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Iran continues arrest and prosecution of activists

          RadioZan iatch Radio Zanianeh in English Latest News Iran condnues a... lttp://www ,zaniaaneltcom /enzam'2010/06/print_iran_oonflnues_arrestj , ,.
          RadioZamaneh > Radio Zamaneh in English > Latest News > Iran continues arrest and prosecution of activists
          ‘ VM Date of Publish: RadioZamanch
          Iran continues arrest and prosecution of activists
          Kamran Asa
          Iranian websites reported tothy that Kamran Asa, brother of Kianoosh Asa, om of the victims of street
          killings during the election protests last Jure, was arrested again last night.
          Kermanshah Intelligence officers arrested Kamran Asa at midnight last night and confiscated a number of his
          personal belongings.
          Kamran Asa was arrested earlier in Tehran last December while attending a conimemoration ceremony held
          at Elm-o Sanat University for his brother. He was released after two months in prison.
          Student activist, ShabnamMadazadeh and his brother, Farzad Madadzadeh have each been sentenced to five
          years imprisonment in exile.
          Shabnam Madadzadeh was arrested in the post-election events and charged with “enmity against God
          throughties withPeople's Mojahedin Organization”, a charge which she and her brother have categorically
          Rajabali Dashab, an Ashura Day detainee was also sentenced to five years in prison. The Shahid Beheshti
          University student was sentenced to six years in the prelininary court for “assembly and collusion in an
          attempt to commit crimes against national security and propaganda against the regime.”
          Au Arshadi, another university student arrested in the post-election protests was handed ore year in prison
          for “propaganda against the regime and assembly and collusion against national security by participating in
          “.street protests
          copyright @ RadioZamaneheom
          1 of 1 6/4/2010 11:45 AM

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