbthodist School in Gbamga on 9 May2002.
          67. Anni Coil, aged 19, was repDIied1ygang-ra dbyfour men fromaband of government
          militia fighters, inside the Gboveh High Building inClbargnatownon9 May2002.
          68. Hawa font, aged 33, was ie xthedly abducted and held En two days while she was
          iere ate dly nçed by a member of the Anti-tenuiist Unit (ATIJ), near Cuttington University
          College on 9 May 2002.
          69. A displaced woman, aged 23, was ze pniedly ane sled by government security foite s at
          Shenuan Fann, locatedbetween Bong Mnes and Kalcata, MazElbi County; on 20 February2002,
          at around 7.15 p.m. The woman was xutedlygang-ra ed and then sevezelyfloggedby
          members of the curityfoites leading to rieiebmithng onherbody.
          70. A 14-year-old girl, KF, was alleged1ygang-ra ed in Febmaiy2002 byseven members of
          ATU atSawmillinBomiCounty. She was said to have been fleeing from Sawmill during a
          supp d attack on the area. Under the guise of coming to iexue her, ATU members iejxsiie&y
          took her to a tent and held her there for six days, during which time all seven Ie ated1yn ed
          Me,& o
          71. U l4de marzo de 2002, laRelatora Espcial envió un llamamiento urgente
          conjuntamente con los Relatores Espciales sobre la cuestión de la tofiun ysbie las ejecuciones
          extrajudiciales, sumarias o arbitrariassobre VabnthiaRosendo Cantü, ek 17 aibs de edad,
          indIgenade lacomunidadde BasrancaBejuco, enelmunicipio de AcateFc, Estado de Guenero.
          Habit sido aboitlada e116 de febiero de 2002 :orcuatro lthdos quienes le habrIanpieguntado
          pn miembros de la guethlla. Al iesjxrnder que no sabla nada, los ldados la habrian golpado
          ydos de ellos habrian abusado sexualmente de ella. Un medico delCentro de Saludde
          Caxitepec, se habria negado emitir in cerlificado medico pn miedo a repiesalias. Fue
          diagnosticada en el Hospital General de Ayutly con traumatismo abdominal yhemoingias pn
          los golps que habit recibido. Hab it presentado una denuncia el 26 S febrero ante la
          ComisiónNacionalde Derechos Humanos (CHDH). LaCNDHno habrIaempzado su
          investigación. El Proc urador Militar habit abierto una investigación sobre los hechos. El 2 de
          mam soldados habrIan ido al pueblo S Barnnca &juco yhabthn disrarado al the wa
          intimidar a la wblación.
          72. Bya letter dated 16 August 2)02, the Government resronded regarding the ca . It
          stated that on5 Maith 2002, the Guenero State Human Rights Commission oFned file
          No. CODDEI-IUlvI-VG/065/2002-.II, following a complaint lodgedbythe President of the
          Mexican League for the Defence of Human Rights (UMEDDH-FIDH). According to the
          Government, during the investigation, a statement was talcen from Ms. ValentinaRosendo
          Cantii, and from her huthand, 1W Fidel Bernardino Sierra. They re pDriedly lodged a
          complaint with the public pm cutor in the judicial district of Allende, which was filed as
          preliminary inve stigation No. ALLEJSC/0206212002. The Government a1 repDrted that
          EJCN.4I2 0 03 I7 SIAdd.2
          pige I X
          Ms. Rosendo Canth undeiwent medical tests anda cirdcal exam. The Gjwnmient rerefled
          that onIX March2002, the ca was handed owrto — NaffonalHmuanPJghts Conmii ion
          (CNDH) because ofthe alleged ir ,oWement offederal officia]s. It a]so rerefled that, a file on
          — case was orened as complaint No. 20021597, vdiich is cmienilybefr Foce edbythe
          Office ofthe FomThlrsrector-General. AstheinvoWementofmerthersofthe N xicananuyis
          susTected. — Fernuina1yir Tesffgaffonwas entnjstedto — Office ofthe F ocurator-Generalfor
          Militaiyjusfice — is sf11 under y.
          73. Eya letter dated I October 2002, ntjoinilyvdth — Srecial RarTefleF on
          exhajudicia]. smmua oraibitraiyexecufor andthe Srecial RarTefleuronthe cjuestionof
          toflure, — SrecialRarTefleurfr&onuedthe Gjwnmient that — hadrecS,edfr&onuafonon
          — follo * cases.
          74. Maw PliiMeh. anethrdc Karer d man. was rerefledlygang-rarednearE wThê
          llage, LothawTov rdg on24August l99óbysoldiersledbyConmianderHla Wth. It is
          alleged that NhwPlu Meh died as a re jlt ofher injuñes.
          75. NawPawLweh. aged IS, andPawL eh'saunt were allegedlyraredintheirho e
          on 20 March 1997 in Poe Zehtllage, K d In Seth K d Tov rdg Karen State, by
          Sergeant T w ayNge, under — command ofNhjor TayAur .
          76. NmvAyeVbiandNmvTl biZa ereallegedlygar -raredandthenexecuted
          on 23 March 1997 in Gar LayKee, K In Seth K d Tow srdg Karen State, by
          CaptainTheinAg andrdscomranyfrom Light Ir&anfryEattalionNo. 205. Itisrerefledthat
          — nakedbodies ofthe t womenere leflat — edge ofaforest.
          77. Na ' Pou NaugAye Naug Pool. Naug I<]'am An Naug Par 's and Na' So '
          were rerefledlyrared andexecutedon28 Nhrch 1997 inWanPhuitllage, Kho Lamfract
          NamZanig Tow srdg ShanState,byIOO State LawandCtderP storationCouncilsoldiersled
          byMajorSawWinfromlE No. 2 . Itis rerefledthatthe menwere accusedofbefr Shan
          UrdtedP volutionaiyAnuy(SUPA) soldiers' vdws.
          78. NawKlilnM) . anetrwic Karen man. wasrerefledlylddnarTedandgang-mredfor
          oda onI0Septer erI997inLarAwKortllage,ThatonTow srdgbysoldiersfrom
          UE 534 ledbyMajor Aur Than.
          79. NawLar LuandNaw HisH Tlnrt ere rerefledlygang-raredandexecuted
          on22 Decer er 1997 inTa LayKotllage, TavoyDis ict KarenState,bysoldiers from
          IEILIE No. 2801285. Itis al j rerefledthatthe soldierstookNawHis His Than's
          I4- ar-old daughter — 8-sear-old son away.
          80. Naw Sliki. anetrwic Karerai man. was rerefledlygar -raredandexecuted
          on 4 Febnaryl998 in Shoda *o tllage byMajor Than Aur — — hooFs from LIE 427.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 19
          81. Naw ChftBaywas rerefledlyraredandexecutedon 18 Febnaiyl998 inKawThay
          Der, Toungoo Dis ict KarenState,byasoldierfromUB 59.
          82. Naw Ma U, aged 20, s rerefledlyraredand executed on7 Apil 1998 in Ba Hat
          Karen State, byan officer from L 234.
          83. NawMithl aged50,wasrerefledlyraredct28 June l998inS}i e deetllage,
          Kier L ee thiN aung LayBinrlistiict, KarenState,byCaptN dN dThun. She sthen
          rerefledlyaskedfor 18,000 k ts andrelea d.
          84. PayMoe anet}uüc Karer dwoman . was rerefledlygang-raredon2l December 1998
          nearShadawrelocationsite, ShadawTov rdgbyflw soldiersfrom UB 412.
          85. Ma Pali C1 was rerefledlyrared 01129 June 1998 in Nh U Birç Karen State, by
          OfficerMgMg Theinfrom UB 350. Accordir to ir&onuaffonreceiwd. MaPahCho was
          released and is ]Mng in a re fugee c amp.
          86. NavHt Moowasallegedlyraredinfrontofherhuthandandthenbothwere executed
          on28 June 1998 inShwe dee tllage, KlerLwee tuq ur LayBinDis ict KarenState,by
          CaptN dN dThunfromL 60.
          87. Naw Paw L aged 16, s rerefledlyrared and executed on 20 July1998 in Htit Baw
          llage, Nbatrawrlistiict, KarenState,byanofficerfromUB 230.
          88. In 1998, Jung menfrom — same tllage were rerefledlysmmuonedto gani n
          campbyMajorM nt Soc. forallegedlyhavir lir s vdththe Karer danuy. These men
          w ereallegedybeatenandraredbyM ntSoerthi ] iandforcedtodohardlabourfortr ee
          da . Itisa]so rerefledthat aplatooncommander, TinHlair , along vdthb o lower
          commanders rared four girls including a l2- ar-old girl, BuM) r.
          89. NawMuTuandNaw MuNaimr ere allegedlygang-raredon2ó July1998 infront of
          theirbrotherinMae-ta-bu. aKarentllage inMnState,bysoldiers fromiB 61 ledby
          Col. ThanWin. Accordir to ir&onuaffonreceiwd. theirbrothermade acomplaintto
          Col. Than Winbutno acifon was taken.
          90. NawBeeandNaw cho Veewere rereflecflyraredandexecutedon8 Otober 1998 in
          DuSoe FWe Pla KarenState,by ldiers from UB 552.
          91. Ma La Myint aged 43, and Ma Kyunt aged 16, were allegedlyrared and executed
          onl3Octoberl998inAungChanTharcEaerLwee ffiDis ict(N ungLayBin),KarenState,
          byCaptainAung Soc from UB 59.
          92. Naw MuT aged 18, s rereitedlyrared and executed on 13 October 1998 in
          PaWa Raw, TavoyDis ict KarenState,byCaptainTinAung.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 20
          93. N v Kee Ker, aged 19, was allegedlyrared and executed on4 Nowmber 1998 li i
          K'n Chaw, KarenState,byAung ThanfromUB 42.
          94. Na ' Zh and Naug Paug were allegedlyrared and executed on 3 June 1997 li i
          Terrengtllage, LaiKhaTow srdg ShanState,byfroors fromLiB 424ledby
          Major M tt Than.
          95. Na ' ThunandNaugflni b o ethrdc Shanwomerç were rerefledlyrobbed. rared
          and executed on 6 June 1997 at a local mthtaryba li i Mmng Kenig Tow srdpbyUB 519
          commandedbyNhjor Mm Seth.
          96. Na ' Suay KI Naug L Na ' Suay-Vimt and Na' PI wug ere rerefledly
          gang-raredon27 Nowr er 1997 thWanPanig llage , ShanState , andforcil lymowdto
          Mmng Navw relocaflonsitebysoldiersfrom UB 524ledbyConuuanderHffinM .
          According to rerefl these womenwere raredbyeachsoldierunfll rdng andthenexecuted.
          97. Nai Zh -Vimt anethrdc Shanwoman. was rerefledlyraredandexecuted
          on28 January1998 inNhv4 lmutllage, NamPa Lukfract Mmng Kenig Tow s}iigby
          hooFs fromLaiKha-ba dUB 515 ledbyNhjorSoe Hr5m. Accordir to fr&onuaflonreceiwd.
          herfatherandrelath,eswere aiso executedandthefrhousebmntdon.
          98. AyeMim andAye erererefledlyraredandexecutedonl9Apill998in
          NarMonandWanPektllages, HanNgai hact Mmng Kenig Tow s}iipthHuayK ng ,
          ShanState,bySPDC hooFs ofUB 513.
          99. Na aandAyeNau fnthetllagesofNarMonandWanPek were forcil ly
          relocatedto Han Ngairelocaflonsite, Mng Kenig Tov rdg ShanState , where theywere
          rerefledlyrared on 3 May1998 bya group ofSPDS soldiers from lB 9. According to
          both wome n e re rare d. cxc cute d and then buñedth sha llow graves.
          IOU. ZarmHaw an ethrdc Shan man . was allegedlyraredandthenexecutedbyflre
          on II May1998 li i a fain four miles east of Lth KM ton relocaflon site, byhoors from
          UB 2 ledbyMajorM nt Than. It is a]so rerefledthatherrarents andone tllagerwere fled
          upandleflintheforest. Hermotheriniidtohawdiedofgñef.
          rerefledlyraredandexec edbySPDC hooFs fromlB 225 ledbyanofficerTthAung, near
          Ta Sang, on 18 Nhy 1998. Accordir to ir&onuaflon received. theirbodies were mufilated and
          102. Na ' Suay, anetrwic Shanwoman. was allegedlygang-raredand executed
          onó June 1998 nearKho Lmn. Nan lmig Tov rdgbySPDC hoorsfromlB 2 ledby
          MajorTuN eth.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          103. Nai Thaw. N gM) Zb andNaugMawnfrom NarElanitllage, Munig Nai
          Tow srdg ShanState , were rerefledlygang-raredandexecutedon 14-15 July1998
          byl2 SPDC hooFs fromLlB S24ledbyCommanderEaiinrllaWin. Itis rerefledthataman
          accomran & b ,o ofthe men was a]so executed.
          104. Na ' K No' an etrwic Shan man . s allegedlyrared and executed
          onl7 July1998 inLaiKhatonbytroorsfrom UB 515 ledbyrth fla-based
          ConmianderHanAung. According to rerefl a complaint sregisteredvdthUB 515
          Commander Soc Ph m who claimed that Han Aung hadbeen sent on a nülitaiyoreraffon. The
          accused was allegedlyassignedto a djstant outrest.
          105. Na ' Pol. a I7- ar-old etrwic Shan girl from Wor Tang llage, Ho Liii hact
          Munig Pan Tow s}iig s allegedlyrared and executed on 27 Septer er 1998 bySPDC hooFs
          from UB 520 ledbyMajorNhung C i wrdle herfamilywas sta & owrrdghtandtending
          theinice andso eaninade fledtllage. Accordingto fr&onuaffonreceiwd. herbrotherand
          rarents ere intenogated and then executed.
          106. Na ' Sa was rerefledlyrared. beaten and executed on I D Decer er 1998 in a fa in hut
          just outside ofNang Kawtllage, Wan lard tract, Kae See Tov rdg byCaptain Soc Ellaing
          from UB 424. It is alleged that — tllage headman vdtnes d Captain Soc Hlaing lea t —
          house andrerefleditto the toncommurdtyleaders. Accordir to ir&onuaffonreceiwd. —
          captainandrds soldiersanested.beatandtoitjredthe headmanunrn he died, claiming that they
          had found a thie-talIde in — hou .
          107. Accordingto ir&onuaffon received, NuHaru, Sb La, 4aaugHuru Naa ' Mmy,
          Zaw Vae. Naaug Ki lt Kham No Seug Huru Zb g Nyimt Kham Leu Pa Maat
          PaAw ' andPaLawere accusedofa isffng Shan jldiers. Theywere rerefledlyrared
          on 17 January1999 inTa n g Seng llage, HuayHe hact Ho Pong Tov rdgbySPrC troors
          from Munig Pan (in Loi-Lem) ledbyCommander Aung M . It is alleged that one girl was
          releasedwrdle — other 13 womenere takenanywiththe troorsasreflers. Fourofthem
          have rerefledlybeenexecutedandthe others dJsarTeared.
          108. NaI Ka %mgT , aged 17, srerefledlyraredandexecutedon 13 Apil 1999 near
          Munig Intllage, Munig Poo hact Munig SaflTow srdg ShanState,bys n
          Munig San-based SPDS hooFs from UB 527.
          109. NawKIilK)4was allegedlyraredandexecutedon IS Apil 1999 inHayTahWerc
          K l erL ee ffiDis ict(N ung LayBin), KarenState,byCaptainAung lawMy .
          110. NawPunna srerefledlyraredandexecutedon25Apil l999 i nSh e KahNhng,
          K l erL ee Lwee TuDis ict(N ung LayBin), KarenState,byCaptainAung ZawMw.
          Ill. Naa Zi M ) ,anetrwicShangfrlonginallyfromWanPaangtllage ,Na n gHee
          hact Nam lmigTov rdg was rerefledlymredandexecutedon24Mayl999bySPDC
          hooFs from Co.4 ofLIB 247 ledbyCommander TM A . It is alleged that the llage headman
          a&,i dthe Farents not to make complaints.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 22
          112. Fouret}uüc Shan menandgir]s, 4aaugVaeu. Naa ' KIm Naaugzaa. and
          Naa ' Zh were rerefledlygang-rared — executed on29 May1999. In Kaeng 1Mm fract by
          SPDC froors from UB 2¾ andiB 12 ledbyCaptainSoe Naing 0°, CaptainTinMau n g Win
          andCaptainThanNaingcb. Accordir torereit,thetroorsseraratedthemfromthefrrarents
          andtookthemtodifrerentplace where theywere gang-raredandexecuted.
          113. NawThsanTinwas rerefledlyraredandexecutedon22 July1999 inLekkawwa.
          Kier L ee too Dis ict KarenState,byCaptainTrdnNymt fromL 410.
          114. NawTheMoe Naw Po Pree, Naw Per Say, aged 16, and Nm ., Thu . aged 9, were
          allegedlyrared and executed on 31 July1999 li i Ta Po Kee, Karen State, byL 101, Secifon 4
          Capt.Me Kp KarTay. ItisrerefledthatNawThe Mje sflwmontr Fegnantwhenshe
          was executed.
          115. Naai Mo. oñginallyfromKaeng Lom llage,butrelocatedto KunHir tow was
          allegedlygang-rared and executed on 16 Septer er 1999 bySPDC hooFs from lB 2 ledby
          CaptaàK wA . According to rerefl Naang Mjnwas forcedto accomranythe troop for
          fourda durir wrdrhshe sraredat vdllbythe captain. aithe last dayacaptainrerefledly
          orderedrds officersto rare heronebyone, aflerwrdrhshe srerefledlyg tento arState
          who, afle r rapfr he r, exec uted he r vdth rds bawne
          116. Mi TInn Aye aged 16, s allegedlygang-rared in September 1999 li i War-ta tllage,
          Yeb mToer }iig Tena ethuDMsiorcbysolthers fromBattalionlB 103. According to rerUns
          recS,ed. — soldiers tookherrarents away, tiedherupandraredherone afleranotheruntilshe
          lost c or iousness.
          117. NaMmgPe andrta ' KIilnLuoiiginallyfromWanPae llage butrelocatedto
          KunHing tonrelocaffonsite, were rerefledlyanestedon29 Septer er l999bytroorsfrom
          TB 2 ledbyCaptainThanNhung. Theywere allegedlyaccu dofbeir *,esofSSA
          soldiersandintenogated. Theywere thentakenbytroorsonraholforfiw da andfourrdghts
          du wr h hine they ere reF fledlyabu d. rared and then executed.
          118. PaPol . aged38,NaaugA 'm NaaI MaMm. aged3l, andPaLoiPe aged42,
          oñginallyfromKung Pektllage, HuayAnhact relocatedto Munig Kenig tonrelocaffon
          site. All were accused of havir Fotded iice for — Shan rebe]s on 30 October 1999 bySPDC
          hoorsfromUB5l4ledbyCaptainM ntAung. Thewomenereallegedlyrapedallrdghtand
          then executed.
          119. NawKawLa. a 38- ear-oldFegnantwomarc — Saw NayMoo Moe aged 0, ere
          rerefledlyrared — executed on 4 Apil 1999 in Paung Aw ta KIer Lwee tu rlistnct
          (N ung LayBin), KarenState,byCaptainAung ZawMw Srecial hooFs.
          120. Naai Nguay,aged2l,andrtugLer.agedl7,fromNanPaNhnvrnage,
          Kaeng Lomhact KunHir Tow srdg were rerefledlyraredandexecutedon II Januaiy2 0 0 0
          byXO-90 SPDC hooFs fromCo.2 ofIB 102 ledbyCaptainSawHr 5 m. Theyhadrerefledly
          been cWt ,atir plots ofñce on the Nan Pang PJwr.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 23
          121. Naa ' Ser, aged I X, from KunHir tov ç was rerefledlyaccusedofsurTethng Shan
          soldier andrereatedlyraredandbeatento deathby so-60 SPDC froorsfromIB 2 ledby
          Captain Aung Moe 01122 January2000. Accordir to ir&onuation recS,ed her father and
          brother ere abj accusedof arTethng Shan jldiers, andwere toitredandbeatento death. It
          istJrerefledthatthegfrVscouthrcvthowasworhingasareflerforthe SPDCfrooraiedto
          inteiwne to save rdsrelathes,butwas s relybeatercbecame mentallymthahncedandlater
          — d.
          122. Maw KehLah. a l3- ar-oldKarer d gi4 was rerefledlyraredatherhouse
          oii8 Febnary2000 in FAwKraw Kutllage, Pnjsoe Tow srdg byAung Nafr Win from
          UB No. 427. According to ir&onuaffon rece ,ed . both her father and her sister, aged 9, iedto
          stoptherareand ereshotinthelegs. Itiniidthatthetllageheadmafliedtotakethecaseto
          comt, but recS,ed no resrer from — authoiiffes.
          allegedlygang-rared 01122 March 2000 in K awBe Loo, Doo Ha Va Dis ict M wlamping,
          KarenState,bysoldiers fromSPDS XXI.
          were allegedlyrared and beaten to death on 13 March 2000 byXO SPDS troors from UB 359
          ledbyCaptainHffinK winPaSak lage,WaengNurtract NbngSanTow s}iip. Itis
          rerefledthatthe froors i2edthewomenv 1iiletheywerecollecffngflrewoodintheforestand
          intenogated them. According to rerefl a captain took — ungest girl into a neaibybush —
          raredher. He uienrer fledlytoldrdsjurdc officers to rare the merç aflerwrdc}b — hooFs
          allegedlybeat them to death with sticks.
          125. NawKaagedl4,andNawHtooPaw,aged2s,were rerefledlyraredandexecuted
          on 28 March 2000 in Petakahtllage, in Buko-Kwakee area. bysoldiers from a combined
          coimmi UB No. 516 and UB No. SIX ledbyCol. Soc Maung 0°. Accordir to ir&onuaffon
          recS,ed. — soldiers capturedthree menfromthe lage along withthetchmsandone man
          was a]so executed.
          126. Naa ' O ' aged IS, rta ' ThunNae aged IX, andNaaugPaanVae. aged22,
          oliginallyfromWanE1em lage,WanKhemhactKaeSee Tow s}iigrelocatedtoKaeSee
          ton relocation site, ere rerefledlyaccused on 26 Nhrch 2000 ofbeing wives ofShan rebels.
          According to ir&onuaffonrece ,ed . 30 SPDC hooFs fromCo.3 ofUB Sl4ledby
          CaptainThanM nt Lt. Aung EllaandSgt. PaTheirç ffedthemug intenogatedthemand
          gang-raredthem. Irdtially,flueeSPDCofficersrerefledlyraredthewomenallrdghtandha lfof
          — next thy, andthenthe remairdng 30 hooFs allegedlygang-raredthe menandexecuted
          127. Naa ' 0°, aged IX, oiigina1lyfromKunPan lage, relocatedto relocationsite in
          KunHing, srerefledlygang-rapedandIdlledonll Apil2000bylOOSPDChoorsfrom
          TB 2 ledbyCapt. HffinM nt. Accordir to rerUns, — rica1lyandmentallydi ibledgirl
          hadbeen]i t withherfamilyina rdddentllage onthe th,er. Whenthe jldiers came,
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          rage 24
          evelyDne ran a y , lea t Naang Cb berand as she was unable to walk. It is alleged that the
          captain intenogated her for some time, beafing — toitarir her. He then rerefledlyordered —
          froors to, Take her any, I don't ntto see this kind of fool an mlore.” The jldiers allegecfly
          gang-raredandexecutedher, thendmuredherbodyinto — ñwr.
          128. NaaI KInmLeI agedl6,andNaaggN)9mtagedl7,oñginallyfromKungSa
          llage, WanSaangtract andNam Tang llage, WanLurtract, Lth E1aTow srdg were
          rerefledlydetained and rared 0112 May2000 bySO-60 Sac troors from Co.3, 55 ledby
          CaptainTheinWin. According to fr&onualionrece ,ed . — gfr]s were anestedaflerbefr seen
          grazfr thefroxeninameadow. The troorsallegedlydetainedthe gfr]s s da andflw rdght
          durir wrdrhtheywere rereatedlyraredbya captainandrds officers. It is allegedthattre
          captain later ordered their execulion.
          129. S etrwic Shanwomerç NaaugMuayPhaw ' NaaugzaamPao, NaagHtm
          Nae Naa'fllmr Wau. NaaugLaao Sal and Naa ' Seug Hum were rerefledlystorTed
          by70-80 SPDC froors fromlB 2 ledbyCapt. Aung HtayinMay2000 andtakento rds
          KunHington. Itisallegedthatthecaptainraredoneofthemandtoldrdsfroorstorarethe
          other men. The captain then rerefledlyordered Ms troors to sit the meninagroup and
          execute them.
          130. Ml Kit Hte aged 29, was rerefledlyrared li i June 2000 in Sin-Swe tllage, Yeb m
          Tov MgTenas thuDMthorcbytheCommanderfromUBNo.273 ,Maj.KrdnSoe.
          According to rerefl neigMours heardthe rapebutcouldnothelpas — soldierswere guardir
          the hou .
          131. PaMuu aged C, was rerofledlyraredandbeatento deathon8 July2000 near
          KunHing Tow s}iipby35 SPDC froors fromCo.4ofIB 2 ledbyCaptainK wM nt.
          132. Ml San Htay, an ethrdc Mon gir]. was rerefledlyrared on 23 September 2000 in
          K e-ta-liin llage, uthofYeb mTow s}ügbySergeant SanWinfrom UB 282. He allegedly
          smmuone d her to Ms banack. took her to the kitc hen and mred he
          133. Naa Tavu agedl8,andrgMa4agedl6,onginallyfromHaangLiin llage,
          NaaPoitract, relocatedto NamZanig tonrelocationsite, ere rerefledlyanested. raredand
          beaten to death on I X July2000 byóO SPDC froors from Co.3 ofIB 66 ledbyCapt. HtayAung.
          134. Naa ' Seu aged 30, and Naa ' Maat aged 24, accu d ofFotdir iice for the
          Shansoldier were rerefledlytakenintoafanuhutnearWanPhuitllage,Kholnfract,
          Namyanig Tov rdg on II July2001, where theywere gang-raredandbeatento death
          by SO SPDC froors fromlB 247 ledbyCaptainM Htoo.
          135. Naa ' Klm a l6- ear-oldShan man]i t vdthherhusbandonthefrfanuin
          CentralShanState,wasallegedlyraredinAugust200lbyfroorsfromUB2 . Accordir to
          fr&onualionrece ,ed. the soldierstoitredandbeat Naang Kham's husband. thentheyrerefledly
          beat her with a slick and Mt herbodyand face with their gur . All 10 jldiers allegedlyrared
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 25
          her one byone over a reñod ofeight hours, wrdie — others are said to have stood outside the
          hut laugrang. She was seven months Fegnant — rerefledlylost cor ciousness s ral h i nes.
          Herhusbandwas allegedlytakenanyandnewrretmned.
          136. According to rerefl SergeantK wM ntfrom 61 tookMiHtwe V1 aged3o,
          hostage 0118 Otober 2001 in Son-htit-tan llage, noflh of ye Tow srdg and asked her huthand
          for 100,000 k t as rar om. He rerefledlybeat, rared — tñed to kill her, but Nh Hb e Yin
          managed to escare
          137. Ma Ma a l5- ar-old Karer d gir]. was allegedlyrared on 28 Otober 2001 near
          Kone Suutllage, Lawrdta, LothawTov rdgbytr ee pi tesfrom TB 72basedat Lawrdta. It
          is rerefled that — commander tr eatened to detain her rarents i rtheyFessed — case.
          138. NawMooLahAb agedl6,andMaCIilWb agedl8,were rerefledlygang-rared
          on II Febnaiy2002 in Nhe ThrawKee Ka *areit Tow s}iig Karen State, byfroors from
          IBNo. lounderUDNo.88. The froorsa]legedlytookthemoutside ofthe llage,ffedthemup
          andraredthem. No actionwas rerefledlytaken.
          139. NawLehSay,agedl7,andNawMooMoo,agedl8, ere rerefledlyrared
          on 19 Febnary2002 in Pa Na Nh tllage, TavoydJs ict Karen State, byWin N mnt from
          l C. NawTa Sel. aged IS, was rerefledlybeatenandraredon7 June 2002 in re Seittllage,
          east of N rgui. Te nas thn r l i siorç by b o jldiers from UB 552.
          141. According to rerefl on 8 June 2002 troors from SPDC TB 77 ordered K -ka- —
          Ka-toe-htatllages i nKaw-ka-iaTov rdpto relocate to Aung-lantllage. Ttisrerefledthat
          hooFs raredrtw Paw Gay, the wife of K -ka- tllage head. andtookaway59 umnanied
          rersor , both male and female
          142. Pth,ate Ye M nt fromthe arlaa sheba ofUB 428, ledbyNhjorM ntTheir.
          assaultedagirinamed SuMa' aged IX, fromMarkrawshe, wrdie — sonher yto —
          nter a ly urce on IS July2002. A hoolteacherallegedlyvdthessedthe incidentand ied
          to stop the soldier, but three other soldiers rerefledlyappeared — assaulted — hoolteacher.
          According to rerefl the girl'srarents andthe llage crdefbroughtthe case to — UB No. 428
          Conmianderforjustice — nextmoniing,butno legalacifonis iidto hawbeentaken.
          143. 0n22 July2002, Them Naing (F i te TDNo. 176399) andthe three othersoldiersfrom
          TB 62,basedinThanbyiza t tonrerefledlyshotandldlledfreMonvffi,gers in
          Tharn atTow srdg MonState, jutheniM mnar, aflerallegedlyrapir l6- ar-old
          MiEat-Sar. The incithntrerefledlytookplace wrdie E wAung SanSuuK wasvisiffng
          MonState. Urenan tal mnGalen-Padawtllage, the soldiersallegedlyenteredthe house ofthe
          llage headman. NaiKunTit andrerefledlyraredrdsgranddaughterM Eat Sar. NaiKunTit
          rerefledlywoke upwrdle — jldiers were rapir — girl. He tiiedto helpherbutwas shot.
          is rerefledthatMiEatSarandothermembers ofherfamilywere then executed.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 26
          l . lmvL Maal7- aroldKaer dgi4wasreroited1yraredon25August2002bya
          rState M nt Lvdn from SPDC UB 530 in her house at about 12p.m., inDawTamag tllage,
          Dee MawSo Tow s}iig Ka hState. According to rerefl the rarents rerefledthe case to the
          resrer il Ie comranyconmiander, Major M nt Soc . but he allegedlydJsrnissed — incident and
          threatened the rarents.
          145. Byaletterdated s Nover er2002, — GownmlentresTendedto — conmiunicaffon
          sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTefleur on extrajudicia]. surthialyor aibitraiyexecuffor and
          — Srecial RarTefleur on — cjuesffon oftoiture 0111 Octther 2002. The Gjwnmient rerefled
          thatthe allegatior of xuahiolence agair twomenbymer e ofthe M amuaranuedforces
          inthe ShanState are fabñcatedbyanorgardzationalleged1yaffiliatedwithanir urgent group.
          l . The Gjwnmient indicatedthat rare caniesa maximmusentence oflife im  muent
          underathcle 376 ofthe M muarPena1Code, andrerefledthatit — ntfr,e ir tesffgaffw
          teams, ledbyNaffonallnteffigence Bureauhead. Bñgather-GeneralThanTun. to — areas where
          — ciimes allegedlytookplace. T enty-foursmallerinquliygrours ere rerefledlyorgard2ed
          to c youtdetailedir tesffgaffor . The teams rerefled1yintenogatedmanycMliar and
          anuedforcesmerthersandofficersinShanState. Inadditiorç — Gjwnmient rerefledthat it
          — extendedir ,itaffor to the IntemaffonalComrnittee ofthe P dCro. — UrdtedNatior —
          — Hmuardtananrlialogue Centerto sit — ShanState andrereflonthe hmuardtañan
          siffiaffonandallegatior ofrare. The ICRC — rerefledlyacceptedthe ir titationandbeganits
          sffidyon 2 Nowrdjer 2002.
          147. Byletters datedó and J r cember, — Gjwnmient frar niittedadditional ir&onuaffon
          regardir — letter ofallegaffon dated I Otober 2002. It rerefled that: 32 ofthe allegatior
          sentbythe SreciarnarTefleurs includednames ofmi]itaiyofficers notsent inthe srecified
          battaEor ; some ofthe lages menifoned are non-existent; and — baftalior menifoned ere
          notorerafinginthe areaswhere theincithntstookplaceatthesrecifiedffmes. The Gjwnmient
          a1 j Fotded ir&onuaffon about the inci nt that allegedlytook place on 22 JWy2002 in —
          Mon State. Accordir to — Gownmient Pth,ate Them Tan. not pi te TheinNair , shot and
          killedflw merthers ofa family, includir U KunK dt, intheirhome vdthoutthe ir ,olwmentof
          otheranuedforce mer ers. Afler rd he rerefled1yconmiittedsuicid The Gownmient
          statedthatrestmoflemrerefls foundthat Nh ThuzarandDawKunMayhadnotbeenrared. It
          addedthat — case was putto tñal andthatacffor were takenagair tanuyrer Jrthel
          resrer il le for F i te Them Tan.
          N er ia
          l 2. Byaletterdated2ó Nhrch2002, the SrecialRappofleursent ajoint urgentarTeal vdth
          — Srecial RarTefleur on extrajudicia]. surthialyor aibitraiyexecuffor and — Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe quesffonoftoitire onbeharofAmbnLawal According to ir&onuaffon
          recS,ed. — s sentenced to deathbystordng on 22 March 2002 bya Shañah comt at Bakoñ
          intheKatsinaState,aflershe cor&essedtoha t hadacr&dv 1ulethvorced. Themannamed
          asthe fatherofherbthyrerefl&llyderdedhav i ng xvdthherandthechargesagair trthuwere
          a lleged lydJscont i nued. It — beenbrought to — Srecial RarTefleur's attention that in the
          noiThem Nigeñan states that ar lyShañah law, Fegnancyoutside ofmaniage cor tiffites
          sufficient etdence to enable a woman to be cor ,icted ofadWteiy. Under — arTJicable
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 27
          Focedural riles, Amina Lawal has rerefledly3o da li i wr h to arTeal her sentence. In this
          context the Srecial RarTefleur reminded — Govenmient that t ds most recent sentence ofdeath
          bystordngforallegedadute iywashandeddontr eeda beforeaShanahcomtth
          Sokoto State uplieldthe arTe a lby35- ar-oldSafl Hus irdTungarTuduwho hada]sobeen
          cor ,icted ofadulteiyand sentenced to deathbystordng.
          149. Bya letter dated 20 August 2002, the Srecial RarTefleur sent anotherjoint urgent arTeal
          withthe SrecialRarTefleuronexfrajudicia]. smmuaiyoraibifraiyexecutior — — Srecial
          RarTefleur on — cjuesffon oftoitjre onbehalfofArnina La l. OnlY August 2002, the
          Islamic comtofarTea]s inFuntha, KatsinaState, rerefledlyuplieldthe oñginalsentence of
          stordng to death agair 6t Nk La l. According to ir&onuaffon rece ,ed . the sentence is to be
          canied out li i January2004 afler her eight-month-old daughter has been weaned. A&,oates for
          Arnina Lawal, includir the federal Govenmient's rnirdster for women's affairs, — rerefledly
          declaredtheirintenttoarTealthesentence tothe SupiemeComt i nAbujavdtrdn30da .
          P —fl
          150. Byaletterdated 12 July2002, — Srecial RarTefleura&z sedthe Govenmientthatshe
          had received ir&onuaffon on — follow inditdual cases.
          151. MlunMaiBi4agedl8,wasrerefledlygang-raredbyfourmercincludir
          one tubal council mer er, as a ibal punisranent on 22 June 2002 in Meer la Village in
          SoutheniPunjab Fo t e. Atübal council allegedlyorderedthe rare as punisrauentforthe
          tchm'sfarnilyaflerher ll- ar-old-brotherwas seenalone withagirlfromthe Mastoitübe,
          cor ideredrdghercaste. Mer ers ofthe Masto½ibe andthe ibalcouncil rerefledly
          threatenedthatallthe menofthe accu dboy'sfan&y Wdberarediftreverdirtwasnot
          accepted. It is a]so rerefled that — rare took place in a hut, wtdle Mastoi ibe members
          allegedlystoodoutside andcheered. Aflertherare,the manwasrerefledlydi tenfluough
          — streetsofhertllage naked. Loca lrelice allegedlyagreedto registeracomplaintbythe
          girl's father ordyuren — ir istence ofa delegaffon oflav rs s nda aflerthe offence took
          place. Accordir to ir&onuationrecS,ed. — rare was condemnedbythe CrdefJusffce of
          Paldstarç — — Thanjab GovemorElalidNhqboolArauedrerefledlyorderedanofficial
          incjuiiyinto the ciime and — alleged reice cover-up attempt. According to ir&onuaffon
          recS,ed on II July2002, four ofthe alleged s reirefrators hadbeen anested. It is a]so
          rerefled that — rare occuned a eek afler a similarcase in vdiich a girl allegedlyconmiitted
          suicide aflerbeing raredbyt tübesmen. No acifon has rerefledlybeen takenbythe
          authoñffes in this earlier ca .
          152. Slnkeela SiIdique aged 16, fromFaten llage inGujranwaladJs ict was
          rerefledlyraredat gunreirdbyher C- ar-oldlandlordandemplo r, MohammadAz, in
          Febnary2002. MohammadAzamallegedlythreatenedto hillShakeela andherfarnilyifshe
          rerefledthe ciime. Shakeelarerefledlyleflherjobbutdidnotrereflthe incidentuntilshe
          djscovered she was Fegnantb o months later. Her father, Siddicjue Masilb is rerefledto have
          attempted to cordiont Mohammad Azam about — incith nt but was allegedlybadlybeaten.
          According to ir&onuaffon rece ,ed . the reice have been reluctant to register or ir te s tigate —
          ciime due to Mohaimuad Azam's standir as an irIluential landlord in the area.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 28
          153. NakaNadhMaaagedl4 srerefledlyIddnarTedontherdght
          of II Febnary200l and allegedlygar raredbyMacjsood aued Sheiñ and other militant
          Muslims as punisrauent for sharir her Cra sffan faith vdth school fñends. Accordir to
          rerefl the reirefratorsforcilJlycor efledthe girito Jslamto ab jlw theircñme and nta
          cethflcate ofcor ,erthon to her rarents. It is rerefled that local relice irdffallyrefu d to register
          herfan&y'scomplaintandoncetheca reachedthe Lahore HighComt ajustice allegedly
          niledthfavourofthethducto;desrdteconcrete etdenceinfavourofthetctim. ThegirVs
          familyhasrerefledlyarTealedto — SuFeme Comtbut is tffng foraheath date.
          Naira Nadiaissffllrerefledmissing andherfarnilyis iidtobe rece ,ir tr eatsfrom local
          Muslims to witMraw the arTeal.
          154. H 25 de sepfferthre de 2002 , Ia P latoraEsrecial frar miff6 unacomunicaciónconjunta
          con el P lator EsTecial sobre Ia cuesffón de Ia toitra en Ia cjue se comunico al Gobienjo cjue los
          P latores reciljieron ir&onuacion jbre los casos indMduales siguientes.
          155. L rniAm 'endáriz ConthlezdeLaugarflcahtiasido deterddaenBarcelona clii de
          enero de 2001 rerla PoliciaMunicirel yseguidamente enfregadaalaPoliciaNacional. Habit
          renuanecido cinco dias en regimen de incomurdcacion durante los cuales habija sido
          rerefidamente sometitha empujones confra unarared. ifronesde relo,bofetadas ygolres enla
          cabeza. Habit sido obligada a renerse de cuclifias ya carninar en esta restura. Los reicias Ic
          htianaFetado las orejas conlos dedos, obligándolaa renerse de puntifias. Aconfinuacion
          htianhecho lo rnismo aFetando debajo de lamandiljula. Un relicia Ic htia l nntado Ia
          carniseta. tocándole el recho ydiciendole cjue cjueiia estar a solas con ella. Una denuncia habit
          sido inteipuesta ante eljuzgado de Ir thacci6n WIde Djnosffa.
          I S o. MirenOkarizhtiasidodeterddael2 sde ± brerode 2001 rerlaGuardiaCMlentre
          OreretayTolo i , conducida al Cuaitelde laGuardiacMlde Jntxamiondo, Donostia. y
          resteñonuente frasfeiidaa laDfrecciónaeneral de Ia GuardiaCi lenNhdñd. Dumnte los
          intenogatoijos rabila sftij golreada yobligadaarenuanecerde pie de can ala rared. Htia
          sido obligadaabajar los rantalones nüenfrasunreliciale htia tocado elcueire con Un ralo.
          Htia sido foi ,da area]izarflexioneshasta laextenuacion. Htiasido puesta enlibefladel
          28defebrerode200I sinhaberresadoanteunjuez. Dranteloscmfrodiasde adetenci6n
          htiasido manterddaincomunicada.
          157. L&eGalhstegihtiasidodeterddarerlaGuardiaC &el26de febrerode 2001 en
          Donostia. conducida al Cuaflel de Ia GuardiaCi lde Inthamiondo, Donosifa, yresteijonuente
          frarIeiidaalaDfrecci6nOeneraldelaGuardiaCi lenNhdñd. Durante losintenogatoijos
          htiasido golreada. sujetaaempujonesconfrauna rared ya amenazas confra amadre. Htia
          sido desnudada en tas ocasionesde cinturarara aniba. Unagente lahabiiall ndo auna
          celdadonde lehabiiatocadolosrechosnüenfraslehtiaobligadoarener Jsmanosen Js
          gerdtales. Le habilan infroducido una pistola en laboca yla habilan obligado a coner For ml
          resadillo mientras laapuntabanconunardstola. Htiasido manterddaenrégimende
          incommücacióndurante cuatro —. Unadenunciahabilasido inteipuestaante el Juzgado de
          Ir thacci6nWI deDjnostia.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 29
          158. AIkhSáe de laCuestaMaizdesanvicente habitsidodeterddarerlaGuardia
          CMIeI 26 de mai J de 2001 en raConfia yconducidaalaDireccionGenerahie laGuardia
          CM] . enMadrid. Habit sido infroducida en m m fmgcteta donde miaGuardiaCMlle habit
          sujetado las rdemas yofro lacabeza. ala furgoneta le habitn tarado Ia cara. atado lasmanos
          detrS de Ia esrekia yFopinado goipizas. Se alega cjue los guardias cMies habñanhecho
          comentaijos jbre cueire niienfrasiahabiiantoqueteado. Lahabitncaithiado de coche yen
          ci nuevo wrdcwo habit sido somefida a goires ysu cabeza habit sido cubieita For una bo]sa
          cjue Ic habilainredido resTdrar. Habit sido goireadayobligadaa reaEzarejercicios fisicos
          hasta iaextenuacion. Enrei*War, habit sido obligadaaaro r las manos enia rared yestirar
          eicueiohastaquedararo daeniaspuntasdeiospieshastaeiagotanüentodeiosbra s. Nlis
          tarde, habila sido foi ,da a desnudar ya sentarse con las manos yios pies atados For defrás.
          En esta siffiacion habit sido goireada, Ic habitn gñtado fueitemente en ci oldo yle habitn
          tarado Ia cabez,conbo]sas, Fovocándoie asthia. Habit sido manterdda enrégimende
          incomunicacióndurante cthco — . Unadenunciahabitsido inteipuesta.
          159. AbaraFres ' daEbtharrhhabñasido deterddaroriaGuarcliaCMiei 27 de mai J
          de 2001 en Behobia, conducida ala Comandancia de Ia Guardia C & en Inflea y gthdamente
          frasiadada ala rlireccion General de Ia Guardia CM] . enMadiid. Durante ci fra ecto habit
          lle do unanfffazyhabñasido cor tantemente goireadaeniacabeza. EnMadiidunabo]sa
          habila sido colocada en su cabez, ñas veces, imrddiéndoie respirar. Habit sido obligada a
          desnudarse ya reaEz,rflexiones, yhabitnanojado aguasobre sucueiro. Habitsido goireada
          en Ia cabeza. Nlis tarde Ia habñan desnudado de cintura rara aniba yle habitn tocado los
          rechos. Habñasidoconducithaunca1abo jdonde habitterddocjue renuanecerdepie ycon
          Ia cabeza cubieita con una bo]sa. Habit recibido amenazas en reiacion con su familia ycon ser
          tolada. Habilanpuesto unFe n uffvo airalo de una escoba ylahabilanobligado atocarlo
          coniamano, amenazindolaconrenetrarla conel rek. Habñasido obligadaa reaEz,rflexiones
          enbragas yalcaerse aisuelo, iahabñanie mntado esffrándoie deirelo. Habitsido manterdda
          enrégimendeincomunicacióndurante cuatrodias. Unadenunciahabitsidointeipuestaanteei
          Juzgado de Ir tncci6n N l de Jnafiea.
          160. NereaBeugoa ziarsolo habit sido deterdda For Ia Guardia CMI ci 24de agosto de
          2001 enBarceionayconducithaiaDfrección aeneraideiaGuardiaCit].enNhdñd. Habit
          sido goireadaeniacabeza. cjue habitsido cubieitacon ñasbo]sas. Habit sido puestacaraa
          lararedmientrasunosagentesiehabñandadoratadasrordefrS. Le habilanatadolasmanosy
          iasrdenias con gomaespuma ycintaadhesin MS tarde lahabitnobligado a desnudarse y
          habña sido sometida a fratos similares. Los agentes Ic habilan tocado los rechos con l as manos
          yconunralo. Enotraocasionhabit sido roae mente obligadaadesnudar yiahabitn
          thmbado sobre una mesa con las pienias seraradas yhabña sido sometida a tocarnientos For
          reite de losagentes. Habñasido manterddaenrégimende incomunicaciondurante cthco —.
          Unadenunciahabitsido inteipuestaante ci Juzgado de JrsthaccionW2 de Donostia.
          161. LeireMaridnahabitsido deterddaroria Guardia C & e129 de notembre de 2001 en
          Initea y guidamente frasiadadaa iaDirecciónaeneral de Ia GuardiaCi , enNhdiid.
          Durante eitra cto habñasido goireada yle habñanffrado dci Feb. EnNhdñdhabñasido
          sometida a intenogatoños durante los cuaks habit reciljido goires en Ia cabeza yle habitn
          cubieito Ia can con una bo]sa. impidiéndoie resTdrar. En otra ocasion habit sido desnudada
          frasamenazariacontolaria. unagente se habitbajado labragueta yhabitemrezado atocaria.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 30
          Estando desnudayconunabo]saeniacabeza, ha}nia terddo cjue rea]izarflexiones. Habit sido
          manterddaenrégimende incomunicacióndurante cthco — ypuesta enlibefladei28 de
          diciembre de 2001, tras abonaruna flaraa.
          162. For cana de 15 de no dembre de 2002, ci Gjbiemo Forerciono fr&onuación jbre los
          sigmentes ca Js mdnduales.
          163. EnreiaciónconLierniArmendárh Conzáie DeLaugariI elGobienjo ithbnuó cjue
          ésta fue deterdda eli I de enero de 2001 junto con Jo Ignacio Cnchaga Eiczcano For una
          ratni]la unifonuada de laGuardia Uthana de Barcelona . cuando djsrordana colocaruncoche
          bor a. Seguncor taeniadcciaraci6ndc los agentes acffiantes, cuando los dosdctcrddos
          estaban fucra dci coche robado en ci cjuc cfrcWaban. intentaron huir For lo cjuc los agentes
          br,eron cjuc Foceder a reducirics For Ia fuci ,. Una vcz irauo iz,dos yesTosados se ics
          cachco yse ics fr&onuowtha]mentc, end lugarde iadctcnciorç de sus derechos
          cor fffficionaks. Losdctcrddosfucronfrasiadados alasderendencias de iajefaturaSureñordc
          Foliciade Barcelona. donde mateiia]izó fonualmente ci Actade Ir&onuaciondc Derechos cjuc
          seadjuntoalcucirode di]igencia. H II dcencrodc200l ,UenüA incndá±Gjra ezdc
          Langarika fuc titadaroreimédio forcr dcijuzgado enifinciones de 2aardia de los de
          Barcelona, reflejando eneirafle facWtaffvo expioraci6nfisica: nonuaF y Fc ntaunas
          erosiones recientes en Ia can antenor de Ia muiteca derecha yerosiones en Ia cara antcñor de
          ambas rodifias de carácter lew; no Fc nta conthsioncs rd erosiones en ci resto de Ia sureificic
          coirorar, cor ecucncia iogica de Ia resistencia ala dctcncion yde Ia coiocacion de gñlletcs.
          164. Enrciacionconeicaso de MkenOlmriz(Mari,Purfficaciñn Ocariz Dorrousoro)y
          de Leke Ga egiil Ormazabg deterddas For Ia Guardia Ci ei24 de febrero de 2001 For su
          Fesunta Feflenencia a labanda tcnoiista ETA . ci Gobienjo ir&onuo cjuc ci frato cjuc éstas
          rcciljicrondurantc eiticmro cjuc renuanccicrondctcrddas ybajo lacustodiade laGuardia C &
          fuc conecto.
          165. Enrciaci6nconAlichLucia ezdeLaCuestaMarthie SanViceiSeiGobicnio
          ir&onuó cjuc ésta fuc dcterdda For Ia Guardia CMI ci 26 de ni j de 2001 ForsuFesmita
          Feflencnciaa iabandatcnothtaETA. UGobienjo indicó cjuc se ir tha rondiligencias flue Ia
          anibamcncionadaFesó a dJsFcsicion dci JEgado Centralde Ir tncci6nN ide Madrid ci dia
          30, endonde siguendiligencias Feas. Asmusmo, iaautoridadjudiciaiacordo ingrcso en
          p si6rc situacioncjuc se manifenc eniaacffialida& Fina]mcntc, elGobienjo itai6 cjuc cifrato
          cjuc Ia dcterdda rccibio durante todo ciffemFo cjuc Fenuancció dctcrdda ybajo Ia custodia de Ia
          Guardia C & , fuc conecto. Alicia Lucia Sácz de La Cuesta Manincz San Vicente inteipu mia
          denuncia en ci Juzgado de Ir thacci6n W 6 ± Nhdiid. enconfrándose ci Focedimiento en fase
          de ir tncci6n.
          166. En rciacion con Ainara Fresne.Ia Echevarria. ci Gjbiemo ir&onuo cjuc ésta f
          dcterddaForiaGuardiaCMiei27dcmai Jdc200i ForsuFcsuntareflcncnciaaiabanda
          tcnothtaETA. HGobicnioliidic6qucseir n erondUigenciasyqucAinaraFrcsncda
          Echc niaFes6 adisTosici ondel Juzgado Centralde Ir tncci6nN 2 de Madrideidia3O. Sc
          afiadio igua]mcntc, cjuc eltrato cjuc rccibio Ia aniba mencionada durante Ia dctcncionycustodia
          de laGuardia C & fuc conecto flue no haycor tancia de inteirosicion de dcnunciaaiguna
          contra los comronentesde Ia Guardia CMI For estos hechos.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          167. En reiacion con Nerea Beugoa Ciarsolo, ci Gobienjo fr&onuó cjue ésta fue deterdda For
          Ia Guardia Ci ci 24 de agosto de 2001 For 5U Fesunta colaboracion con labanda
          tenothta ETA. En reiacion con este caso Se fr tm eron diligencias enfregadas en ci Juzgado
          CentraHe Ir tncci6nN 5 de iaAudienciaNacional, dando iugaradiligencias e as.
          Igua1mente,eiG biemoindic6queduranteeiffemroque duroiadetencionnoacaeciohecho
          alguno cjue pudiera cor iderarse como una incidencia fuera de las acciones integramente
          Foce 1ies ycjue, a haves de autos del referido Juzgado Centrg Se decreto iaincomurdcaciony
          Fonoga dci reilodo de detencion de ia aniba mencionada. Los — 24,25,26 y 27 de agosto ie
          fueron Facicados reconocimientos mediroforer es , negándose a fr eth con regWaridad ia
          comidaque iesmrdrdshodesdeeimomentode adetenci6n. H28deagostode200l pasóa
          dJsrosiciónjudicial. no cor tando denunciaaiguna conha comronentes de iaGuardia C & For
          ios hec hos mencionados.
          168. EnreiaciónconLeire MarqubnRey, eiGobienio fr&onuo cjue Cstafue deterddaroria
          Guardia C & ci 29 de notembre de 2001 For su Fesunta reflenencia a iabanda tenorista ETA.
          H Gjbiemo indicó cjue se ir tn rondiligencias flue ra 5 a dJsrosicionjudicialei4de
          diciembre, habiCndoseie dJsrer ado unhato conecto durante todo eitiemro cjue renuanecio
          deterdda ybajo ia custodia de ia Guardia C &. La aniba mencionada interpu , For ml supuesto
          delito de toitraso m*s hatos, una denuncia ante eijuzgado de Ir tncci6nN 8 de Nhdiid.
          Sri L au]ca
          169. Bya ietter dated 16 Septer er 2002, sent jointiywith the Sreciai RarTofleurs on —
          quesifon oftoitre and on extrajudicia]. surthialyor aibitraiyexecuffor the Srecial RarTofleur
          ontoience agath6t mena& ,i dthe Gownmientthatshe hadrece ,edir&onuationonthe
          follovdng indMdual cases.
          170. Je flilV r i hai aged25 ,wasrerofled1yraredandIdlledwr&e incustody,in
          ananuydetacrauentatSanasatrar it camp on 17 Febnaiy200l. According to — rerUns,
          Je ntrdVeerathnghamenteredVamrd from — LiberaffonTigers ofTarniiEeiam
          (LTTE)-conholled Var d P giorc on 16 Febnary200l. On — follow i r da ç she s
          aliegedlysmmuonedto ananuydetacrauentatSanasatrar itcampforanincjuiiy A fewhours
          aflershe wentto — Sana i har it camg — anuyrerofledlyhandedowrherbodyto
          Va nard hosTdtal, claiming that — hadcomnüttedsuicidebysnllovdng c nide. The
          magishate fr rectedherbodyatthe Va nard hosTdtal moltaal3 andreroned1yir tnctedthe
          Felice to conduct fmTher ir tesffgaffon related to her death to ciarifywhether she hadbeen
          tofluredorsexualiyassawtedwr&e befr intenogatedbyanuyrersoraiei at Sanasaanuytrar it
          campandtheBiigadeHeadquaflerscamp. The magistrate reroned1yt ir tnctedthejudicia1
          medial officer (JMD) ofVa nard hosTdtal to hold a Fost-moflem exarninaffon on the bodyof
          — deceasedto flndoutwhethershe hadbeen xualiyassaWtedv 1üie incustody.
          171. a Umadeq4 aged23 , from Na iardff , hubWrdff Estate, was rerofledlyabducted.
          rared — murdered on 12 Septer er 2001 at Kordntte, Mallanda in Navalardff, on her way
          home afleraftendfr hert 3 pir ciassinNawa1ardff Ton. Herrarentsaresaidtohaveflieda
          ca vdth — Na iardff Police on — moniing of 13 Septer er, afler exhausffr all ofthefr
          on enquiries as to her whereabouts. When her father went to — Felice staffon to record —
          complaint — manroiice cor tabie ssaidto have been abusive and not vd]]ing to accept
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 32
          thefrcomplaint. The 1me everdr , herfather ssaidto — heardthatthe coirse of a
          woman hadbeen found in — sra jbs near the Malkandabñdge. He rerofledlywent to — srot
          — ideniffled the bodyas that ofrds daughter. The father is id to have fr&onued — rolice at
          Nawalardff andgave — name of one reiticularrer nwhomhe susrectscouldhave beenthe
          relrefratorofthis cñme,but — rolice rerofledlyhave notshonanyconceniabouttrds case
          — have so far failed to anest any Jsrects, or to sit — home ofthe tctim.
          172. Sarathauthal SaravambhavamnthaKuru]dcat aged29, was allegedlydraggedout of
          herhome inPur uduthm, JafrnadJs ictbyurddenfffledgumuendres dinblackurdfoim,
          gar -rared and murdered, on 28 Decer er 1999. Accordir to — rerUns, — bodyofthe
          tchm sfoundthe next moniir under jmebushes nearKarataldAnunanTemple, situated
          just2o mefresa yfromherhouse. The medialrerofl ofThiIO inColombo statesthatthe
          ñesandmarbfoundonthebodyofthetch inerecor istentvdthrareandmurder.
          JafrnaActfr Magisfrate rerofledlyreadout — JMO'srerofl inoren comton8 Januaiy2000.
          Injune 2001,the NaffonalHmuanPJghts Conurd ionwr&hhadfr testigatedthe rare and
          murderofsarathardjaalsaravanabhavanantha Kunkka], was rerofledto — decidedto close
          — me forlackofetdence. (The srecialRarToflemFetouslyintelvenedonbehalfofthe
          above-named rerson on 14 Nhrch 2000.)
          173. Bya letter dated 16 Septer er 2002, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTofleur on the
          quesffonoftoltre ,the srecialRarTofleura&TisedtheGovenuuentthatshehadrecei v ed
          fr&onuaffon on — follow inditdual cases.
          174. HeratPathkaiurehehgertndaniSr lafl. aged39, srerofledlyanestedbyfour
          plainclothes roice officers from Waiiarolaataroundó p.m. on8 Nhrch 2002 at her home. m
          officer allegedlyexarnined her sister's ith niftycard — then stated that theywould have to take
          astatementfrom her, without ar eth inrelationto what. TheyrerofledlytookHerat into a
          carvdthoutlettir herdre . ShewasrerofledlysrnhnarTedinabatrdr towel. Therolice
          rer fled ystorTedher mother from accomran ngher. At — Waiiarolarolice stafforç — s
          madetowaitonabench. Ataround8.30p.m.,three roliceofficersathtedvthowere rerofledly
          verydnnk. One rerofledlybeat herwitha role untilherlefl anubecame lifele. andshe was
          clo tofainffr . Anotherofficeriniidtohaveremovedherclothesbyforce. Shewas
          allegedlysthackfromberdnd, andanofficerir efledardre-like objectinto her gina, wrdlst
          anotherkept hermouthshut vdthrds —. The flürdofficerreroflecflyntched. As a result
          sheissaidtohavebledhea lyfromhen iginaandfeltashaiprein. Shererofledlyfellasleep
          feelir exfremelyi]], andrerofledlyvonütedaround5.30 a.m. Whenshe askedthe officerin
          charge formedjine, he rerofledlyrdtandir ultedher. Later, she rerofledly entto rasroom
          againtoaskwhyshehadbeenanested. Shewasallegedlytoldthatshenolongerhadaho e to
          go to. The officerincharge rerofledlybeat heragainat 10.30 a.m., aflerwrdrhshe felt sickand
          serni-cor cious. The officerincharge forthe ciime sectionrerofledlyaskedthat — notbe
          beaten. The follovdng rdght she was g en Jme teaandveiylitile food. The nextmoniing, —
          was rerofledlytakento the Ciimes Secffonvthere she was toldto signastatementwr hshe had
          notread. / nshe hesitated,afenleroliceofficerldckedherhardfromberdnd. Duetothe
          reinandhur er, she thensignedthe statement. At 12.30 p.m., she was takento Waiiarola
          comt. AtcomtHeratPathiraraiehelage NandardSii alatharerofledlytoldthe magistrate what
          hadharTenedtoherwho i s 1idtohave i ssuedanorderstaffngthat diletherolice havethe
          iight to anest anaccusedandir tesffgate andtake astatementfromrdmabout — iele nt
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 33
          harTerdr s, — relice — no rewertoirthmuanelyassault an ne”. She rerefledlyordered
          — r putyIr rectorC3eneral to fr testigate — case andto submit acomplete rerUn to her. She
          fmThenuore a&, sedthe regisfrarofthe comtto senda copyofthe orderto the deputyinçector
          generalofrelice. Herat patrararatehelage NandardSñplathawas rerefledlytakento
          Wañarelahosrdta]. where she ir&onueda doctorabouthercondiffon. T re]ice officerswere
          Fesent all — t e. She ssubsecjuentlyhandedowrto the Kunmegalap son. On 10 Nhrcrç
          she was rerefledlyagain taken to hosrdta]. afler mahir a complaint to api n warden.
          Mid-March she was rerefledlytakento hosrdtal fon sit again, and examined in the oflhoraedic
          sectionofthe hosTdtal. Accordir to fr&onuationreceiwd, — incjuiiyorderedbythe magistrate
          hadnot takenplace at — t e of v iffr . FmThenuore, Nandard Herathas ierefledlynothad a
          full Forermedialexanünafforc andis iidnottobe receMng Forermedialfreathlentin
          pison. Herfatherhas rerefledlybeens relyflueatenedbythe locaireice andragherofficers
          not to pur e the complaint.
          175. TInmb iflaiTInnahIrsIm4 aged42, from N esalai, Jafrnadistnct, sallegedly
          rared in her house at Meesalaibysoldiers from — Sn Lankan ainyon 7 July2001.
          Thar ipfflaiThanalakshnü's motherrerefledlytiiedto inteiwne aflerhearir herdaughter
          screarning,but sa aWtedandrdtvdthiiflesbythe soldiers. ThaithipillaiThanalaksrardand
          hermotherhadbeendi lacedfromthefrhome andhadrethniedto resettle, ordyb o months
          before theincithnt. Theyrerefledlylodgedacomplaintabouttherarewithrelice in
          Kodikamam. Accordir to the mi]itaiysrekesman, t soldiers ata neaibyanuycheckreint
          were ir ,oWedinthe rare. He rerefledthattheyhadbeenanestedbythe rnilitaryrelice
          on 12 July 2001.
          176. VeluArslndevi, aTarnil manofIndianoiigir, who was ]Mnginaboardir houi in
          dontonColor o, was allegedlyraredbythree re]icemenon24June 2001. She s
          rerefledlystorTed at a checkreint on the Maradana-Borella Road, Color o, on 23 June 2001
          whenretuniir fromworkwitha fiiend. Heridenfftywas checkedbythe curityforces
          rersoratel on dutyat — checkreint. The next day, on 24 June 2001 around 3a.m., b 'o relice
          officers vdthoutwearer andananuedsoldieraftachedto thatcheckreint rerefledlycame to —
          lodgingswhere thetcffmwas s ta & . Theysaidtheyhadcome fora routine chechinC. Mer
          intenogatfr allthe rersor sta & at that place, theyrerefledlywentto herroomandtoldher
          thaflince she was aTarnil, she snot allo edto staythere”. She sthenallegedlytoldthat
          shehadtogovdththemtotheMaradanareicestaffon. Thefñendvthohada]sobeen s ta & at
          — 1me place accomraniedherforsafetyrea r . Wrdle enroute to — relice stafforç they
          storTedatthe Nhradana-BorellaRoadcheckreint. Herfiiend srerefledlytoldto pFchase
          some tea for the securityforces and nt away. Afler he had gone, b 'o relice rersoratel are said
          to Mw takenherto astaircase situatednextto abunkerbelowroadlewl. She was rerefledly
          madetoleanagair tthewallandthenmred. VeluArshadetwasadirdftedtoahosrdtalfora
          medialexaniinaffon. Tr ee relice officerswere rerefledlyanestedincoraiectionvdthtrds
          n me.
          177. MahendkanNagessnrt aged37, from Kaluthawalai, srerefledly xuallyabused
          bySTF rersoratel attached to — Sr camp at Kalutha lai in Apil 2001. It is alleged that the
          Sr rersoratel went to her house and harassed her with — intention ofmolesffr her. She s
          lateradmittedto — Bathcaloateacrdng hOsTdtal. Accordir to — hosrdtalrelice rest, this
          nfter srerefledto — Kalu ncrdkudyrelice staffonforfmTherinquiiies.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          rage 34
          178. 9a) ratnm Sii,aslthii. aged 19, was rerefledlysexuallya aultedbymore
          than I D Narnersorate]. on2O Apil 2001. Accordingto — rerUns, Vija rathamSubasrdrd
          was onanLTTEboatretuniing from the oren sea vthen wral Sn Lanka Na
          gunboats sunounded them. There rerefledly s fierce fighffng for wral hours.
          Vija ratnamSubasrdrd andmanyothers allegedlyjunredinto — sea, aflertheirboats
          were damaged. andthenshe stakeninto — gmthoatofSñLankanN . Immediatelyafler
          she gotinthe gunboat, aliherciothes were rerefledlyremoved. — wasblindfoldedandher
          handsweretiedberdndherback. Morethanl0N rersorthelaresaidtohavetouchedand
          scjueezedherbreasts,andhergerdtalarea. Theyallegedlya]soonebyone putthefrfingers
          side hen gina .wrdle — sscreaming. Theincidentlastedaboutb ohours. Whenthe
          boatreachedTñncomalee herclotheswere gi v entoher. She slater iidtohawbeen
          detainedinVa nard ainycamp.
          179. Thai iahV a) laffiha. aged 14, s sexuallya aultedbymore then ID Na
          rersoratel on2 D Apil200l whenshe was takeninto custodydurir anLflEorerafloninthe
          orensea ( e abj above case ofVija rathamSubasrdrd). P refledly, Thangiahvijaplamha
          was takeninto the gunboat ofSii L kanNa andhersItht andbrawere removed. / nthe
          boat reached Tiincomalee her clothes were given to her. It is rerefled that she was later detained
          rnVa mm anuycamp.
          180. SframanyMthmau. aged24, andW flcahNantInkumar, aged22, were anestedby
          mer ers ofthe na ,accomrardedbymer ers ofthe Srecial Ir tesflgaflon Urdt (S IU ) ofthe
          reice inNhraiaron 19 March2001. Theywere allegedlyraredbynavyandSlu rersoratel
          at — office ofthe Counter-Stversive Urdt(CSU) ofthe relice along PalimunaiRoad .
          arFoximately500 mefres outside Marajar ton. S tamanyArchunan —
          WijikalaNanthakumarhadbothbeendJsplaceddue to — cordlictinthe nofihandeast.
          According to — rerUns, Wijikala Nanthakumar's husband and the 5-sear-old son of
          S ,amardArchunanere al j takeninto custody. Theywere ailtakento the CSU office ma
          wrate van. WijikalaNanthakumarandherhusbandwere rerefledlytakento the CSuoffice.
          Aflerherhuthand slockedinaceU .shewastakenintoaroominv 1üchthe OICwasal j
          Fesent. He rerefledlyaskedherto sit onthe floor, andthenaskedanotherrersontobiinga
          pieceofclothandtoblindfoldher. Shewasallegedlyaskedtoremoveherclothes. Whenshe
          refusedshe was saidto havebeenbeatenupands irTec1 Wrdle theyheldherhandsandlegs
          b omenraredher. Latertheyrerefledlyfledherhandsandhungheronacro barwr&h s
          placedbeb een t tables. Soon afler Wijikala Nandakumar and her husband hadbeen taken
          anyinto — CSU office, S tamanyArchunan's Jnwas rerefledlytaken anybyana
          officer. S tamanyArchunanwas rerefledlysubsequentlyblindfolded. andrared. She was said
          toha v ebeentakentothe roomthwr&hWijthalaNandakmuarwasbefr heldandthey
          allegedlybeatherdemandingthatshe remove herclothes. Asshecouldnotbearthe reinshe
          remo v edherclothes. She was hung onacro barbeb eenb o tableswithherhandandlegs
          fled. The b 'o menwere thenflueateredvdthfmThertoitre andwere forcedto signa
          statementadmiftur fliey ere merthers ofthe LflE. The frdflalmedical exarninaflonbythe
          JMOMaraiarallegedlythdnotcorIinurare asbothtcflrns had refused to be examined
          rerefledlyas a result oftr eats from — CSU offices taking them to hosTdtal. Later
          examinaflor bythe ThilO Nhraiarandthe JMD Colombo rerefledlydidcord5nuthattheyhad
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 35
          beenrared. AflervddesFeadFotests, anfr testigationbythe CthrdnalIr testigaffon
          Derenment from Colombo sordered. A Nhraiar magisfrate heath is said to have taken
          place on3 Apil 2001.
          lxi. VogaTh gamVijftha, a27- ar-oldwomanfljm Kayts, JafrnadJs ict was allegedly
          rared vdii]st li i detention li i the Negor o rolice stafforç beb een 21 and 27 June 2000.
          According to — rerUns, she was beaten with roles on her Imees, back, chest and the lower
          abdomerç andtrampledonwithboots. She was rerofledlyforcedto lie ona table andpir were
          ir efled under the nai]s ofher fingers and toes, and she was slarTed on her ears. On another
          occasion all her clot}iin except her under ear, was rerofledlyremoved and her face s
          cowredvdtharolymenebagfilledvdthcrdlirowderandrefrol. Thenshewasaskedtosign
          astatementwñtteninSirthale ,butwhenshe refused, a plantaintree flo erspirddedvdth
          crdlirowderwas allegedlyir efledinto her gina, as are jltofwr hshe faintedafler
          about IS minutes. Yogalir amVijithawas rerofledlyFoducedinthe Colombo Crdef
          MagisfrateComton2l Ju1y2000,andthemagistrate iniidtohaw orderedthatshebe
          examinedbythe JMO, Color o NoiTh. The medical reroflrerofledlycordhnedthatthere were
          uanyscars on her V s and tor j” and that she was jffeth from rost-tramuafic stress
          djsorder and deFession (JMO rerUn dated 14 Febnaiy200l). A fundamental iights retiffon
          wasreronedlyrnedinMarch200l andcontinuestobe heard. Jnthemeantime,
          Yogalingan vijitha sreronedlyunconditionallyreleasedon26 Apil 2001.
          182. AmotheroftwochfflrenwasreronedlyraredbyaSTFcommandoat
          Cheddiraalapm inBatffcaloa dJs ict on S Febnaiy200l. Accordir to the rerUns, — woman
          was collectfr fire od when she was raredbya mer er ofthe Sr. it is alleged that he
          threatenedto killher, irshe complainedto anwne. She was rerofledlyadmittedto Bathcaloa
          HosTdtal. The susrect — is said to be aftached to CheddiraalapmSTF camg wk name is
          knonto — SrecialRarToneul s rerofledlyanestedbythe ro]ice andFoducedbefore —
          Batffcaloa rlistiict Judge.
          183. VebnuruguTlnnahirm4 aged¾ herdaughterVeImuruguThai e varay, aged2ó,
          andanotherwomarç TlnmotharamVokaiupilmi, aged3ó, were reronedlyraredbySii Lanka
          Anuy(SLA) jldiers, who ere ondutyatacheckrointinverthu, about3o kilomefres nofihof
          Batffcaloa on 10 August2000. Accordir to the rerofis, soldiersunderthe irIluence ofalcohol
          hadenteredthe houses andraredthem. The menintheirhou swere as iultedbythe soldiers.
          itwas allegedthat — soldiers ere attachedto the Kmthunnuoolaianuycamp. One ofthe
          tchmsmade a complaint to — officerincharge of the camp.
          184. A man, aged33, was rerofledlytakeninto custodybythe officers ofNegor o CID
          on27 June 2000, and ill-treated for b o da . According to — rerUns, she was takeninto
          custodyrelatedto the incjthiythoutherNaffonalidentityCardandthen ntto the Negor o
          CiDoffice. Thenextdayshewasrerofledlybeatenvdththe rearofthe chaij andwas
          threatened that they uld put cmli rowder into her gina. On 30 June 2000, some dnnken
          male rolice officersare saidto have gone to hercell andforcedherto remove allherclothes.
          Follo * t ds, — faintedandwhenshe regainedcor ciousness, — hadbeenadmittedinthe
          Negor o hosrdtal. She a]so tesiffied that the roice had put c mli rowder into another detainee's
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 36
          185. Poomany Saranmt aged7O, frcm Karantharç NeeiwlyWest Jafha, was rereflecfly
          raredbyb oSñLankaMny Mce rersoratel ct3l May2000. Accordir tothererefl
          b oanuyofficersheldPoomanySaravanaibyherneck draggedherontothe roadandmolested
          her, wrdle — othermanheldhersonatgunreintandpushedrdminto aroomofneaibyhouse
          and s relybeat ram. Poomanysaravanai s allegedlysubsecjuentlydragged to — same
          roomandraredinfrontofher32- ear-oldson. The reiretrators abj allegedlystole some
          moneyandje elle fromher. Poomanysaravanaiiniidtohawmadeacomplainttothe
          Naffonal Human Bights Conmiission and to M w ith niffled the reiretrators. It is not Imon
          whetheranyacffonhasbeentakenbythe authoñffesinresrer to hercomplaint.
          186. Bya letter dated 16 Decer er 2002, the Gownmient frar mitted — ±bllow
          obseivatior regarding six ofthe a]legaffor refened to in — joint conmiunicaffon
          dated 16 Septerther 2002.
          187. Accordingto — Gowmment, Ms. TInmb flhiThanahksIm 'iflleda complaint that
          she hadbeen raped on 7 July2001, and — follow relice fr tesffgaffon found etdence of
          rare. The Gownuuentaddedthatb ,o susTects v,k ere ondutyataneaibycheckreint ere
          anested. but thetchm s unable to i ntifythem in an i ntif'caffon rarade. The su ects
          remainincustodythe Attonie General's Derenment hasbeenaskedto Fotde a&,ice inbjw
          to Foceed.
          188. The Gwnuuentierefledthatthe srecialTaskForceMertheraccusedofrardng
          Mahendranrtgeshwarihasbeenchargedandthe ca is Foceed]I .
          189. 9avaratnam SithasIilthandTha ' aiah9avalaffihawere anestedbythe SñLard an
          Na yon 20 Apil 2001, and then relea d onbail on 13 June 2002. Accordir to —
          Gownmient — rlistnct Secretaiyhasbeenrecjuestedto checktheirFesence at theirgwen
          addre es intewofrecordir theirstatements to frdtiate anir tesffgaffon.
          190. According to — Gjwnmient, anfr testigationwas conductedinto — allegaffonthat
          naval rersoratel and reice officers had toltred and rared Eha tha mV a) kah and
          Sbmathamby vamath ( vamauy Arc Imnan — W iImla Nanthalmmar), — statements
          ofthe allegedtcffms ere recoded. The Gjwnmient rerefledthat l4 isrects,
          includir 2 narnersorateland 12 re]ice officers, ere Foducedbefore the mag]sfrate comt,
          andindictmentswere befr Feraredbythe Attorney-General.
          191. The Gjwnmient rerefledthat Vogabgm9itha sanestedanddetainedfor
          susTected tenoñst actMties, — later released onbail. It stated that she is not reachable at her
          g tenaddress andis thought to have gone abroad. Accordir to — Gownmient the SuFeme
          Comt in — meantime, riled that her cor fftuffonal iights hadbeentolated and granted her
          comrer affon ofps 250,000. The Gownmient added that — Attorney-General has been
          dfrctedto pursue — ressibflityofcñminal Fo cuffonagair t those resrer il le fortolafing
          her iights.
          192. A]so byletter dated 16 Decer er 2002, the Gownmient resrended regardir the ca of
          Sarathambal Saravambavanantlnlmru]dcal According to — Gjwnmient, — ir tesffgaffon
          into — alleged rare and murder ofthe tcffmbegan on S Januaiy2000. The ir tesffgaffon
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 37
          rewaledthat ordyb o annyrersoratellefithe campafleraregimental reityatwr halcohol
          was cor mued. The Gownmientstates that amedialrerefl indicatesthatthetchm sraped
          pior to befr shangled to deatrç but that — fr testigaffon has not t been able to resifiwly
          ithnfffythe relrefratorsofthe ciime. InAugust2002 — Attontey-Generars r re±uent
          rerefled1ya&z sedthatacthrdna1FosecuffonwoWdnot take place andthattherebe no needto
          continue the fr testigationuthe newfr&onuaffon sreceiwd.
          FolIow-1 topre,ioi lyfra ' mfttedcoumumkathus
          193. Bya letter dated 8 Apiil 2002, the Gownmient resrended to — conmrnrdcation
          dated 30 August 2001 ntjoinilyvdth the Srecial RarTefleur on the question oftoflure —
          — Srecial RarTefleur on extrajudicia]. smmuaiyand aibitraiyexecutior (see
          EJCN.412002t831Add.l, raragiarths 119-123). Fmther to the communicaffon dated
          7 Decer er200l, the Gownuuentfr&onuedthe SrecialRarTefleurregardir — thllo *
          ca sofallegedrare andmmder.
          194. The Gjwnmient rerefledthat — MilitaiyPolice (CCNF) conductedinquiiiesinto
          — dJsarTearance ofVeIautI pflIaiRajaniaflerherrarents rerefledhermissing
          on 30 Septer er 1996. The Gownmient added that — CCNF i ntified and quesifoned a
          groupofanuyrersoraielwho hadquestionedthetcffmata militaiycheckreint. The CCNW
          rerefledlyelicitedir&onuaffonthatfouranuyrersoraiel ere resrer il le forthe rare, murder
          anddisTesal ofthebody, andsix anuyrer Jrthelwere subsequentlyanestedandhandedowrto
          — Kard asanthuraiPolice. The Gjwnmient statedthat, follo * a ciiminal fr tesffgaffonanda
          magisteiialinquestinto — deathofthetchm, — Aftomey-Generala&ti dthe relice to
          charge — fourmain isrects forthe rare andmurderofthe tctim. Due to aneedto Fesent
          adequate etdence, the otherb o Jsrects ere rereitedlylistedasvdtnes s. The Gownmient
          rerefledthatallfouraccusedrersor ere dJschargedfromthe SñLard anAnuy, andtheywere
          indictedbefore the HighComt ofColor o. The ialis rerefledlyrendir .
          195. According to — Gownmient, — Seranu ra Police began an irdifal ir testigaffon
          into — allegedIdllingofKr I flhiTha) yothyaflerthe receiptofir&onuaffon
          on 8 October 2000. It is rerefled that — immediate farnilymembers ofthe tcffm were
          inteMe ed .butthe Gjwnmient statedthat theydidnotimrdicate relice or curityforcesinthe
          murder. Amagisteiial inquestwas rerefledlyconductedinto the deathofthe tctim. Howewr,
          — Gjwnmient rerefledthat — magisfrate was notable to gainacce to the areawhere the
          tchm is allegedto hawbeenbuiiedbecau — areawas doniinatedbyseraratists. Therefore,
          — magistrate concluded — inquest without exhmuir — bodyofthe tcff — a death
          cethflcate was is aed. The Gownmient a&, sed that — ir tesffgaffon is exrected to resume
          once nonualcyisrestoredinthe area,andir e s tigatorscanFoceedtothescene oftheciime.
          196. Byaletterdated29 Apiil2002 — Gjwnmient resrendedto the letter
          dated 30 August 2001, ntjoinilywith — Srecial RarTefleur on — question oftoflure (see
          EJCN.412002t831Add.l, raragiarths 124-132), regardàgthe follow fomca s.
          197. According to — Gowniment, a ciirninal ir tesffgaffonbegan inmiediatelyafler
          a complaint was med on 31 Decer er 1996 regardir the alleged rare of
          SfrasothyKr Iuøpithibytr ee rer r . The Gjwnmient rerefledthat thetcffmwas
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          pige 38
          inteite ed . andmediallyexamined. Itstatedthatthe irdffalir testigationrewa1edthat —
          incident took place inaraddy-fleld in Nhuingathpu ]. and that three rersor named
          SamarasenaBandu na . E.C. AjithKmuara andK. BandWa Hemianwere rerefledlyanestedin
          relaffonto — ciime. Follo * a ron- immaiyinquli 3 — Attontey-Generalirdictedall
          three susTectsbefore — HighComt ofBatticaloa. where — case remainedrendàg.
          198. The Gjwnmient rerefledthat — allegedrare of RamanathanPiflaiLaksluniPiflaiby
          b 'o rersor srerefledatthe Tthicomalee Police Staffonon3 o August 1993. The
          Gownmientstatedthatthe tctimwas inteMe ed . andamediro-legairerefi sobtained.
          Followir a cthuinal ir tesffgafforc b 'o Jsrect Sehu Mjhamed Raufrand Nagoor Pitchai
          FaJza]. were rerefledlyanested. remandedbythe Tiincomalee Magishate andthenreleasedon
          bail. The Gjwnmient addedthatwr&e clinünalFoceedir s agair tthe Jsrects , hedWed
          for28 Mayand I August 1996, were rendir ,bothsusrectswere murdered. The Gownmient
          explained that gwen the circumstances, — ial had to be tenidnated.
          199. According to — Gowmment the Mawanella Police Staffon receiwd a rerUn
          on 24 Apil 1999 that a l3- ear-old girl named Nflu]ca Sarilamali hadbeen rared. The girl s
          rerefledlyinteewed. andthenexarninedbyajudicialmedialofficer. The Gjwnmient stated
          thatasusrect namedF i ntha KusunKumarawas anestedandbroughtbefore — Kegalle
          Magishate. Follovdng cthuinal ir tesffgaffor he srerefled1yindictedinthe HighComtof
          Kigalle, where he was cor tictedonrdsonguiltyplea. The Gjwnmient rerefledthat he was
          sentencedto 25 pars, andorderedto raycomrer iffonto thetcff wr hhe —
          on 19 Septerther 2001.
          200. P gardàg — case ofSriBalak'narAjanthathe Gownmientir&onuedthe Srecial
          RarTefleurthatreice incjuiiiesinthe Jaffna Perdr u1a. incluthngbothJafrnaandAii alai
          tow s , didnotrewal — occunence ofanincithntir ,oht — abow-menifonedrerson. It
          indicated that fmTher inquiries coWdbe made ifthe exact address ofthe allegedtcffm was
          communicatedto — Gjwnmient.
          201. On 3 r cember 2002 the Srecial RarTefleur sent a joint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleuronthe quesifonoftoitire, the SreciarnarTefleuronthe siffiaffonofhumaniightsin
          — Sudanandthe SrecialRarTefleuronthe inderendence ofjudgesandlaw rs ,onbeha1fof
          ZahnHassanAb. AsmaMohame.I AlnedandzaldaAltayth — were rerefled1yfacir
          sentences of 100 lashes for adWteiyvdthout the ressil iityofseehing legal a&,ice or arTeal.
          According to rerefl theywere among 17 women fromthe tilage ofMunwasrd. WesteniSudan
          accusedofadWterybeb een 12 and2o Nowr er2002. The charges ere rerefled1yba don
          — allegatior that theywere all umuanied buthaw g tenbiiThtobthieswho are nowbeb een
          — ages ofó and 18 months.
          202. Smmuaiytiialswere rerefledlyheldonl2, l4and20Nowr er. UmAIms
          Mohame.I Alned. aged2l, HananAbdukalumanMoinmed . aged 19, HagirMohame.I
          Alned. aged 18, NimatAbalw Abde adk, RaslnBalw MdbiAdai. aged 18,
          Fatima Alidiilh Adal. aged 20, Gada Mon Hamid. aged 18, Slnmael Omar Fadt aged 22,
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          pige 39
          HawaVousffAbde adk aged IX, FathiaAluned Abdukaluma. aged IX, LailaAdam
          Skaj, aged 20, Kaltoum ham Adai aged 22, Rawda Abde abar Moinmed. aged 20,
          — GadahAbdelgabar ere rerefledlyfound ailtyofadulteiyandsentencedto
          rece e IOU lashes. The ntences ere allegedlycaniedout onthe same dayasthe sentencfr
          anditis rerefledthatthe menhadno orTeflurdtyto eklegala&ñce orto make arTea]s.
          1,r aHas inAli . AsmaMohamed auedandZahia Alta b — rerefledlynot tbeen
          brought to comt. Fears have been exFessed that iftaken to comt and found guilty,
          the 3 men would face — 1me punishment as the other 14 men. No men have
          rerefledlybeen charged in corajection with the inci nts.
          203. Bya letter dated II Septer er 2002, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on the
          quesffonofto ltre ,theSrecialRarTefleuracbz sedtheGovenuuentthatshehadreceived
          fr&onuaffon on the follo * ca : Ahw Mohamed Abdullah fromKadalHaboub,
          6 Idlometres eastofNplainDalfourFotnce. It is rerefledthat — sfoundgthltyof
          adulteryand ntenced on 4 June 2002 in accordance with ai*le l ofthe 1991 Feral Code,
          wr hallegedlystates thatwho rconurdts — offence ofadulteiyshallbe punishedwith:
          execuffonbystordng vthen — offender is manied (Nbj} an) or IOU lashes vthen — offender is
          notmanied(non-mur an). The Fesidir judge inthe comt, vthose name isimonto the
          SrecialRarTefleur, isbelievedto have arecordofhanding donothersimilarpunis}mients.
          According to — fr&onuaffon received . — sentence was g Ten and executed onthe same day
          without allovdng anyorTelt yforarTealandvdthoutanymedical checksbefr caniedout,
          desrdte — fact that Alavd hadallegedlyrecenilygivenbinrc sbreast-feedir , andwas
          generallyinaveiyreorstate ofhealth. Itisrerefledthatthemanfr toWedinthe incidentof
          adulterywas found not guiltydue to lack of etdence agath6t —.
          204. On 19 Apil 2002 the Srecial RarTefleur sent ajoint urgent appeal vdth — Srecial
          RarTefleurs on exhajudicial, Jmma1yor athifraiyexecuffor and on the cjuesffon oftoitre on
          beha]fofMaImazAth) ,eysi Ghase. ofKurdishoiigin. Itisrerefledthatshe faces mmnent
          rera iaffonto — Islamic P public ofiran. where — allegedlyis atiiskoftoitre andother
          fonns ofill-freathient including honourhillfr . She rerefledlythvorcedanIrardancitizen]i t
          inGenuanyinl997andrebnedtoherfan&yinMahabad.Iran. There,itisbei dthather
          familyrefu dtoletherstaywiththemandsentherbacktoGenuany. She sallegedlytold
          thatshehadleflthem inwrdte”(togetmanied)andthatshe uldordycomebacfliwrdte”
          (in a shroud). She later tied under a fa]se ith niftyto get refugee staths in Sweden. Her
          applicaffon is said to have been rejected in Nhrch 1999. She then lefi to Firdand vthere she lived
          withaman. Itisallegedthatherthn&y,inreiticularherfatherandanuncle,threatenedherby
          phone with death for ]Mng inanon-marital staths vdthaman. According to — fr&onuaffon
          recS,ed.she entbacktoS edeninNovember200I wheresheflledanewarTJicationfor
          as dmu. It is rerefled that this arTdicaffon — nowbeen rejected — that there is no arTeal
          available. Aflrstaftempttodereflhertolranwasmadeonl7Apil2002,butthecaptainofthe
          aiiplane refused to take her onboardbecause ofher state ofagitaffon. She was then taken to
          Karolir ka Sj hu thosrdtalwhere she hadaheadybeentreatedforanincurablebrainthmour.
          Medicaldoctors arebelievedto have indicatedthatno oreraffoncouldbe er sagedbecause of
          — resiffonofthe thmour. Fmthenuore, theyrerefledlyindicatedthat fmTherexaminaffor
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          wouldbe neededinthree mont& lime to decide whetherchemotherapymayhave aneffecton
          — d lopuent ofthe tumour. She is saidtobe seliouslydeFes dandtobeginto lo contact
          vdthherer ,frorauentbecause ofherbraintumour. Accordingto — fr&onualionreceived. —
          authoiilies have plamied to derefi herinApil2002. It i sbei dthat rerhealthcondilion
          wouldmake herrathcularlr terable to rep salsbyherfamilyifshe was sentbackto Iran.
          Finally, it is rerefled that a ca — beenfiled with — Eurorean Comt on Human PJ€hts and
          that a decision is e xrected soon.
          205. Byaletterdated29 Apiil2002 — Gjvenmient resrendedto the letter
          dated 19 Apil 2002 sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleurs on — queslion oftoitre and on
          exhajudicia]. smmuaiyoraibitraiyexeculior regardir MalmazAflaiweysi Ghasem.
          According to — Gjvenmient, — arTJiedforas dmu underadifferent name aflerhavir
          entered the countiyon 14 Api ' 1998. The Nhgralion Board rerefledlyrefu d to grant her
          renuissionto reside inS edenandorderedherexpu]sion. The Gjvenmient rerefledthat, afler
          — Alier ArTealsBoardrefusedherarTeal, — entto Firdand. vthere she a]soarTdiedfor
          residence and srefu d. The Govenmientstatedthat inaccordance vdththe Eniblin
          Cor ,entiorç she was rebnedto S edenwhere she arTdiedonce againfora residence renuit.
          According to — Gjvenuuent, — Migralion Board decided once again notto grant her residence
          on 3 Decer er 2001, afler cor ideth that the fr&onualion — had Fotded in surTefl ofher
          request sur eliable. The GovenuuentrerefledthatinrerarTealto the Alier ArTea]s Board
          she stated that she suffered from abram thmour and that, accordir to Kurdjsh fradiliorç her
          familyhas a iight to stone herbecause she is a d ,orcee, andbecause she had lived with a man
          out ofwedlock. The Gjvenuuent rerefled that — arTeal was refused on 7 Febnaiy2002, but
          that she could file anew applicalion Fot±dthat new cinnstances were revealed that could
          render a different conclusion.
          206. The Gjvenuuent rerefledthat NhrthzAllalwe iGhasem rnedarene edarTea]. I I I
          wr hshedeclaredthatshefearedretunungto Jrarçthatthe JrardanStatewouldnotbeableor
          willfr to Fotect her and that she did not have — financial mear to afford nece arymedieal
          freathientinlran. ThisarTeal srerefledlythmeddonon25 March2002, as ellas t
          anotherarTealon 17 Apil 2002. The Govenuuentexplainedthat accordir to — Board. —
          circumstances brought foiwardcould not lead to anew conclusion. According to —
          Govenuuent — refusalofen decisioonin thazAllar ,e i Ghasem's ca — gainedlegal
          force,butshe — rnedanotherapplicalionwiththe Alier ArTea]s Board. The Govenmient
          rerefled that on 23 Apil 2002 the Alier ArTea]s Board decided to staythe er&orcement ofthe
          refusal ofenfryuntil the Board has made its decision.
          207. The Gjvenuuent a]so explained that, for cor tiffitional reasor , a rnirdster carajot
          inteffere ininditdual cases handledbythe inderendentinurdgralionauthoiilies. However, the
          Govenmientstatedthatthe SrecialRarTefleur's letterhadbeenfoiwardedto —
          Director-Genera]s ofboth the Nhgralion Board and the Alier ArTea]s Board, and to —
          Nalional Police Commissioner. In addiliorç the Govenuuent rerefled that a committee hasbeen
          setupto F 0 F 0 amendmentsto — Alier Actinorderto make it re il le to grant refugee
          status to rersor with a well-founded fear ofrersecutionbecause ofgender or xual oiientalion.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 41
          208. Bya letter dated 7 Nover er 2002, the Srecial RarTefleur nt ajont conmrnr cat on
          withthe SrecialRarTefleuronthe humanñghts ofniigrants regardir — case ofM Ma
          an l8- ear-oldBmnese domestic worker. MaSuwas rerefledlybeatenandbmntaThtebythree
          men 01110 July2002 afler — s accusedbyher em 1o r ofstea]ing a gold chain. It is
          rerefledthataflerbeing attackedshe sabandonedcta roadside inUthaiThardDis ict. She
          was rerefledlylatertakento UthaiThardPro tcial Hosrdtalwhere — remainedininter iw
          care unifishe diedsix da later, 01116 July2002. According to — fr&onuaffonreceiwd.
          doctors diagnosed that 59 Fr cent ofherbody, includir breast, back and am was burnt to the
          t}urd degree.
          209. Bya letter dated 20 Decer er 2002, the Gownmient resrended to the conmrnrdcaffon
          dated 7 Nowr er 2002, sentjoinilywith — Srecial RarTefleur on — human iights of
          rnigrants,regardir the caseofMa '. The G wnmientrerefledthataflerherdeathan
          ir te s tigation sopenedinto — case, and people at the a lystore where she worked were
          quesffoned butno etdence was foundreinfing to — ir ,oWement of the store onerinthe
          ca . The Gownmient stated that — Su's death s a homicide, wrdrh is a cñrninal offence —
          ca ispunishable underThailawregardle ofthe naffona]ityandgenderofthe reiretratorsor
          — tctlir , — that the ca is stUl befr ir tesffgated.
          210. Byaletterdated 10 r cer er2002, the SrecialRarTQteurir&onuedthe Govenmient
          that she had received fr&onuaffon regarding allegedtolence agafr t women inboth — rState
          andpublic splieresofTogole society. Womenandgfrlsrerefledlyconffnue tobe tctlir of
          djscñnünafforçtolence, sexualtolence andtoitre. Accordir to fr&onuaffonreceiwd. such
          abuses are rerefledlyoflencondoned andtoleratedbyTogolese lawandsocial andcultural
          211. Domesfictolence isrerefledlyaseñous Foble , t there allegedlyexistir ifficient
          charaie]s fluoughwrdrhawomanmayseekredressandFotecffonfrom anthus ,e family
          mer er. Accordir to rerUns, no legislationsreciflcallyFotdir forthe Fe v entionand
          surFesslon ofdomesffc tolence exists in Togole la — relice andjudicial authoñffes are
          allegedlyfr er ithe to — needs ofvictims ofabuse andare not frainedto followupon
          domestictolence complaints. P centrerens a]so allege thatwomenandgifls conffn tobe
          tchms oftolent cultural Facices canied out vdthin the familysuch as forced and Femaffire
          maniage dow ydJspute female gerdtal mufflatiorç andñtes regardir widows.
          212. According to rerefisrecei v ed. — conditior inwomen's pisor anddetentioncenfres
          failto meet mirdmuminteniational standard — menare rerefledlysubjectedto toitre —
          degradir freathient wrdle in detention. it is alleged that — majoñtyofguards in men's
          p sor are male andthatthe pisoners are rathcularlrmlnerable to xualtolence includir
          rare. Allegaffor have aiso been rece ,ed that the reice and other officials resrer ible for such
          freathientbeneflt fromimpunityandfrom — failure ofthe Gjwnmient to cñniina]ize toflure
          andFe übe arFopiate sanctior for achacts.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          rage 42
          213. Bya letter dated II Septer er 2002, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTefleur on the
          quesffonofto ltre ,theSrecialRarTefleura&z sedtheGownuuentthatshehadreceiwd
          fr&onuaffon on — follow ca s.
          214. NaffDemkciwas rerefledlydetairedon2o Decer er200l andremandedto
          Dipibaldr E-T e p son on24 Decer er 200 1. Howew; he was allegedlyrethnied to
          gendanueiie custodyfor I D da & intenogaffon underAthcle 31c of regal Decree Nmther 430.
          At — end ofthis reiiod. he was rerefledlybroughtback to p son. Wrdle in custodyat the
          gendanueiie, he isbelieved to have beenblindfolded. beaten and ibjected to elec ic shock
          — to have had — tesficles squeezed. Accordir to the fr&onuaffon rece ,ed . Ms wife
          Meldye Demkciwas herselfa]so detained on 21 r cember 2001 and similarlyretmned to
          gendanueiie custodyon 26 Januaiy200l desrdte an order that she be remanded to   Jn. She is
          saidtonothavebeenbroughttop sonforanotherl0da . Shewasa]sorerefledlyblindfolded.
          beaterç sexuallyabu d — subjected to elec ic shocks. As far as the Srecial RarTefleurs have
          beenfr&onued. aca hasbeenorenedagafr tbothMeki andNaifr niircibut no
          ir testigationhasbeenorenedbythe authoiiffes into theircomplaints oftoflure.
          215. FeMmeEte a manofKurdJshoiigir. was rerefledlytakenon2l October2001 from
          her home in SUIt in the south-east ofTurkeyandbrought to — gendanueiie headquaiters in
          Van. Itisallegedthat she was remandedto Vanpthonbythe State SecurityComt
          on 25 October 2001 on charges of arTeItfr an ifiegal orgardzaffon”. A week later, she was
          rereItedlytrar fenedto — women 's ward of Biths E-t 3 e pi n with her 5-par-old daughter
          SahadetEt. Accordir to — ir&onuationrecS,ed. on25 Nowrther200l FeMme Ete was
          frarIened- togetherwithherdaughter- to gendanueiie headquaiters inDipibaldrfor
          intenogation. The Srecial RarTelteurs have been fr&onued that this trar fer was canied out
          under Athcle 31c ofLegal r cree Number 430 desrdte — fact that neither Van (where she was
          charged) norBit]is (where she was impi ned) areir ide — regionunderstate ofemergency.
          Herlaw 3 er srerefledlynotfr&onuedofthefrwhereabouts desrdte rereatedinquilies. It is
          thought that — decree s arTdied again on 5 December 2001 to keep her in gendanueiie
          detenifon for a fmTher 10 da . Afier Legal Decree 430 was applied to her and wrdle in custody
          at rlipibakirgendanueiie headquaiters, Ferdme Etc was rerefledlyblindfolded eatenvdth
          thancheor aboutthe head befr s irTednaked. sTn dvdthFe u±edwater. She rereltedly
          fainteds raltimesandshe isbei dtonowsufferfromhealthFoblerns. Bothsheandher
          familyare beli d to have been tr eatened that theywould suffer tolture irshe complained
          about herheathient. FeMme Etc was al j allegedlytr eatenedthatherdaughter uldbe
          toltured. who is thoughtto have heardhermother's screar as — sbefr toltured.
          According to ir&onuaffon rece ,ed. aflers da at the gendanueiie headquaiters, she was taken
          to stayvdthanotherfamilymer er. Adoctorhas rereltedlythagnosedSahadetEte as suffeth
          fromshockandFerdme Etc is iidto sufferfrom sholtnessofbreathandhas difficultymo t
          heranns as aresult ofthe treatment — sallegedlysubjectedto.
          216. &weralyou ' womenwere rerctedlytakento reice headquaitersinI uiraflera
          demor traffon on I Nhy200l. it is alleged that at least t ofthem were taken to a serarate
          roomandblindfolded.beaterc s irTednakedandsexuallyabused. It is a]sobe]i dthatboth
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 43
          women were raredbyrelice officers in these serarate roor . According to — fr&onuation
          recS,ed. — women ere released the follovdng daywithout havir seen a Fosecutor or a
          217. F.D.F. aged 16, vtho hadbeen detained 01130 June 2001 in van . was rerefledly
          subjected to a forcible trgfrdtytest. Accordir to the fr&onuaffon rece ,ed . she was detained
          withanother I D reople onsuspicionthat theymightjointhe KurdishWorkers Pany(PEJC) —
          takenfromyoldonduGendanueiie Stationto a hosrdtal rnvanwithout hercor ent. Itis
          rerefledthatafemale doctorsubjectedherto atrgirdtytestwithout — necessaiyrenuission
          andthaton3 July2001 she was takento VanState Hosrdtalwhere t male doctors allegedly
          cethfled that she was not rared ”. The Srecial RarTefleurs have been ir&onued that these facts
          mayamount to atolationofanicle 243, Turhishrenalcode (TPC), andisa]so intolaffonof
          — decree bythe Mrds ofJustice of 1999 vdiich Fotdes that nobodycanbe subjected to a
          forcible test of tgirdty.
          218. GiibstanDurc, — headofthe women 's comrnissionofthe legal Fo-KurdishPeople's
          DemocracyPany(HADEP) in Mardir. was rerefledlyanested for the fl t t i me in March 1996,
          whenshe was ordyl7 arsold. Itis allegedthat since thenshe hasbeentakeninto custody
          numerous times forbeb een t and ven da . She is believed to have been s irTed naked
          andblindfolded. beaterç sFa d withcold Fe ulized nter, isrendedbyher a1n tr eatened
          vdthdeafl buniedvdthcigarettes andhot v&es, andFewntedfrom sleerdngbyofficersfrom
          — anff-tenorbranch wrdle in custody. It is rerefled that — tiled a fonual complaint in 1999 ,
          butwithdrewitwhenshe was anestedagainb o da laterfrom herhome byplainclothesrelice
          v,k threatenedher. On 19 December 1999, Gu]thtanDurc was allegedlyanestedbyrelice
          officersuthng achforcethatheranuwasbroken. Sheisbeliewdtohawrnedanotherfonual
          complaint uren her relea . It is rerefled that under the 1999 Lawon the Pro cuffon ofC &
          Senmts the governor ofMardin refused renuission to Fosecute a relice officer afler this
          complaint and that a comt in — neaibycityofDipibaldr rejected her law rs ' arTeal agai t
          thisdecisiononthe grounds that there snot jThcientetdence ofifi-freathient althoughshe
          hada medical rerUn. Accordir to the ir&onuaffonrece ,ed . she was againanestedin
          Febnary2000 and held for t da at Mardin Police Headcjuaiter where — sbeaten on
          herbrokenanuwrdrhhadordyjustbeenremowdfiomplaster. Itisallegedflmtthere ilffr
          damage and rein were j inter e that she was released from pison on medical grounds rendir
          atiial inwr hshe was chargedvdthmer ers}üpofanillegalorgardzation. Follo * medical
          andrsyta ic examinaffor , srecialistsinI rdrrerefledlyissuedarereflinJanuaiy200l
          wr hallegedlyconcludedthat — ssufrenng from rest-fraumatic sfress djsorderandhad
          fmThermedical Foblemswrdrhconoborate herrerefls oftoitre. As farasthe Srecial
          RarTefleurs havebeenir&onued. none ofthe susTectedreiretrators have beenbrought to
          219. SeherDuacwasrerefledlybeatercrared subjectedtoelec icshocksandFe u±ed
          nterandthreatenedwhenshe was heldatthe Anti-TenorBranchofDi thahirPolice
          Headcjuaflers from 13 to 19 June 2001. She is bei d to have been sub quenilytaken to an
          iMinuarybut, accordir to the ir&onuaffonrece ,ed . whenthe doctorwiote arereflcor1inrdr
          hertoitre allegaffor relice officersallegedlytookherto anotherdoctorwho v ote arerefi
          stat ir that she had not been toitred.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          220. Asiye GiizelZe) lekwas rerefledlyanestedinFebnaiyl997 andchargedwith
          merthersrdpofthe Mardst-Lerthiist Conmrnrdst Pany(NLCP), anorgardzationwr hhas
          rerefledlybeenmade ilegalunderathcle l oX ofthe Penal Code. Itisrerefledthatduring —
          flrstfourandahalf ars ofdetenfforç — srereatedlyraredandbeaterc inreiticulardurir
          a reriod of 13 da wrdie — s allegedlybefr held for intenogaffon at the Istanbul Security
          Headcjuaflers. Asi GU2elZe ekrerefledlyflleda complaint agair t eightrelice officers.
          According to — fr&onuaffonreceiwd. aflrst hearing agair t these officers was held in
          Nowrther 1998 but — charges were rejected in October 1999. It is rerefled that in
          Decerther2000 she was among hundreds ofdetaineeswho Fotestedagair ttheirfrarIerfrom
          — p soninGebze to newdetenffoncentres vthere detainees arebeliewdtobe more liklytobe
          subjectedto ffl-freathients. As are jltofclashes withthe reice, she a llegedlysufrereds re
          fr uries thatare thoughtto — re iltedintemreraiyraral isandto — undenidnedher
          healthcondiffon. The Srecial RarTefleurshawbeenfr&onuedthat frdtial ialFoceedir s
          agafr t her were ordyfrdffated in Febnaiy200l but that theywere subsecjuentlyadjounied unfil
          Dccc rther 2001.
          221. Byletters dated 15 October 2002 and 26 Decer er 2002, the Gownmient resTended to
          — urgent arTeal dated II September 2002 sentjointlyvdth — Srecial RarTefleur on —
          quesffonoftoitre regarding — casesofAe GiIzelZe) Ia Fehbneand SadiyeEte
          Naff and Mek ,e &micri. I rDurgac — GiilManDurc.
          222. In addiffon to fr&onuation Fotded in — conmiunicaffon dated 22 March 2002, the
          GownmientrerefledthatAsiye GiizelZe) lekwas releasedurenthe decisionofthe rele nt
          comt on 5 June 2002.
          223. According to — Gowmment, Fehime Et was anested on 24 October 2001 on grounds
          ofaidir andabettfr — PICK, cor ideredatenoStorgardzatiorc andwas released
          on 27 March 2002. In her tesffmonyof2l March 2002 she rerefledlystated that — and her
          daughterSadi e Etc hadnotbeentofluredorill-freatedinBiuis E-t e F isonbutthatshe had
          been ibjectedto suchtreatment wtdle detainedinDi thahir. The Gownmientstatedthatan
          fr testigation hadbeen frdffated into the allegatior , but a decision ofnon-Fosecuffon was
          g tendue to lackofetdence. The Gjwnmient fmTherexplainedthatthefrmedialrereflsdid
          not indicate ill-treatment or toitre.
          224. The Gjwnmient rerefledthat Naif&mirciwas takeninto custody
          on 21 Decer er 2001 on the grounds ofir ,oWement vdth — PICK, and on 17 January2002 he
          alleged that he hadbeen toflured — ill-treated wrdie detained. It stated that — medical lerefls
          do not indicate ill-treatment, but that an incpthybythe Public Pro cutor regarding — complaint
          is under Focess. The Gownmient rerefled that no ap 1icaffon regarding the ill-freathient or
          toflure ofMeldyeDemkcihasbeenmade to the Public F osecutor. Ita]so statedthat — couple
          is not under anest and that their ial is rending.
          225. SeherDurgacwasrerefledbythe Gjwnmienttohavebeenheldindetention
          from 16 to 22 June 2001 in Dipibaldr. A lawsuit was rerefledlyfiled agair t her
          on IS August 2001 on — grounds that she was a mer er ofthe PEJC. The Gjwnmient stated
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 45
          that — medical rerUn Feraredbefore her relea 01122 June 2001 indicatedbnjises on her iight
          shoulder,but that — — notmedanarTdicaffonto — public Fo cutorregard]r allegaffor
          ofil-heathient. It fmTher noted that she is not under anest and that her ca is sUll rendir .
          226. Accordingto — Government, GiIIManDurc obtainedarState medicalrerefi
          01119 January2001 that found that she hadbeen subjected to il-heathient wrdle in relice
          custody. The Govenmient rerefled that she med a reiftion — was ir ,ited to — Public
          Pro cutor's office to elaborate on her allegaffor ho ever her cunent address was not knon.
          The ir tesffgaffon s rerefledlyongoir , but in — meantime — was contcted ofbeing a
          mer erofthe PEJC, sentencedto p sonandis therefore wantedbythe relice.
          FolIow-1 topre,ioi lyfra ' mfttedcoumumkathus
          227. Bya letter dated 22 Nhrch 2002, the Gjvenmient resrended to the urgent arTeal
          dated I October 2001 ntjoinilyvdth — Srecial RarTefleur on — cjuesffon oftoflure
          regardir — case of Ms. Asiye GiIzelZe) Iek. Accordir to — Govenmient she was anested
          onó March 1997 forherrerefledmembersrdpofthe Nllflh}C orgardzation. The Gjvenmient
          rerefledthatshe was heldincustodyfrom22 Febnaiyto 6 March 1997 andthat her ialbegan
          in 1997. The Govenmient stated that her medical rerUns of27 Febnaiyand 6 March 1997 did
          notindicate anyffi-heathientortoflure, andshe rerefledlydidnotfile a complaint claiming
          toflure. Ho ever, — Gjvenmient rerefledthat durir ahearir on2 October 1998 she saidshe
          hadbeenraredandtofluredwrdle incustody. TheGovenuuentfmTherrerefledthaturenthe
          allegaffor , — Faith Public Pro cutor's Office began an ir tesffgaffon. Accordir to —
          Govenmient on 13 Decerther 1999 the Forer ic Medicine Ir tiffite rerefledthatthere was no
          medialdatacorIinrdng ph icalhamua c rare. The Govenmientstatedthatarereflbythe
          Psyttiyr reituentofIstathulUrdversityfoundetdence thatMs. Ze ekhadundergone a
          haumatic exreñence,but that — Forer ic N diine Ir fftute rerefledlyfoundthat its cau1
          couldnotbe medicallyestablished. According to — Gjvenmient, anothervdthess'steshmony
          was in contradicifon with Nk Ze *ek's tesfimonyand a njlir ofnon-Fosecuffon was g wen.
          She rerefledlyremair inp sonandhercase is rending. The Govenmienta]so statedthat
          another ir testigation revealed that — s not rn-heated in p sonin r cer er 2000.
          228. Byaletterdated7 Nhy2002, — Srecial RarTefleur ntanurgentarTe a l togethervdth
          — SrecialRarTefleuronthe quesifonoftoiture andthe Chainuan-RarTefleurofthe
          Working GrouponAthitraiyDetenffonregardir SusanNabidcen) andMarg Kyefl 't,
          are saidtobe detained in Kamrela Cenhalrelice staffon on the grounds of their alleged
          sexual oiientaffon. Abroadsheet ne srarer, P d Pqp r, is said to have rerefled that
          on 25 Apil 2002, the b o men had ananged a rState engagement” ceremonyFesided over
          bya rastor. The women are said to have been anested on I May, rerefledlyunder
          raragraph l C of the PenalCode, vduchsffpulatestharAnyrersonwho — canialknowledge
          ofanyrer nagair tthe orderofnathre” is ibject to l4 ars' imp somuent. Theyare saidto
          have beenrelea don3 Nhy2002,butwere rerefledlyre-anestedacouple ofhours later. Fears
          have been exFes d that — t women maybe ibjected to toitire or other fonns of
          ill-heathient esTeciallyofa xual nathre.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          Uthted Arab Emkates
          229. Byaletterdated I Nhy2002, — Srecial RarTefleur ntanurgentarTeal li i
          conjuncffonvdththe SrecialRarTefleurson exhajudicial, numaiyoraibifraiyexecuffor —
          onthe quesffonoftoitre regardir Sabrinalmthz S ed, aged25, — was facfr imminent
          andforciljle reratñationto Pakthtanwhere she maybe atthkoftoflure orhonourIdllir .
          According to — fr&onuaffon received. Sabñna Imtiaz S d sboniandraJsedvdthherfamily
          li i Dubai. In Januaiy2000 her father, a Srd'a Muslim cleñc, refused her request for ren Jssion
          to manyAs}ifaqNbahanuu4 aPakthtardnaffonalandSur dMuslim. It is rerefledthat —
          couple flewto Pakistanwhere flieysecreilyr aniedinSepter er2000. Theyrereitedly
          retmiled to Dubai, and lived with their resTec i v e rarents unrn Febmaiy2 0 02 when they
          allegedlytoldNk S d's rarentsthattheywere aheadymanied. Herrarents andb o other
          reople rerefledlys relybeat — couple,butno acffonis iidto havebeentakenbythe relice,
          desrdte arereflallegedlyrnedbyAs}ffaqNbahanuuad. The couple flrstflewto PaIdstan but
          because Ms. S drerefledlyrece teddeathtr eatsfrom Paldstard relafives, theywentto
          Genuanyon2 oNhrch2002. ItisallegedflmtSabra'srarentsaskedhertorethnltoDubai.
          sa & thattheywerereadytoaccepthermaniage. Ho ever,urdnherrethnb lXApil2OG2,
          shewasrereitedlyanestedattheaiqeflandtakentoaciimuigraffonjair'. Herfatherallegedly
          sitedherandtoldherthathehadaskedtheautho iitiestorevokehert iandsendherbackto
          Paldstarç vthere — relafives uld Idil her for dishonouiing” the family. Her familyin
          Paldstanhas rerefledlycorIinuedthattheywill Idllherforman 3 & agair therfather's vdshes.
          230. Byaletterdated2 Au jst 2002,the Govenuuentresrendedregardir the ca of
          Sabrina Imfiaz S ed. It ir&onued — Srecial RarTefleur that accordir to State authoiiffe
          she ani v edinthe countiyon 19 Api12002, andthata thoroughinquiryinto hercase was
          conducted. Accordir to the Govenmient she is a Pakthtard cifizen and her legal guardian had
          rnedarerenagair ther,clainungthatshehadelored. Itisrerefledthatshewasthenre±hied
          to the Dubai Nationalityand Irnmigraffon Sece for an ir testigation ofthe matter. The
          Govenmientstatedthatshe does notarTearto havebeenheldunderanestbythe Nationalityand
          Immigration Seitce, and that she lefi for Pakthtan with her familyon 12 May2002.
          U ieI tan
          231. On 7 Januaiy2002, — Srecial RarTefleur nt ajoint urgent arTeal with — Srecial
          RarTefleurs on freedom ofopinion and exFession and on the quesifon oftoitre and —
          Chaianan-RarTefleurofthe Woihing Grouponathifraiydetenffononbehalfofmore
          than2O women wbj, on 26 r cember 2001, were Fotesfing agair t the alleged ifi-freathient of
          their relafi v es iid to have been cor ,icted for their rathciration li i Hi j ut-Tar i' relt in
          Tas}thent. Aflert hour ofdemor traffng, members ofthe mi]iffa are saidto have forcedthe
          womeninto abus andtookthem to anurdmondesffnaffon. It sbei dthatthey ere
          takento the Shaihantahurregional r re±uentofIntenial Affairs ofTasrant.
          232. H II de sepffer re de 2002, Ia P latoraEsrecial frar miff6 unacomunicacionconjunta
          con el P lator EsTecial sobre Ia cuesffón de Ia toitjra en Ia cjue se comunico al Gobienjo cjue los
          P latoresreciljieronla siguiente ir&onuacion.
          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 47
          233. José Lu Urbano habila sido goireado yanenazado For fueizas roliciales del Estado
          Ar átegui roco después de cjue su henuano bwo ml accith nte de fráflco en ci cjue estajia
          ir ,olucrado unagente de dicho cuelro rolicial. Seguidanente habñainteipuesto unadenuncia
          sobre estos hechos. El 8 de febrero de 2000 su esrosa htia reciljido una ilamada telefórdca de
          unamujercjue l e habiladicho cjue reciljiiianuna Jlpe 1 rorhaberdenunciado elincidente yla
          habila anenazado con matar a su madre en ci caso de cjue inteiputhera otra denuncia. Ofro
          fantharhtiareciljido otrallanadatelefórdcasegunlacuallasdos henuanas menores de
          José LuJs Uthano, LuzDarnar yLuiNoerniGmicara. Se halla i ianenun ctormontafioso
          denominado Los Potoco a 20 linde Ia ciudad de Barcelona. Poco después José LuJs Uthano
          htiaenconfrado a Js henuanas brando ydesangrándo endicho lugar. Las cbs menores
          htiansidotoladas ysngina yvejigahtiansido heñdas conunas cucrdllas de afeitar.
          Htiansido imuediatanente trasladadas alhosrdtal — cercano. Segunla fr&onuacion
          reciljida, los implicadoseneste caso htiansido los rnismos agentes cjue habilananenazado a
          José Lujs Uthano.
          Verne ”
          234. On 20 r cember 2002, the Srecial RarTofleur sent an urgent arTeal vdth — Srecial
          RarTofleuronextrajuthcla]. smmua oraibitraiyexecutior ,andthe Srecial RarTofleuronthe
          queslionoftoitre onbehalfofLayhRadrnan ‘A'eshandNajiHizarn ‘Abdiillah. Both
          womenwere rerofledlycol! ictedofadultelybythe ComtofFfrstIr tance inAden.
          La daRadnan A 'eshwas rerofledlysentencedto deathbystordng andNajiHizam AbduJlah
          to IO U lashes. AlthoughLa aaRadnan A'eshandNajiHizam AbdulahhadarTealedagair t
          — njlir , the ArTeal ComtinAdenrerofledlyuplieldthefrsentenceson22 Septer er200l.
          La daRadnan A'esh 's case isrerofledlyrendir before — SuFeme Comt foraflnalarTeai
          Fears have been exFessed that — above-menlioned rersor maybe at Sk oftoflure or other
          cnel and irthmuan treatment.
          Palesthtn AutI.rfty
          235. Bya letter dated 19 Septer er 2002, sent jointlywith the Srecial RarTofleur on the
          queslionofto ltre ,theSrecialRarTofleura&z sedtheGo v enuuentthatshehadrecei v ed
          fr&onualion on the follo * ca . VusraalRarnhwt aged 29, from Khan Yupjs in the
          Gaza Stiig who srerofledlyanested i nJune 2001 bythe General Intelligence Sece (GIS
          orMulihabarat). According to — fr&onualion received. she was b 'o months Fegnant at —
          lime ofher anest. Although — fr&onued her intenogato. she was rerofledlybeaten so
          s relythatshe allegedlyhada rniscaniage. Some da latershe was rerofledlytr eatened
          with rare byan intenogator. It is alleged that desrdte a complaint to other officers, — 1me
          intenogator sback at rk tr ee da later. Yusra al-Ranlawi was rerofledlysubjected to
          — above treatment to force herto give fal etdence that would imrdicate another rerson as a
          collaborator. The SrecialRarTofleurs havebeenfr&onuedthatshe was frar fenedto — GIS
          section ofal-Sara   Jn in Gaza Thip at the end ofJune 2001. She isbelieved to have been
          beaten there as well. It is alleged that she was not accused ofbeing a collaborator herselfbut
          that she neveiTheless remained in detention without charge or ial at least up to Septer er 2001.
          EJCN.412003t75 1Add.2
          C M th I — k ( i f
          INFORMER: g th W th ] ill
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          Ad d
          F dThbE- ! il:
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          FJCN.4t2003 175 1Add.2
          rage 49
          A )k , t© th _____________
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          PLEASE REThRN 10
          OHCHR-UNOG 1211 GmEVA lO SWnzmLM D
          (F : 004122911 JO E- !thl:

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