Aadel Collection
Iran closes 22 papers, calls in guns
From Wire Services Taiwan, Iran—iran 's ruling clergy shut down 22 opposition newspapers yesterday and ordered political organizations oppos- ing the rule of Islam to hand over their by official reports of a Kurdisl rebellion in the west, crowds of demon- strators attended the -Tebran funeral of revolutionary guards killed in weekend fighting in the region and called for the execution of Kurdish leaders. The Army said new unit were moving into Kurdistan , where Army posts and the city of Paveh have been hit by rebel at- tacks Reports from Zanjan, 180 miles northwest of Tehran, saId about 70 revolu- tionary guardsmen heading for ICurdistan were harassed by armed rebels. - “The Kurdish Democratic party is the party of the devil, and it Is In collusion with the United States and international Z ionism, ” Ayatollah Ruhollab Khomeini said in a message broadcast on state radio. “it is your religious duty to abstain from joining or assisting the Kurdish Democratic party and it is also your reli- gious duty to support the armed forces of the country,” he added. “It is your divine duty to show the hid- ing places of the K!)? to the authorities.” In Kermansbah, the nearest major town .to Paveb,. the commander of the state police said that at least 500 of the 2,000 rebels who attacked Paveb were killed or woundet “Tb. mountains near. the town of Pateb are littered with the bodies of Kurdish rebels who have been shot down by government forces,” Col( RaSan Akhyanl said. Be saIdSunday night that $ group of Kurds attackeda state police — about *7 m Iles south of Paveb, but- eight were killed and the rest were beaten back, ac- cording to the Tehran newspaper Kay- h a L • Arnong the newspapers silenced on the ordersof the Tehran revolutionary prose- cutor, Ayatollah Abmad Anti Qomi, were tbe official. outlets. of. Tudeb (Communist) party, the Marxist Piople's Fedayeen guerrilla coup and the centrist National Democratic front A Turkish-language paper, illeged to have Suited the AyatOllah Khomeini, the unofficial bead of state, In * cartoon,wu also shut down. In a separate order, Ayatollah QomI or- dered alt political parties and groups, “especially those whose policies go against the wishes of the iranian nation,” to surrender arms taken from military arsenals during the February revolution. The reference to the Iranian nation was a familiar pbrase to describe the over- whelining majority of the electorate who voted for an Islamic republic in March's referendum. The order was apparently aimed mainly at opposition party militias. The order did not affect the revolu- tionary ‘guards and local armed Islamic committees who control law and order in the name of Ayatollah Khomeini. • Forthethirddaylnarow,theradiore- ported that civilians had volunteered to go and fight in the Kurdish region, Ayatollah Khomeini yesterday. ordered a general military mobilization to crush an alleged I urdlsh rebellion, which he said was cen- tered In the city of Sanandaj. Independent witneeses, who telephoned reporters from Sanafldaj yesterday, said the city was peaceful. They said 0 tanks and 100 revolutIonary guards were at the airport and that troops held hilltop — lions, but there was no Indication that fighting had taken place. / Iran closes 22 papers, calls in guns The Sun (183 7-1985); Aug 21, 1979; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Sun, The (1837-1986) pg. Al closes 22 papers, calls in guns Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.