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          Iran must release scholar l'cld for peaceflul crificism of elecfion An'n sty lttp://wwwan'mestyorg /en'riews-and-updates/riews/lran-must-release-sc...
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          > k!crn > News > Iran must release scholar held for peaceful criticism of election
          OF ELECTION
          27 October2009
          The Iranian authorities must release a 76-year-old scholar held
          incommunicado for 41 days, apparently for his peaceful
          criticism of the Iranian presidential election, said Amnesty
          The organization also expressed grave concern for the health Iranian scholar Dr Moharrinad
          of Dr Mohammad Maleki, and said it fears that his life is in Maleki
          danger as he is suffering from serious illnesses. © Private
          Mohammad Maleki, a former Chancellor of Tehran University, has been held without charge in
          Tehran's Evin prison since his arrest in August. His two-month temporary detention order was
          renewed on 22 October, though he was unable to chatenge it and no reasons were given as to why it
          was extended.
          The officials who arrested Mohammad Maleki told his wife Ghodsi Mir Moez that he was being
          investigated for stirring up unrest and for what they alleged were his links to the People's Mojahedin
          Organization of Iran, a banned opposition group.
          Many of those arrested since the election have faced similar allegations by the authorities.
          Dr Maleki's family has stressed that he is not affiliated to any political party and did not vote in the 12
          June presidential election in Iran.
          He criticized the conduct of the elections but did not publicly express a view about any one of the four
          candidates that stood for election.
          Amnesty International said that it considers him to be a prisoner of conscience, held solely for the
          peaceful expression of his views.
          Before his arrest Mohammad Maleki had been receiving regular treatment for prostate cancer, which
          he has not been given while in custody.
          On 23 October, his wife, Ghodsi Mir Moez, expressed concern in an interview with a German radio
          station that his health is likely to have deteriorated.
          His family and lawyer were allowed to visit him once, on 14 September. Ghodsi Mir Moez said
          “I noticed the doctors physical condition had wersened and his hands and feet were trembling
          constantly and he did not have enough strength to stand on his own feet.” She also said he had
          complained that he was “in severe pain and was suffering from an increased heart rate, low blood
          pressure, and a burning sensation during urination.”
          Amnesty International has called on the Iranian authorities to immediately provide Dr Mohammad
          Maleld with all necessary medical treatment, including that available outside prison if necessary.
          The organization has also urged the authorities to clarify his state of health as a matter of urgency and
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          10/28/2009 10:19 AM
          Iran must release scholar l'cld for peaceflul crificism of elecfion Ant sty lttp://wwwantiestyorg /en'riews-and-updates/riews/lran-must-release-sc...
          (Urgent action, 21 June 2001)
          re (Urgent action, 12 March 2001)
          (Amnesty International page)
          2of2 10/28/2009 10:19AM

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