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Iran oil chief replaced after ‘treason’ charges
5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article Publication: Guardian 1821-2000; Date: Sep 29, 1979; Section: None; Page: 6 Khomeini: orchestrates attack byclergy Iran oil chief replaced ? ..ãffei!: ‘treason' charges From UPI in Tehran' the 7rime Minist&. Mr Bazargait, yesterday sacked In&s controversial, chief oil trentive, Mr Hasstn” Pjazih. ard named a new Oil Minister to take charge of all oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Mr Nazih has beed under attack front (he clerical leader- ship for refusing to pUtge the ‘o i industry's .40 ,00 od workers—but he was not said directly to be dismissed in a ‘State ‘radio broadca t, by Air Dazargan. :1-.: Instead, Mr B azargan announced that the n&w Minis- (er. Mr All Akbar, MOinfar , will, concurrently - With his Cabinet .responsibztity.. for oil, take over as chairman and managing director, ‘of the oil, gas and. petrochemical- com- panies' merged in tG rthe new Ministry. Mr Nazib became chairman and managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company (NLDC) beluue it resumed pro- duction arid export of crude oil last March 1 after the winter strike that led to the Shah's downfall. Earlier yesterday Mr Nazibfr a French-educated law- yer,- ‘ts ok'dered,by4he prose- cLLtOr-gefleral, Mr Qoddoust to appear in court to answer charges st rnmlng from com- plaints by the oil company workers. Ayatollah Khomeini in a sub- sequent decree ordered his Prime Minister to ensure that Mr Nazib appeared in court this morning. The Ayatollah also warned that be would be tried if sufficient evidence was available against him. It was not clear what specific charges were made by Mr Nazib's cr1 - I ía among the “numerous complaints” said to have been flied with the Prosecutor- General's office. carries the maximum sentence of death by firing squad. • Liz Thurgood adds; Four Iranians were necuted yester j iy following some of the worst violence since the armed forces recaptured the last remaining rebel • strong- holds three weeks ao In the western province of kurdestan. It was not known ii (lit Iuur executed men were Kurds. The executions tuck place before daybreak in Mahabad. after summary trials supervised by Sheikh Khalkhali, the Isla- mic judge who has condemned nearly 80 Kurds t. death. Three of the t cecuted men were found guilty of ‘contacts with counterrevolutionaries'. and the fourth ot ‘moral offences ! Th e Sheikh flew Into Malta- bad after more unrest was re . ported in ICurdestan. Before embarkl3g Ost hs Islamic mis- sion. Shei$th Khalkhali issued a communique banning all de- inonstrations supporting the outlawed Kurdish .Den!oeratic Pirty ( K i 4L I ] warned that onee again, counterrevolu- tionaries were stirring up trouble to ‘colour Kurdestan with the blood of our—ccnrntrfl ehildren.' originally centred on demands for autonomy. But following list montb' battles with the armed forces, they have since been reduced to' angry de- mands Out ‘.the baa G I L the Kurdish leaders be lifted and ttt”ttatSc guardsmen loyal 10 Ayatollah Khomeini be pulled out of the province. Senior ICurdisti sources do not rule i n st tht possibility of new negotiations with the Gov- ernment. Firlier attentpte were broken off nearly four weeks ago, when the, armed forces entered Mahabad But, say the Kurt , the opening of any flew uegotia- t ons would .depeád, on a prior commitmeztt:.from the Govern- ment to meet. a three-point list of Kurdisb demands. .In addi ' tioll I i the withdrawal of all non-Kurdish Islamic guardsmen from the area, the. Kurds want the Government to JeJare a ceasefire and lift the ban on their leaders. archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 1/2
5/27/2011 Article - Untitled Article Islamic groups within the oil Acfcordlng to K U r d I a i i company have demanded that sources in Tehian , three died Mr Nazih be tried as a C0Ufl and 20 were wounderwnen a LerrevolutiOoarT. The charge hand grenade was tossed Into a 1O,000strong protest march in Mababad on Wednesday morn- ing. The attacker, believed to be a member of the Islamic guardsmen, was stabbed to death by enraged Kurds and several guardsmen were also taken hOstage. The Kurdish version of the Inoident differs substantiaII from the government's. Accord- ing tä the evening paper, Kay . han, the grenade was thrown into a vehicle carrying Islam ic guardsmen arid flung back at the marchers before explod ing. About 50 Kb ? members were' later reported to have been arrested. the troubles In Kurdeslan The Iturds denied Govern- nient claims , repe4tl& In Thursday's: press :by the gov- ernor-geiiersl of Kermanahab, that Iraq was ,iqterferlnt in Iran 's Internal, stairs by send- ing large numUei1s of 3ralned guerrillas into Kurdestan to ‘undertake large-scale sabota- ge 1 t The Kurds were receiving u n aid from foreign ,goven- nents said a spokesman but the Kurdish people of both Iraq and Turkey weye supply. Ing the Iranian Ktds wttb food and medicine. • Mahabad itself ‘was reported •to be. quiet over the Iranian weekend. Rut most stores in the bazaat' reniained closed, de- spite' tsarn(nfl televised loQally that shopkeepers who refused to op n their, flails would be considered J&ofaedfel'arz (cor rupt on earth). In a strongly-worded editor- ial, The Iranian, a weekly magazine, has accused the cen- tral authorities of trying “to sweep the minorities under the prayer rug.” archive.guardian.co.uk/.../getFiles.asp?... 2/2